The Ghost of You

Strangers Like Us

\\Haneul POV\\

Seneca once said, "The mind that is anxious about future events is miserable." If that is so, then what about past events. Or the present. Yes, the present. Oh god, what do I do? Something is wrong. Just thinking of the things that could be happen to Tae Ah right now makes my aura ooze worry. And In Ri was not much help. 

"...She's being hurt very bad by a man and she doesn't want anyone to know. The most he's done is slap her and violate her personal space, but that is only what Tae Ah told me. I can't be sure if anything else happened, but I'm worried that something could happen."

Why couldn't she just tell me who was harming Tae Ah. Why couldn't Tae Ah tell me? I am at a loss. Caught inbetween knowing what I should do, but uncertain of how to act. 

It's only been about ten minutes since In Ri rushed home, skipping out on our family dinner. It was unusually tranquil. Like that one saying, the quiet before the storm? More like a hurricane in our case.

"How are your classes going Tae Ah?" my sweet husband asked Tae, who was eating actual food for once.

She shrugs, but doesn't say more. I suddenly feel words breaking through my soft barrier and spilling out into tentative ears. 

"Do you feel safe in your classes?" 

Chop sticks clank onto the table, tumbling over onto the floor. I'm not aware of the odd looks coming from my husband; however, I notice Tae Ah's changes. Her body stiffens slightly, barely even noticeable, her fingers begin to shake a bit. Her gaze is hesitant and accusing. 

"What kind of..."

"What do you know?" Tae Ah cut off Hyun Su, balling her hands into fists. 

"I don't know anything yet. If you ever want to talk, I'm here. We are human and we shouldn't suffer alone. If something is...bothering you, something that shouldn't be troubling you, let me know. Just don't keep it to yourself. Do you understand me?"

"Just who the do you people think they are. Prying into my personal life! Preposterous. It won't happened again."

"Do you really think it's going to end just like that?" I asked. 

"Look, I don't know what that told you but I'm fine!"

"In Ri is only trying to help you. She doesn't want you living with regrets. We all..."

She cut me off, "You all ing up my life. I don't need this caring , you can keep it for yourselves."

"What if he hurts you again?" I yelled. My breathing began to match hers, hot and harsh. 

Hyun Su placed his hand on mine while meeting Tae Ah's eyes, "Whose hurting you?"

"Why the would you care?" she spat. "What could you ever do for me?"

"I could save you. I know your hurting, you feel abandoned and lonely and lost, I know that. And I should be blamed for that..."

Her eyes teared, "Shut the up!"

"I left you alone with Jiyeon who couldn't properly take care of you. I'm the reason your so ed up..."

"Shut up." Her voice quivered.

"You afraid of being loved and I don't know how to make you want it. But I know that you don't deserve to be hurt. You deserve nothing but love, attention and affection..."

"Please...please just stop."

"No, I will not stop. Not until you see how beautiful and lovely you are to me Oh Tae Ah! Though you deny it, your the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to this family. We love you. I love you. And as your father, the man who will give up his life and murder any bastard that dares to harm you, I need to know who is hurting you."

Tae Ah crumbled onto the floor and shook as she cried. "Your not suppose to love me, he's not suppose to love me. No one is suppose to love me." She grabbed her cherry locks and pulled at them. "I didn't know that I...and he was just so mad...he didn't mean to hurt me...we're just confused." Then she lets out a blood churning streak. She throws her head back, crashing the back of her head against the marble tiles. She doesn't whine or whimper. Her eyes glaze over and for a minute she didn't breathe. 

"Tae Ah?"

She looks into my eyes, "He said he loved me and he would hurt us if I didn't leave him."

Yeobo jumped out of his chair and kneels next to her. "Who does he want you to leave?"

She makes a face of stone, the perfect features of insanity cascade on her face. She barely sobers from that bitter melancholy when she whisper a name. She places her head in Hyun Su's lap and he caresses her scalp gently. Hyun Su trembles when he notices a crimson liquid on his palm. 

"APPA!" In Woo shrieks. 

"Hush. Haneul? Haneul, listen to me, okay? We're going to have to take her to the hospital. Haneul, focus! Call the hospital! HANEUL!"

But I could only notice the teenager in his hold shrink into a little girl, liquid red life flowing out of her and onto my tile. I could not take my eyes off such an immortal site. And all this time that dying girl could utter only one thing. 



So, this is kinda a fail on my part. Awkwardly wrote this while in class and got it taken away AND CORRECTED BY MY TEACHER (not even grammar wise), so I had to redo most of it to let go my annoyance towards the system. >.<" Feels like forever and I'm having a bit a writters block but I'm working around that. 

My life is still the same, nothing new and exciting (if you all dancing infront of the whole student body uninteresting). 

Just watched the most beautiful movie of my life, Private Romeo. If you don't like boyxboy/, don't even look for the trailer, which doesn't do it any justice. The movie had me in tears because of the beauty and I watched it five times, after reading and studying shakespeare for two years after seeing that movie I understand how that whole 'love at first sight' thing works. PLEASE WATCH! It's on netflix or dailymotion i think! High recommended!

Personal Problem time~  

Peace and hair grease^^

LilyLycan B.




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Chapter 22: hurricane sandy sighhh...where do u live? im by boston ma so its supposed to hit us tonight
SarangMBLEAST #2
Chapter 21: Omgosh I couldn't contain my laughs at le last chapter
Chapter 20: oh my gosh authornim.. you left me dead. youre such a good writer! argh this chapter was so great! major kudos to you OTL