
I love you,I hate you.

Today JiYong was feeling great,he woke up,took a shower and went to the living room. Everything was so peaceful. Taeyang was drinking coffee with Seungri,TOP was enjoying a conversation with Daesung while 'Dream High' was on the TV. He walked to the fridge and took out milk. The moment he took it out he heard the bell ring. TOP stood up and opened the door to see Dara. 

''Hello,Dara noona.'',he smiled. She greeted him back and gave him a hug.

''How have you guys been?'',she walked into the living room and sat next to Daesung,he offered her a cup of tea.

''We've been great,noona. What are you here for anyway?'',Taeyang asked. She put down her cup of tea,and looked at JiYong. 

'' you mind leaving us alone for a minute?''

''Whatever.'' He went to his bedroom and tried to hear what they were saying. The members kept quiet until Dara spoke up.

'' guys know we have to get the leaders together,right?We have to make Chaerin fall for him'',they all nodded.

''And can't get in the way,if you want i will find you someone even better than Chaerin.'',she winked at him.

''I'll have to think about it...''

''Yah Seungri!'',Taeyang lightly punched his arm. 

''Aish....fine.'' he pouted,a minute later JiYong came out of his bedroom. 

''So...when are you gonna hook me up with Chaerin,noona?'',he smiled. She patted his head.

''We'll have to work on it,JiYongee...Oh look at the time,i have to leave now. Take care guys!'',she glanced at the clock and ran through the door.JiYong sighed...TOP stood up and started cleaning up the mess JiYong made.

''Do you have a plan,Jiyong?'',he asked while throwing away the carton of milk. Jiyong didn't respond until TOP repeated the question.

''I will think of something...I have to go now,Teddy's waiting for me.'' 

2ne1's dorm...

Dara rushed into the dorm,quickly taking her shoes off. She saw Minji who was sitting on the couch watching some Japanese drama,while eating chips. Minji looked up and noticed Dara.

''Oh,unnie. Where have you been?''

''I went to BigBang's dorm.Minji ah! You can't eat that garbage,what if YG scolds you again?''

''Unnie,don't worry...i wanted to have it,just a little.''

''Yah!'' Dara yelled and took Minji chips,they were chasing eachother through the whole dorm,causing Chaerin to get up from her comfortable bed. 

''Yah,stop it. I'm trying to sleep here.'',she said while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

''Oh,Chaerin ah! You better dress yourself,now!'',Dara screamed at the sight of Chaerin who was just wearing shorts and a t-shirt. She quickly pushed her into the bathroom and let her take a shower. While Chaerin was taking a shower...Dara found her some really nice clothes from Bom's closet.Chaerin stepped out of the bathroom,and just stared at the clothes.

''Unnie,isn't this a bit to fancy?''

''Not at all. Just dress yourself and go buy us something to eat,we're starving.''

''Yah,why can't Minji do it?''

''Because,she to do.'' Chaerin sighed and put on what Dara gave her to wear.It was a plain short black dress without straps. Dara tried to convince her to wear high heels but Chaerin insisted on her high top black Adidas,so Dara just went along with it. Chaerin went out of the house and quickly went to a fast food restaurant,she stood there waiting for her order. She noticed a familiar figure sitting at a table. He waved at her,it was Jiyong. She just turned her head and took her order. He yelled her name but she didn't respond. He stood up and grabbed her,he made her sit with him. She didn't want to face him,so she just kept turning her head.

''What's with the face HunChae? You don't want to see me?''

''You're annoying,leave me alone.''

''Why? Don't you like me?''


''You hate me that much?''

''I don't hate you. I hate the fact that you're such a player and you think that I'm the same as all the other girls. We can be friends,but nothing more.'' She finally turned her head towards him.

''Fine,I can wait as long as you want me to.'',he sighed. He stood up from the table and lifted his arms to Chaerin.

''Can't I at least have a friendly hug?''

''Fine.'',she stood up and hugged him. But he didn't want to let go of her.

''You can stop it now,Jiyong.'',she broke the hug.

''I'm leaving now,say hi to the other oppas for me Jiyong. Bye!'',she said and gave him her last farewell. As he was watching her leave,he really wanted to make her his forever. And that was his plan ever since.

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It's cute. SKYDRAGON love!
I am lurking around old skydragon stories and found this instead.
Those rude comments below makes my blood boil... -_-
saraifranceska28 #2
dapat daragon toh eh....
skydragon is jjang <3
mary21 #4
i give a ,you know :P
@mary21 idgaf
mary21 #6
whatever! you just delete y other comment because you know im right!
cl_jiD #7
oooh cute ending love it thank you thank you thank you:)
@mary21 cool story bro
mary21 #9
yuck! :P