Back to The Past

Next day at school was really very awkward for me but I tried to pretend like none of yesterday happened. I really didn’t want to hurt my one and only friend here in school. Jieun asked me along for lunch again, with BAP. I declined her offer but she so badly wanted me to come because I had more things to talk about and that I could lighten up the mood. I didn’t want her to get suspicious of me for not going with her so I agreed. Now I feel like a bad friend for not telling her what happened. Oh well, some things are better left unsaid.

We headed off to the cafeteria for lunch and I felt like I wasn’t being myself. Instead, Jieun seemed to do all the talking. Well, at least someone’s enjoying herself. I just looked around and smiled at whatever that’s funny. I didn’t even feel like laughing. Maybe the guilt is eating me up alive, that’s why this feeling. As I pray, I hope I’m forgiven.

“Well, we better head to class. Come on Daehyun, we gotta go,” Youngjae said as he stood up, tagging Daehyun by the arm. At that moment, our eyes met but I just had to look away. I didn’t want to feel sorry for what I said yesterday. Maybe it was harsh but it was the truth too.

Daehyun’s POV

“Yah, what’s with you two today? Did something happen last night? I mean, it was all okay yesterday afternoon but during lunch, none of you spoke a thing. Or rather, none of you were trying to find some fault with each other. Did something happen?” Youngjae asked me. I didn’t know how to answer this.

Kringgggggggggg! Oh, thank God, saved by the bell.

“Well, don’t think you can avoid this conversation. Because it’s not over and you owe me an explanation.”

The day seemed to pass by fast. It was the ending that I wanted to avoid so badly. Unfortunately for me, Youngjae was in the same class as me for this last lesson of the day. Everyone was packing their bags and I was packing mine unusually fast. I really wanted to avoid his question.

“A-ah-ahhh. Not so fast,” I felt someone hold me back. Damn. “Let’s stay here a little longer.”

“So, I was saying just now before we were interrupted by the bell, what happened with you and Minyoung last night?” I was contemplating whether or not to tell him but he was my best friend and we understood each other well.

“If you don’t want to tell me, it’s fine but I’ll just ask you one question. Do you or do you not like Minyoung?” My eyes widened, obviously taken aback with his question.

“Whatt? Obviously n-no. Why would I l-like her?” Why did I have to stutter.

“Firstly, you don’t want to tell me but there you are stuttering. It’s obvious that you like her. I’ve been watching you. You can’t lie to me. I’m not your best friend for nothing. I know you too well,” Youngjae said so proudly.

“Yah, what about Daehyun liking Minyoung that I heard?” Doom. There, standing at the doorway, Himchan and the others. Why today? I just had enough of it all from Minyoung yesterday.

They walked in waiting for me to say something. I let out a breath and told them everything that happened yesterday. Well, nothing actually happened, just that the conversation that took place.

“We kinda expected it. It was so obvious the moment you started arguing with her for no apparent reason. We know you too well. You won’t find fault with normal girls. You’re always the quiet type. But she’s different, everything she says or does, you’re always finding fault. Aww… My Daehyun has finally grown up,” Yongguk hyung said as he engulfed me in big hug. “Okay, I’m not a fan of hugging people.”

‘You don’t say,’ I mentally thought.

Oblivious to us, Jieun heard our conversation.

When night came while I was having dinner with my family, well to my surprise my dad was there, my dad suddenly told me that we’re gonna have a short family meeting. Well, that’s funny. We never had one in like a million years.

“Mr Lee called me this evening and he told me that we’re calling off the marriage. Did you do something to his daughter?” Clearly clueless of the situation that I was in, I shook my head.

“He said his daughter didn’t really feel the connection between you two. So she decided that we best not continue further with this whole wedding plan,” My heart was already jumping for joy but it felt weird because I know that Jieun has feelings for me. I’m not trying to be cocky but it was kinda obvious.

“Why? Why didn’t you treat her right?” my dad asked me. There was a slight tone of anger in his voice.

“I just didn’t like her okay. And I was never mean to her. I talked to her whenever I could. Fine maybe not a lot but I never treated her badly. I don’t even know why she decided on that. But maybe it just happened that way,” I said, trying to explain myself.

All my dad did was raised his eyebrow, quite not believing me. What is he thinking? He should know better than anyone else that I’m not the sociable type of person. My BAP friends are an exception, of course.

“And besides, there’s someone else that I like. So please don’t push another unknown person for me to get married to. I’m not trying to ruin your business or whatever, but I feel that my happiness is just as important as saving your company, though I don’t think your company needs any saving,” I continued when I realised I wasn’t gonna get a reply from him.

“My Daehyun has grown up and learned how to speak of love. I am so proud of you,” my dad suddenly came over to me and hugged me. What’s with people and hugging me today? Wait what, he’s not mad?

“You’re not mad?”  I asked.

“What? No. It was kind of a test anyway. Haha. Are you crazy? I wouldn’t want my son to even think of planning of marriage at this age. It’s still too early. Maybe once you’re in college, you gotta start looking for one for real,” my dad chuckled at me.

Guess I was worried all for nothing.

Your POV

I see BAP waiting for me at the gate with girls surrounding them. I am so used to this sight but I don’t understand why they’re still clinging onto my Daehyun when they know he has a girlfriend. What is wrong with their heads? Maybe because they’re putting too much makeup in it too. I laughed at how funny I was.

“Let’s go!” I linked my arm to Daehyun’s. As soon as I did that, all the girls glared at me. I didn’t give two hoots and just walked away with him while the other BAP members followed me.

“That was… Very brave of you,” Daehyun said.

“Oppa! I’ve always been like that since last year! How can you only say that now!” taking off my hand and then punching him lightly on the arm.

“And aggressive, I like,” he took back the same hand as he interlaced our hands together, fitting the spaces in between our fingers perfectly. I smiled, thinking of his compliment.

Zelo then came, taking my other free and hand and then swinging them, stealing me away from Daehyun.

“Yah! Zelo!” We heard Daehyun calling after him. But he didn’t even bother.

“Noona, can we have ddeobukki before noraebang? Zelo is very hungry,” he pouted while he rubbed his stomach.

“Sure! I’ll treat you!”

Behind us, the other BAP members were looking at us.

“Yah, you got yourself a keeper. You better treat her well,” Youngjae came up to Daehyun as he slung his arm over Daehyun’s shoulder.

Daehyun just smiled.

The next day, it felt weird because when I entered the classroom, everyone was looking at me or should I say, glaring at me. Did something happen overnight while I was dreaming of prince Charming? Oh! Jieun’s not in her seat. As I made my way to my seat, I heard my classmates gossiping about me.

“I heard she’s the reason why Daehyun didn’t want to be with Jieun.”

“What kind of best friend is she?”

They know? But how? Unless… I glanced at the clock on the wall, seeing how I had enough time to find who I’m searching for. I bolted out the door and headed straight for his classroom. To my disappointment, he wasn’t there. But instead I was greeted by a group of girls, who seemed to put on too much flour on their faces and paint their lips bright pink.

“Too bad Daehyun’s not here,” one of them said.

“I can’t believe he’d like someone like you,” another one of them said.

They just looked at me from up to down. Excuse me, where are your manners? Just because you’re juniors now, you can look down on sophomores like me? Well, you still have a long way to go, my bad.

“Well then don’t,” I blurted out, smirking at that counterattack I had.

The other one raised her hand trying to slap me but too bad I saw that. I stopped her before she could go any further.

“Ouch! Let me go!” she exclaimed.

“I would if you’d stop throwing me dirty looks like as though I owe you something. You’re not pretty looking either so maybe the dirty look fits you too,” I said as I let go of her wrist as she winced in pain from the tight grip I had on her.

I turned around ready to leave but was faced with someone’s chest. Why is this person standing so close behind me? I looked up to see Daehyun looking down on me with a smirk on his face. Cocky jerk. With that, I hurriedly left his class and went to my class, just in time before the first lesson begin.


Here's another update! Even though this is just the second day of a new term, I'm already very tired with training and school. I feel so weak. Ugh.

solareiSI am really very thankful for you that you've been reading/speed-reading, either way, same meaning, close enough, and also commenting. Thank you. Especially that you're reading and commenting it in your class, I feel so honored. But anyway, I did write whose POV it is but maybe not big enough or something for you to see. My bad. But I've already typed a whole chunk in my word doc just waiting to be put up here. So yeah, for now, just bear with it ah. Much apologies.

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awww so cute ;-;
nova_h #2
loving it !!
I just finished reading this tonight
And I was failing my arms non-stop and crying because it's so overwhelming. To be honest, you made me feel like throwing a wall or punching Dae Hyun because I cannot contain my fangirl feels for him.

Also, the way you flashed bits of the past was very nice and it created more impact rather than just narrating it from the very start. :3

Can I hug you? :>
I know yoooou~ :3

I decided to read this since it was a finished product and it was short. XD

It was a cute story though a little cliche but I enjoyed it~ I grew very fond of the main character and I don't hate JiEun...but something about her personality really irked me...maybe because she was too fangirl perky...and kinda artificial...I mean...she really only liked DaeHyun from a fangirl point of view...I dunno...that's just me being a harsh jerk. XD

DaeHyun...reminds me a lot of HimChan in this story...which therefore makes me want to smack him about 80% of the time throughout the story.

By the way...I found it really freaky how everyone in the school knew everything the day after it happened...O____O But my gosh...I'm sure news travels fast especially now with the internet.../shivers/

By the way, I appreciate the change in style by having the story in the present talking about the past. ^ ^
tigerkool #5
>< hee hee.... i really like this and I am mostly a silent reader ( . .).... Anyway fighting!!!
solareiS #6
I'm actually a silent reader most of the time since other stories usually have tons and tons of comments but since this is a clean comment board, i can write freely ~~ hehehe. ^^ I do hope to bring happiness to someone's life even if it's over the internet~
solareiS #7
oh yay the POVs are so much clearer ^^
I just keep forgetting the main POV is Minyoung, because usually i would transfer the last POV from the previous chapter into the new chapter so I'd somehow confuse myself along the way. But that's just me hehehehe.
It's cool, don't need to apologise. I'll be waiting for new chapters~!
solareiS #8
nananana I shall comment again~! :D

it makes sense, but I keep getting confused as to who's the main POV, but i think that's just me. I'm like distracted 95% of the time. Even now, I'm supposed to be having lessons but i'm writing a comment for you ^^

Also, most writers don't know how to paragraph their stories properly. Does that make sense? I don't know, I'm just typing whatever is in my head right now. Anyway, they always type in gigantic chunks which really put me off and then i don't feel like reading it once I see a wall of text. And because i speed read most of the time, i can't remember where i stopped reading since all the lines are squeezed together.

So. Keep up the good work~! Grammar's alright too ^^ TTFN~
solareiS #9
okay since no one has commented yet, i shall be the first!
In all honesty, i have seen writers with much. worse. grammar. Yours is alright, i'm usually a grammar nazi and i can't seem to find anything grammatically wrong. Then again, it's 3:17am here now.

Next, the story is quite common, but i like the way you include the characters' feelings into the story without it being overdone. I also like how you steer B.A.P from having personalities that most writers on AFF tend to stereotype them into.

That's mostly what I have to say since you've only written two chapters so far, but it's looking good so far. I wouldn't say you're the best writer out there, but you're getting there.

So um, how'd you like my constructive criticism? (I hope it was constructive though ><! )