Cool Down

Replacement Managers and Coordinators


A/N: Sorry it took me a long time again to update. I had it writen out but changed it about 4 times before I came up with this. Again hope you guys like it.  Also please don't get confused when I use the girls real names, nick names, and names that only certain guys call them. 





Jordan stormed into a computer store and the staff rushed up to her. “Can we help you with something?” One of the women said and Jordan held LuHan’s laptop out to her.


“I need a replacement. It’s water logged.” She said and one of the men came up to them. “Also here is the reciept from the company who bought it from here.”


“Which laptop would you like to replace it with?” The male staff member said and Jordan looked at the laptops.


“Since it’s a 13 inch macbook pro get a 15 inch macbook pro.” She said and the man went to work on retrieving any files he could. She looked at the display to try to cool her head. She then remembered that SooMan had gotten mad at her for not having a laptop for home and work. He even gave her a company credit card to get one. “Can you also please get another 15 inch macbook pro set up. And then also a Samsung Series 9.” She said and the staff nodded. She then took out her cell phone. “K.C. It’s me has Hannie gotten back?” She asked and leaned onto the counter. “He stormed off earlier since we got mad at each other. Just make sure that he doesn’t kill Nana when he gets there.” She said and hung up. She looked out the window and noticed a gym across the street. “How long will it take for all three laptops to be done?” She asked.


“It will take about 2 hours to transfer all the information from the waterlogged one to the new laptop. And the other 2 will only take an hour.” The techs said.


“Alright then I’ll be back in 2 hours.” She said and went across the street. When she walked into the gym she had to smile at all the familiar faces. This particualr gym belonged to her family. It was a place she used to like to hide at when she got away from the guys when she was small.


“Miss Jo it’s been a while since you’ve been here.” one of the staff said and took Jordan’s bag from her. 


“I know DoGoon. Anyway do you think you have some time to spar with me?” She asked and he looked at the other instructors. They nodded and he smiled at her.


“It would be my honor.” He said and she rolled her shoulders. 




LuHan was sitting in an internet cafe in a private booth checking his messages. He had his skype account up and his parents where watching him.


“Hannie it’s rare to see you looking mad.” His mother said as her husband tried to signal her it wasn’t something they should be talking about.


“Mother just leave it alone. I’m not in the mood to explain what had happened.” He said and then sighed when she saw the look on her face. “Fine what would you like to know?” he said and leaned back in the seat.


“Did you get into a fight with SeHun?” She asked and he lifted a brow.


“SeHun hasn’t done anything wrong. Why would we be fighting?” He said and took a sip of his tea.


“Well then if its not SeHun is it Kai?” She said and he has to smile at her. She always thought that those two were the center of his world. Then again since the two were the maknaes he couldn’t really blame her.


“No mother, JongIn and SeHun haven’t done anything wrong.” 


“Then it must be WuFan and JoonMyun.” His father said.


“No father, the two have actually kept out of my hair for a while.” He said since there have been times he’s shouted at the two for also forgetting that he was older then them. 


“Then I’m going to take a wild guess, its about a girl.” His father said and when LuHan didn’t answer the two parents got closer to their computer. 


“Hannie it’s rare that you have let a girl get under you skin.” His mother said and he hung his head.


“Not just that. A girl in general being in your life is a rare thing.” His father said. 


“Baba, mama please...”


“So what has she done to catch my Hannie’s attention?” His mother said.


“She must be really beautiful. Since he’s very pretty as is it.” His father commented.


“Okay, you know what, I’m just going to go.” He said and waved then ended the call. He sighed and then noticed that SeHun and Kai had both messaged him about 10 times each worried that he wasn’t going to be coming back. YiXing tried to call him 4 times. MinSeok sent him one long text message about leaving him alone with all the kids. WuFan messaged him about how irrisponsable it was of him to just leave without telling them where he was going since Andy had found out he wasn’t with Danny. And one text message from JoonMyun telling him to take his time to cool down. “Thats what I get for putting my phone on silent for 2 hours.” He said and then log off the computer. He put his hat on and his jacket. He then walked out of the booth and the attendant nodded at him. He nodded back and picked up his bag then walked out of the cafe. It air was crisp so he pulled the collar to his jacket up more as he headed back to the dorm. 




LuHan had walked into the dorm 1 hours later and placed his bag into his room then went to the kitchen. “Hyung.” KyungSoo said and he looked at the younger member. “Here you go.” He said and handed LuHan some money. “You won. Everyone at the studio saw you arguing with JJ.” LuHan sighed and took half the money. “Also where is she?” He asked.


“I don’t know.” He went quiet when Andy walked into the kitchen. 


“Yeah LuHan where the hell have you been? I have been worried sick that some rabid fan girl had kidnapped you. I’m not the manager of your group. I shouldn’t have to be this worried. I work with K not M.” Andy said patting her chest and then Nana walked into the kitchen. 


“Nana what did I tell you about going into the kitchen.” Ri said as the older froze in her spot when she noticed LuHan. “Go to your room. I’ll bring you something later.” Ri said shoving the elder girl away. “Sorry about that.” 


“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Danny said walking into the kitchen. She was dressed in sweats and had her glasses on “ Anyway here.” She said and shoved one of the 15 inch macbook pro’s into  his hands. She then went to the fridge and got out an ice pack. “All your files were saved.” She said then went into the living room and sat on the sofa. She placed the ice onto the back of her neck and sighed. LuHan looked at what was in his hands and could only blink. It was a laptop with his symbol on it. 


“Nice.” The guys said and he opened it. The background on it was of the group performing that evening. 


“Andy.” Danny said and her cousin came over to her. “Here.” She said holding out the Samsung Series 9.


“Nice.” Andy said as she opened it. She smiled as she typed in the password. “So what is the plan for the night?”


“Sleep.” Danny said and Ri came over to the two.


“Just to let you know someone is going to have to teach Nana some Mandarin.” Ri said and Danny sighed.


“At the moment, the most likely person who would be able to teach her properly isn’t in the mood to do so.” Danny finally said then looked at an email. She sighed and got up. “All of you guys turn in for the night if you’re already done eating.” She then went to Nana’s room door and knocked on it. “Nana come out here.” She said then the door opened. 


“What is it now?” Nana said and Danny indicated for her to take a seat on the sofa. 


“Starting tomorrow you are going to be taking intensive Mandarin Lessons.” She said as she started working on her Macbook. “You’re going to be up at 0600 hrs daily to do so.”


“You’re kidding right. There is no way I’m waking up at 6 am.”


“Are you going to get into an argument again, when you know that I can just have you removed.” She said and Nana sighed then went back to her room, Kris right behind her to try to get her to listen and understand. The girls took their leave while she kept on working. The guys went on with their nightly routine. Once LuHan was changed into sweats as well he sat down on the sofa behind her and worked on his laptop. About an hour later he got up and ruffled her hair then headed to his room. There was a beep on her laptop and she opened up a message.


~Thanks for getting the laptop. And sorry for snapping at you. I know you were tired. We all were. I’ll be the one to teach Nana mandarin but in the evenings. I’m not a morning person. So just let her sleep in. Also get some rest alright. I don’t need to be in a bad mood as well when we all get up.~


She sighed and looked towards his room door and gave a faint smile. “Good night.” She whispered and then closed her laptop. As she got up she groaned and her vision went black. Her body started to fall but was caught before it could hit the ground.

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Chapter 14: Hi~~ new reader here... this is awesome!! I loved Substitute and finished it a while back.
I was ready to hate Nana with a vengeance but I came to like her as little parts changed within her. I like how she kept her innocence though.
Chapter 14: aww the Lu's were so caring
Chapter 11: I like how long it is! I was expecting to comment on how much Nana isn't doing anything right, but I'm really surprised at how she acted towards Danny, out of all the people I wasn't expecting her to be the one comforting her....nice surprise really. I wonder what happened with Danny's brother :/ was he lost?? I guess we will found out next chapter yes? I hope Lulu can help her relax for a while, she needs it! Thanks for the update! Awesome chapter :)
Chapter 10: It's getting to the intense parts wahhh, I almost forgot about Nana till she came back in here, but I'm nervous about what Danny is going to and what she's going to find when she gets back :/ Funerals? :( But hehe I look forward to see what Nana can do lol I bet the boys are going to have fun watching her haha, thanks for the updates! And it's not confusing at all lol
17mangageek17 #5
Chapter 7: okay I don't know why but Nana just annoys me to no end :/
Chapter 6: Wahh it seems like they have to deal with a lot of chaos!
Chapter 4: Where is my comment ;A; But I'm loving to see what happens between Nana and Kris hehe I think he knows how to make her act normal lol. I wonder how the boys will be able to handle their new staff :D
I'm excited to see the interactions between the girls and EXO :D