The Girls

Replacement Managers and Coordinators



JJ’s Point of View



It was 11 am when KC and I walked up to the address that Mr Lee had given us a few days ago. I sighed now recognizing the building. “Is something wrong Danny?” KC said and I shook my head. “Then why do you look like you just want to head back home.” 


“Because I do want to go back home.” I said and she took my arm. “Andy don’t you recognize this building?” I asked her since I knew she also had a picture really similar to  the one I had on my night stand.


“If course I know the building. How can I not?” She said and took out her phone. There was a picture of her with your Ex-boyfriend. Well more like current boyfriend but they had to keep their relationship a secret. “I really hope that I don’t see him while we’re here. It’s been about a month since we last spoke to each other.” She said and I envied her. She was still able to contact him. I only got emails or text messages these days from my best friend. We walked up to the main door and many your girls were watching up closely. We placed our hands on the scanner and the girls gasped as the front doors opened for us. We walked in and went to the front desk. As we got closer I could see a very beautiful woman talking with another woman behind the desk. Beside the cool looking on was a very loud, hyper woman. I sighed seeing the some things dropping out of her bag as she kept jumping up and down. KC patted my back as she pulled me over to where the three women were. The two in front of the counter moved over while the one behind the desk made a call. Once she was done she looked at us.


“How can I help you?” She said and the hyper woman bumped into me while she animatedly spoke with the cool woman.


“We’re Jo and Kim. Mr.Lee should be expecting us.” KC said and the woman smiled.


“I’m Kwon, and I was actually just on the phone with him. You four can follow me. I’ll show you to the practice room he is currently at.” She said and came out from behind the large desk. As we were walking behind her a heard a crash to see that the hyper woman had bumped into someone and her things had fallen out of her bag. Well more like makeup fell out of the bag scattering everywhere. The tall cool woman bowed to the man who was in a hurry and apologize for the others actions. When I was turning my attention back to Kwon Andy and I just missed catching her from slipping on one of the mascara tubes that had fallen out of the hyper woman’s bag. Andy and I kicked the makeup that was in our way and helped Kwon up. Doing so I could see her knee out of place. Without warning the woman I pushed it back into place. She was stunned and has screamed. 


“Sorry.” I said and she shook her head. “Which way are we going?” I asked her and she pointed towards the elevator. The other two quickly picked up the scattered makeup and then rushed after us. Once in the elevator the hyper one kept bowing and apologizing to Kwon.


“Miss Park really I’m fine now.” Kwon said but still held onto me and KC. Once we arrived on the 4th floor we walked out of the elevator. “We’re going to the farthest studio at the end of the hall.” She said and KC sighed. “If you want the four of you can go ahead.


“No that’s fine Miss Kwon.” KC said as she adjusted her hold on the older woman.


“But Miss Kim, you and Miss Jo must be tired.” The elder said and we just shook our heads. This was actually nothing to the two of us. We’ve each carried guys 5 times her size before. 


As we walked down the hall Miss Park ran ahead of us really excitedly. “Nana calm down and get back here.” The cool woman said as she walked passed the three of us to get the overly hyper woman back.


“But Ri they are so slow.” That Nana woman said.


“And whose fault is that.” Ri commented.


“Miss Jeung its fine you and Miss Park can go in head of us.” Kwon said and Nana jumped up and down again. I swear if I could just get my hands on her for at least 5 minutes she wouldn’t be jumping around for long. 



KC’s Point of View



Kwon was a really nice woman even after the accident Nana had caused her. When get got closer to the said room I could hear music coming from inside. I would know that music anywhere. This was not good. I had to warn Danny but it was too late Nana swung the door open and Kwon nudged us inside. Mr Lee saw up and hurried over to us while we helped Kwon sit down. I didn’t look around the room since I didn’t want to see the group that was there, already knowing who they would be. So I focused on watching when Danny was doing. If she wasn’t so focused on Kwon I knew she would have walked right out of the room. So once Kwon was patched up Danny spoke with SooMan and I looked at the group. I was right, It was EXO. My eyes landed on one of the members and sighed. It had been so long since I had seen in personally. He hadn’t changed much since their debut stage. Well more like he had physically changed but I could still hear his old self even from were we stood. Still being babied by the elder members. I then noticed Danny now looking at the guys and had to smile and . 


“You’re going to have to get over it Danny. It looks like Ajushi sent you here for that one purpose.” She glared at me since I knew that she hated popular people. Ever since hew best friend had to leave her side so many years ago. And speaking of best friend there he was now standing by my so called ex. I then started out introductions since most of the guys didn’t know who we were anyway. When Nana introduced herself I could help but laugh at Danny’s reaction. I knew this was going to be really hard on my baby cousin. She really couldn’t handle people like Nana. Which really surprised me since that was actually how her best friend use to act. Actually he still acted like like if you had ever seen him interact with his group on stage and sometimes even off. When Mr Lee said that Danny and Nana would be working together I knew that all hell would break loose by the end of the day and Nana wasn’t going to survive. Things on my end would go smoothly since I could tell that Ri wouldn’t cause trouble for me. And that we could most likely get along well enough. 



JR’s Point of View



When Mr Lee left the practice room I sighed. Nana had really made a bad impression on the manager she was going to be working with. Andy looked to be someone I can work with and not have to worry much about. Danny was probably going to hurt Nana sometime today and I don’t have the heart to really stop her at this point. Nana was already getting on my nerves as well. My cousin was always like this. That’s why I never really got along with her. EXO K’s current manager was talking with us about their schedule and I could still hear Nana which was making my head hurt. All of the sudden something occurred to me. Nana could not speak any Chinese. How the hell was she going to survive working as their coordinator. Andy then nudged me since K’s manager wad holding out a file for me. I took it and bowed at him He then left the room.  “Sorry about that.” I said and looked at Andy.


“That’s fine. It’s nerve racking isn’t it.” She said and sighed when she looked at Nana and Danny. “She’s going to hurt Nana.” She mumbled and I gave her slight nudge as well. “Sorry. Danny doesn’t have much patients when it comes to girls like Nana.” 


“Well then Nana is going to have to learn when she has to act like a grown up. She’s older then me you know.” I said and Andy looked shocked. “Surprising isn’t it.”



PJ’s point of View




WOW REALLY WOW. WORKING WITH EXO. WHAT LUCK. I couldn’t believe it. But I really wish that I was in Ri’s place since I really didn’t want to work with Danny. She was such a . Looking down at me. Andy looks like someone I could get along with well. I was jumping up and down happily as I was listening to M’s manager. Then something hit me and I stopped jumping for a second. M was the group going to China. I didn’t know any Chinese at all. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO. Then the word Inkigayo  came into my ears and I squealed and clapped my hands. M’s manager then handed me a file and I hugged it. He then left the room shaking his head. I then looked at the group and almost jumped when I saw Kris glaring at me. WA DAIZANG IS REALLY SCARY. WHAT DID I DO TO RECEIVE THAT GLARE. 

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Chapter 14: Hi~~ new reader here... this is awesome!! I loved Substitute and finished it a while back.
I was ready to hate Nana with a vengeance but I came to like her as little parts changed within her. I like how she kept her innocence though.
Chapter 14: aww the Lu's were so caring
Chapter 11: I like how long it is! I was expecting to comment on how much Nana isn't doing anything right, but I'm really surprised at how she acted towards Danny, out of all the people I wasn't expecting her to be the one comforting her....nice surprise really. I wonder what happened with Danny's brother :/ was he lost?? I guess we will found out next chapter yes? I hope Lulu can help her relax for a while, she needs it! Thanks for the update! Awesome chapter :)
Chapter 10: It's getting to the intense parts wahhh, I almost forgot about Nana till she came back in here, but I'm nervous about what Danny is going to and what she's going to find when she gets back :/ Funerals? :( But hehe I look forward to see what Nana can do lol I bet the boys are going to have fun watching her haha, thanks for the updates! And it's not confusing at all lol
17mangageek17 #5
Chapter 7: okay I don't know why but Nana just annoys me to no end :/
Chapter 6: Wahh it seems like they have to deal with a lot of chaos!
Chapter 4: Where is my comment ;A; But I'm loving to see what happens between Nana and Kris hehe I think he knows how to make her act normal lol. I wonder how the boys will be able to handle their new staff :D
I'm excited to see the interactions between the girls and EXO :D