Chapter 4

Dear Diary, ...

[Part 2]


Minzy sat down on her couch in her quiet peaceful apartment now watching reruns of A gentleman Dignity for who knows how long. After watching a few episodes, Minzy got up and turned off her television screen.  She slowly made her way inside her room and took a hold of the list of rules off her bed that she wrote for Taemin.  When he is coming back, she thought. All of a sudden she heard her doorbell ring. She placed her list of rules, underneath her bed’s sheet, and rushed to the front of her apartment door. She unlocked her door and was surprised to see three animated girls in front of her.

“What are you guys doing here”, she asked them, opening the door wider for them to come inside. The three girls walked inside quietly and sat themselves down onto Minzy’s couch.

“Minzy, Get dressed were all going out for lunch”, Bom said looking up at her surreptitiously.

Minzy slowly nodded her head deliberately. She felt like the three girls who now wore serious faces, were hiding something from her. She walked over to her bedroom and got changed into a simply light gray V- neck shirt that read Single& Free, black skinny jeans, and tied her light brown hair up. She put on light makeup, and headed to the living room to see Bom, Chaerin, and Dara bickering. She let out a small cough to catch their attention. The girls immediately hushed up and turned their gaze to Minzy, examining her outfit.

“What are you wearing?” Chaerin looked at Minzy disapprovingly shaking her head from side to side.

“Um…what I usually wear, why? What’s wrong with it?” she asked puzzled looking at her Unnie’s expressions of dissatisfaction.

“It doesn’t really suit you at all” Dara replied back earning a light slap on the shoulder from Chaerin.

“Huh?” Minzy said more than ever confused at were this conversation was going. She looked at Bom, who seem to be looking around the apartment, practically in the direction of her bedroom.

“Nothing”, Chaerin got off the couch and grabbed Minzy by the hand. “Let’s go, I’m starving!”

Bom and Dara followed behind whispering to one another about something that she was interested in, but Chaerin kept nudging on her hand pulling Minzy closer to her, and further away from Dara and Bom.


After taking the long awakening shower, Key wouldn’t allow Taemin to leave his house until he answered some unanswered questions. Taemin being as stubborn as hell and restating over and over that he for sure and definitely didn’t have a girlfriend and Key horrendous imagination at what happened at ‘her’ apartment was irrefutably and outright absurd at least in his mind it was.

After the few hours of yelling, restating, and insisting Key and what he was told by his cousin friend’s friend and so on was false anecdotes and a bunch of bull crap. Key finally understood and didn't push for any supplementary questions. Instead he suggested they go out for lunch.

Once they were in Taemin jet black car.  Key insisted or more like begged Taemin to death that he drives. He didn’t bother arguing back and agreed. And now here they both were in silence inside the car, heading to Key's lunch break destination.

Key wanting to clear the huge pile of silence hanging in the air, started to make conversation with him. He cleared his throat, “Um…Taemin, I heard you moved out?” Key didn’t bother making eye contact with Taemin and kept his full undivided attention on the road; But Taemin could tell Key’s ears were dying from curiosity of why he suddenly decided to move out of Sulli’s house when he was madly in love with her, even though they weren’t actually a couple anymore.

He pulled on his seatbelt, loosening it, since he was feeling a bit heated in the car. He turned to Key and then back at the road ahead of them, “So, you heard. She told you already?”

Key paused; thinking how he should word his words carefully, after thinking comprehensively for a few seconds, he finally replied back, “Well, yeah she did. Actually.”

Key stopped at a red light and peeked over at  Taemin, who carried a blank poker face expression. Key sighed heavily. “Look she called me, last night in tears Taemin. She was sniffing like no other, and kept mentioning how lonely she felt, and how you left her alone, and how you’ve been acting differently. I just would have thought out of concern you would care enough to say goodbye and tell her where you live. I think you should meet up with her, and tell her your true feelings.”

Taemin riffled his hair frustrated. He hated when Key was right. He should have told Sulli the truth, about his really feeling for her, and stop hiding under a shadow. But at the same time he wasn’t willing to tell Sulli where he lived. He only wanted a friendship with her, not a friends with benefits or him being her official boyfriend once again. But what he really and truly wanted was a genuine friendship with her. He nodded his head in settlement to Key proposition. “I’ll talk to her soon”.

Key continued driving and let out a small smile, “Good. I’m glad you said that. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. I know this really amazing restaurant that has the most incredible traditional Japanese food.”

He noticed how high-pitched Key voice sounded for a slit second, and knew he was planning something sketchy, but decieded to ignore it and follow Key’s plans for lunch.


Minzy was squished inside the backseat of the car in the middle beside Bom, Bom’s huge handbag, and Dara. She shifted uncomfortably trying to breathe out some air. She saw Chaerin reflection through the car mirror with disbelief.

“Unnie, why are you asking for my death wish, do you want be die from suffocation, seriously!”

Chaerin look though the mirror staring back at Minzy, “You know how I roll, now one get to sit in my front seat.”

She didn’t bother arguing knowing how the conversation would end up and sat quietly squished to death, “FINE, where exactly are we going out for lunch?”

Dara blanched up, and faced Minzy, “We’re going, to where ever Chaerin take us.”

She looked at Dara mystified and back at Chaerin, “Okay Miss. Lee where exactly are you taking us?”

Chaerin kept her attention on the road and answered back with a distant tone, “I know this place that sales the best sushi.”

Bom who was quiet throughout the whole car ride suddenly jumped up and down her seat, “Oh were going to the place that Chaerin meet her so called particular boyfriend.”

Chaerin roughly changed lanes, and glared through the mirror at Bom, “He’s not boyfriend, just a mutual friend that all. We only share some common interests.”

“Common interests leads to friendships, and friendships leads to relationships.” Dara replied, accidently japing her elbow onto Minzy upper arm.

Minzy quinces in pain, completely changing the subject, and asked Chaerin if they we there yet?

Chaerin nodded her head and parked inside the restaurant’s parking lock. Finally, Minzy pushed Bom out of the car and was relieved that she could once again breathe.

All four of the girls walked inside this Japanese theme restaurant. On the outside Minzy noticed how old-fashioned yet a small glint of modern-ness it was. The color scheme was a bit dark though, usually traditional Japanese building would have at least a bright color like red and yellow, but this building was dark and from the outside looked extremely small.

She  and the girls walked inside to be greeted by a tall buffy receptionist. He was wearing all black (guess to match the theme of the restaurant) and had tiny eyes. He squinted his eyes at them dangerously, but after recognizing one of them, he let out a small smile. “Hey, Chaerin.”

Chaerin smiled back at the receptionist and bowed her head politely, “Anneyong, We’re listed under 2’o clock.”

The receptionist nodded his head and led them inside the actually building. To Minzy surprise it was bigger in the inside then outside. He lead them inside doors after doors, and finally on an elevator to the 3 floor. The receptionist smiled awkwardly at the 3 girls behind Chaerin. He coughed; clearing his throat and gazed over at Chaerin hesitantly, “So umm…” the receptionist itched the back of his long jet black hair. He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. The elevator opened, and the receptionist head out first leading them to their table. He stopped and gestured his arms towards the table. “Here we are ladies, please take a seat and their well be a waiter here shortly, enjoy”. He smiled widely making his eyes not seeable and his nose very large. He stood in front of them quietly eying Chaerin.

Chaerin looked at him, wondering why he was still standing in front of them blocking the table, “Yes, what is it Mr. Kim?”

Mr. Kim let out a chuckle, allowing his cheeks to turn a light shade of pink while he stood there, in front of them self-consciously, “You see Chaerin, You-know-who is coming, should I led him here?”

Chaerin felt her insides turn over, “Um…-"

“Who’s you-know-who? Are you using code names to hide him from us, Miss. Lee Chaerin?” Bom said standing behind Chaerin raising an eyebrow while tapping her red pumps against the old wooden floor.

No, I’m not we just…uh…Bom this day is not about me, remember?” Chaerin replied back, giving Mr. Kim death stares.

Mr. Kim nodded his head half way, giving Chaerin an apologetically smile. He guided them to take a seat, once all four of them was seated, He ran off looking for a waiter.

Bom put her huge handbag down sitting across from Minzy, Diagonally from Chaerin, and beside Dara. She cleared , and flipped her red hair to her back “I understand Chaerin, but we will talk about this tomorrow.” She looked over at Minzy grinning, “Now Minzy, this is the moment I waited for years...”

Minzy glance up at Bom and back down to take a sip of her water listen carefully.

“…Who is this boyfriend?”

She  coughed out her water almost choking on it. Her head snapped up at Bom and then to Dara. She pointed at Dara furiously, “You, started this!!!, tell them the truth.” Chaerin lightly tapped Minzy on the back, while Minzy took hold of her napkin wiping the small water drips off her chin.

Dara batted her eyes innocently staring at Minzy, “What are talking about, I only reported what I heard and saw”.

Minzy was shocked at Dara answer replied back. She should have known Dara was a chatter box always gossiping about nosense. , “What you saw and heard had nothing to do with the fact I have this so called ‘boyfriend’?”

Dara took a sip of her water slowly and looked back up at the rested of the girls who waited anticipatively to what she had to say, “Look, this is what happened I went to Minzy apartment for our daily sleepovers yesterday and for some reason I had this odd feeling. I saw a man’s shoe outside the door and Minzy over here seemed like she was hiding something, at first I ignored it, thinking she’ll tell me later. Then as the night went on I caught Minzy staring at her bedroom a couple of times. After a while I got annoyed and asked her if I could use her bathroom, she refused. Which was extremely odd, I mean I only wanted use the bathroom! So that’s when I knew she was hiding something in her bathroom. We were arguing and a suddenly-“Dara jumped up widening her eyes as she gasped making the scene look realistic in front of Bom and Chaerin. “A man came out of nowhere. I was shocked. He claimed himself as Minzy boyfriend. And they did seem to make a cute couple. “

Chaerin and Bom nodded their heads at Dara short version of the story and looked a Minzy, “Is that what happened” Chaerin asked quizzically.

Minzy thunderstruck nodded her head slowly. It was true, but not the whole truth, “B-but-"

Chaerin hit Minzy's back hardly, tittered a little. “If that’s the case why hide it, you got yourself a boyfriend finally.”

She glanced at Chaerin shaking her head in disagreement, “No, I don’t”.

Chaerin looked at her aggravated at Minzy simple response about her so called rumored new boyfriend that supposely lives with her. “Look Minzy stop denying it, you don’t have to be embarrassed about having a boyfriend.”

“I’m not embarrassed, it just the fact that I have a boyfriend is a lie!” Minzy was now filled wiht frustration. What the hell were they not believing her. “He just a person I met 2 days ago, who happen to be living with me!” she let out a breath, exhausted.

“HE . IS. LIVING. WITH. YOU!!!” Bom yelled out with widened eyes pupils she swat her hand over .

Minzy slowly nodded her head consciously. “Yes, and Bom you might…ah know him”.

Bom dropped her hand and looked at Minzy confused, “Know him?”

Yes… he’s the…ah jerk from the wedding” Minzy replied back looking at Bom's face reaction.

Bom was repelled. But her eyes filled with sympathy towards Minzy, “Why? Why is he staying with you?”

She massaged her temples looking at the white laced table cloth ignoring the eye stares she got from Chaerin, Dara, and Bom. “I guess he paid two months’ worth my apartment rent, and now he is living with me. He apparently didn’t know I was living in the apartment in the first place. So, as of right now were adjusting on living together.”

“Wait….did you complain to the landowner”, Chaerin asked worried.

Minzy  yearned. “Yes, we both did actually, and she told me that I was in no position to complain, because he paid more money for the rent then I did. She told me if I complain again she would kick me out.”

Dara hit the table with her palms loudly causing others in restaurant to stare; she politely bowed apologetically and looked over a Minzy face with concerned. “I’m so sorry Minzy, I didn’t know that was the case, Oh that Taemin guy, wait until I just…if it makes you feel better, you can move in with me?”

Minzy shook her head, avoiding their eye contact, “It’s okay Unnie, I’m strong enough to survive this, and besides that I’ll make his life a living hell” Minzy said pulling her face up and grinning back at Dara.

“That’s my girl make that Taemin guy life the worst.” Dara gave Minzy  a high-five giggling like a lunic.

“Taemin…?” Chaerin who was quiet the whole time asked puzzled.

Minzy slowly nodded her head, “Yup, that’s the fellow’s name.”

Chaerin slowly nodded her head somewhat feeling guilty.


“We are here” Key said walking inside the Japanese building with Taemin trailing behind.

“Is she here today?” He asked deviously.

“She?” Key asked awkwardly knowing where Taemin was getting at. “You know she has a name, and maybe she is here today, will see”.

“I only met her once, how am I supposed to remember her name?” Taemin  answered back following Key as he entered from door through door.

“Still, you should remember, and don’t be rude! Lately Taemin you’ve been giving everyone an attitude you need to respect people who are older then you” Key nagged on.

He  rolled his eyes crossing his hands over his chest and whispered, “Sure mother”.


“I heard tha-", Key stopped short bewildered at what he was seeing, Taemin who was unaware of this bumped into Key back.

“What the hell Key” He  looked at Key’s back and made his way over to Key’s face who seem to be frozen.

“Hey, What’s-"  He watched as  Key’s facial expression change instantly, what was he’s problem, he thought. After a few minutes and a speechless  and frozen Key, which was very unlikly in Key's case since Key loves to talk to the point where Taemin thinks to himself that Key might be obessed with hearing his own voice all the time.

Taemin had no choice but to follow Key’s gaze and this time he was more in shock then Key was. “Why is it everywhere I go she seems to pop out of nowhere?” he whispered  more to himself than Key. He looked over at the  table where Minzy was sitting down with her friends; he saw the red-headed chick and rolled his eyes in frustration. Taemin patted Key in the back, and pointed at the four girls’ who were seated at the table, “Are we just going to stand here or sit down with them?”

Key, who’s been watching Chaerin the whole time turned his attention over to Taemin."I-I"

Taemin gave Key a look, “What is your problem, did a cat bite your tongue, are you that afraid of Chaerin?”

Key glared at Taemin, “No I am not afraid of her for your information, it’s just the atmosphere right now is awkward, and I don’t feel like ruining her date with her friends.”

He shrugged his shoulders and walked ahead of Key, “Whatever you say muncho man.”

Key pulled him by the shoulder belligerently, causing Taemin to spin around facing Key. “Look, if these attitudes of yours continue, I won’t think twice on letting out all your dirty secret to everyone.”

Taemin face turned sour, “You wouldn’t dare!”

Key let go of Taemin’s shoulders and smiled devilishly, “You know me way too well Taemin, I will!”

He dropped his shoulders overpowered, “Fine, I’m sorry!”

Key smiled victoriously, “Well then why don’t we just join them, Chaerin and I could talk some stuff out, after that will get a new table with the guests I invited.”

He looked back at the table where Minzy was sitting at and then back at Key, “Um…Key there something you should know-"

“Huh?, Could you hold that thought for a second.” Key replied back fixing his hair and pulling his shirt down, making sure no wrinkles were to be found.

He waited impatiently as Key tried to fix up his appearance. Once Key was satisfied with his own appearance he turned his attention to Chaerin table, and let out a huge grin. “Let’s do this” he said confidently.

Taemin wanting to discuss something with Key but was ignored in the end. This is what girls do to guys, they control them, he thought secretly as he followed Key.



Minzy laughed at the way Bom was eating her corn, she was happy that the boyfriend issue was resolved and that now her Unnies understood. She wondered her eyes around the restaurant looking for the waiter ,so she could order some more green tea, but her eyes came to a stop as it widen. dropped opened hanging on the floor. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, what the hell is Taemin doing here. This was bad timing, Minzy could just imagine what would happen if her Unnies saw him, they would question him, choke him, and lastly Bom would hit him with her huge bag aiming for his head, and causing him to be in a coma for 6 plus years. Minzy stared at him, mortified; he caught her stare and smirked at her. She saw him as he walked his way over to her table with a person standing beside him.

“Hello Minzy, long time no see” he said making his way over to her and sitting beside her.

The other boy looked at Taemin confused, “Annyong hasaeyo!, My name is Kibum, but you guys can call me Key, I’m a friend of Chaerin.” He looked at Chaerin and smiled lightly. “Sorry to interrupt your guy’s lunch date, I just wanted to say hi.”

Bom glared at Taemin and looked back at Key happily telling Key to take a seat between Minzy and Chaerin. “So, how long have you and Chaerin known each other?, Are you guys really friends? Or is there something more? How did you guys meet? Your nickname is Key, that’s cute, Is Chaerin the lock?"

Chaerin who seem to be dying from embarrassment face turn as red as a cherry, “Bom Unnie, you’re asking too many questions!”

Dara laughed quietly and tapped Bom in the shoulder, “I don’t think we should be worrying about them.” Dara pointed her long slender finger at Minzy and Taemin who were now were sitting next to each other.

Bom nodded her head in agreement and turned her attention to Taemin, she pointed at him semi-shouting, “You, young man have a lot of explaining to do!”


Taemin shifted in his seat and looked over to Minzy, Bom, and then Key. “Ah, well for starters this whole dating issue is a misunderstanding; I was just joking around when I told Dara.”

Key sharply gaze at him , “Dating issue?, wait is this the girl you were talking about this morning, that you had a naughty affair with?”, Key asked raising his eyebrows playfully.

“WHAT?”, Minzy yelled earning a bunch of glares from people around the restaurant. “Naughty affair?” Minzy whispered glaring at Taemin.

The three girls looked at Minzy with a mixture of confusion and astonishment.

“Key that was your suggestion not mines” Taemin replied back annoyed. “I’ve never mention anything about ‘having a naughty affair’.” Taemin signed and closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened it to see 5 pairs of eyes staring back at him. “Okay so this is what happened and I want no interruptions”.

All of them nodded their heads agreeing with Taemin. “Okay, so I wanted to move out of a house that is owned by my friend-"

“Ex-girlfriend”, Key coughed out.

He glared at Key, but continue on, “Anyways I wanted to move out so I heard about this apartment that was for rent, and I decided that I’ll pay two months in advance, so I did. Next thing I knew I was sharing my apartment with a girl-"

“Wait, your apartment, it was mines to begin with, don’t sound like you own the place before me” Minzy interjected eyeing him in disbelief.

He swayed his hand ignoring her, “Anywho, we complained, and told the landowners that we wanted separate apartments, but they refused, in the end we decide to take it upon ourselves and live together. That same night, Dara came over for a sleepover, she being unfriendly as it was. gave me the stinky eyes and shoved me into a bathroom where I was abandon and alone. I seriously felt unwanted. She locked me in there for about 30 minutes. I guess Dara was suspicious about something going on inside her room, because I accidently made some noises in the bathroom. So I decided to introduce myself, and freed myself from the bathroom. Dara nicely welcomed me.” Taemin paused and smiled at Dara politely. “After that I thought to myself why not make this night interesting so I told Dara a little white lie claiming myself as Minzy boyfriend. I didn’t think that Dara would tell everyone.”

Dara looked around the table and whispered guiltily, “I thought it was true, they did make a cute couple.”

He  lingered on, “So after that, Dara left me alone with the beast.”

Everyone around the table laughed loudly except for Minzy who was giving Taemin death stares.

“Minzy started attacking me, calling me names. I for one, being the adult here, apologized, feeling guilty about telling a lie. Apparently she was a little touchy around the whole fake boyfriend title.”

Minzy groan annoyed, “This is so not fair, I didn’t even-"

“Shhh”, everyone on the table said hasty. Taemin pleased smirked at Minzy.

“So, she had an extra room, and I asked her if I could sleep there, but she yet again refused. I asked her why. But she dismissed the question, and told me to sleep on the couch. I nodded my head agreeing to her commands, like the dog I was.

The next morning, I woke up with my clothes wrinkled and with bed hair.” He stopped looking at Key, to see if Key would say anything back, when he didn’t he continued. “So, I stretched my limbs, since they were sore. And believe it or not, I catch her over here spying on me. I don’t know why and I won’t ask why. I told her if I could use the bathroom, you know to clean myself up. But you know what she said, she said no. I was confused; I mean I replied back to her that it didn’t seem to be a problem when she locked me up inside there the other night. Right.” He earned some nodded heads and whispers on poor thing. “And you know what she did, she started abusing me. Hitting me and kicking me-"

Minzy stood up shocked, “Hitting you, I ONLY kicked you in the shins!!”

He pulled her down, “You see how she gets heated up so fast”

Dara replied back instantly, “Yes, I know she does, that night I was there her tone and the way she talked to Taemin scared me a little bit”

“Yeah not only did she hit me on the shin a couple of times, leaving me to jump on one foot, she also called me names, mean names, and smashed her bedroom door in front of my face. I had no choice but to leave and use a friend’s bathroom. And that everyone is what really happened.”

He looked over to Minzy who seem to be in her own thought, “Isn’t that right Minzy?”

“I guess, some of it is true, but the way he described me was wrong. I AM NOT A BEAST!” she said in a punitive tone.

“From the way you’re talking Minzy it seem so”, Dara replied back unintentionally smiling back at Minzy.

Key looked at Taemin and then to Minzy, “So you’re telling me nothing’s going on here, right Taemin.”

He nodded his head, “Yes this is all a misunderstanding.”

“What’s a misunderstanding?” Everyone’s heads turned around towards Taemin direction too only see a girl with long black hair, and a short lime green tight dress appeared out of nowhere. The girl hugged Taemin from the back, causing everyone to gasp.

Taemin removed the girl’s arms that were wrapped around his neck slowly. “Sulli?” he guessed.

[End of Part 2]

A/n : Sorry guys. I know I promised that I’ll update soon, but apparently school has gotten in the way, so as my gift to you guys I’ll give you guys a double update+Minzy’s diary update.
Yet, again I’m truly sorry! Here is chapter 4 part 2! Enjoy☺

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Sorry guys for not updating, I was rereading this story & realized that some of my part got deleted so I reuploaded them...I'll update soon!


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Shroomies123 #1
Chapter 9: I love this story. Hoping you will update!
Shroomies123 #2
Pretty please update
Flowergirl_18 #3
Chapter 9: I just found this fic... You can't abandon this. I really want to know what happen next!
Author-nim :< don't abadon us shroomie.. please update ><
Jpotts1320 #5
Yay you updated but, I was hoping that you would update alittle more, and Taemin don't be stupid! Stay with minzy
Chapter 9: YOU FINALLY UPDATE!!!! I got to say Kai is sweet..but Minzy still should not take him back. No Taemin stay with MINZY!!!
Chapter 9: FINALLYYYY, this was sooo cute, I hope Minzy and Kai become friends ^_^
Update soon <33
bigbrowneyedcreature #8
Chapter 9: asdfghjkl yay you updated!!! I'm soo happy ^-^ can't wait for your next update :D
I miss this story :( update please..
Chapter 8: Idc if kai is the one who kiss her or it was taemin because both of them are HOT ..PLEASE UPDATE