Back to The Past


I looked around and the whole school population was looking at me like as if I did something wrong. With their eyes so big, especially the girls, like as if they’re gonna come out of their sockets. If looks could kill, I’d probably be dead right now. Even, BAP – as what they are called – joined in the staring. Seriously?

BAP made their way towards me but I had to tell myself to calm down and not look nervous. Because if I don’t, they’d probably think I’m scared of them or something.

“You again,” Daehyun said. “Come with me.” He turned around and was prepared to leave but I just stood there unable to move, not because I didn’t want to but I couldn’t. He looked back at me and took my hand and led me somewhere, to a part of the school that I’ve never been to though it’s close to two months that I’ve been studying here.

“Look Minyoung-shi, I really like your attitude out there. No, right from the beginning frothe smoking incident, to being in your classroom and here we are,” he said. “But I honestly feel that it doesn’t suit your innocent looking face.”

I wasn’t paying attention at all as I took in the surroundings. It was so beautiful and I felt like I was in a secret garden. I laughed, too loudly. Crap, I got to stop this habit of mine.

“What? What’s so funny?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Huh? What? Nothing,” I said, obviously nervous at the state that I’m in. I guess it was too obvious in my tone that I saw him smirked at me.

“Really?” He moved closer to me. I didn’t wanna backed down so I stayed still.

“Really?” He asked again, inching closer. I swear, if he tried to kiss me, I’m gonna kick his upside down till he can’t sit properly.

Just as he was an inch away from my lips, I heard laughter behind me.

“Yah, Daehyun-ah, you’re gonna scare her away. We’re still going ahead with the plan y’know,” one of the BAP boys said while another one dragged me away.

As soon as I was far away from Daehyun, I was put in the center of a circle as the other BAP members gather around me. To my surprise, they were actually introducing themselves to me. And what shocked me was that two of them are in the same year as me. And it got me thinking how they became so popular. Daehyun with Youngjae are a year older than me and the other two, Yongguk and Himchan are seniors. I gaped at them.

“Now it’s your turn,” the boy called Zelo said to me.

“Huh? Wait, Zelo? Why Zelo? Then what’s your real name?” I replied, ignoring his question.

“I just liked it when people call me that but my hyungs here can call me by my real name. Do you wanna be special? You can call me by my real name too! My name is Junhong,” he said, a little too excited. “When’s your birthday? Who knows I can call you noona or you can call me oppa.”

“8th July.”

“Oh! I can call you Noona!”

“And you will have to call the rest of us oppa,” guy named Himchan said.

“Yah, if you’re gonna let flies enter that hole, you might want to keep your mouth hanging longer,” Daehyun remarked.

I turned to look at him and glared at him.

“I heard you’re pretty smart back then in your middle school,” Youngjae said.

I shyly smiled at him. I didn’t want to look snobbish or arrogant if I were to just keep putting up a strong front so I did what I just did.

“Oh look, the girl knows how to feel shy. Wait what? Don’t tell me she has a crush on Youngjae?” I just felt like throwing my shoe at Daehyun to keep his mouth shut.

“Why not? She’s pretty,” Youngjae said as he slung his arm over me.

“Haha. You’re very funny,” as I removed his arm.

“Aww, she doesn’t like you,” Himchan said.

“And you think she’s gonna like you too?” Youngjae retaliated.

“I think I better take my leave. Nice meeting you guys,” I bowed and quickly left this garden.

What just happened? That did not just happen. Oh my god. What happened to not letting myself associate with popular people? I thought I told myself that when I entered high school. Oh, haters gonna hate.

I quickly made my way back to my class. With the school bell ringing, signalling the end of lunch, I hurriedly made my way towards my class. Thank God I reached there before the teacher did. Everyone was already seated when I reached there. I think because of what happened at the cafeteria, everyone is now glaring at me. I quickly took my seat and Jieun just started bombarding my with so many questions that I don’t know how to answer because I myself am not sure about it.

“You owe me an explanation when school ends,” Jieun said as soon as the teacher arrived.

I couldn’t concentrate the whole lesson thinking about what just happened. After much thinking, wait, why was I even letting it affect me? No, I shall live my life like how it was before. I’m gonna act like as if none of that happened. Yes, I was gonna do that.

As soon as school ended, everyone was packing ready to leave school early preparing for the night since it was a Friday. I felt someone tugging on my arm and turned to see Jieun looking at me with a look that said ‘you owe me an explanation’.

I sighed. As much as I didn’t wanna think about it anymore, I just had to tell Jieun what happened. She’s like my best friend here and we pretty much tell everything that happened to each other. So I told her what happened and looking by her reaction, she was certainly surprised. Whoa. I didn’t know my story would leave such a big impact on her.

“You are one lucky girl! Oh my god! I’m so happy for you!” she suddenly squealed, jumping up and down like as if she’s won something. Those boys mean these much to everybody huh. “Once you get to befriend them, you can introduce me to Daehyun! You have no idea how gorgeous he is!”

On and on she goes talking about Jung Daehyun, the boy I hated the most right now, who is annoying to the core. She is having a massive crush on this guy here! What’s so good about him?

“Yeah sure, I’ll introduce you to him when we hang out… Which will never happen. He’s the most annoying person I’ve ever met. What a cocky, arrogant person,” I said, trying to consume my anger towards this guy.

“Whoa. What happened? Why are you so mad at him?” Oh dear, here goes another round of questions. I mentally facepalmed myself.

Ugh! We went to a nearby café and sat down while I told her everything from my first encounter till whichever part that she missed out on.

“You’re still lucky though. I’d be savouring every moment I could if I were in your shoes,” she said dreamily.

“Anyway, I got to leave. I got a job at this family restaurant and I don’t wanna be late. Enjoy your weekend.”

“See you on Monday!”

“Earth to dear MinYoung!” I snapped out of my daze.

“Huh? What?”

“I was asking what you’d like to eat since I owe you lunch,” Daehyun said.

“Oh err… Come on, let’s go and pick our food,” I said, bringing him over to the different food stalls. Daehyun gave me a weird look but didn’t question further.

Days at school seem a little different than the usual as people are giving me more glares rather than the usual greetings and BAP, well, they’re being a little too friendly especially towards me. Not all of them though, with the exception of Jung Daehyun. I honestly didn’t mind. Zelo’s probably the nicest of them all since our age are pretty close. We even have the some classes together. It’s funny how I didn’t notice it because he told me he’s seen me before.

“Because you’re pretty, obviously I would have noticed you from the start,” I blushed at that compliment.

“You might not want to push it or she’s gonna get pretty big—headed,” as soon as I heard that voice, I just scoffed and walked ahead further pulling Zelo with me since we’re having the same class next.

What is his problem anyway? It’s not like I did something horrible to him. Okay fine, I may have offended him in the beginning but those were just words, nothing physical. But that was like when? 2 months ago! I will never understand what that guy is thinking.

However, that one particular day changed everything.

I received a call from my manager one late afternoon. My manager was asking me to hurry to work because there was a sudden urgent dinner that we had to prepare. Being free, I agreed on taking up the job. I just had to serve 2 groups of family that night. So I hurriedly put on a casual wear and headed off for work. As soon as I reached work, I clocked in and then went to change into my uniform. Everyone was busily working, cooking delicious food never seen before for this dinner. Even the whole restaurant was booked by this family just for this dinner so that they can have the restaurant all to themselves.

As soon as night came right at 7, the bells to the restaurant chimed meaning there are customers. I was heading out from the toilet when my manager just came rushing to me asking me to quickly serve the family as they are here already. I did what I was told and to my shock, there he was, clad in the most dashing suit, Jung Daehyun.

Thank God his back was facing me or he would have seen me. Now what am I supposed to do?!?!? I quickly went to find my manager.

“I can’t do it,” I said.

“What? Why?”

I didn’t want to tell her the reason. It would sound very unprofessional of me and childish of me. Just then, the sound of the bell rang again.

“I just can’t.”

“Please, I need you. You may be new but you’re good. I’ll give you more for this dinner.”

“No, I still can’t.”

“Why not?!?!”

Ugh. I can’t tell her. No, got to forgot about pride and serve him.

As soon as I stepped out, I was greeted by another shocked of my life. Jieun was there! What is happening? No wait, normally when two families have dinner together, that only means… No! I turned around only to be faced by my angry manager who was gonna blow her head off if I don’t start serving the customer. There I was, taking a very deep breath and making my way towards their table with the first dish to be served.

Daehyun kept his eyes low and I can’t help but overheard their conversation.

“Hello Mr Lee, it is an honour to be having this dinner with you,” Mr Jung greeted his guest.

“Ah, I don’t think we need to be so formal towards each other. After all, we’re gonna be one big family soon right?”

“What?!?” I thought, too loudly.


I honestly wanted to end this story soon already. I have no idea what I want to do with this story already. There was never a plot to begin with in my head. I think I'm being too honest huh. You'd probably be thinking I'm so clueless, my story , and you just wanna leave. Be my guest. But I'll continue till the end. It's got to end somewhere right?

Anyway, thank you very much for just passing by even though you're not planning to subscribe or comment, though it would be great. At least I know that it's an interesting title. Hahah. I suddenly feel like I'm too full of myself.

But then, here's another update. Too long huh? Draggy? Yeah, what's new right. My English , ah-huh. I didn't wanna check my grammar. Ugh. Lazy lazy me. Okay, enjoyyyy.

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awww so cute ;-;
nova_h #2
loving it !!
I just finished reading this tonight
And I was failing my arms non-stop and crying because it's so overwhelming. To be honest, you made me feel like throwing a wall or punching Dae Hyun because I cannot contain my fangirl feels for him.

Also, the way you flashed bits of the past was very nice and it created more impact rather than just narrating it from the very start. :3

Can I hug you? :>
I know yoooou~ :3

I decided to read this since it was a finished product and it was short. XD

It was a cute story though a little cliche but I enjoyed it~ I grew very fond of the main character and I don't hate JiEun...but something about her personality really irked me...maybe because she was too fangirl perky...and kinda artificial...I mean...she really only liked DaeHyun from a fangirl point of view...I dunno...that's just me being a harsh jerk. XD

DaeHyun...reminds me a lot of HimChan in this story...which therefore makes me want to smack him about 80% of the time throughout the story.

By the way...I found it really freaky how everyone in the school knew everything the day after it happened...O____O But my gosh...I'm sure news travels fast especially now with the internet.../shivers/

By the way, I appreciate the change in style by having the story in the present talking about the past. ^ ^
tigerkool #5
>< hee hee.... i really like this and I am mostly a silent reader ( . .).... Anyway fighting!!!
solareiS #6
I'm actually a silent reader most of the time since other stories usually have tons and tons of comments but since this is a clean comment board, i can write freely ~~ hehehe. ^^ I do hope to bring happiness to someone's life even if it's over the internet~
solareiS #7
oh yay the POVs are so much clearer ^^
I just keep forgetting the main POV is Minyoung, because usually i would transfer the last POV from the previous chapter into the new chapter so I'd somehow confuse myself along the way. But that's just me hehehehe.
It's cool, don't need to apologise. I'll be waiting for new chapters~!
solareiS #8
nananana I shall comment again~! :D

it makes sense, but I keep getting confused as to who's the main POV, but i think that's just me. I'm like distracted 95% of the time. Even now, I'm supposed to be having lessons but i'm writing a comment for you ^^

Also, most writers don't know how to paragraph their stories properly. Does that make sense? I don't know, I'm just typing whatever is in my head right now. Anyway, they always type in gigantic chunks which really put me off and then i don't feel like reading it once I see a wall of text. And because i speed read most of the time, i can't remember where i stopped reading since all the lines are squeezed together.

So. Keep up the good work~! Grammar's alright too ^^ TTFN~
solareiS #9
okay since no one has commented yet, i shall be the first!
In all honesty, i have seen writers with much. worse. grammar. Yours is alright, i'm usually a grammar nazi and i can't seem to find anything grammatically wrong. Then again, it's 3:17am here now.

Next, the story is quite common, but i like the way you include the characters' feelings into the story without it being overdone. I also like how you steer B.A.P from having personalities that most writers on AFF tend to stereotype them into.

That's mostly what I have to say since you've only written two chapters so far, but it's looking good so far. I wouldn't say you're the best writer out there, but you're getting there.

So um, how'd you like my constructive criticism? (I hope it was constructive though ><! )