Normal Girl

Beauty In Darkness


     Narrator's POV


After hours of class and studying it was finally lunch time, only problem was..... You were completely lost.


“ Ah! Why did there have to be a crowd of people and why did they have to separate us!?” You ruffled your hair in frustration. “ Stupid, stupid, stupid!”


“ Well, I guess you are stupid for one, talking to yourself and two, getting lost.” An amused voice spoke behind you.


You spun on your heels and faced the man that you couldn't see. “ Who are you?”


He chuckled and walked closer to you. Hearing the footsteps come closer, you took a step back nervously.


“ Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you.” He spoke, amusement still in his voice.


“ You didn't answer my question.” You stated simply and frowned. “ Who are you?”


“ Straight to the point I see.” He smiled. “ My name is Youngjae. I'm part of B.A.P.”


“ The gang my sister was talking to?” Your body tensed a little and you took another step back.


“ Yes, but don't worry. Just cause your sisters with someone in HeartBreak doesn't mean I'll hurt you.”


You relaxed a little and smiled. “ I see. Um, can you do me a favor though? Sorry to bother you, but can you help me get to the lunchroom.” I looked down a little embarrassed. “ I got separated from my guide.”


He tilted his head and studied your eyes. He noticed they were a palish color, but looked normal enough. He waved his hand in front of your face, but you didn't respond. He nodded his head, confirming his thoughts.


“ Sure.” He nodded and took your hand. You jumped at the sudden touch and looked at where your hand should be. “ Your blind aren't you? I don't want you to get separated like your friend.”


“ H-how did you know?” You looked at him with wide eyes.


“ I'm a genius.” He smirked and started to lead you to the lunchroom. “ You eyes are paler than most people and the fact that I waved my hand in front of your face and you didn't react at all.”


You blushed and looked down. “ Please don't tell anybody. I kind of just want to live a normal life without people pitying me.”


He looked at you and studied your expression. He couldn't help but smile at your cute blushing face. “ Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.”


“ Thanks Youngjae-ssi.” You smiled brightly at him.


“ You can call me oppa.” He ruffled your hair. “ We're here.”


“ Oh! Thank you Youngjae-ss...oppa.” You bowed.


“ No problem, Nina.” He looked up and waved over Ji-Na who was at the table with her head down. “ Ji-Na!”


Ji-Na's head snapped up and looked in the direction. Her eyes were red and puffy.


“ Nina!” She jumped up and ran over to you and hugged you. “ I was so worried! I thought we weren't going to find you!”


“ I'm fine. Youngjae oppa helped me here.” You frowned and placed a hand on her cheek, which was soaked. “ We're you crying?”


“ N-no!” She blushed and looked away. “ I'm sweating through my eyes.”


“ I swear your a mess sometimes.” You smiled and wiped her eyes with your sleeve. “ No more crying araso?”


“ Ne.” She nodded and took your hand. “ Thank you Youngjae-ssi.”


“ Bye Oppa!” You waved and went and followed after her.


Youngjae smiled and waved a little. He then walked to his own table where his friends were waiting.


“ Hey guys.” He sat down, only to get all confused stares and a glare(Zelo) from the group. “ What's wrong? Something on my face?”


“ Why were you with Min-Young noona's younger sister?” Yongguk asked, raising an eyebrow. “ And holding hands?”


“ Oh! Um, she got lost and needed help finding the lunchroom.” He smiled.


“ Why were you holding her hand?” Jongup asked next.


“ So we didn't get separated in the crowd.” He rolled his eyes. “ Duh.”


“ Why is she calling you oppa?”


“ Yah! Stop asking so many questions!” He snapped. “ I told her to!”


There was a yelp from across the cafeteria which made all of B.A.P. look in that direction. Youngjae stood when he say you covered in food and wet from water.


You frowned and glared in the direction you thought the person was. “ What the heck?”


“ That's what happens when someone flirts with MY Youngjae.” A girl with blonde hair snapped with a group of girls behind her.


“ You can't own a person pabo.” you rolled your eyes. “ And for your information, I wasn't flirting. I got lost and he helped me get to the lunchroom.”


“ Yeah, likely story!”


“ Well, it's your problem if your to stupid to believe me.”


You concentrated on your vision. You saw shadowy figures.


“ Do you know who your talking to!?!” She shrieked and threw her fists down. “ I am-”


You picked up the cupcake that was on your tray and shoved it in her face. “ Will you just shut up? You're annoying me.” You wiped the rest of the cupcake on her shoulder and began to walk away. “ Tantrums are very ugly on girls you age. So immature, no guy likes that kind of stuff.”


You followed the path that Ji-Na lead you and went out the door.


“ Hyung! Did you see that?” Himchan whispered to Yongguk as the rest of the group were laughing. “ She stood up to Soojung!”


“ Wow she must have guts.” Jongup commented watching as you left. “ One of the rudest and meanest girls in the school and that girl stood up to her like it was nothing.”


“ What an interesting girl.” Youngjae muttered to himself. “ Blindness has no effect on her.”


“ Did you say something hyung?” Zelo asked looked at him curiously.


“ Ah! Not nothing!” He smiled and spun on his heels, headed back to the table. “ This year should be interesting."



Ah! Finally done with this chapter! My brain wouldn't function today(It's Indepedents Day for US today) For some reason my brain doesn't work well with holidays. ^^" well hoped you liked it and hoped it didn't that badly! Thanks to the new subscribers and comments...comment... Which is from IIVAYYThanks for the comment! hehe

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Waits for an update sobs
Chapter 12: awww.. please update soon...... i am really curios.... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO DAEHYUN?!?!?!
Chapter 12: You updated~ yay.
Aww zelos turning more of a caring guy now. But NOOO daehyun;;
Chapter 9: AHHH I really like this story, so cute! It's kinda weird for me to read it as "you" instead of "I" for Nina lol ;;
YuniOfficial #5
Chapter 9: New reader! I love this story please update soon!!!
Jennyskater #6
Chapter 8: Yay update! I really love your story!
Chapter 8: I love your story
please update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 6: I like your story. Please update soon :))
Black_x_Rabbit #9
Chapter 6: omg new reader here~~` I freaking love this family!!!
Chapter 6: OMG YOU UPDATED <3
aw I see Youngjae crushing there LOL he's really caring omfg
omg is she going to wake up after MY storms in there? xD