Chapter Eleven - Explanations

You hurt me once... now it's your turn.


 "We seriously had no time. They already packed all our stuff - trust me, they were yelling at us the whole time while we were writing the notes to you." Onew started. "Then they flew us over to America for training. We tried to call you at the time, but you never picked up, even when we stayed up super late to match the times in Seoul." 

You gulped. 


"OOOHMYGOSH WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?" you growled, and restarted your phone for the umpteenth time. It hadnt been working for days and you didn't want to go get it repaired as you were kinnnnd of... broke. 
"I guess I'll really have to go get it repaired tomorrow..." you sighed, and put it down on the counter. 
"It's beyond repair, I'm afraid." the clerk said, peering at you from behind his thick rimmed glasses. "You'll have to go get a new phone." 

"BWOOOHHH?" you exclaimed. You were too broke to get a new
"Yes... and a new sim too, your chip is coming loose." You sunk into a chair. Now how could Onew contact you? You would have to get a new number! 

"Thats 20,000 won for the checkup." 

"WHAT?" you stared at him in shock. He stared back at you with his beady eyes. 
Sighing, you opened your wallet and reluctantly pulled out the money. "Here..." he reached out to grab it from you, but you couldn't let go. He had to yank it several times with a displeased look on his face before you finally lost your grip. 

As soon as you left the store, you sighed out loud. "Where on earth am I going to get the money to pay for a new phone? I only have so much money in the bank..." 

Two days later
"Kamsamnida!" the sales assistant bowed as you left the store. 
"Kamsamnida..." you replied, and started up your new phone. You stared at it. It had been pricey, but it was so sleek and shiny! Plus, it had been endorsed by Rain <3 (A/N: It's the Aura SK-900 kekeke. It was endorsed by Rain [wait. is endorsed even the right word?] and was in the drama 'Fugitive: Plan B' :3)
The only down side was that you had to get a new sim card and number, and the fact that you had lost all your contacts! You had a hopeless memory and didn't remember any numbers off by heart apart from your home phone. Which also meant that now you had no means of communicating with Onew...


"My phone broke... I had to get a new one and I lost all my contacts." you told him. 

"I guessed as much." he stared at you, and you quickly looked away. 

"So? That's it?" you said. "You only went to America for training. You've been in Seoul ever since, basically. Why haven't you tried to contact me?"

"I have!" he was so loud that people started to stare at the two of you. You sunk down a little in your seat. 

"Yah, do you WANT crazy fangirls on you or what?" you hissed. "Keep it down!"

"Mianhe... but I have! I've looked everywhere, but your old house has someone new in it, your friends -" 

"My parents divorced after you guys left." you said abruptly. "We moved somewhere else after that."

"See?" he said exasperatedly. "Every trace of you is basically gone. Different phone, house and I couldn't find any of your friends. How did you expect me to find you?! Even after all that, whenever I have time I always go out and just try to look for you. I even had to give up some chicken for you!" his face was pained as he mentioned chicken. You heard him muttering something about dark times.
You opened your mouth to apologize, but changed your mind. 
"... Well, are you finished explaining? I have to be somewhere." you said coldly. 

"W-What?" he said, shocked. "Y-Yes... I guess I'm finished explaining..." 

"I have somewhere to go. Maybe I'll see you around..." you stood up. 


"OH MY GOD IT'S SHINEE'S ONEW!" a high pitched voice screamed. 
And with that, a crowd of fangirls ran over Onew. 
You looked at him apologetically before turning around and walking away, not even noticing that the girl who had first cried out his name had already taken several pictures of the two of you together. 



Im really sorry I've been away for so long T_T At first I thought because it was the holidays I could update more... but laziness got to me and I've basically been doing nothing the whole holidays apart from tv, reading and computer (aka procrastination!) so yeah... my first and short ish hiatus, I guess?

But I promise that i'm on a roll! ;) Well no I'm not, actually... but I promise I'll get more chapters out there! I've noticed I've lost a few subbers... DONT GO! D: 

Anyway this is a really long A/N... but before I go I wanted to ask you guys - is the story interesting enough? More drama? Too slow? Just fine? Tell me in the comments below! Every comment is appreciated and you guys get karma too so its a plus! :D

Anyway, my co author is over seas in taiwan and phillipines ): everyone seems to be overseas these holidays... whereas I'm just stuck at home D:


Bye ~! theduck

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shinee5_56 #1
please update soon~ :)
shinyshinee #2
Please update!! please :P
monkeyingalienhorse #3
Your subscribers gonna die now because you havent updated ;_;
keyluva4eva #4
IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!1
jekyll #5
Are you every going to updatee??
monkeyingalienhorse #6
Need update now ~>~ All of us 'need' this update!!
you should update ya know :)
shinyshinee #9
Has it been 50 comments yettttt~?????
Seriously please update this story :(