
Beauty In Darkness


     Narrator's POV


“ I'm going to head to the market.” You stated as you started to walk a head of Max.


“ I'll come wi-”


“ Ani.” You stopped and faced him. “ You need to go home and clean your room and help with the house.”


“ Aw, but noona!” He whined. “ You can't go by yourself! It's dangerous at this time!”


“ I'll be fine. It's just down the street from us. No big deal.” You shrugged and started to walk again.


“ But-”


“ Sihyun Max Park! Listen to your noona!”


He paused before slumping his shoulders. “ Fine, but if you aren't back in 15 minutes then I'm coming to look for you.”


“ Araso. See you in a little bit.” You gave a wave and jogged to the market.




Max sighed and walked home by himself, disappointed. He put his hands in his pockets and walked inside the house.


“ Nina, Max is that you?” Luna came running down the stairs. “ Max? Where's Nina?”


“ She went to the market.” He muttered and went upstairs. “ I'm cleaning my room.”


Luna gave him a confused look and then looked back at the door. “ Aish, that girl.” Luna went and put her shoes on. “ Max, I'm going after Nina, stay home!”


“ Yah! Your not my boss!” He shouted down the stair, causing her to twitch.


She glared at the stairs. “ Little brat.” She muttered and walked out the door.




You hummed lightly as you began to put things in your basket. Every so often she would stop and pick up an object and put it in the basket. There was laughter as the front doors opened to the store, but you ignored it.


“ Nina?”


You turned around towards the voice and tilted your head. “ Youngjae?”



“ What are you doing out so late by yourself?” Youngjae looked you over like you were crazy. “ It's dangerous out there at this time!”


“ I was getting things for dinner tonight.” You started to walk towards the counter, but was stopped by Youngjae grabbing your forearm.


“ Are you that stupid?” He hissed, looking around and whispered. “ You blind and your out at this time! You can get kidnapped or !”


“ Anyone is able to get kidnapped or , oppa.” You smiled. “ I'll be fine.”


“ No you wont!” He snapped, causing some attention to go to the two of you, but you ignored it. “ You can seriously get hurt!”


“ What's wrong Young-” Himchan stopped seeing you. He blinked. “ Nina? What are you going here?”


“ Well, I'm shopping of course.” You smiled kindly.


“ By yourself?”


“ Are you going to be like Youngjae and scold me?” You pouted, crossing your arms. “ I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”


“ But your b-a girl!” Himchan corrected himself, which you sighed in relief. “ You can get-”


“ Kidnapped or , I know, I know.” You frowned, walking to the front counter. “ I can take care of myself. I've been doing it for 6 years, plus taking care of my family. I will be ok.”


“ But-” Youngjae was going to protest when a scream was heard from outside.


Your eyes widen when your recognized the scream. “ Luna!” You darted for the door and ran out. Your focus on your eyesight for the third time that day and looked around.


Your head started to ache and you began to feel sick to your stomach, but you ignored it. Your frantic eyes searched the street and finally you saw two figures, one of them was pin to the wall by the first.


“ Luna!” You shouted.


“ Nina! Run!” Luna struggled under, what you assumed was, a guy.


“ Oh, who do we have here?” A chilling voice chuckled with amusement. “ A friend or sibling? She's cute too.”


“ Let go of my sister!” You commanded, your voice a growl.


“ What will you do?” The man chuckled.


“ It's not what she'll do, but what we'll do if you don't listen to her.”


You turned to see six figures behind you. One of them grabbed your hand and pulled you behind them. You recognized who it was right away. “ Daehyun oppa?”


“ Stay here.” He whispered and pointed to the spot you were at. You nodded.


“ Oh, B.A.P.” The man was amused. “ What a pleasant surprise!”


“ Let her go Onew!” Yongguk's voice boomed, causing you to jump slightly. “ Shinee is in BAP territory!”


“ What are you guys going- Oof!” He recoiled as Luna kneed him in the stomach.


She pulled from his grip and ran over to you. She looked at you with tearful eyes.


“ Are you OK, unnie?” You took her face and felt tears. You began to wipe them away.


“ I-I'm fine.” She sobbed.


“ You're safe now.” You pulled her into a hug.


“ You !”Onew snapped, holding his gut. “ You'll pay!”


“ There's six of us and only one of you, you may just want to run back to your mommy.” Zelo smirked, crossing his arms.


“ Thanks for including us.” You muttered, annoyed.


“ That's what you think.”


“ Shinee, leave before this gets ugly.” Yongguk growled stepping towards the four boys.


“ Bring it.” Onew smirked.


Yongguk charged at Onew and the fight started.


*How many guys are going to be here?* You thoughts pushing Luna behind you.


“ Stay close and behind me.” You whispered.


“ Oh look at the cuties here.” Another guy spoke from behind you and Luna.


You turned and pulled Luna behind you. You were shaking slightly as your vision started to fade away.


*, my vision only last so long.* You thought cursing yourself for not being able to see.


You flinched as a hand touched your cheek.


“ Don't you touch her you bastard!” You heard Youngjae yell, but an audible 'Oof' was heard as the sound of a body hitting the ground.


“ Oppa!” You tried to turn to go to Youngjae, but the guy touching your cheek grabbed your wrist.


“ We're do you think your going?” A smirk was in his voice.


You glared at him, annoyed. “ I'm done playing around.”


You grabbed his hand and flipped him over your shoulder. Your head began to hurt, but you ignored it for the time being. You got in fighting stance and everything went silent. The guy you flipped groaned in pain on the ground.


“ What the hell?!” Onew gaped at the fallen member.


Yongguk took the chance and punched him in the face, causing him to fall back to the ground. “ Get out of here before you make it worst on yourself.”


“ Just you wait.” Onew shouted as one of the men helped him up along with the guy you knocked out. “ You'll pay! All of you!” With that they limped off.


You started to feel dizzy and fell to your knees. You sighed in relief and sat there.


“ Nina, are you OK?” Luna placed a hand on your forehead. “ You're a little warm.”


You stared a head and nodded. “ Ne. Just a head ache.”


“ Your vision?” Luna questioned, earning another nod from you. “ You need to take it easy. Considerate to hard you'll exhaust yourself.”


You nodded and smiled weakly. “ Are you guys OK?”


“ Ne, that was very impressive.” Yongguk praised patting your head. “ Where'd you learn that?”


“ Oh, Nina took karate when she was younger. She's a black belt.” Luna helped you to your feet. “ She was a prodigy back when we were in America.”


“ Not really.” You shrugged, smiling.


“ My girlfriend is so talented!” Himchan tackled you in a hug and spun you around. “ Beautiful and talented! What more could you ask for?”


You face instantly heated, causing a small blush to creep on your face. “ G-girlfriend?”


“ Girlfriend?!” Luna shouted shocked. “ Nina, what the hell are you not telling me? I'm your sister and you don't tell me this kind of stuff? I'm hurt!” Luna held her heart acting as though she was in pain.


“ Himchan oppa is NOT my boyfriend.” You stated pushing away from him dizzily. “ And stop being so dramatic. Now I need to go pay for the groceries and get home to make dinner.”


“ I'll go pay.” Luna jogged into the market. “ I'll be right back!”


You felt someone take your hand, causing you to look at the person.


“ Nina, I am so sorry.” Youngjae looked down ashamed. “ I couldn't help you.”


You tilted your head to the side. “ Youngjae oppa, don't be sorry. We're all alright and no one was seriously injured, that's what counts.” You smiled, holding his hands between your. “ Be positive.”


Youngjae's heart fluttered and his ears turned red. He was happy you couldn't see him cause he looked pitiful as the redness traveled to his face.


“ I got everything! Let's go!” Luna skipped over with the bags. “ Max and David are probably getting fussy about their food not being done.”


“ Alright, I'll walk you two home.” Youngjae volunteered.


“ Daehyun, you go with them.” Yongguk nodded towards you guys. “ I don't want Youngjae to be by himself in case Shinee comes back.”


“ No, you guys don't have too.” You waved your hands in front of you. “ I don't want to bother you guys.”


“ Of course you turn down the hot guys.” Luna muttered so only you could hear which caused you to smile a little.


“ No it's fine.” Youngjae took your hand and started to lead you away.


You guys walked in silence and you followed along, stumbling every so often. You were exhausted form focusing on your vision, plus the long day you had. You suddenly stopped and felt someone grab your other hand, pulling you close and having your arms around someone's neck.


“ Mwo?” Your eyes widen as you felt yourself being hoisted onto someone's back. “ O-oppa, what are you doing?”


“ You seem tired.” Youngjae held your legs to keep you on. “ Just relax. You had a long day.”


You were going to protest, but sighed instead. You were exhausted. You had to deal with the Queenka, a new school, that pabo Zelo, work, and a fight. You wrapped your arms around his neck securely and laid your head on his back.


“ She must be tired.” Luna whispered to herself, where you could hear. “ She never let anyone do that for her, not even before her sight was gone.”


Luna felt a pair of eyes on her and she looked at Daehyun, who was raising an eyebrow. Her face turned bright red and looked down.


“ Eek! Sorry, I was just talking to myself. Nothing important.” She spoke quickly.


“ Unnie, stop being weird and tell Youngjae where to go.” You muttered, sleepily.


“ We're here.” Luna pointed to the house and stopped at the gate. “ Nina can you go on ahead and Daehyun-ssi can you go and make sure she doesn't pass out? I need to talk to Youngjae-ssi in private for a moment.”


“ You two better not make-out.” You muttered getting off his back. “ I'll whack the both of you if I find out.”


Daehyun took your hand and started to lead you to the house.


“ Thank you Daehyun oppa-” You smiled a little. “ Sorry, nevermind.”


*Oppa?* Daehyun thoughts, a small smile appeared under his mask.


He patted your head, as in to say that it's ok. You smiled, knowing what he meant.


“ Noona! Where have you-” Max ran into the front room, but stopped when he saw Daehyun. “ Who the hell is this?!”


“ Max, be polite and watch the language.” You scold. “ This is Daehyun oppa. He's from school.”


“ Mwo?!” Max's face fell at hearing you say oppa. “ O-oppa?! He better not be your boyfriend! Remember your married to me!”


You rolled you eyes and gave Daehyun a smile. “ Sorry about him. He's just being a brat. He doesn't like me being around other guys.”


Daehyun looked over Max. He was thin and tall, but not Zelo tall. He was maybe a two inches shorter than Zelo.


Daehyun placed an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him. He smiled at Max's reaction. Max's jaw practically dropped to the ground.


“ Yah! Let go of my noona!” Max shouted and went at Daehyun.


*Oppa, you did that to annoy Max, didn't you?* You thought and walked to the kitchen and began to prepare dinner.


Meanwhile with Youngjae and Luna


Luna leaned against the wall and looked at the stars above. Youngjae joined her shortly after.


“ You know about Nina's condition right?” Luna asked calmly, no emotion on her face.


Youngjae thought for a moment and nodded. “ Ne, she's blind.”


Luna shook her her 'no'. “ She's partially blind. She can see shadows if she focuses a lot.” She sighed. “ Idiot girl. She doesn't work on it at all though. It's like she prefers to be blind than anything.”


Youngjae looked at her, a little surprised, but then looked at the sky again. “ Why doesn't she work on focusing her vision?”


Luna shrugged at this. “ She says it's just a way of giving her false hope. Being able to see, but only shadows of figures is cruel. She says she'd rather be blind than have some hope she'll be able to see again.”


“ Isn't there hope?”


Luna stared at the sky, in thought. “ Ne.”


“ But....” Youngjae tried to get more information.


“ But it's expensive. She's been working for the money for four years now. She won't let us help. She says our money should go to the house and for food.” Luna smiled kindly, looking at the ground. Her thoughts drifting. “ She doesn't know it, but Min-Young, Max, Mr. Choi, and myself have been putting money aside for her. She'd kill us if she found out though.”


“ She's very independent, I noticed.” Youngjae looked at Luna, curious. “Why?”


“ That's because when we were younger, Min-Young didn't like her that much.” She laughed a little. “ I didn't either. Honesty we were really mean to her, but she never stopped smiling. She was such a weird child.”


“ Why didn't you like her?”


She smiled softly. “ She always got the attention. She was the youngest, but she was so talented. She was smart, adorable, curious, hardworking, and loving.”


There was a crash and the sound of Max yelling. Luna looked at Youngjae, who looked back, before making a run for it to the house.


The door slammed open and they saw..... Daehyun sitting on top of Max, Max's arms pinned behind his back. This caused Luna to giggle.


“ Daehyun, what are you doing?” Youngjae sighed, looking at the broken vase next to him. He simply shrugged in reply.


“ Don't worry about it.” You were seen standing in front of the stove, cooking. “ Max was being a brat and went after Daehyun.”


“ I'm not a brat!” Max shouted, struggling under Daehyun. “ Get off me!”


“ You are to a brat Max.” Luna stuck her tongue at him. “ This is payback for being so mean to me today.”


“ Oh shut up you fat, old hag!” Max stuck his tongue at her.


“ Wha-” Luna was stopped in mid-sentence when a 'THUMP' came from the kitchen. Her eyes looked up instantly and stared in horror. “ Nina!”





So I noticed I've been writing this chapters so long(in my opinion).....yeah.... So I ended this here at this cliffhanger so DON'T kill me please. I kinda like living. Thank you. Hehe so Thanks for the subscribers and I'll try to make my writing style a little better. I'm kinda rusty and trying to get back into things. SO comment please and subscribe! The more I get the faster I'll be. Thanks!

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Waits for an update sobs
Chapter 12: awww.. please update soon...... i am really curios.... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO DAEHYUN?!?!?!
Chapter 12: You updated~ yay.
Aww zelos turning more of a caring guy now. But NOOO daehyun;;
Chapter 9: AHHH I really like this story, so cute! It's kinda weird for me to read it as "you" instead of "I" for Nina lol ;;
YuniOfficial #5
Chapter 9: New reader! I love this story please update soon!!!
Jennyskater #6
Chapter 8: Yay update! I really love your story!
Chapter 8: I love your story
please update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 6: I like your story. Please update soon :))
Black_x_Rabbit #9
Chapter 6: omg new reader here~~` I freaking love this family!!!
Chapter 6: OMG YOU UPDATED <3
aw I see Youngjae crushing there LOL he's really caring omfg
omg is she going to wake up after MY storms in there? xD