Chapter 3

Wheels and Pedals

Chapter 3

 This is an edited version. Just corrected a couple of mistakes

Tao is irritated, especially when Xiu Min became such a nagger and keep wailing questions at Tao about his relationship with Kris or at least his feelings towards him. Tao always smacked Xiu Min's shoulder off and stop showering him questions and telling him that he doesn't like Kris. Actually, Tao doesn't know it himself, if he does or does not have any feelings for the elder.


How can he tell it himself? They just met for a like a few days and it was because of the stupid rain that got him sick. He's also tired of using that same excuse all over again like some nitrogen cycle, well; it is obviously a fact. Plus, Tao doesn't believe in love at first sight so what he thinks that he feels over Kris was nothing but a small admiration or just plain uneasiness for an aquaintance.



The silly thing for Tao was why does his heart beat so fast when they're on the bike especially when they were together. Their skin was almost touching for it wasn't for the clothing that they have.


Tao's face immediately became hot to ensure that he was not overthinking things; he touched his face with his hands, lowering his head as he felt his toes automatically curled. He bit his lip when the overflowing sensation spread through his fingers until his legs. He was sure Xiu Min was snickering at his obviousness.


"You know, denial will not do any good to you....and your lunch." Xiu Min bluntly said, tapping his best friend's head with a finger. "Yah, you're supposed to listen to your trust worthy sunbae, talk to him while eating. But what kind of mistreatment are you giving your sunbae, hmmm? Do you hate him that much?" As much as Tao wanted to slap Xiu Min's overly forced pout off, he just lifted his head then nod and ate in silence, trying to avoid the gaze of the older.


"Talk to me." Xiu Min slowly exhaled bu Tao didn't budge.


"Talk to your sunbae hyungnim!" He bitterly raised his voice, poking Tao's cheeks with the of his chopsticks, trying to catch the attention of silent hoobae. Tao's shoulders shook and tightly pursed his lips. Xiu Min smirked and hit Tao's forehead with his finger.


"What?" Tao gritted his teeth. Yes, he was really annoyed with every action Xiu Min made and eyed him dangerously when Xiu Min dared to attack using his chopsticks. Xiu Min understood his message and played with his face even more. "Y-Yah! What's your problem. You have your own face; play with it for Shisus's sake. Yours is far more stretchy and smooth-" Tao pulled a small portion of his cheek. "-see..."


Xiu Min glared at his hoobae and he only got a small tease by Tao sticking out his tongue. "Payback." Tao was finally the one who pulled the smirk.


"Yeah whatever.." Xiu Min rolled his eyes. It took only a few seconds before he'd gone back to his playful and pouty self; pinching Tao's nose and smiling like he always did. Worrying at the slightly angered Tao, then, he will just laugh it off and tease again his best friend. The fun of their basic routines was only starting but there was one thing or mostly a group of people interrupted their thoughts, especially Xiu Min's.


"Well, look at our adorable lovebirds." An obviously forced aegyo voice came beside them. Xiu Min was stunned, so was Tao. Their smiles faded so was the 'fun' that was there a few minutes ago passed like a whistling wind. Tao narrowed his eyes at the smirking figure that slammed his hands on the table.


"We're not together... baka." Tao dangerously spat then rolled his eyes. He knew that Xiu Min was defenseless now because he was nervously grinding his foot on the younger's. Tao knew that and he said to Xiu Min if he was feeling uncomfortable, he could just playfully step on his foot but now, Xiu Min was seriously terrified. Well, not exactly. But, it could already be considered.


"Oh really?" He snickered. "Whatever you say--"


"-- "


Xiu Min can accept being called gay, biual, homo but he will never ever tolerate someone calling him a . He wanted to ball his fist and attack this person named Chen in front of him to leave a 2 weeks bruise on his face. But, he wasn’t able to do it. There was something in him that won’t let him do it. It was just not in his nature and Tao already mentioned that he was too nice. Though, Xiu Min doesn’t deny it that’s why…

Tao was the one who did the job for him.

“You freaking…” Tao swept the table with one arm and kicked his chest that he was sliding down on the floor. The student his lips then threw himself at Tao, landing continuous punches on the others stomach that Tao sprawled on the canteen tiles. His vision instantly became slightly blur while darkness was occupying his surroundings.

Tao can’t surely see but he can hear voices around him.

“Chen! Why did you do that?!”

“He’s only a kid for shisus’s sake!”

Different voices… Tao can barely recognize them except for Xiu Min’s.

“! You don’t have the right to treat people this way.” That was definitely Xiu Min’s, Tao thought.


To Tao, their voices were becoming faint that all he could hear echoing in his mind was the disgusting word ‘’ and other incoherent insults.

- -

Something warm tickled Tao's hand that triggered him to wake up. He was still a bit uneasy especially the hit he took on his stomach which was really painful. He cringed when he felt that warm feeling went over his forehead thought it seemed like one dot, it was enough for him to wake up.


Thinking that it was Xiu Min, he slapped the thing on his forehead but then he realized it was actually a hand. "Omo." He mumbled, forcing his eyes to open despite the bright afternoon light from the space between the blinds. Tao looked beside him.


This person has a more muscular built and a fairer skin than Xiu Min. Tao looked up, quite a bit startled that he was gaping already. "Y-You?!" He slightly choked and immediately fixed himself, using his hands to push himself upward to sit properly. Heat crawled on his cheeks as this person was smiling back at him.


"Yeah, it's me, Kris. Expecting a different person, hmm?"


"Technically, Yes? And why the hell are you here." Tao's voice was pretty stern like he can control that habit of his. Kris was still smiling despite the cold shoulder and that's one of things that made Tao ticked off. "Don't you have your own business in college?"


"Class ended two hours ago. So, let me take you home." Tao shivered when Kris said home. He only consider his house as a shelter with a fake warmth by his mother. "Come on." Kris offered a hand to Tao but the younger shook his head. He's not coming with Kris and he'll definitely not ride again on a bike.


"No. I don't want to. I can go home by myself." Tao slipped the buttons of his shirt and put on his shoes. Though, he wasn't going to deny that his stomach really hurts every step that he'll make. Of course, before going, he thanked the nurse in the infirmary then slid the door open with his right hand.


Kris still followed him, looking concerned at Tao's condition because everytime Tao takes a step, a string of pain sinks in his stomach. He wanted to carry Tao so badly but he knew that the younger would be a hell more irritated if he force himself to do things for him so he let him be. But, when Kris could not take Tao's pained face, he will have no choice but to take the action himself.


Tao was persistent. He doesn't want Kris torment him by slapping that he's fragile on his face. He can carry his own feet for shisus's sake. Though his legs would wobble while going down the stairs and Kris would offer a hand; he would just say, 'no thank you.' and shrug the whole aches in his stomach then continue moving forward.


"Why are you still here?" Tao asked coldly, pocketing both of his hands.


"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to fetch you." Kris grinned, quite entertained as he was watching Tao about to blow out.


"Fetch me?! The hell you would. I'll never ride that stupid bike of yours and who the hell ordered you to fetch me. I'm a teen! I can handle myself. I don't need s-such.. such.."


"Such what?" Kris bluntly asked.


"Shut up!" Kris laughed when he saw Tao's expression, ears red, cheeks pink and it looks like he was steaming from anger. It was pretty funny for him except for Tao who literally exploded right in front of his face. Tao finally calmed down and recollected himself; heavily breathing while fixing his tie.


"I know you're a teen bucko. Your mom asked me a favor to fetch you and who says that we'll riding my bike? Too bad I came home first then ran here." Kris pinched Tao's nose which made Tao flinch and shove that hand away. Tao doesn't know why he's feeling this way. He's cheeks were burning up again and he could not look directly at Kris.


"Okay fine." Tao finally gave up, swinging his bag on his shoulder. He regained his confidence and cooled the steam away. "Coming or not?" Tao asked when he noticed that Kris was behind meters from him.


"Yeah I'm coming."


Author's note : My goodness. This is pretty bad.. horrible .. eww.. can you believe this oh dear shisus? I'm learning to write fluff. Fkuc the woooooorld

so much of my rambling.

I have a second degree violation because I cussed. Boo hoo. I'm really frustrated about the report saying that I cussed for the whole class to hear. For the high school head's information, dude. It's like 5 people only heard 'the word'.. My goodness! ==llll

I have no fkucs to give to you ms-high-school-head-teacher-who-insists-of-giving-me-a-violation

so long dreams of being a conduct awardee!~~ BYE~~



Anyway. I didn't update for like a month? sorry peeps.. T_____T I have like 5 stories ongoing. Two on my other accounts T___T


(Warning : May have tons of grammatical errors. All stories are un-betaed)

Super Junior

EunHae : When in Rome . When in South Korea . Connect The Dots . Heavy Rain. Heavenly Pain. Am I still Sane?
TeukChul : Oh God Please
YeWook : I'm still human. I still have feelings I . I'm still human. I still have feelings II
KyuWook : Stars Do Bleed


TaoRis : Wheels and Pedals . Arm Around Your Waist . Kiss Me Hard
KaiSoo : Attention Is Mine . Faded From Moonlights
HunHan and BaekYeol: Arm Around Your Waist


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Chapter 2 by 7/27-29


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Chapter 7: reading this again...i'm so in love with this story...
hope you update arm around your waist and kiss me hard
neon_fighter #2
Chapter 10: I am so confused!! What just happened???? Is Kris really dead?? If so...HOW COULD YOU KILL KRIS!!! Ugh, I am so confused!! What really happened??
I love this! Definitely subscribing you!
Chapter 10: You manipulator ! I actually thought they died :'( I was so devastated because the story started all cute and giddy. But the ending was reallyy good I could imagine them riding on a sunny day, with both of them wearing a huge smile ahhww my heart <3
Cookie7 #5
Chapter 9: I don't get it... So Kris died? But who was saving Tao then? Grrr I'm so mad!!! Why you gotta kill Kris!?!? Lol
Nienhien #6
Chapter 9: When will you upload the epiloque? I'm looking forward to it (^.^)
Cookie7 #8
Chapter 8: Omg don't kill them!!!!
Chapter 7: Whaaaaaaatttt??!!! Delete what??!!! Don't you dare!!!
Cookie7 #10
Chapter 7: Aww this Is super cute!!! But Tao I so stubborn lol