Chapter 7

Wheels and Pedals

Last chapter up next and possibly .. an epilogue (?)

Chapter 7


Both arms for support and his forehead laid on the other's back, they were set to go. Kris had a wide grin on his face when Tao secured a tighter grasp around his waist. He was glad that this man on the backseat finally agreed on riding with him after a damned millennia of convincing and pleading.


Of course, he won't let this opportunity pass.


He would take Tao to the most amazing place his eye would ever witness.


"Do you want something to eat? Like biscuits or something." Kris asked out of the blue before pushing his feet down on one pedal and proceed to the next corner. He could feel Tao's head brushing just beyond his shirt signalling that he's saying a no. Kris smiled to himself.


Tao admits it, he's too embarrassed after Kris saw how he acted earlier. Well, all these hallucinations and seeing images and stuff worked him out that he mistaken Kris as his brother. Why not? He acts like one, he looks like one.. hell, their bubbly personality are so ing similar and their only difference was their hari color. Kris has this blonde-ish hair while the last time he saw his brother was he has this mahogany hair swept clean, showing off his forehead.


"Are you sure?"


Tao still did not answer.


"We're still going to drop by the convenience store whether you like it or not."


On the other side, it was so like Tao to be silent when he's uncomfortable, Kris knows it. Even though it's only a short span of time, one week was enough for Kris to somehow memorize Tao, though there were still some stuff about the younger that were so unpredictable that startled Kris. But then, it was a good thing after all, it just makes Tao a complex human being and with that, it's enough for Kris to be amused and entertained.


"What are you smiling at again?" muttered Tao, most of his face covered with strands of his jet black hair. Kris glanced back, as he felt Tao's warm exhales tickled his neck. Kris slightly shivered and inhaled sharply, trying to keep focus on the road they were taking.


"N-Nothing..." replied Kris and then he was smiling again.


People on the sidewalk were staring at them. One even dropped their ice cream which made Kris snickered to himself. Of course, the way Tao's arms were wrapped around Kris waist can be easily mistaken that they were... you know .... together. Some people were just judge-mental.


Minutes passed, several lightposts were finally until the whole pathway was dimly litted and then they finally came across the convenience store he was talking about. Kris set the bike near the wall and hopped off. He watched Tao slowly slid down from his seat then surprisingly, the younger clung to his right arm.


"Are you that hungry?" joked Kris because Tao's legs were wobbling but he does not know that Tao was contemplating. Hell, the younger doesn't even know what he's doing at this moment and the act he put up earlier was so embarrassing that he wishes to the heavens that Kris would forget all about it but unfortunately, that was kind of impossible right now.


"Okay, let's go inside." The bell clattered when Kris pushed the door and he was growing worried because Tao wasn't talking again. The cashier looked at them, her eyes widening and tapped her co-cashier, who giggled when she saw how Tao was so near to Kris; yes, it was another misunderstanding.


"What do you want?" asked Kris and gladly, Tao just pointed out a strawberry flavored peppero box.


"This?" Tao just lightly nodded.




They were back on the bike again, going to the main destination Kris had in mind. Tao's fingers secured the unopened peppero box while his arms were tightly wrapped around Kris's waist. The pressure escalated higher and higher, the sound of the chained metal rolling was faster than before and Kris's exhales were loud and breathy. The sun was gone down the clouds several minutes ago and street lights illuminated the park, passing through where he and Tao first met and it made Kris scoff and smile at himself.


On the other hand, Tao was contemplating on how the hell did he even got aboard on Kris's bike and the thought of his hyung-nim was soaring at back of his mind like taunting him to hate everyone around him. He was so frustrated about everything; especially with why Kris looked so so much like his brother. Tao just sighed to himself but eventually, his grip on Kris's waist was tighter.


Kris looked over his shoulder in one second then gone back to the path he was taking. They were already just half way there and Tao was almost giving up. His soft breathing was tickling his neck and Kris already guessed he was this close of falling asleep until the tires hit a rock which made the bike jump a bit.


Tao moved, and it was enough to say that he's trying too hard to act as if he was asleep.


Kris just snickered to himself.


"Wake up sleepyhead." whispered Kris.


Tao looked up on Kris's back, the point of his nose was near Kris's neck. He smells so good. He thought to himself and he caught his cheeks burning hot until it was hitting his ears then he immediately shook those ideas away. But, with the wind flowing gracefully against Kris's hair, like it has magical fingertips guiding each strand to make Tao transported to another world; he could not help but stare.


Kris is beautiful. Tao gasped and it was loud enough for Kris to hear.


"What's wrong?"


He tried to hold up the stoic expression he perfected but it was crumbling, just right in front of him, this mask painted with all of his shame replacing it. His heart was beating fast, all the sanity being eaten away from him until none was left and he was open... an exposed bird being thrown to a such height but was unable to spread out its wings.


Tao shook his head and nuzzled his face even more on Kris's back. Just the sound of his voice made Tao's heartbeat quicken and his face was so hot, his ears now tainted pink. He felt so vulnerable right now, as if his every move would be predicted; flaunting himself like an open book, which was so not like him.


"Close your eyes for a second... Don't peek." said Kris and Tao complied. With the wind pressure wanting to scrape his eyeballs, though he did not want to being ordered around, he just hid his reddish eyes to a world of black.


Gushes of chilled air blew softly past them, Kris's feet stood motionless on the pedals whilst Tao's hands were gripping tightly on his sore shoulders, the younger's nails dug deeper on his thin wifebeater. Tao didn't even realize that both of his feet were on the edge where the screws of the wheels were, being attracted with the sensation of the cool wind creeping under skin pants, prickled up onto the smooth planes of thighs.


Then there was this 'want' of opening his eyes, the terrible excitement abolishED away every inch of his sanity that he was so close of passing out by the way of his heart was about to explode away from the confinements in his ribs. After the seconds seemed minutes of waiting, Kris finally said it...


Mind Blown.

Puking rainbows.

I don't want to live in this world anymore.


All of the internet memes compiled on his head, with Tao begging to seek a way for a correct caption pass by his quivering chapped lips, and now a wet pink muscle draped for a second all over it. Tao had his eyes wide open, his mouth hanging down, his head shaking from left to right in disbelief for the most beautiful scenery he has probably ever and will ever see his entire lifetime. Overall, he could just stare at those blinking lights, his eyes glint perfectly the same way as them.


"W-Wow." That was the line he could muster to stammer out, despite being stuck in such a incomprehendable daze.


Enthusiasm was boring out away from his body, his blood circulated faster throughout his veins. He held his head up, facing the sky, while standing on the small inches of metal from the nuts.


Like a bird given flight, Tao felt free.


Kris made him feel free.


It was the most amazing thing he has ever experienced.


So much to Kris's delight, he thought that was all Tao being happy... he hasn't even seen half of it.


And it scarred him... deep.. under... his.... whole humanity...


Tao leaned down, took Kris by surprise ... also him ..... His moistened lips, softly press on the other's cheek, lasting for about three seconds. Kris forgot to breathe, as if by that small peck, Tao drawn that kind of knowledge burrowed his entire life away from its safe cage, where supposedly thought it can't be disturbed, which proves that anything can be stolen... even 'that'.


"Thank you." His voice was deep and rattled Kris down to every fiber of what composed his body. Not only the kiss, it was not the sole reason, Tao's touch and Tao's voice were enough for his breathing to hitch and he just bluntly stared on the road.


Vibrant lights flickered ... like glitters under the sun.


As the bike was skidding downhill, Kris lost control over the steering wheel.


Kris panicked. He thought he's done his best to maneuver the bike back on track but it was not enough; all of his attempts were futile.


After a few seconds, both of them only knew, they were swallowed in waves of blue.




Author's note : like I said, this is already close to the end. 2 chapters more :)


(Warning : May have tons of grammatical errors. All stories are un-betaed)

Super Junior

EunHae : When in Rome . When in South Korea . Connect The Dots . Heavy Rain. Heavenly Pain. Am I still Sane?
TeukChul : Oh God Please
YeWook : I'm still human. I still have feelings I . I'm still human. I still have feelings II
KyuWook : Stars Do Bleed


TaoRis : Wheels and Pedals . Arm Around Your Waist . Kiss Me Hard
KaiSoo : Attention Is Mine . Faded From Moonlights
HunHan and BaekYeol:
Arm Around Your Waist

PS : Edited chapters will be re-uploaded every Friday of the week the chapter is released



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Chapter 2 by 7/27-29


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Chapter 7: reading this again...i'm so in love with this story...
hope you update arm around your waist and kiss me hard
neon_fighter #2
Chapter 10: I am so confused!! What just happened???? Is Kris really dead?? If so...HOW COULD YOU KILL KRIS!!! Ugh, I am so confused!! What really happened??
I love this! Definitely subscribing you!
Chapter 10: You manipulator ! I actually thought they died :'( I was so devastated because the story started all cute and giddy. But the ending was reallyy good I could imagine them riding on a sunny day, with both of them wearing a huge smile ahhww my heart <3
Cookie7 #5
Chapter 9: I don't get it... So Kris died? But who was saving Tao then? Grrr I'm so mad!!! Why you gotta kill Kris!?!? Lol
Nienhien #6
Chapter 9: When will you upload the epiloque? I'm looking forward to it (^.^)
Cookie7 #8
Chapter 8: Omg don't kill them!!!!
Chapter 7: Whaaaaaaatttt??!!! Delete what??!!! Don't you dare!!!
Cookie7 #10
Chapter 7: Aww this Is super cute!!! But Tao I so stubborn lol