Chapter 3

Dear Diary, ...

Chapter 3       


Minzy slowly approached the strange man directing her pair of pumps towards  his head. “Who are y-" She stopped short looking at the him more clearly. He looked so familar. She was sure that she've seen him somewhere. 

Where have I seen him? She thought outloud, sudden it hit her. The wedding!. “YOU!!!!!” She yelled glaring at Taemin's direction.

Taemin let out a low snicker, “Minzy right?”

She was fluming of anger, remembering the night before of Taemin's rude attitude towards her, she wasn't going to let him get away with that so easily. So, she did what was best in that situtation. Minzy  threw her red pumps directly at Taemin’s face. Until she heard a hard thud and groan from him she was sastified and smiled to her self proudly.

Taemin shock and flabbergasted stared at the ground where the  shoe laid  and placed his hand on his now thrubbing red forehead. This girl had balls, no one has ever dare to hit him besides Key. He scwoled at the short hair girl. She was something new, and possibly someone he knew he wasn't going to get along with in this apartment. “What the hell was that for?!?”

She stomped  her way closer and closer to Taemin until she was only inches away from his face, “You-" ,she pointed at Taemin, “-deserved that, you insignificant lurch of a douche!”

Taemin could literally feel the spit that landed on his face. He wiped her digusting tiny bits of saliva off and got off the sofa taking her shoes off the floor. He pointed the shoe directly at her smirking seeing Minzy’s face reaction instantly change. “You, my friend just meet your new roommate”.

“Wait, w-what your my new roommate, that’s is the most rashest thing I’ve ever heard”. Minzy walked behind Taemin and started pushing his back, a desperate attemp to get him off her property. “You can’t live here; this is my house, so if I were you, I would leave in one piece, before you get it from me”.


Taemin turned around refusing to leave, “I’m not going anywhere. I already paid the rent for the apartment.”

“What! You’re the guy who paid 2 months in advance! No, NO!, I don’t care, GET OUT OF MY TERRITORY!” Minzy bellowed.

Taemin startled by her tone responded back, “Look, Juri…”

Minzy cut off Taemin and clapped her hands together, “Oh yes, Juri!” She tranquilly walked passed Taemin, “Let’s go and talk to Juri,”

Taemin shrugged not wanting to be yelled at again followed behind her, knowing exactly what Juri would say.

Once they both reached Juri's apartment, Minzy knocked on the door, they heard some sound, after what felt like 5 minutes, Juri opened the door with her pajamas on. “Oh hi Minzy, I see you met Taemin”.

“Yeah I met him, and he’s not living with me!” She complained.

“Oh, dear I’m sorry but you’re just going to have to face it” Juri calmly answered.

“E-excuse me, but this is my apartment!” She stammered out the words. This wasn't happening to her, why was her life getting more complicated than ever. She wouldn't allow someone living with her, especailly not a boy that goes by the name Lee Taemin.

Juri looked at Minzy apologetically, “I’m sorry Minzy…I-I, let me get my boyfriend. Juri turned around, “Honey, Come here”. A man with a light mustache wearing boxers, and no shirt whatsoever came out.

“Honey this is Minzy, the girl I was talking about, and this is Taemin, the boy who paid 2 month in advance”.

The man nodded eying Minzy and Taemin dangerously. “So what seems to be the problem.”

Juri smiled back at her “man”, “Well, you see G.O honey, Minzy doesn’t want to live with him and suggests throwing him out.”

Minzy looked at Juri differently, why isn’t she stuttering or even terrified of me!

The man looked at Minzy, annoyed. “Look, the boy paid in 2 months in advance”.

She couldn’t believe what was happening, she looked at Taemin and back at the man, “I don’t understanding, I paid my rent every month on time for the past 3 years I’ve been living here, why can’t you just give him his money back.”

This time Juri stepped in, “Well you see we don’t have the money anymore. This boy, Taemin paid us double the price. And you seem to be the only person that had an extra room, and if you don’t let him move in with you, we’ll just have to kick you out, then!” With that Juri slammed her door closed, leaving a confused Minzy and a delightful Taemin in the dark.

They stood there in silence for a few minutes, until Taemin couldn’t stand it any longer. “So…shall we…um go”. He said scratching the back of his hair.

“Pffft”, She marched off to her apartment angerly.


He trailed behind Minzy. As soon as they were inside the apartment, Minzy turned around facing him. “You well be sleeping in the couch, goodnight.”

She walked to her bedroom and slammed her door loudly.

Taemin sighed and walked around the living room for 10 minutes. He heard the doorbell ring and a tiny squeaky voice came through the door.

“Mingkki-ah, Hurry up and opened the door, so we could start our slumber party”.

Slumber party, this might be interesting He thought.

He looked over at Minzy's room and saw that her door was now opened. She came out with a towel wrapped around her body and with soaking wet hair. Everything appered as slow motion. Her sudden her flip and her adjusting her towel that tightly wrapped around her body. Her took in her different apperance and felt his face heat up from it.


Crap, I forgot about Dara coming over, what would she think if she saw a man living here?

She rushed over to Taemin panicking. “You, need to hide!”, she grabbed Taemin by the hand leading him inside her bedroom’s bathroom, “Okay, this is your test; if you want to live in this apartment in one piece, don’t come out of this bathroom.”

Taemin nodded his head slowly.

“Good” Minzy closed the bathroom door on Taemin, and rushed back opening the front door to greet Dara.

“Dara!!!!”, She hugged her long-time best friend.

Dara returned the hug and walked inside Minzy's apartment. “Well, I got dressed for the occasion obviously, what do you think about my new pink pajamas?” Dara said twirling around show her each and ever aspect.

“Cute”, She replied back smiling. “I should probably get dressed, make yourself at home, I won’t take long".

She sprinted off to her bedroom locking the door behind her. She made her way to the bathroom, lightly knocking on the door.


Finally she back. Taemin got off the floor and the unlocked the bathroom. “Did she leave?” he asked eagerly.

“No, I need you to get out” Minzy said in a rush.

“What? You said if I stay in this bathroom I can live here” He retorted back confused.

“Oh, no that’s not what I meant; I mean could you get out so I can put on some clothes.” She said shyly.

“Oh, okay.” Taemin walked out of the bathroom, while Minzy shut the door closed. After 5 minutes she was out and ready. He couldn’t help but start laughing. “What are you wearing?”

“Don’t say anything!” She replied back somewhat embarrassed.

He observed Minzy outfit carefully, wearing a cow costume pajamas was just amusing to him. “Does it come with a head and tail?”

Minzy nodded self-consciously, and pointed back at the bedroom’s bathroom. “Go back inside and lock it!”

Taemin once again followed her commands. He was a bit annoyed, maybe moving out from Sulli's house was a bad idea. He sat down on the bathroom floor, miserably.


Minzy walked out of her bedroom to find Dara sitting down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn.  “So what are we watching this week?” She asked sitting beside Dara.

“I don’t know I brought three DVDs with me, either we watch Secret Garden again, but I don’t feel like watching it, since Bom well get mad at us if she finds out we watched it again without her. The second one I brought with me is a movie called Chilling Romance, super cute, or at least that’s what I’ve heard, and the third one is Titanic, I mean no one can get enough of that.”  

Minzy grabbed Chilling Romance and Titanic into her hands. “Let’s pick between this two, Secret Garden is a dangerous zone, if Bom finds out.”

“Okay I personally would pick Chillin-’’

A loud crash came from Minzy’s room; Dara alarmed looked over at Minzy startled, “What was that?”  

“That, Uh, It was probably my kitten.” Minzy regretfully said. Crap why did I mention kitten, Dara loves cats!

“You have a kitten, Aigoo! Let me see!!” Dara excitedly jumped up and down. She stood up walking toward Minzy's bedroom.

She ran passed Dara and blocked Dara vision. “It’s best you don’t, I actually don’t-“

Dara lightly pushed her out of the way, “Minzy how could you hide this from me? What’s the kitten’s name? Is it a boy or a girl?"


I’m in big trouble. He thought. He didn’t mean to make a loud sound using the bathroom toilet.  He could hear both girls approaching the room. He heard Minzy persuading her friend not to come near the room. Now Taemin was sure Minzy would kick him out.  He heard the knob of the bedroom turn.

“Dara, I really don’t have a kitten, I was lying!” Minzy said nervously.

“But Minzy, why would you lie to me, and the fact that you know how much I love kittens.” He heard Minzy friend say.

He  heard the light footsteps coming closer and closer towards the restroom. Taemin could literally feel his heartbeat rapidly increase second by second. This was it, he was definetly done for.


“Let’s go back to the living room and watch Chilling Romance Dara” Minzy pulled Dara's arms leading her out of her bedroom.

“Minzy, I need to use the bathroom.” Dara said pushing off Minzy's hands.

“Ah- well you see Dara my bathroom doesn’t work anymore?” She responded back impatiently.  

“It’s okay. I just want to wash my hands and put on my face mask”, Dara said eyeing Minzy suspiciously, “Are you hiding something from…possibly in the bathroom?”

Minzy answered back hastily, “W-w-what ha… No…no, of course not.”

Dara was now in front of the bathroom door, “Then why do I feel like you’re hiding something from me?” Dara touched the bathroom knob, “Also why is it locked?”


I can’t take this anymore. Taemin opened the bathroom door to see a jumpy girl in front of him.

“Minzy, who is he? And why was he in your bathroom?” The thin girl asked Minzy with a puzzled look.

He decided to answer the question, because judging from Minzy face, she herself was speechless. “Hi, my name is Lee Taemin, and I’m living with your friend starting today”.

“Taemin, okay nice to meet you my name is Dara”. Dara replied back hesitantly. “Are you possibly Minzy…new boyfriend?”

“Yes”, He replied back with confidence, this will be entertaining he thought.  

“No”, He heard Minzy’s voice crack. “Where did you get this absurd idea that I’m dating you?”

“I don’t know, maybe the fact that you made me hide inside a bathroom for 30 minutes, if I wasn’t, you would have introduced me to Dara.” Taemin said giving Dara a slick smile.

Dara beamed back and ran to Minzy giving her a tight hug, “Mingkki-ah why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend! This is big news!!!”

Minzy glared at Taemin mouthing you’re so dead to me. He shrugged his shoulder, enjoying the show he had made in front of him.


I can’t believe that pig! Minzy pulled Dara off her, “Look Dara your misunderstanding, he is definitely not my boyfriend, he just...ugh… a new roommate, that’s all!”

Dara lightly hit her friend on the arm, “Minzy, I can’t believe you hid this from me, Now that I’ve think about it, you have been a bit secretive and secured lately, so how long have you guys been together?”

She groaned, “Seriously Dara, I barely met this guy yesterday night”. Minzy looked over at Taemin who now was seating on her bed comfortable. Minzy felt like throwing a burning iron on his face.

Dara rolled her eyes, “Minzy stop being shy, and let it out, you have boyfriend!”

She was now enraged, “Dara I think you should leave now” She said harshly.

Dara surprised by Minzy tone, slowly nodded her head, “Okay, I’ll call you tomorrow, then”.

Dara left the bedroom, grabbed her DVDs, and rushed out the apartment. Once Minzy was fully aware of this , she glared at Taemin, “How dare you!, first you insult me at a wedding in front of people I don’t know, then you move into my apartment without my permission, and now you told my friend that I'm  in a relationship with you!, What the hell is you’re problem?”

Taemin didn’t answer back, but instead stared at her with a new perceptive. “Sorry, I guess, I didn’t think it would affect you that much”

She signed. “Just leave, I need to take a rest, we will continue this conversation tomorrow morning, for now take your irksome out of my room and sleep on the couch!”


Taemin feeling a bit, just a bit guilty mopped outside of Minzy’s bedroom and jumped onto the living room couch, alone.



January 8th

Dear Diary,
Today was beyond the worst day ever!  First my worst nightmare came true that, that  moron Taemin(I could hear his snores from my bedroom!) is now living with me, what makes matters worse is that I’m truly disappointed in myself for believing that it was him(ex) who paid for my rent. I’m exhausted and pissed off. And Juri, what in the world is her problem, for the first time in the 3 years that I’ve known her she was full of confidence and did not once stutter. Maybe it’s the fact she has a new man (in her life). Since being in a relationship changes your new perspective in life. I just hope Dara (known for having a big mouth) doesn’t tell anyone about Taemin, or I’ll get it from all my friends and family.



A/n: Hello new subscribers and old. Thank you guys for commenting, and yes I paired Jung Juri and G.O together, I personally don’t ship them, but I find them two hilarious, and when their together their 10 times funnier! I know this chapter a bit lame, but I promise it will get better, since Minzy did say that Dara is known for having a big mouth.


I decided to give everyone a short (tiny) preview for chapter 4 from Minzy Diary:

Dear Diary,
I am utterly downright humiliated, for myself, why bother explaining to people that it’s not true when they don’t believe what they hear, but more of what they see.
I think this is self-explanatory for the next chapter...hopefully:)

Thank you guys! I’ll update as soon as possible.

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Sorry guys for not updating, I was rereading this story & realized that some of my part got deleted so I reuploaded them...I'll update soon!


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Shroomies123 #1
Chapter 9: I love this story. Hoping you will update!
Shroomies123 #2
Pretty please update
Flowergirl_18 #3
Chapter 9: I just found this fic... You can't abandon this. I really want to know what happen next!
Author-nim :< don't abadon us shroomie.. please update ><
Jpotts1320 #5
Yay you updated but, I was hoping that you would update alittle more, and Taemin don't be stupid! Stay with minzy
Chapter 9: YOU FINALLY UPDATE!!!! I got to say Kai is sweet..but Minzy still should not take him back. No Taemin stay with MINZY!!!
Chapter 9: FINALLYYYY, this was sooo cute, I hope Minzy and Kai become friends ^_^
Update soon <33
bigbrowneyedcreature #8
Chapter 9: asdfghjkl yay you updated!!! I'm soo happy ^-^ can't wait for your next update :D
I miss this story :( update please..
Chapter 8: Idc if kai is the one who kiss her or it was taemin because both of them are HOT ..PLEASE UPDATE