Back to The Past


It felt extremely weird here in school, being alone. I wasn’t with anyone except for Zelo in some classes. Jieun being the sociable person she is already has other classmates as her friends so it wasn’t a problem for her. I hadn’t been around the BAP guys either after that unfortunate incident with Daehyun. The other people are probably thinking the same thing now, ‘Look what happened to her for betraying her friend? She’s all alone now.’

“Noona, do you want to hang out with us today?” Zelo asked me all of a sudden while waiting for class to start.

“I… err…”

“Noona, you know it’s not your fault that Daehyun hyung likes you and not Jieun noona.”

“Zelo! That’s not a good thing to say!” I exclaimed, shocked at his reaction to all that’s been happening.

“Sorry but I just don’t like to see you all alone during lunch, or in other classes. I can’t help but blame Jieun noona for leaving you all alone. It was not even your fault. And it’s truth.”

“It’s not hers. She’s just a victim like I was but now, I got over it.”

“Still… You’re alone and it pains me to see you all alone. So… We’ve decided to ask you out today. Spend time with us. We’ve all missed you. This is not supposed to be revealed but Yongguk hyung missed you the most. But of course, only after Daehyun.”

“But Zelo, you know what happened between me and Daehyun right? I slapped him,” I said whispering the last part. As much as I was happy knowing that there are some people who were thinking of me, for the good cause, I just can’t help but feel guilty towards Daehyun.

“That is why you should go out with us today and apologise to Daehyun hyung. I’m sure he’d like it,” Zelo smiled. Oh, I don’t know what I’ll do without his help.

Eventually I agreed.

“Yay! We’ll see you after school later! Don’t try to run off because we are sure to find you!” And the class begins.

I smiled, however I just can’t help thinking of Daehyun. He’d probably hate me now along with the whole school population. I mentally sighed.

When the school bell rang for class to end already, I was just packing my bag at a very slow rate. I think even a tortoise could reach the finishing line before I’m done with mine. I was practically taking my own sweet time thinking whether or not I should feign sickness so I could be excused from hanging out with them. No, that’s not very kind of me. People are trying to put an effort to keep me company but I’m actually letting it slide. Then again, that’s the worst lie ever. Why am I so ungrateful?

With that, I decided to just go ahead with the plan. I saw the BAP guys already waiting at the school gate and I decided to go back on my words of wanting to go ahead.

“Noonaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I see you! Don’t try to run away from meeeeeeee! Or us!”

Crap! I felt someone hold my bag from the back and turned to see Zelo. Why is this guy so tall! He’s younger than me yet he’s so tall! I look like a midget being carried away by this giant baby.

“Okay, Zelo. You can put noona down. I am capable of walking. And if you put me down, I’ll treat you to ddeobukki.”

“Really? YAY!” With that he put me down gently. I looked around my surrounding and saw that majority of the school’s population was looking at me, their eyes piercing right through me. I’m serious when I mean if looks could kill, I’d be dead right now. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Jieun with her friends. I then looked down, feeling sad that I lost such a friend.

“Minyoung! I’ve missed you! I really do!” Yongguk came up to me and gave me a bear hug.

“WE missed you,” Youngjae said, emphasizing on the ‘WE’ as he, Jongup and Himchan joined in the group hug.

“I… can’t… breathe…”

“Oh sorry!” Yongguk let go of me. And I felt disappointed that Daehyun didn’t join the group hug. I can’t blame him though. “Okay fine, let’s go now!”

As I was walking next to Youngjae, I kept peering over my shoulder to see Daehyun walking behind me, looking at the ground.

“You know, you’re quite mean for slapping him though I’d say ‘serve him right’ but I can’t blame you though. Go and sort things out with him alright. I’ll stick with Zelo in case he chooses to ruin the moment,” Youngjae winked at me as he walked faster, keeping up to Zelo.

I stopped walking and felt someone hit me from the back.


I turned around to face Daehyun but I saw his expressionless face.

“Are you going to slap me for not watching where I was going?”

I glared at him but then looked away, knowing I was the one to be blamed for it.

“I’m sorry…”I muttered under my breath.


I looked up and saw his eyebrows creased together. He didn’t hear me.ded Daehyun.n. hit me from the back.

ht. I'der to see Daehyun walking behind me, looking at the ground," suc

“I said, I’m sorry,” Oh god, someone just help me. I’m very not good at this. “For slapping you back then. I wasn’t thinking straight and just reacted in the heat of the moment. I hope you’d forgive me.”

“Forgive you?” He asked, his face relaxed. “Sureee…”

“Really?” I felt myself smile.

“Yeah…” I saw him smirk. Oh no, this means something’s up. “Only if you sing with me at noraebang later.”

I scowled at him. Guess I was right. He was up to something. I can’t believe there are certain conditions to follow just to get him to forgive me. But fine, I shall do it. It’s just a simple task right. Just to sing with him. It could have been more worse, who knows.

“Fine.” I scoffed.

“Guys, we are going to noraebang! Minyoung said she wants to go there! She said she can’t wait to show off her hidden talent!” Daehyun ran off to the front as he told the other guys.

That was a total lie. I never said such a thing!

I ran up to him and kicked his leg.

“Yah! What was that for?” as he bent down rubbing his shin.

“For lying.” With that, I walked away. I heard the guys chuckling.

“Man, he needed that. You did the right thing Minyoung,” Jongup said as he high-fived me.

“Don’t forget! I have yet to forgive you! This is going to be added to the list of things that you’re gonna be sorry for!” He shouted as he was left behind trying to walk properly with his ‘injured’ shin.

I turned around and stuck out my tongue. Well, if he’s going to be childish over such trivial matter, so was I.

“I kinda miss you guys bickering all the time,” Yongguk said as he slung his arm over my shoulder, smiling at this happy scene. It feels like as though I’ve forgotten what happiness is.

Once we’ve reached the noraebang, Daehyun quickly went in and passed me one of the microphones.

“Because you kicked my leg just now, I’m gonna pick the song,” he said into the microphone.

So childish, and it made me realised, how much I’ve missed him. His immature moment whenever he’s always trying to find fault with me.

I wasn’t even prepared for anything but then I heard the song started playing. I looked at the screen and suddenly felt my cheeks turn red at Daehyun’s choice of song. What? Love you, like you by L and Yerim? Is he being serious?

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awww so cute ;-;
nova_h #2
loving it !!
I just finished reading this tonight
And I was failing my arms non-stop and crying because it's so overwhelming. To be honest, you made me feel like throwing a wall or punching Dae Hyun because I cannot contain my fangirl feels for him.

Also, the way you flashed bits of the past was very nice and it created more impact rather than just narrating it from the very start. :3

Can I hug you? :>
I know yoooou~ :3

I decided to read this since it was a finished product and it was short. XD

It was a cute story though a little cliche but I enjoyed it~ I grew very fond of the main character and I don't hate JiEun...but something about her personality really irked me...maybe because she was too fangirl perky...and kinda artificial...I mean...she really only liked DaeHyun from a fangirl point of view...I dunno...that's just me being a harsh jerk. XD

DaeHyun...reminds me a lot of HimChan in this story...which therefore makes me want to smack him about 80% of the time throughout the story.

By the way...I found it really freaky how everyone in the school knew everything the day after it happened...O____O But my gosh...I'm sure news travels fast especially now with the internet.../shivers/

By the way, I appreciate the change in style by having the story in the present talking about the past. ^ ^
tigerkool #5
>< hee hee.... i really like this and I am mostly a silent reader ( . .).... Anyway fighting!!!
solareiS #6
I'm actually a silent reader most of the time since other stories usually have tons and tons of comments but since this is a clean comment board, i can write freely ~~ hehehe. ^^ I do hope to bring happiness to someone's life even if it's over the internet~
solareiS #7
oh yay the POVs are so much clearer ^^
I just keep forgetting the main POV is Minyoung, because usually i would transfer the last POV from the previous chapter into the new chapter so I'd somehow confuse myself along the way. But that's just me hehehehe.
It's cool, don't need to apologise. I'll be waiting for new chapters~!
solareiS #8
nananana I shall comment again~! :D

it makes sense, but I keep getting confused as to who's the main POV, but i think that's just me. I'm like distracted 95% of the time. Even now, I'm supposed to be having lessons but i'm writing a comment for you ^^

Also, most writers don't know how to paragraph their stories properly. Does that make sense? I don't know, I'm just typing whatever is in my head right now. Anyway, they always type in gigantic chunks which really put me off and then i don't feel like reading it once I see a wall of text. And because i speed read most of the time, i can't remember where i stopped reading since all the lines are squeezed together.

So. Keep up the good work~! Grammar's alright too ^^ TTFN~
solareiS #9
okay since no one has commented yet, i shall be the first!
In all honesty, i have seen writers with much. worse. grammar. Yours is alright, i'm usually a grammar nazi and i can't seem to find anything grammatically wrong. Then again, it's 3:17am here now.

Next, the story is quite common, but i like the way you include the characters' feelings into the story without it being overdone. I also like how you steer B.A.P from having personalities that most writers on AFF tend to stereotype them into.

That's mostly what I have to say since you've only written two chapters so far, but it's looking good so far. I wouldn't say you're the best writer out there, but you're getting there.

So um, how'd you like my constructive criticism? (I hope it was constructive though ><! )