
Old memories, new moments



In less than two hours Taec had called Joon and the part of the army, Soo and some of the medical team, vehicles were ready as like Chibi motorcycle and her weapons. She was at the door waiting for everyone, weapons on her belt that was around her waist army boots, jean short to let her move easily and a gray tank top her long brown hair tied in a pony tail, waiting there brought memories of what she faced out there, the way she got her little scars and the big one on her back made from the same kind of monsters that they were going to face now they were like tigers without fur twice the size bigger teethe and bigger claws, they were fierce and don’t stop attacking until they are completely incapacitated.

She took a deep breath looking at the horizon wishing that her friends just had a broken radio and went around the nest area but no one can just live of hope they needed to do something and fast!

-Are you ready? – Taec asked placing his hand on her shoulder, she shivered at his touch like waking up from a dream, and turning to him she saw that he was ready to leave, dressed in a basic way grey jeans and a vest that he used to carry some extra weapons and bullets on his side was his old motorcycle.

- I really think you should stay – She spoken with sad eyes – You and Soo, you two are really important here, please.

- I have to go, and Soo it’s too stubborn to change her mind.

- So are you, what if something happens to one of you? Things on the city can get really bad. – She moved her arms around trying to explain the gravity of the situation

- It won’t, everything will go fine. – He grabbed her head and kissed her forehead looking back at her eyes – Now we have to go.

- That clothes are so weird after this time seeing you with suits. – She started walking to her motorcycle passing by Soo that was wearing black skinny jeans and a white shirt she was going to the van where she was going to make the trip next to the other doctors were called to that urgency.

Moving fast to try to get there as quick as possible, the trip was suppose to take two day if they made the usual stops but it took one day moving as fast as they could and stopping one time to charge energies against Chibi opinion that wanted to go on.

-Sit here – Taec called and she was pulled by Joon to sit.

- How can you just sit around? – She asked shaking her legs nervously.

- Relax… - Taec said eating a sandwich she got up moving to her bike that was behind one of the vans. 

- Can’t just be here doing nothing – She places herself on top of the motorcycle looking at the key lock where the keys should be – !

- did you really think Taec was that stupid? – Joon said from the top of the van looking at her.

- What do you want? – She looked up annoyed with that victorious smile he jumped to the floor.

- Want you to relax.

- How can I do that? – She screamed moving her hands up placing them back on her hip.

- Think! In that stat you won’t be able to help them, you’re stressing everyone here, Taec his worried and nervous and being like that is doing worst. – She looked at him in silent moving her hands to the bike steering wheel – We will leave in a few moments. – She looks at him and sees a smirk, he sure loved being right.

Joon walked around the vans with a sandwich greeting the medical team and seeing is comrades, soon he found Soo sitting inside one of the vans looking at nothing like she was lost in her thoughts.

-Hey – Joon called waking her up – Here – He gave her the sandwich.

- Thank you – She tried to smile.

- Is everything alright? – He sited next to her.

- How can you ask that in a situation like this?

- I was asking about you.

- I guess – She took a deep breath looking at one of the windows of the vans she saw Taec and Chibi talk – I don’t understand their relationship – She points and Joon turned her head to see what she was talking about.

- That…

- Yes that, she left in that situation at that time and after two years she comes back and it’s like nothing happen.

- Don’t know if you know this but me, Jay, Chibi, Taec and… Well you know we knew each other before the war, we were at the same school same class same everything even with what happen those bounds can get break.

- Oh…

- You didn’t know… Guess it doesn’t matter wend we are in such a situation.  – Joon gets up – We are just lucky for being alive at least most of us… - He leaves the van.

They went back to the other half of the trip moving as fast as they could; it’s now night cold one, completely different from the others, their hands were hurting from the cold while holding the steering wheel but couldn’t stop.

Soon through the early morning they hear gun shots, blade noise and screams making Chibi accelerate even more getting away from the others.

-Chibi don’t be careless – She heard Taec voice on the earpiece of her radio remembering Joon words she slowed down, they stopped at a near cliff to see the situation, they were corned against the down part of the cliff and with those monsters attacking some were dead but so were some of the military force.

-Can’t see Jay – Chibi said looking at Taec worried.

- He must be getting ready for a surprise attack – Joon said even if worried.

- We need to go down and help them – Taec got up – Get the ropes we are going down, first us and the military force then the medical team.

They went down as fast as they could getting to the grown they saw the surprised and relieved face of the others, fighting side by side, getting the wounded from the way. They saw everyone fighting looking around the only one that they couldn’t find was Jay and Yun.

-Still didn’t see Jay, he’s not on the medical support. – Joon said.

- Yun is also missing – Chibi said shooting at those monsters Joon stopped firing.

- Yun… - He gets up.

- Where are you going? – Chibi asked looking around.

- I’m going to find her find Jay!! – He started running to find her.

- Careless fool!!! – She screamed getting up taking her sword from the belt.

Both searched for them going each way, but it was hard to see if they were on the floor next to the dead. Joon saw one of those monsters trying to get in a small cave but he was to big still his claw was trying to reach something, getting close slowly Joon killed that beast with a fatal blow on the neck, looking inside he saw Yun scared with her eyes closed she have been scratch on her right arm without a word Joon took her from that small hole sitting her on a rock he ripped his shirt to wrap around her arm containing the blood picking her on his arms carefully he walked hiding so they won’t get attack, getting there he sees Taec killing the last monster.

-Did you guys found Jay? – Joon asked GD still holding Yun.

- Yeah, he’s with Soo he got pretty hurt. – GD said with a grumpy looking around. – Take her to doctors.

- I’m going – he starts walking - you should take care of your wounds too.

The medical tried to help everyone that was hurt as quickly as possible, Soo was taking care of Jay, Lexi was helping with the wounded, Kiki was checking Yun while Joon was near looking if she was calm.

-We should get out of here as soon as possible. – Chibi said to Taec that was being checked by the doctors.

- I know, and we will. – He said tired looking at his trembling dirty hands.

- You should rest – She said holding his hands carefully he looked at her seeing a small smile – I’ll ask someone to take your bike, don’t worry.

- No, we’ll secure the bikes on top of the vans and we’ll go on the vans.

- As you wish – She smiled while being pushed to his chest.

As soon everyone has their wounds treated they left to a safe place and camped there to rest and eat they made a fire and were talking trying to relax even if every noise made them get alert. Right now they were talking Yun was next to Kiki but Joon eyes were always on her even if she looked at him he still kept staring just moving to see the food or if someone was talking directly to him, Jay was laying down with his head on Soo lap.

-Ey how did you escape without wounds? – Jay asked Chibi.

- She was away for two years of course she learned something – GD said then looked at her – Am I right?

- Yap – She nodded.

- You’ll be better if you were with us and not at the restaurant.

- Help like yours it would be great – Jay added.

- No, she’ll keep on working with Min – Taec interrupted.

- Don’t understand why – Jay said moving to get more comfortable.

- Don’t you think you’re abusing your luck? – Soo asked looking down to meet his face.

- No, why?

- You stink and are really close to me and your head is really heavy.

- Oh don’t be like that he winked looking up – with his hand he pulled her harm putting Soo hand on his hair, she looked at him confused – come on – he winked with a sweet smirk.

The night was going to be cold but peaceful, everyone went to sleep except Joon that decided he should keep an eye for danger, his muscles still hurt he was seeing the stars until he heard some noise coming from one of the vans looking he saw Yun wrapped on a blanket.

-Why aren’t you sleeping? – He asked still on the van.

- Can’t sleep – She smiled at him.

- Go inside, you shouldn’t be here. – He turns his eyes from her looking to the horizon.

- I-I want to thank you from saving me.

- I was doing my job. – She was moving to the inside of the van again.

- Why did you come to this trip knowing the risks? – She stopped at the door hearing then went sit in front of the fire.

- I still don’t accept my fear.

- Then overcome it – Joon sited next to her.

- How? How did you overcome the war?

- I work on the military and you think I overcome it?

- Good point… - He pulled her so her head rested on his shoulder.

- You should rest. – He talked softly.

- Thank you… - She whispered.

Slowly the sun raised on the horizon, everyone started to wake up with their body hurting. It was time to do home.

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lexiii #1
i want more!!! *-*