Chapter 2

Wheels and Pedals

Chapter 2

Tao promised that he wouldn’t ride again nor talk to a stranger but he broke that. He kept replaying in his mind how stupid, disrespectful and defenseless he was with Kris. Oh yeah, Kris was that stranger’s name. He wasn’t supposed to feel this way and he wasn’t supposed to remember his irremovable scent from his shirt. Tao hated himself for that.

After slipping himself out of the covers, Tao put his checkered slippers on then went straight to the mirror where he’ll be staring the dread out of his face. He noticed the dark bags under his eyes though they were visible already since he was young but they’re a whole lot darker now. Tao shook his head in dismay. After weeks trying to get them a little lighter, it was the complete opposite of where his efforts went.

Tao sighed. He tied the curtains into a neat ribbon then pushed the left side of the mirror and the right. He inhaled the slightly fresh air since their place was covered with trees, just the way he likes it.


Then the unexpected came . . .

“It’s me, Kris!”

“O-Oh. . . Hi.”

How outgoing.

Tao forced out a smile and his words just seemed to rasp out from his throat. He covered his mouth then excused himself for a few seconds. He looked back again at the opposite window after him and it was quite annoying for Tao. “Good morning!” Kris called out and waved his left hand like a weirdo and Tao just rolled his eyes.

“Yeah… whatever.” Tao coughed again and rested his hand on the window ledge, blowing out heavy air out of his lungs.

“Sick?” Kris asked, looking a bit concerned for his neighbor but was still able to smile which irritated Tao in different levels.

“No. No I’m not. You can see that I’m up and kicking.” Tao said sarcastically, jumping three times before glaring at Kris then he quickly pulled the curtain down.

“H-Hey don’t go!”

Tao quickly shoved the curtain then shouted, “Who are you to stop me!” He purposely teased Kris by showing the tip of his tongue then flipped the curtain again. Tao shuffled down the stairs, agitated by Kris’s attitude.

“Good morning!” His mom greeted Tao with her everlasting and disturbing smile like Kris’s. But before his mom could push him for breakfast, Tao escaped his mom’s grasp on his shoulder, storming straight away from her arms. “Hey, what’s with the cold shoulder?” Then he slammed the door right before her.

Like she never got used to me. Tao sneered.

True, Tao had been these after the thing happened within the family which he doesn’t want to recall anymore of those disturbing memories about his older brother. Ever.

This had been their routine for years.

One, Tao would go down.

Two, his mom would greet him and push for breakfast.

Three, he would shove her away then lock himself in the bathroom.

But his mom didn’t seem to notice at all and she didn’t even show hints of being upset of their family’s loss. A good child. A loving brother. She seemed to not care for him. She keeps treating him like a child. Tao hated that the most.

Coming out of the shower, Tao ruffled his wet hair and adjusted the towel hanging on his waist. He wasn’t surprised that his mom was standing right in front of the door, smiling like sort of a weird anime and holding a bathrobe. “Tao, cover yourself up. You’re showing too much of your body.” She handed the bathrobe to Tao but he ignored it and just went straight upstairs. His mom wasn’t dismayed and followed him, still insisting that he should wear a bathrobe.

Frustrated with his mom’s nagging, Tao snatched the bathrobe from his mother's hands and quickly shut the door. He was panting in anger and laid his exposed back on the door. "Why are you like this?" He muttered, remembering his mother's vacant smiles. "Aren't you supposed to be upset?" What should I do .. hyung?

"Good Morning!" Tao was startled by his neighbor’s voice that he dropped the keys of his house. He turned and the same wicked smile of Kris was there again. Kris was wearing black tight pants, a white trouble maker shirt and his bangs were neatly swept to the left. Tao accidentally sneered and ignored him no matter how cool this person could be as his friend.

"The morning isn't good." Tao rolled his eyes and walked away. He wished that Kris wasn't following him and the chains of Kris's bike ----at least Tao thought it was from the bike---- was irritating Tao a lot. "Would you stop?" He broke the silence and pocketed both of his hands.

"Stop what?" Kris asked, dumbfounded.

Stop Following me. "Stop smiling." Tao sighed and quickly slapped his mouth. He wasn't supposed to say that. It was not in his intentions to offend anyone or at least not Kris.

"What's wrong with smiling?" Again, Kris was confused and Tao was shuffling his mind for right replies that wouldn't make him look nor sound stupid. Kris was staring at him all the way and it added to Tao's uneasiness.

"It's weird alright? You look some sort of scary sadist out of the anime." Finally, Tao was able to get the ty words out of his mouth and it sort of cleansed his nervousness for a minute. Kris suddenly closen up the distance of their faces which made Tao frozen on his place, eyes widening as Kris was examining Tao's lips which were shivering. F- it ... Tao's eyelids suddenly became heavy then . . .

"Really? It's weird?" Kris burst then Tao was startled and shot his eyes open. He tried to frown but his lips won't curl anything but a stupid smile which Tao hated the most. Kris brushed the corner of Tao's lip, his brows furrowing as he was forcing Tao's lip to force a smile or just a simple grin. "Well, yours are weirder.." Kris breathed. Just a few centimeters and their lips would touch but Tao was really sensitive so he pushed Kris away.

His face was burning hot so was his cheeks and his ears. "W-Well .. Y-You're .. A-A lot w-weirder!" Tao shoved Kris away, purposely letting their shoulders hit against each other. Tao's feet were getting speed and he just knew that he was running... running away from Kris. Kris swiftly jumped on his bike and easily copes up with Tao.

"Hey!" Kris was desperate to catch Tao's attention and he knew in Tao's face that he was a bit angry or somehow like that. "H-Hey.. Want to hitch a ride?!" Kris yelled and pedalled a little bit slower so his pace is the same with Tao.

"A ride with you?!" Tao choked out and suddenly laugh which made Kris halt his bike. "A-A.. Ride.. with.. you?!" Tao chuckled between pants. "We don't know each other for more than a day bucko. Stop following me and don't touch me as if we're close enough. If you're asking a reward back for sending me home, well thank you for riding me back in our neighborhood but you could've said what rewards you want rather than ....." Between those dots I typed were just some words that Tao inaudibly whispered under his breath.

Kris sighed and patted the curve of Tao's back. “Rewards are nothing for me as long as… I can make new friends. It’s fine.”

“Stupid.” Tao muttered.


“I said that you’re cheezy… a little bit …no. Corny!” Tao stuck out a partial part of his tongue.

Kris was stunned when Tao lightly his right arm with the back of his palm. The two stared at each other and Kris started to snicker. They didn’t know that people were actually looking at them and some were laughing. Eventually, Kris was laughing and Tao was holding himself back.

“Going or not?” Kris asked, swinging the backpack on his shoulder. Tao nodded and sat at the back part of the bike.


Tao felt the wind brushing against the strands of his hair. He had his hands clutching tightly around the metal spaces of his seat. He was peculiarly nervous that his heart beat was gaining its speed until he could hear the vibration in his ears. Biting his lower lip, his toes were curling which was completely unexpected of him. Tao was acting like a girl and he kept reminding himself to not be uneasy yet he’s still feeling that way. Fortunately, the weather was quite working in good terms with him. It was helping him to cool down the raging pit of fire in his stomach.

Tao gulped every time he looks at Kris’s nape or even just his lower back. He bit the hollow of his cheek—hoping that it won’t bleed—at least, it helped him from gaping or create undesirable stuttering of trying to start a conversation but Kris notice the last one when he heard Tao sighing multiple times.

“Tao—“ Staring from afar, Tao didn’t hear Kris’s calls until the he hit the brakes.

Tao was swaying his head from left to right, humming past his lips. He looked at his feet swinging and he didn’t realize that he was putting a little grin on his face. What he didn’t know that Kris was leaning backward, whispering his name all over since he doesn’t know if Tao was awake or not. “Ssst .. Tao..”

“Hyung..” Tao whispered and Kris leaned further to capture the low volume words escaping Tao’s lips. As soon as Kris’s back brushed on Tao’s shoulder, Tao immediately panicked and almost fell from his seat.


“Aish be careful!--” Kris held tightly on Tao’s arm. Struggling to find some words in his head, Tao was also trying to find a way for his head stop spinning from embarrassment and nervousness. Kris was holding his arm and he felt the growing heat spread from his elbow to the bottom of his throat. His teeth were chattering and his fingers were twitching.

Any distraction—any distraction will do for Tao—just for Kris to let go of his arm.

It was gladly given.

“Tao!” His friend, Xiu Min called out. Tao finally let go off a sigh and snatched the part of his body back. Both of them hopped out of the bike and Kris was ruffling his hair then put on his shades. Xiu Min ran to them, raising a finger at Kris.

“You better not harm my panda!” then he grabbed Tao for him and placed Tao behind. Kris chuckled and Xiu Min’s brows were furrowing. “No one dares to chuckle in front of me”

“Your boyfriend?” Kris asked then the two blinked in the estimate of seven times before replying in a large shriek of horror.

“NO!” They both screamed at the same time.


“That Panda?!” Xiu Min choked. “Well, I’d prefer a boyfriend that’ll protect me not the one that I’ll protect. I’m the one who’s usually in trouble. Plus, Tao is a pain in the arse.” Xiu Min rolled his eyes and laid both of his arms on either waist.

“Oh I understand,” chuckled Kris while Tao’s consciousness was still out of bound or preferably he’s lost in the conversation until Xiu Min snapped him back to reality. “I’d be leaving then..” Kris grinned.

Tao his lips before escaping Xiu Min’s grasp and walk towards Kris. “Y-You’re leaving? H-How did you know where I was study—“

“Uniform. Stupid.” Kris poked Tao’s forehead.

“R-Right.” Tao sneered. “Then where are you studying?”

“College? I’m not even wearing a high school uniform. Common sense Tao. Common Sense” Kris tapped his temple. Tao felt embarrassed for the nth time himself. “Well then, bye!” Kris got back on his bike and speed off.

Tao’s finger brushed on the part of his forehead where Kris’s touch still lingered. He was caught off guard when Xiu Min tapped his shoulder and whispered something that was completely coherent.

“You like him. Don’t you?”

A/N : Okay. Stupid. Super NOT Cute. Update. Ever.

Is this too fast? [the story not my updates]

nyahaha... i re-uploade this from the old site.. so. yeah

THANK YOU FOR THE FIRST SUBSCIBERS OF THIS STORY!~~~ silent readers. I'm watching you.



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Chapter 2 by 7/27-29


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Chapter 7: reading this again...i'm so in love with this story...
hope you update arm around your waist and kiss me hard
neon_fighter #2
Chapter 10: I am so confused!! What just happened???? Is Kris really dead?? If so...HOW COULD YOU KILL KRIS!!! Ugh, I am so confused!! What really happened??
I love this! Definitely subscribing you!
Chapter 10: You manipulator ! I actually thought they died :'( I was so devastated because the story started all cute and giddy. But the ending was reallyy good I could imagine them riding on a sunny day, with both of them wearing a huge smile ahhww my heart <3
Cookie7 #5
Chapter 9: I don't get it... So Kris died? But who was saving Tao then? Grrr I'm so mad!!! Why you gotta kill Kris!?!? Lol
Nienhien #6
Chapter 9: When will you upload the epiloque? I'm looking forward to it (^.^)
Cookie7 #8
Chapter 8: Omg don't kill them!!!!
Chapter 7: Whaaaaaaatttt??!!! Delete what??!!! Don't you dare!!!
Cookie7 #10
Chapter 7: Aww this Is super cute!!! But Tao I so stubborn lol