Back to The Past

Oh goodness. Where is he? It’s our first day of school and he’s late. Goodness. Here I am waiting at the school’s bus stop like a loner.

“Hi darling,” someone just slung his arm over my shoulder from the back.

“Don’t darling me. And we’re almost late. You owe me lunch,” I shrugged his hand off and walked ahead, leaving him behind.

“Aww, don’t be angry. I woke up late,” He pouted.

“There goes my effort in giving you a morning call.”

“Can you please don’t be mad at me for this? Okay fine, I’ll buy you lunch.”

As much as I didn’t want to show it, I smiled at the thought of him buying me lunch. I mean, I love food. A girl’s happiness is to eat without getting fat. But I don’t care about getting fat and I love to eat. I can eat a cow. No, I’m just kidding. I was just exaggerating.

“Alright, if you say so,” I took his hand and led the way while swinging our hands.

I saw the school gate and hurriedly made my way there with Daehyun tagging behind me like a… Like he was forced. I let out a small laugh.

Students being students, they just can’t live a day without gossiping. They hated me for being with Daehyun. I still don’t get it though we’ve been going out since last year and even though today's the start of the new year, there’s still some hate. Girl here needs some peace. Can’t you just give her some? Oh wait, just because I’m a nobody. to be me but I don’t really care. But what frustrate me most was that even the sophomores hate me just as much. They don't even know me. I can tell, by the way they were looking at me as I walked past them. I can never have a normal life as long as I’m still around.


With a kiss on his cheek, I left him outside my classroom while I went in.

“Yes, Mr Jung, you better make your way to your first class or you’re gonna be sent to detention,” my English teacher said to him.

He was, unfortunately, still in a daze. I texted him, knowing that his phone was not on silent mode and there I heard it, his message tone. It seemed like that snapped him out of his daze. He opened his phone to read the message and a smile unknowingly brought onto his face.

‘Yah, you better be heading to your first class or you’re buying me lunch again tomorrow,

- your darling’

He turned to me and gave me a flying kiss before walking… or should I say running to his class. I giggled to myself like a fool I am.

“You too Miss Kim,” my English teacher, Mr Park, said to me. “Just because you’re one of our ace students here doesn’t mean we can’t send you to detention now pay attention to class.”

Fine, not trying to brag but I was somewhat the top 3 students in my cohort last year while I was a sophomore. No, wait I’m supposed to tell you how I met Daehyun.

Last year, like any middle school students, I came across this average school. I didn’t have so many friends so I probably ended up alone in this school alongside with many other middle school students coming from different areas.  I wasn’t really pretty or attractive, maybe just a little smarter than the rest but that was it. I don’t know how Daehyun got attracted to me but he did and we eventually fall in love and here we are now. It all happened while I was on the way to the library finding a book to read during lunch break. At that point of time, I just didn’t feel like eating.

So, it was my first day of school and I did meet new friend, maybe just a few, or one, because I wasn’t really that sociable. My first friend is Lee Jieun. She was such a sweet and pretty good-looking girl. She was nice, she still is, thoughand has many pursuers just on her first day. What a lucky girl. She asked me along for lunch but I declined her offer saying I wasn’t hungry. It wasn’t a total lie but because I just didn’t want to be around crowded places. So I decided to head down to the library to check it out. I love reading so why not. Who knows they have interesting books to read.

As I was making my way to the library, I smelled the stench of cigarettes. And ew, the smell disgust me to the core. Guys who smoke are major turnoffs.

“Who is smoking? It’s so smelly. Can’t they be more discreet when smoking?” I said out loud.

Silence. That was what I thought when I heard nothing but the next second, guess I was wrong.

“Well, excuse me, who you think you are to be saying such things?” I turned around and out came a group of blonde guys. Seriously? Blondes? My jaw practically dropped all the way to the floor.

“Guess she had fallen for our charms,” one of them said, chuckling.

I ignored his remark and walked straight ahead to whom seemed to be the one who made the earlier comment. Short hair, more like a bowl-like head. His glare was, scary and intimidating but I wasn’t gonna let my guards down and be bullied by this bunch of people who thinks they’re all that.

“What? Seriously? It’s against the school rules. Anyone with the right state of mind would have known. Oh wait… Right state of mind…” I let my sentence trailed off hoping he’d get my message.

“What?!!? You’re saying we’re not in the right state of mind? Are you freaking kidding me? You think you’re all that…” Looking at my nametag. “MinYoung-sshi. Oh wait, you’re a sophomore. What do you know?”

He smirked.

“Jerk,” I looked down and muttered under my breath hoping no one heard it.

“What did you just call me?” he uses his finger to lift up my chin.

“Hands off. I don’t care who you are, whether you’re the popular kids in school or not, I’m not bothered,” I shoved his hand off and stormed off furiously. Who does he think he is?!?

Days passed and nothing new seemed to happen. I haven’t been to the school’s cafeteria before because I always didn’t want to be in such a crowded place. Unfortunately, that fateful day had to come and I was having major stomach pain. I can’t even move so I stayed in the classroom while waiting for Jieun to get some menstrual cramps pill to soothe away the pain. I heard footsteps and my head shot up hoping it’d be Jieun but unfortunately, it was that blonde head guy who had a problem with me my first day of school.

“Oh look. What do we have here?” He entered the classroom gracefully like he was all that. What? Gracefully. I mentally puked at what I just described him.

“Shut up and leave, I don’t have the energy to argue,” I said so soft, so weak, and so vulnerable that I felt like he was going to advantage of me.

“Hmm… Time of the month huh?” He took a chair and sat next to me.

“What do you want?”

“Nothing. Just bored and looking around and then I found you here instead. to be stuck in a classroom huh?”

“Oh Minyoung! I got it!” Jieun came running in with a bottle in a hand. She handed me the pill and the bottle and I quickly swallowed the people and drank some water hoping to ease the pain away. She seemed to not notice the guy being there until the sound of chair being dragged on the floor was heard.

“Omo! Daehyun-oppa!” Jieun looked so surprise, her face blushing. The said guy just looked at her and bowed and then stood up to leave. One word to describe him: Weird.

“Minyoung! Why didn’t you tell me Daehyun-oppa was there!?” Jieun was practically in her fan-girling mode trying not to sound all excited but obviously I could sense it from her tone.

“Oppa? Seriously? How can a girl as attractive as you know someone like him?” I answered, feeling much better with the pill being so effective.

“You don’t know him? He’s like the most popular guy in school! He’s one year older than us though and all the girls are crazy over him.Well, he’s not alone though, there’s like 6 of them here. Ahhh,” she said dreamily.

“All? Guess not. I know I’m not,” I said not even bothered.

“You are so lucky to be able to be in the same room as him, breathe the same air as him. I can’t believe I just did too!” She squealed.

I gave her the you-serious look,

“Oh fine, you wanna head down to the cafeteria to grab something for your stomach?” she offered.

“Yeah sure. I’m pretty much hungry too. I need food.”

And that was the first time I entered the cafeteria with all eyes on me like as though they’ve never seen me before. Oh wait, they never did except for some. What more I was standing next to the most attractive sophomore. I mentally scolded myself for being in such an awkward position. Right the next second, murmurs could be heard. Mostly it was all about me. About how new I was. Excuse me, I’m not new. I entered the same time as everyone else did, maybe just not to the cafeteria. I was pissed. They’re being so judgmental.

Days began to sound a little more interesting with more of the school population noticing me. I mean, I don’t even wanna get noticed. I’ve been making my way to the cafeteria a lot lately for lunch and that kind of surprised Jieun because I mostly like to head somewhere for lunch to a much lesser crowded area. I just needed food. I don’t know how I did it the past few weeks without food but I’ve had enough and I needed them to survive the whole day. Besides, the food is here great.

But today was a little different, the school’s cafeteria was a little neater than usual and lesser people were chattering. One could even tell the difference between today and any other day. As we walked pass certain tables, I can’t help but overheard this group of girls talking about BAP (who the hell are they) coming in for lunch and that being their first time. What? Seriously? How come they’re so special?

“Who is BAP?” I asked Jieun as soon as we spotted our usual seats. As soon as that question was raised, the whole cafeteria was cheering and girls was screaming while making sure they look pretty.

“That is BAP,” Jieun replied as she pointed her finger towards the direction of 6 blonde guys. My jaw practically dropped (de ja vu).

What?!?! Are they being serious? And they had to just walk casually like they’re all that. Oh my god. They are all that, it seems like it to the others.

“What is wrong with these people?” I thought aloud, maybe too loud that the whole cafeteria suddenly grew quiet. 


First update is up. I'm trying to make it less draggy but I can't. I . Anyway, thanks my first few subscribers! 

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awww so cute ;-;
nova_h #2
loving it !!
I just finished reading this tonight
And I was failing my arms non-stop and crying because it's so overwhelming. To be honest, you made me feel like throwing a wall or punching Dae Hyun because I cannot contain my fangirl feels for him.

Also, the way you flashed bits of the past was very nice and it created more impact rather than just narrating it from the very start. :3

Can I hug you? :>
I know yoooou~ :3

I decided to read this since it was a finished product and it was short. XD

It was a cute story though a little cliche but I enjoyed it~ I grew very fond of the main character and I don't hate JiEun...but something about her personality really irked me...maybe because she was too fangirl perky...and kinda artificial...I mean...she really only liked DaeHyun from a fangirl point of view...I dunno...that's just me being a harsh jerk. XD

DaeHyun...reminds me a lot of HimChan in this story...which therefore makes me want to smack him about 80% of the time throughout the story.

By the way...I found it really freaky how everyone in the school knew everything the day after it happened...O____O But my gosh...I'm sure news travels fast especially now with the internet.../shivers/

By the way, I appreciate the change in style by having the story in the present talking about the past. ^ ^
tigerkool #5
>< hee hee.... i really like this and I am mostly a silent reader ( . .).... Anyway fighting!!!
solareiS #6
I'm actually a silent reader most of the time since other stories usually have tons and tons of comments but since this is a clean comment board, i can write freely ~~ hehehe. ^^ I do hope to bring happiness to someone's life even if it's over the internet~
solareiS #7
oh yay the POVs are so much clearer ^^
I just keep forgetting the main POV is Minyoung, because usually i would transfer the last POV from the previous chapter into the new chapter so I'd somehow confuse myself along the way. But that's just me hehehehe.
It's cool, don't need to apologise. I'll be waiting for new chapters~!
solareiS #8
nananana I shall comment again~! :D

it makes sense, but I keep getting confused as to who's the main POV, but i think that's just me. I'm like distracted 95% of the time. Even now, I'm supposed to be having lessons but i'm writing a comment for you ^^

Also, most writers don't know how to paragraph their stories properly. Does that make sense? I don't know, I'm just typing whatever is in my head right now. Anyway, they always type in gigantic chunks which really put me off and then i don't feel like reading it once I see a wall of text. And because i speed read most of the time, i can't remember where i stopped reading since all the lines are squeezed together.

So. Keep up the good work~! Grammar's alright too ^^ TTFN~
solareiS #9
okay since no one has commented yet, i shall be the first!
In all honesty, i have seen writers with much. worse. grammar. Yours is alright, i'm usually a grammar nazi and i can't seem to find anything grammatically wrong. Then again, it's 3:17am here now.

Next, the story is quite common, but i like the way you include the characters' feelings into the story without it being overdone. I also like how you steer B.A.P from having personalities that most writers on AFF tend to stereotype them into.

That's mostly what I have to say since you've only written two chapters so far, but it's looking good so far. I wouldn't say you're the best writer out there, but you're getting there.

So um, how'd you like my constructive criticism? (I hope it was constructive though ><! )