Chapter 6

Wheels and Pedals

Chapter 6


Tonight was unlike those usual nights when his mom was first to be in front of his room, serving warm milk to help him sleep. There was no one. Kris went home to his house after washing the dishes. Tao didn't even have the gut to say thank you to his Mr. Tall Babysitter. There's always this uneasiness pooling up to his stomach as he catches a glance of Kris's smile.


Damn, that smile...


Tao despised that smile. It makes him uncomfortable and somehow guilty for being so rude to him. It was pretty sickening for him. He doesn't even know why he's acting that way. For one second he'll be concerned about him and then the next he'll be raging in his room about how annoying his babysitter is. Tao even asked himself if he's really bipolar.


But, being honest, Tao can't hold a grudge against him as if there was a loose screw in his head when Kris is the subject. There was something with Kris that made Tao somehow... 'restless' to the point that he was staring at the same crack on the wall, completely forgetting his projects sprawled over his bed. His world was spinning with the tunnel of thoughts of Kris, Kris, his brother and Kris. It bothered him a whole lot.


Kris bothered him a whole lot.


With the following days, his mom has yet to return and she emailed him that the business thingy was extended for a two weeks more and Kris did not even complained of taking care of him longer. Every morning, Tao was welcomed by a homemade breakfast and as usual, a heart warming smile by Kris. Tao always complained but Kris would always ruffle his hair then present another smile. He was tired of it .. being so surreal ..


They would walk together down the station then will separate ways since Kris knows that Tao will again and forever will refuse if he's going to ask if they could use his bike plus, Kris needs to go to the main city because his University was there while Tao only needs one to walk to his school. But, every once in a while, Kris would need to go early then he'd leave Tao a feast-like breakfast with a stupid and cheesy note.


Nonetheless, Tao felt warm .. like he had a real family ... like his brother was once here..


Then, every dismissal, Tao would expect Kris with his bike on the maingate and still, he refused to ride on one of those. Though Kris insisted, Tao's reply is a flat 'No'. Though Kris try to understand Tao, he was too unpredicatable but there was something vulnerable inside him that made him so interesting. Even if how many times Tao would spat curses at him and tell him that he should leave him alone, Kris won't.


Tao is , by so far, the most complex human he has ever encountered.



Today, Tao did not go to the maingate. Since the Football Varsity won the arguement against the Student Council a few days ago, the backgate was now open only in dismissal. Of course, not only it was convenient with the varsity members since they don't have to go a round trip to the football field; it was also put into a good use with Tao. Now, he could finally escape Kris.



Tao discovered another route to their house but it takes at least 15 minutes more than the usual route he takes but it doesn't matter. At least, he was free even just every dismissal. It felt like the weight on his shoulder was lifted but then, there was this thought lingering in his mind.


There wasn't any burden on Tao.

He was the burden.


Tao furrowed his eyebrows and kicked an empty can of soda downstreet then he heard it hit on something.


A steel? possibly..


Then he looked up and found a familiar face at back of his mind.


This person was on a bike. His hair was blonde. He always had this stoic expression. But, as always, with no reluctance, he smiles..

only for Tao..

his brother..


"Hyung-nim.." Tao muttered and closed his eyes for a split second.


Then, all he heard was Kris screaming his name.


Tao could not do anything but walk away and act like he did not hear anything but, his heart was beating so fast that he feels like he's going to puke at any moment. Kris finally caught up to him : one hand maneuvering the bike while the other was shaking Tao but all he got was a shove from him.


In the inside, Tao felt horrible and mixed up. He was unsure about how to face Kris and inside him he was still confused. He becomes a pile of burning junk when Kris is near him and his jerk level will be rising. He was too afraid to talk to Kris straight .. eye to eye. Because, he feels that Kris reads past through him well facing the fact, Kris can't.


"Tao, talk to me. Talk to me.." Kris brought his bike down then shook Tao on the shoulders. Then, there was this stupid moment that was too hard for Kris to explain.


Tao was crying.


Other than Tao repeatedly sobbing 'Hyung-nim' no words were said.


Tao just tightly clutched on Kris's shirt.


Minutes passed and Tao broke the silence. "Why are you so concerned about me? I hate you goddamn it. You and your gawky smile!" Tao punched Kris right on the stomach that that was enough for Kris to release an 'oof'.


"Why do you even force yourself to take on this job? You seemed like to have a nice family.."


Kris did not reply..


And for the first time.. Tao allowed himself to ride again on Kris's bike. "Where are we going?" Tao asked, wrapping his arms around Kris's waist.


"You'll see."


 - - -


A/N : I'm so going to delete this.. I swear. this is so crappy. This is going to end in a few chapters.. so yeah.. maybe 2 or 3


(Warning : May have tons of grammatical errors. All stories are un-betaed)

Super Junior

EunHae : When in Rome . When in South Korea . Connect The Dots . Heavy Rain. Heavenly Pain. Am I still Sane?
TeukChul : Oh God Please
YeWook : I'm still human. I still have feelings I . I'm still human. I still have feelings II
KyuWook : Stars Do Bleed


TaoRis : Wheels and Pedals . Arm Around Your Waist . Kiss Me Hard
KaiSoo : Attention Is Mine . Faded From Moonlights
HunHan and BaekYeol:
Arm Around Your Waist

PS : Edited chapters will be re-uploaded every Friday of the week the chapter is released







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Chapter 2 by 7/27-29


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Chapter 7: reading this again...i'm so in love with this story...
hope you update arm around your waist and kiss me hard
neon_fighter #2
Chapter 10: I am so confused!! What just happened???? Is Kris really dead?? If so...HOW COULD YOU KILL KRIS!!! Ugh, I am so confused!! What really happened??
I love this! Definitely subscribing you!
Chapter 10: You manipulator ! I actually thought they died :'( I was so devastated because the story started all cute and giddy. But the ending was reallyy good I could imagine them riding on a sunny day, with both of them wearing a huge smile ahhww my heart <3
Cookie7 #5
Chapter 9: I don't get it... So Kris died? But who was saving Tao then? Grrr I'm so mad!!! Why you gotta kill Kris!?!? Lol
Nienhien #6
Chapter 9: When will you upload the epiloque? I'm looking forward to it (^.^)
Cookie7 #8
Chapter 8: Omg don't kill them!!!!
Chapter 7: Whaaaaaaatttt??!!! Delete what??!!! Don't you dare!!!
Cookie7 #10
Chapter 7: Aww this Is super cute!!! But Tao I so stubborn lol