Chapter 5

Dear Diary, ...

Chapter 5

[Part 1]




Minzy hopped off her bed placing her diary beneath the piles of her white fluffy pillows. The whole house was quiet, which was unusual to her, if Taemin was asleep he would have been snoring, but she heard nothing, not even a squeak. Why is it so quiet inside the living room? Maybe Taemin did fall asleep in the couch? She unlocks her door, to find an empty living room. Taemin was nowhere to be seen. That’s odd? She thought. She scanned the living room, then the kitchen and back to the living room, once again. Even if her apartment was huge, it wasn’t that huge to get lost inside. There was to the only one place that was left. But, he wouldn’t be in there would he? She slowly dragged her feet making her way into the 2nd room in her apartment. The door was unlocked, meaning Taemin was definitely inside. Minzy sprinted inside to catch Taemin back, kneeling down in front of a box. From where she was standing she could clearly vision that he was looking at something, something that looked like a portrait.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked approaching him anxiously. She remembered telling him the first day that no one was allowed inside this room, but here he was not listening to her once again, and invading her privacy.

“Huh?” Taemin stood up still holding onto the picture, and spun around facing Minzy. Minzy narrowed her eyes to Taemin’s hands. She immediately felt her heart drop, the picture he held in his hands was of her and her ex-boyfriend. It was the only one out of thousands pictures with them together, that she deeply cherished.

They were on top of the 63th building, known to be the couples retreat in Seoul. Minzy nervously tangled her hands with his. She wore an elegant lace like slim black dress for him. He slowly walked her over to chains of locks on the edge of the rooftop. He carefully motioned her hand onto his lips, gently laying a soft kisses on her palms. Minzy blushed slightly embarrassed of the sudden scene unfolding right in front of her eyes.

“I brought you here today. To…ah” He nervously scratched the back of his hair, staring at her affectingly. He continued on, “I came here to confess my feelings to you, I-I love you, Minzy.”
Minzy was taken aback, was he really confessing to her. Did she just hear him say he loved her? Minzy swing her arms tightly around his waist, hugging him firmly, and taking in his enchanting scent. She whispered under her breath only for him to hear, “I love you too…Oppa.”

This was the first time she fell in love, the feeling was something so welcoming that she’ll never forget. It was the one of the best day of her life, and he was the one and the only to make her feel that way.


Taemin eyed the motionless Minzy before him, confused; he placed his hand on her shoulders shaking her a bit, to see if she was still in planet earth. Her eyes rolled back and forth, being interrupted by her thoughts she glared at the man facing her, removing his grip off her shoulder. Minzy grabbed the picture from his hand placing it on the top of the box where he got it from. More than anything she hated snoopy people that were up way up her business and Taemin seem to be a spitting image of it. Minzy turned around to Taemin gesturing her hand by the door. Taemin obeyed and fled the scene after locking the door, and making sure it was clear. She walked back to Taemin, who was now standing around the kitchen uncomfortably. “Sit down; I need to go over some rules.” Without facing him, Minzy disappeared off to her room to go fetch her list of rules.

Taemin nodded his head obeying Minzy command once again, and made his way over to the sofa. He patiently waited for Minzy approach, slightly discomfited, due to the fact that he was red handedly caught by Minzy, snooping around her stuff.
Minzy strutted her way out of her room with a couple of paper in hand, she faced Taemin. “Okay let’s go over the rules under this household”.

Taemin eyed Minzy inquisitively, “Okay, what type of rules.”
Silence answered back. Minzy started at Taemin passively, making Taemin squirmed in his seat.

“Okay, you’re making the situation intense then it has to be, go on with your rules. The silence is annoying me”. Taemin leaned back on the sofa securely, swaying his hands in the air for Minzy go on.

Minzy rolled her eyes in disbelief, this was a moment of intensively, He should be cautious of her rules. Just one these days she would love to slap that big ego of his. “Okay let’s begin. Rule 1: Don’t go inside my room without my permission.”

Taemin raised is slender index finger in the air to interject. “Wait, hold up, what if I need to use the bathroom, and you not here? Am I not allowed to go inside your room and use it?”

Minzy took a moment to recollect her thoughts, “Okay, that’s an acceptation, but you have to call me for permission.”

Taemin chuckled, “Are you serious?” He shook his head at this mistaken girl in front of him, how could he possibly call her to use her bathroom for his manhood. She was beyond abnormal. Her outer appearance show casted an edgy innocent girl, but her inner self was some kind of freak that clearly doesn’t understand men, like him.

Minzy bobbed her head, “Yes, I’m serious do you have a problem with that?” Her voice was sharp and clear, causing chills down Taemin’s body.

He couldn’t argue with her and her room. He clearly knew that she was done with the conversation. He raised his hands in mid air, perceptibly defeated. “Proceed.”

Minzy looked down on her paper and back up at Taemin smiling mischievously. “Second rule, you by no means can argue with me. Once I say something it said and over with.”

Taemin waggled his hands back and forth. “How could you make up a rule like that, I mean its human nature for us to argue, it’s in our blood.”

Minzy cleared , “Excuse me last time I check this apartment was mines?”

Taemin mimicked Minzy my clearing his throat and sticking his head up in the air, elegantly. “Well excuse me, last time I check this apartment is mines too?”

Minzy taped her feet aggressively on the tiled floor, evidently aggravated by Taemin’s spot-on remarks, “Stop it, you’re breaking Rule number 2.”
Taemin crossed his hand over his chest sticking out his tongue childishly, “Okay whatever just goes on with these stupid irreverent useless rules of yours.”

Minzy continued on, ignoring Taemin’s immaturity, “Okay Rule 3; No disrespecting me, Rule 4. Clean after yourself, 5. Don’t touch my stuff, 6. Do not ever go in the second room, its forbidden.” Okay that all the rules for now.” Minzy looked up to see Taemin gone. Confused, she walked her way over to the kitchen only to find him fiddling around her fridge for something to eat. Minzy tapped her foot on the floor loudly to get his attention. Taemin mumbled in response and saw his victim inside the fridge; he took hold of the banana milk, and closed the fridge to find Minzy glaring at him.

“Do you even hear my rules?” Taemin could hear the venom coming out of her voice. Oh boy, now she was anger. He walked passed her, trying to avoid the fireball that was raging out to exploded inside her. He quickens his pace, heading back to the living room, for safety.

“I heard the stupid rules, but it got boring since they all reframed back to you,” Now he regret what he said, because Minzy snapped. She launch right at him, Taking the banana milk into her own hands and throwing it all the way across the apartment. Taemin’s eyes followed the banana milk that land on the floor far from him, his eyes travelled back to Minzy; she was now lying on top of him fuming with anger. He would have laughed at this situation, due to how her face looked like a red tomato but, knew better.

Taemin eyes traveled down to Minzy chest. Her whole body was pressed against his, and he couldn’t help but feel a little ual during this moment. Minzy being aware of where Taemin’s eyes now where, immediately jumped off him covering her now crimson cheeks with her hair, she sprinted her way over to her room shutting the door loudly.  

Taemin lightly laughed, he got off the couch making his way towards the banana milk, even though Minzy was vicious in her own way, she still had these cute antics that he was semi-attracted to.

The next morning, Minzy rushed out of the apartment to work, trying her best to avoid Taemin and luckily, she did. She didn’t want to see Taemin’s face, not after the ual look he gave her last night; more than anything she was embarrassed.
Minzy arrived at work, just like every normal day, but today was different. Apparently her boss decided to hire a new assistant, that she was forced to mentor. This wasn’t a bad thing, she could use the assistant to do her unwanted chores, but at the same she didn’t want to waste her time explaining to newcomer how the office works.

She knocked softly on her CEO’s door, after hearing a voice of welcoming she made her way inside, She saw her boss smiling and chatting it up with someone who she couldn’t really get a good view of, due to the fact that his back was facing her.

“Ah, Minzy-ah, you’re finally here!” Her boss swayed his hand, indicating her to come closer to the unknown man and him. “I hired a new assistant, which seems to pass all my standards; he desperately wanted to work with you.”

Minzy grinned. The new assistant wanted to work with her. No one has ever requested to work with her. Minzy turn her head toward the man to her left and extended her hand out, “Hi I’m-“Her voice got caught inside , as her heart stopped in motion. Minzy mouth dropped to the floor. Right in front of her was the man she once loved, the man she once cared for, and the man who ripped her heart out and stomped on it continuously, was right in front of her.

Her ex- boyfriend angelically smiled at her, taking her hand into his. He squeezed it tightly, and released it in an instant.

“HI, Minzy; It’s nice to meet you. I’m Kai; I’ve been a huge fan of your blogs. Everything you write seems so realistic. It’s such an honor meeting you, and I’m looking forward to working with you.” Kai eyes glimmered as his smiled widen.

Minzy shocked from his calmness and the way he perfectly treated her like a stranger, didn’t even have the voice to state her own opinion in this unlikely situation.

The CEO sensing the thick tension in the atmosphere clapped his hands together and cleared his throat. “Well then, since you guys met each other, it’s good for me to announce that you guys will be working with each other starting tomorrow, as of right now, I’m going to have to talk to Kai, So Minzy if you’ll please excuse us.”

Minzy snapped out of her faze, breaking eye contact with Kai and averted her gaze to her boss. She bowed her head, and left the room immediately feeling as though a gallon of ice water had just fallen on top of her. This was just a nightmare, she thought, but she knew that this nightmare was way beyond a dream. It was reality.  


Taemin woke up to his hand vibrating. He grumbled moving around to adjust his weight compositionally on the couch. Without bothering to check the caller ID, he answered the phone.

“Hello?” He grumbled out, standing up; he made his way over to Minzy’s bathroom to get ready for the day that awaits him.

“Finally you pick up, what the hell wrong with you, Taemin?”

Taemin instantly knew who it was by the flamboyant diva tone: Key.

“What’s seems to be the problem?” He answered back wearily. His eyes searched for a toothbrush inside the bathroom. His eyes suddenly began dancing in excitement as it witnesses a lonely pink tooth brush lying helplessly on the counters of the sink. Taemin was so occupied deciding whether to use the toothbrush or not, that he completely forgot about Key being on the other line of the phone.

“Hello?” Taemin hesitantly asked. He knew Key was furious. One thing he knew that was a fact is, Key hates being ignored and left hanging on the side, and that’s exactly what Taemin did to him. Taemin remove his phone centimeters away from his ears, preparing himself for Key’s rant.

“HOW DARE YOU NOT LISTEN TO A WORD, I UTTERED OUT. YOU KNOW WHAT I’M DONE. I AM NOT GOING TO REPEAT MYSELF. YOU COULD SIMPLY FIND OUT YOURSELF, AND DON’T SAY I WARNED YOU”.  With that Taemin heard the click sound indicating that Key has just hanged up on him. He was about to redial him, but was interrupted by yet another call; Sulli.
Before even thinking Taemin picked up, soon regretting it.

“Taemin Oppa, Hi” He heard the edginess in her tone. This was a first, he thought. For the longest time he knew Sulli she was always outspoken, being nervous didn’t roll up with her.

“Yes?” Taemin answered taken aback.

“I was wondering if you don’t mind having lunch right now.” She responded back.

Taemin eyes traveled from the sink to the mirror in front of him. He coldly stared at his reflection. He knew if he was the old Taemin his answer would have been yes instantly, but now through his reflection that stared back at him was a different Taemin, someone who wouldn’t let people play with his heart. He knew Sulli to well, she wanted to manipulate him again, let him play her puppet like before. But, that wasn’t going to happen. He wouldn’t allow that to happen again.

“Sorry Sulli, it seems that I’m too busy.” Taemin answered back. He managed to make his way out of Minzy room, to her kitchen. Fetching himself some decent lunch, but in the end it became a struggle, since he had no clue where Minzy places her food equipment. Taemin sighed heavily,

“You know what Sulli; I guess I’m not that busy. Text me the place, oh and you’re paying.”


Dear Diary,

The craziest thing had just happened?!?! Guess what? No, I didn’t get a tattoo. It’s something more jaw breaking. Yes, how you know? It’s officially true; my ex-boyfriend is now my new assistant. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m not prepared to see him. How did he even get this job, last time I checked he was pursuing a dream in dancing. How did a dancer end up in a journalism office? This is a just a complete punishment for me. I don’t even know how to respond to his existence. How do I talk to him? How do I approach him? How do I avoid him, if I’m his mentor? Times like these I question why? Why is my life so complicated? This wee---

Minzy felt a hot breath on the back of her neck, causing her whole body to shiver from the undeniable tingles it brought her. She placed her pen down on her desk and closed up her diary book, turning her chair around, only to find her lips being attacked.


[End of Part 1]

A/n:  Finally updated! I’ve haven’t been as busy this week, so here is my late late late update. Yes. Kai is Minzy ex. & since this chapter is so long it’s split into 2 parts.

I wanted to personally thank all you subscribers, silent readers, commenters who have patiently waited for this update so Thank you guys for waiting patiently for this fic & I hope you guys enjoyed it! You guys are ultimately the best! 

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Sorry guys for not updating, I was rereading this story & realized that some of my part got deleted so I reuploaded them...I'll update soon!


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Shroomies123 #1
Chapter 9: I love this story. Hoping you will update!
Shroomies123 #2
Pretty please update
Flowergirl_18 #3
Chapter 9: I just found this fic... You can't abandon this. I really want to know what happen next!
Author-nim :< don't abadon us shroomie.. please update ><
Jpotts1320 #5
Yay you updated but, I was hoping that you would update alittle more, and Taemin don't be stupid! Stay with minzy
Chapter 9: YOU FINALLY UPDATE!!!! I got to say Kai is sweet..but Minzy still should not take him back. No Taemin stay with MINZY!!!
Chapter 9: FINALLYYYY, this was sooo cute, I hope Minzy and Kai become friends ^_^
Update soon <33
bigbrowneyedcreature #8
Chapter 9: asdfghjkl yay you updated!!! I'm soo happy ^-^ can't wait for your next update :D
I miss this story :( update please..
Chapter 8: Idc if kai is the one who kiss her or it was taemin because both of them are HOT ..PLEASE UPDATE