Chapter 11

Beauty In Darkness


You sat in your room, bored. It was winter break and you had nothing to do. You had already finished your winter break homework and finished cleaning the house. Your family was out for the day. Luna had to work at the Cafe, Min-Young was out with her friends, Max was at him friend's cabin for the week, and David was working again.


You fell back on your bed and pouted. “ Why did everyone leave me?”You sat up suddenly as a thought popped up. “ Maybe Ji-Na is free to hang out today.”


You patted your nightstand for your phone until you felt the rubbery bear phone case. You pressed the speak button and said your best friend's name. After a couple seconds the phone began to ring.


“Hey, sorry I can't answer the phone right now. I'm away with the family in Busan and won't be able to call back until tonight or tomorrow.” Ji-Na's voice came over the speaker, causing you to sigh. “Please leave a message after the beep.”


You hung up, frowning. “ I forgot that she was in Busan for the break.”


You sat there giving a blank stare, not knowing what to do. You finally stood up and grabbed you coat. “ I guess I should pick up food before the snow gets really bad.” You picked up your keys from the hook, walked out your room, down the stairs. You pulled on your black boots on, tucking in your blues jeans.


You walked out the door and headed down the street. The cold air hit your face as you heard the crunch of the snow. You smiled lightly as your boot began to sink with every step you took.




You turned to the voice, somewhat surprised. “ Daehyun? What are you doing here?”


“ I'm getting some groceries.” Daehyun's eyes furrowed as he saw you were alone. “ Why are you by yourself?”


“ Well, everyone's at work or out of town. So I thought I should get groceries now, just in case the snow gets worse.”


Daehyun frowned, shaking his head. “Going out by yourself is dangerous in this weather.” He took your hand and began to walk. “ I'll walk with you since we are going to the same place.”


You followed, not feeling the need to argue. In honesty, you felt lonely the past few days since everyone was busy and you didn't have to work until next week.


“ Thanks Daehyun.” You smiled, earning a smile from Daehyun who just nodded.


You reached the store and walked in, right next to Daehyun. You pulled out your list and touched the lettering. You traced the crayon writing, carefully, before walking towards the shelf that had the first item.


Daehyun followed you, looking over your list. “ You wrote in crayon. That's smart.”


You smiled light at his comment. “ It was actually Zelo's idea. Crayons are waxy and can be easily felt on paper, unlike pen or pencil.”


Zelo? So did he finally figure it out?


“Hey Daehyun?” You looked at him, pointing to the top of the shelf. “ Can you get me that? Sorry, but I can't reach it.”


Daehyun snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. He reached up and easily got the small box. He placed it in your hands as you shook it lightly. You smiled and placed it in the basket.


“ Nina. Can I ask you something?” He asked as you placed more things into the basket.


You looked at him in confusion. “ Sure. What is it?”


Daehyun thought over his words carefully. “ Is it hard being blind?”


You pondered the thought before answering. “ Well, I guess. I had to adapt to it at a young age, and I remember how hard it was.” You smiled happily. “ It gets better as life goes on. If it wasn't for the fact I'm blind, I don't think I would have met any of you guys.”


“ Do you ever miss seeing things?”


You stopped, your smile slowly faded. “ I..... I miss it a lot. I loved to see the vibrant colors of the blooming flowers and the blue sky. I miss seeing my families faces, seeing how much we've changed as we grown.” You smiled a little. “ I wish I knew what you guys look like also.”


Daehyun looked at you, a small frown on his face. “ I'm sorry.”


You looked at him confused. “ Why are you sorry? If it wasn't for the fact of me being blind, I probably would have never met any of you guys.”

“ What do you mean?” Daehyun stared at you with uncertainty.


“ Well,” you started, leading down the atlas with your hand tracing the shelf, “ I was going to be going to a boarding school in England for High school.” Daehyun looked shocked as he followed. “ I had a guaranteed spot since young, with a full ride scholarship, but due to the accident-” you trailed off. “ Due to the accident, David took me in and thought it was best for me not to go.”


Daehyun took your hand, giving a small smile. “ Well, I'm glad you didn't go. I don't know what any of us would do without you.”


You looked at him, nodding with a grin on your face. “ Yeah.”


You walked towards the cash register and paid for your stuff. You waited patiently for Daehyun to check out and the two of you walked out of the store. Daehyun began to tell you stories about the group, about their vacation last year to the beach.


“ Did that really happen?” You were laughing at this point.


“ Yes, Zelo lost him shorts in the water and had to stay in the water until we went back to the hospital and got him new ones.” Daehyun chuckled as he walked to her left. “ He was so flustered and embarrassed he stayed in his room for the rest of the day.”


You laughed harder at this. “ You know Daehyun, since the first time we met, you've opened up more. Or maybe it was just to me.”


Daehyun ruffled your head, laughing. You don't even know the effect you give people Nina.


“ Hey, look who it is.” A chilling voice stopped your guys laughter at once.


“ How cute, they're walking home together.” A second voice joined in. “ I think we're interrupting their date.”


“ What do you guys want?” Daehyun growled, causing you to jump. He shoved you behind him as he began to tense.


You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, concentrating. Your eyes slowly opened to see the shadows of the people. Daehyun's position was a defensive one. Three figure stood a little in the distance.


Wait,there's five members in Shinee. Where's- You felt a hand grip your forearm and yanked you back, causing you to scream.


“ Nina-” Daehyun turned, but stopped as another guy punches him from behind you.


You fell into ones chest, an arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you pinned in that spot. “ Long time, no see cutie.”


Your eyes widen when you saw Daehyun scramble on the ground, getting to his feet. He held his face as the four began to surround him. They slowly got closer and a fight broke out. Daehyun threw a couple of punches before getting hit in the stomach, a gasp of pain could be heard as fell to his knees. One of the figures yanked him up and held him as the other ones took shot.


“ Daehyun!” You screamed trying to pull away, but his grip became tighter. “ Let me go!”


“ But we're going to have so much fun.” The voice belonged to Onew.


“ N-Nina-” Daehyun choked out, earning another punch in the gut.


“ Let him go.” You cried,watching in terror as they threw him into the snow.


No. No! My vision is fading. Panic began to set in as everything slowly started to fade. You pulled all the courage you could muster and you threw your elbow into his gut. You felt the muscle of his abs hit you. You somehow was able to hit him hard enough to have him cough and loosen his grip. You yanked away and fell to the ground, your vision was getting darker. You felt a icy metal object under your hand and gripped it. You pulled yourself up and stumble towards where Daehyun was.


You grew closer, barely seeing the figures anymore, but you could hear Daehyun struggling as they continued to beat him while he was on the ground. You pulled the object back and before your vision completely faded, you swung.


You felt the object vibrate as it made contact, hearing a small 'off' before the guy fell.


“ Taemin!”


You were shaking at this point, a mixture of cold and fear touched your bones. “Leave before things get ugly. BAP should be here soon. They are probably wondering what is taking so long. On of your men are injured and BAP still has six people, plus I can always make a call to Heartbreak. I think Min-Young would be more than happy to beat you guys up.”


“ How would a girl like you know Min-Young?” One of them spoke, his voice was uncertain.


You eyed them, giving them a small smirk. “ She's my sister. When she finds out you messed with me, she's going after you.”


There was a small silence. Onew spoke. “ Let's get out of here.”


You listened carefully as their footsteps faded away.


“ N-Nina.” A weak voice called, not even over a whisper.


You turned to the voice, dropping the now dented pipe to the snowy ground. Tears began to flow from your eyes as you fell to your knees. “ I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”


You felt a cold, shaky hand grip yours. “ Are you alright?”


You reached out, touching his shoulder and then went to his face. Your hand became damp and you knew it was blood. Your hands began to shake at this moment, terrified. “ Y-You're bleeding.”


“ I-It's nothing.” He held a shaky smile in his voice.


“ I need to get my phone. I need to call a hospital.” You fumbled for your phone and pulled it out. Your hand slipped and it fell into the snow. “ No.”


“ Call Yongguk.” He stuttered, his hand began to shake. “ I feel cold.”


“ Daehyun, stay with me ok? Everything is going to be alright.” You touched his cheek. “ I'll call Yongguk.”


Your free hand patted the ground, panic filling your thoughts. How bad is he? Why am I so helpless? Where's my phone!? Tears welled in your eyes as you ignored the icy bites of wind as it hit your face. Your hand touched a metal object. You snatched it and pressed the on button.


“ Call Bang, Yongguk.” You choked out, you suddenly began to feel the cold winter around you. You heard the phone ring as you felt the sudden relief that it still worked.


“ Hello? Nina?” Yongguk's deep voice came over the phone.


“ Oppa!” You cried out, tears of happiness and distress. “ Oppa, it's Daehyun. H-He's hurt. Please, we need help!”


“ Where are you?”


“ I-I...” You looked to Daehyun for help. “ Daehyun? Daehyun?” You shook him gently as panic began to set in. “ He's not responding! I don't know where we are! I-I-.......”


“ Nina! Nina, you have to calm done.” Yongguk spoke calmly. “ Where were you heading?”


“W....We were heading home from the market.” You took a deep breath.


There was a silence on the other line. “We will be right there. Hang in there.” With that he hung up.


“ Please oppa. Please hurry.” You whispered, letting the phone slip from your hands and do the ground. “ Please, please hurry.”





Zelo walked down the stairs, yawning. After a long day of chores and homework he had dozed off, forgetting all about going to the market with Daehyun.


“ Daehyun-hyung?” He called out as he scratched his head. “ Hyung?”


“ Daehyun left while you were sleeping.” Yongguk called as Zelo walked into the living room where Yongguk and Youngjae sat.


“ Why didn't he wake me?” He asked, rubbing his eyes tired. “ Usually he would throw me out of bed or something.”


“ I think he was going to swing by Nina's house to check on her.” Yongguk said nonchalantly. “ Honestly I surprised he didn't shove you off your bed. That's his favorite thing to do.”


“ What!?” Youngjae and Zelo looked at him in disbelief. “ You trusted Daehyun with a blind girl at her house alone!?”


Yongguk looked a the two, raising an eyebrow. “ I'm a little freaked out that you two said that in perfect unison.” He looked back to his paper that he was reading. “ Besides, have some faith in Daehyun. He's not a complete ert.”


“ Hyung! It's Daehyun!” Zelo whined.


There was a phone ring from his pocket. He whispered a 'thank god' as he pulled out his phone. He looked at the ID to see it was Nina. Oh my god! Did Daehyun do something to her?! I'm going to kill him if he did! Actually I'll just send the crazy Himchan, Zelo, and Himchan after him. Jongup probably want in on this too.Yongguk snapped out of his thoughts as he pressed the answer button. “ Hello? Nina?”


“ Oppa!” Nina cried out, panic in her voice. “ Oppa, it's Daehyun. H-He's hurt. Please, we need help!”


“ Where are you?” Yongguk jumped to his feet, rushing to the door.


“ I-I...” She stuttered. “ Daehyun? Daehyun?” There was a silence on the phone before a panic stutter came back. “He's not responding! I don't know where we are! I-I-.......”


“ Nina! Nina, you have to calm done.” Yongguk spoke calmly. “ Where were you heading?”


“W....We were heading home from the market.” He could hear the shaky breath of Nina come on the phone.


He grabbed his coat, throwing it on with key's in hand. “We will be right there. Hang in there.” With that he hung up. “ Guys, we're leaving now!”


“ What's going on?” Zelo jumped towards the older. “ Is she okay?”


“ She's fine, in shock though. Daehyun on the other hand.” His voice trailed off as he grabbed his knife. “ We need to go now!”


Zelo's heart dropped, everything around him didn't make sense. One moment he was in the house and the next he was out in the cold, snow falling down on him. He ignored the icy bites that his basketball shorts and tank top failed to protect him. His mind couldn't process everything there.


His eyes laid on a small figure, cradling something. Zelo stopped, panting from the run. He heard the thumping of his heart beat in his ears. He took shaky steps towards the girl,his breath ragged, and his limps cold.


“ Daehyun, they're coming okay? You're going to be okay?” Nina sobs can be heard. “ Oppa.”


“ Nina.” Zelo whispered, kneeling next to her.


“ Nina!” Yongguk's voice erupted over his pounding heart.


“ Nina-” Zelo touched her shoulder causing her to look at him, eyes dripping tears. She was shaking with fear. “ Nina.”


Her eyes began to water as she threw her arms around his neck, sobbing. Zelo quickly wrapped his arms around her back, rubbing her back slightly.


“ Noona, you're alright. You're going to be okay?” Zelo whispered, holding the shaking girl. “ I'll protect you. I'll keep you safe. I promise.”




Hey guys! Long time no update! Sorry for taking so long to post! Hope you guys like it! Please comment and subscribe! It will give me more motivation. keke 

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Waits for an update sobs
Chapter 12: awww.. please update soon...... i am really curios.... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO DAEHYUN?!?!?!
Chapter 12: You updated~ yay.
Aww zelos turning more of a caring guy now. But NOOO daehyun;;
Chapter 9: AHHH I really like this story, so cute! It's kinda weird for me to read it as "you" instead of "I" for Nina lol ;;
YuniOfficial #5
Chapter 9: New reader! I love this story please update soon!!!
Jennyskater #6
Chapter 8: Yay update! I really love your story!
Chapter 8: I love your story
please update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 6: I like your story. Please update soon :))
Black_x_Rabbit #9
Chapter 6: omg new reader here~~` I freaking love this family!!!
Chapter 6: OMG YOU UPDATED <3
aw I see Youngjae crushing there LOL he's really caring omfg
omg is she going to wake up after MY storms in there? xD