Still waiting for you


Seunghyun, yes it is his name. I called him TOP. The best person in the world who helped me from the downturn. He found job for me, and sometimes lend me money even though he's poor. I know how hurt he is when he lost Bom. She was everything to him. I feel sorry for them both, if it's not because of me, Bom will be here with him. He doesnt want to work. He said he can't move his body anymore, he forgot how to dance. "I want to wait for Bom" anytime we asked him to go out. He's being so reckless that he always got hurt without he notice it. He spent his time almost in bed everyday. I dont know what to do. He's getting skinnier, his face look so pale. We tried to call doctor, but he always refuse and said that he's okay. Until one day, i didn't see him on his bed. I smiled cause i thought this is a progress for him. I started to tidy up his bed, it was a mess. I cleaned his room, yeah i did it cause he's my bestfriend. When Taeyang, Seungri and Daesung work hard for TOP. They know that TOP won't be the same, so they help me to earn money for us. I was sweeping the floor when i found a pencil lay there. "Must be TOP's" I shrugged and picked it up. But i saw a blood spot there, "TOP, hurt himself?" I was stand there and holding the pencil, i was holding the sweep too and think hard. "This maybe bad........" I rushed to get out of the house, i took my jacket and ran out when suddenly a police officer approached me.

"Choi Seunghyun's residence?" The police officer asked, i felt so panic.

"Yes, officer. I'm his friend, what's going on?" I asked as i tried to breath properly.

"He was fall from the bridge near the highway, he's in hospital now, luckily he only suffer minor injuries, he was trying to jump from the bridge" the police officer looked at me pitiful. I was just stared at him, and he said "You might go there now" he smiled as he went away. I was so shocked and i straightly go back inside the house. I still can't believe what i heard! "TOP tried to kill his self?!" I was thinking about that when i realized i should tell the boys. I called them and they all really shocked and we decided to meet up in the hospital. As i arrived, i was looking for him, asked a nurse about him. Not long after it, the boys came up to. We walked toward him as he looked at us. But, he didnt say anything. He stared blankly again to the ceiling. Daesung approached him and caressed his hair as he started to cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, i didnt mean it!" he cried as loud, i cant take this anymore.

"Why you jumped?! Why you want to kill yourself?!" I said with a high voice, i was losing my patience.

He looked at me while he wiped his tears, "I didn't try to kill myself, it was Bom, she asked me to swim with her..." the tears broke the silence again. TOP was losing his mind. I straightly walked out the room and sat there on the floor, crying. I can't see my best friend like this. Being crazy and see things that only his imagination who ready to kill him anytime. 

"Hyung, Bom noona is died! She's died! You didn't see her! It was your imagination!" Seungri cried as he shook TOP's body. TOP was really mad hearing that "Shut up! Shut up or i!" TOP shouted at the boy as he got up a little when suddenly he cried again and lied on the bed. "Sorry..." TOP felt so sad and broken-hearted. He still can't accept that Bom is gone. 

"Guys, stop it, let's just leave him to rest, okay?" Taeyang pulled Daesung and Seungri as they sat next to me. We were looking at each other.

"We should do something guys, i can't stand seeing him like this" I said as i pulled out a pencil from my pocket. "He was hurt himself with this! With this guys! And then he imagine that Bom is there, every single time he got hurt!" I convinced them just to make them think about the solution.

"We should take him to asylum" Seungri talked innocently like always. He got hit on his chest by Taeyang "Are you crazy?! You are the one who should go to asylum!" Taeyang mocked him as he pouted at us. 

"But Seungri is right, i think it's the safest place for TOP, he will be in 24 hours supervision" Daesung added.

"Guys, he's not crazy!" I shouted at them, can't imagine if i have to visit TOP everyday, in an asylum.

"But we saw him hurt himself almost everyday just in case he will see Bom again! He will be crazy as soon as possible believe me!" Daesung said with his serious face. 

I was thinking hard that the guys are right. But i don't want TOP spend his life in an asylum because basically he's not crazy. "Guys, i think we should find a girl for TOP. Would be hard, but this is the only way." i told them.

"Yah you crazy! TOP only wants BOM! It's hard to find someone that pretty and kind like her. maybe only her living in this earth" Taeyang shrugged. 

"We should meet Bom's parents! You know, maybe they know someone who look a bit like Bom, or have a same personality.. In their lineage?" I excitedly tell them what i think, they nodded at me. It was a hard thing, but we will do anything for TOP.

"Only this. We only can work on this. Find a girl for TOP, or send him to asylum" I stared blankly at the floor as these three think hard too........


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Chapter 10: OMG I'm rooting for fluffiness in the next chaps!! pls update soon
i miss the story author-nim :(
i like the trailer!!!!it felt so real!!!!
Chapter 9: yes ! spring wanna help tabi ~ kekeke
Chapter 8: omo , spring is a mother already ? no T.T
Chapter 8: can you make new bom name as i read it somewhere, haru means spring, in Japanese...i think i read about tablo's daughter....correct me if i was wrong..
Taecie #7
Chapter 7: omo double bom!! haha It's great! I hope spring come back to korea and meet TOP soon
Chapter 7: park spring is really DAEBAK, hope she will met TOP soon!
Woaaaaaa you update bb~ DAEBAK!
Chapter 7: Finally author-nim ! You've updated this story . LOVE YOU MILLION TIMES ! I've been waiting for your update and today , tadaaa . An update from you. Thank you ! >,< Please don't disappear for too long. UPDATE SOON ~~~ :D