Back to The Past

“Faster! It’s almost you turn!” He exclaimed.

That was how we started singing this love song. This was a little embarrassing to say but I guess we were looking straight at each other’s eyes as we sang our hearts out. Maybe we were too immersed in the song or looking into each other’s soul, if that’s possible, that we didn’t realise the song has come to an end.

Someone cleared his throat.

“You know, we can leave if you guys want us to,” Himchan said.

I looked at him, so did Daehyun as we glared at him.

“Whoa, and you guys have really good team work at this.”

“Not bad. Guess you weren’t lying when you said you could sing,” Daehyun complimented me.

“Of course! Why lie over such great talent? You’re not that bad either. Naw, not that bad is an understatement. You’re actually good. You could actually better than some of the singers out there,” No harm complimenting him right? I’m trying to do a good deed here. I saw him blushing at the corner of my eye. “So, who’s next?!”

Zelo and Yongguk oppa went next singing Never Give Up. It totally fits Zelo’s personality, with his cheerful and bubbly self. After everyone had their turn, we decided to head for dinner and then home since it’s a school night. We ended up heading to the restaurant that I worked at.

Dinner was fun actually. I never thought I’d laugh so much today. I guess being with them made me forget all my worries. I feel so grateful to be having this bunch of people around me. I could never ask for anyone else.

While everyone was busy chatting, I suddenly grew quiet. Daehyun saw me staring into space and then he placed his hand over mine as if asking me if I was alright.

“I just miss Jieun.”

“She’ll come to understand why you had to do what you had to do. And it wasn’t your fault entirely, it’s mine too. Cheer up and just savour this moment with us while you still can.” He smiled. Oh, that smile.

I laughed. He was right. I chose to go out because I wanted to have fun. Might as well enjoy this moment till the very end and not dampen everyone’s mood. I don’t want to be a ruiner (is there even such word. Whatever, I’m gonna add it in my dictionary).

“Hey guys, I think we should go already. We still have school tomorrow,” Daehyun suggested as he stood up. I groaned, hating the idea of leaving especially after Daehyun brought up the topic on school.

“Yay! Minyoung’s treating us!” Youngjae said. I turned to scowl at him. He then squirmed back in his hole realising his mistake. But then…

“Well, alright. My treat!” I exclaimed earning cheers from Zelo and the rest.

So I went over to the cashier to pay and had a little chat with my colleague who’s on duty.

“Wow, I envy you being around hot guys. Not just 2 or 3 but 6! Lucky you!” my colleague said. I just smiled. We’re good after all. I paid and went off. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door with the guys waiting for me outside.

“Noona! I’m glad you went out with us! Did you have fun today?” Zelo asked me.

“Yeah, I did. I think I’d regret it if I were to be at home right now, missing out on the fun.”

“Duh, of course you’d have fun with us! We’re the most fun-est people alive!” Youngjae proudly said.

Someone just punch him for me.

“And by the way, fun-est is not a word,” I corrected him.

“Whatever. I’m using my own dictionary as I speak right now.”

I rolled my eyes at him and turned to walk with Yongguk and Himchan oppa as I tugged both my arms on one side of each. Then I skipped happily along the pathway.

“Are you that happy Minyoung?” Himchan asked me as he chuckled at my action.

“Of course! I don’t think happy is even enough to describe this occasion.”

All Yongguk did was shake his head as he just smiled at my action.

When we reached the bus stop, we waited for our bus as conversations were made between small groups of people. I just keep on moving from one group to another, getting involved in their conversation and they just had to push me off and calling me a ‘busybody’. Hey what? I just didn’t want to feel left out. Okay, maybe I’m used to that but I’m feeling high right now so I just kept moving around.

As soon as their bus came, I felt my face fell knowing I’d be all alone and finally accepting that a happy day will eventually come to an end and a new day awaits tomorrow. Oh dear, what do I do if I didn’t meet up with them?

“Bye noona! See you tomorrow!” Zelo came over and hugged me. The rest followed suit. I guess I was in a world of my own that I didn’t realise Daehyun didn’t take the same bus as them.

I turned around and saw him standing there, leaning on the pole with his hands in his pocket.

“Oh! You’re still here,” I said, clearly shocked.

“Duh, what do you think? In the bus? Yeah sure…”

“Geez, still the same. And I thought he’d at least change after what happened,” muttering the last part.


“Oh nothing,” I gave him an eye-smile.

“Come on, I’ll take you home,” the moment my bus came, he took my hand and led me towards the bus.

He let me sit in first so I was seated next to the window, my favourite seat, with him by my side.

“Thanks, though I didn’t ask for it,” I thanked him.

“Just be grateful.”

“Yes, Mr Jung Daehyun,” He gave me that look and I just kept quiet.

The ride was a quiet one but it wasn’t awkward yet comfortable since this isn’t the first time that he’s sending me home.

“Thanks, really,” I spoke, breaking the silence.

“I already said just be grateful.”

“I know but I sincerely want to thank you. For forgiving him even though I did a lot worse that even asking for forgiveness will not be enough, I don’t know what to do though. But you forgave me anyway and I’m thankful for that. Also for now. Thanks, once again,” I thanked him, looking deep into his eyes waiting for a reaction.

He leaned in and pecked me on the lips then looked to the front.

“Earth to Minyoung! Do you want to continue your ride while we’re reaching your bus stop,” I saw a hand waving in front me, snapping me out of my daze. “I know I’m handsome but you don’t have to stare. It’s rude too you know.”

He took my hand and let me down. I guess I was still shocked at his action just now. Once we alight from the bus, I stood there, looking there.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Daehyun asked, worried.

“Why? Why did you do that?” I asked, looking at him.

“Do I need a reason for that? You know why,” he looked at you, disappointed written all over his face.

“Tell me why.”

“Because…” he hesitated, contemplating whether to continue or not. Seeing how I had no reaction, he took this opportunity to say what he had to say. “Because, I love you.”


Actually, I wanted to put chapter 7 & 8 together but then it'll be too long and you guys would get bored. I didn't read through again though so if there's any mistake, my apologies. So since it's DAEHYUNNIE'S DAY! A double update for youuuuuuuuuuuu! :D

Happy birthday to the Busan man, Jung Daehyun! 
Oh my god, you're making my heart flutter everytime I see you... On my screen. Sobs.


solareiSHahah. Thanks thanks. That was very thoughtful of you! :D

tigerkoolAww. Another silent reader who has emerged from her hiding hole! Nah, I'm kidding! Thank youuuuuu! <:

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awww so cute ;-;
nova_h #2
loving it !!
I just finished reading this tonight
And I was failing my arms non-stop and crying because it's so overwhelming. To be honest, you made me feel like throwing a wall or punching Dae Hyun because I cannot contain my fangirl feels for him.

Also, the way you flashed bits of the past was very nice and it created more impact rather than just narrating it from the very start. :3

Can I hug you? :>
I know yoooou~ :3

I decided to read this since it was a finished product and it was short. XD

It was a cute story though a little cliche but I enjoyed it~ I grew very fond of the main character and I don't hate JiEun...but something about her personality really irked me...maybe because she was too fangirl perky...and kinda artificial...I mean...she really only liked DaeHyun from a fangirl point of view...I dunno...that's just me being a harsh jerk. XD

DaeHyun...reminds me a lot of HimChan in this story...which therefore makes me want to smack him about 80% of the time throughout the story.

By the way...I found it really freaky how everyone in the school knew everything the day after it happened...O____O But my gosh...I'm sure news travels fast especially now with the internet.../shivers/

By the way, I appreciate the change in style by having the story in the present talking about the past. ^ ^
tigerkool #5
>< hee hee.... i really like this and I am mostly a silent reader ( . .).... Anyway fighting!!!
solareiS #6
I'm actually a silent reader most of the time since other stories usually have tons and tons of comments but since this is a clean comment board, i can write freely ~~ hehehe. ^^ I do hope to bring happiness to someone's life even if it's over the internet~
solareiS #7
oh yay the POVs are so much clearer ^^
I just keep forgetting the main POV is Minyoung, because usually i would transfer the last POV from the previous chapter into the new chapter so I'd somehow confuse myself along the way. But that's just me hehehehe.
It's cool, don't need to apologise. I'll be waiting for new chapters~!
solareiS #8
nananana I shall comment again~! :D

it makes sense, but I keep getting confused as to who's the main POV, but i think that's just me. I'm like distracted 95% of the time. Even now, I'm supposed to be having lessons but i'm writing a comment for you ^^

Also, most writers don't know how to paragraph their stories properly. Does that make sense? I don't know, I'm just typing whatever is in my head right now. Anyway, they always type in gigantic chunks which really put me off and then i don't feel like reading it once I see a wall of text. And because i speed read most of the time, i can't remember where i stopped reading since all the lines are squeezed together.

So. Keep up the good work~! Grammar's alright too ^^ TTFN~
solareiS #9
okay since no one has commented yet, i shall be the first!
In all honesty, i have seen writers with much. worse. grammar. Yours is alright, i'm usually a grammar nazi and i can't seem to find anything grammatically wrong. Then again, it's 3:17am here now.

Next, the story is quite common, but i like the way you include the characters' feelings into the story without it being overdone. I also like how you steer B.A.P from having personalities that most writers on AFF tend to stereotype them into.

That's mostly what I have to say since you've only written two chapters so far, but it's looking good so far. I wouldn't say you're the best writer out there, but you're getting there.

So um, how'd you like my constructive criticism? (I hope it was constructive though ><! )