Chapter 2

Dear Diary, ...


Chapter 2


The next morning Taemin was up and ready, He woke up feeling reinvigorated. Quickly getting dressed he made his way out of his bedroom slowly and quietly not wanting to wakeup Sulli. He went down the stairs to make breakfast.

“Hmmm…what shall I make for breakfast? Toast? , Pancakes? Maybe something simple…cereal?"  He whispered to himself, opening up the empty fridge.

“I think we should go for cereal, I haven’t really gone grocery shopping lately".

He turned his head around only to see Sulli sitting down on the kitchen counters still wearing her pajamas shorts and a white tee. He arch one of his eye brow jumbled, “When did you get up?"

“When I saw you sneaking out of our bedroom”, She replied back modestly. “Or should I call it my bedroom?"

He averted his gaze away from her dark glare. “I’m leaving this afternoon; if you want we can hang out before I leave, maybe go to an amusement park or something?” Taemin suggested, wanting to lighten up the mood. Maybe going to an amusement park will refresh up his memory on their old relationship, where he fell deeply in love with her.

Sulli was taken aback, she eyed Taemin sincerely, “Seriously, you mean it?”

He nodded his head slowly, “Yeah, I mean it”

Sulli jumped off the kitchen counter and ran to him, giving him a tight back hug. “I haven’t been to an amusement park for ages! When are we leaving?”

“After breakfast”, Taemin proposed.


The sunlight was radiating off the window onto her face. She hid under her blanket wanting to sleep more.  But something was different. Usually she would have someone sleeping next to her blocking her window view. She got off her bed shaking off the thought of her ex-boyfriend, led herself to bathroom, and took a long hot shower. After her uplifting long shower she made her way down the stair to make breakfast.

She took hold of her cellphone that was placed on her kitchen counters and scanning through it she noticed a text from her coworker Chaerin.

Where the hell are you? The boss is having a panic attack!

She was about to call Chaerin and make up a poor excuse like usual, but got interrupted by the doorbell. Minzy walked over to her front door and opened it to find her hyperactive landowner Jung Juri.

“Oh, hey Juri, do you need something?”. She asked opening her door wider, to welcome Juri in.

From the years Minzy lived in this apartment building, she came to realized that Juri, the landowner had two sides of her; the nervous side, which happened whenever Juri was hiding something or the friendly active flirtatious one; which happened whenever Juri received money or meets a capable boyfriend. Whenever Juri was nervous Minzy noticed that she would tend to wear piles of clothes and open toe shoes. Her glasses usually were slated and she would giggle nonstop.

 Juri nervously bit her nails, widening her eyes, blinking nonstop, and taped her foot anxiously. She raised her hand and waved at Minzy awkwardly. “Oh, hey Minzy,”  Juri stood outside uncomfortably. “Oh it’s okay, I don’t need to come in, and it won’t take long anyways”.

“Is something wrong Juri?” Minzy asked concerned for the mid-age women who looked petrified for her life. One thing she knew was the Juri was afraid of her. She really didn’t know the reason why, but ever since she moved into the apartment Juri keep her distance as far as possible away from her.

“Huh?, O-oh no I just w-wanted t-oo say that you don’t n-need to pay r-rent for 2 m-onths". Juri  stutter uneasily. She ruffled through her hair a couple of times and shifted her weight on one leg to another constantly. 

Minzy looked at Juri with utter confusion, “What do you mean I don’t have to pay for rent in a 2 month period?”

Juri who was nervous enough, looked at Minzy frightened. “Well I, You see I…Is just that. I...”Juri couldn’t seem to finish her word and avert her gaze away from Minzy looking down on the ground, letting out an awkward laugh that died quickly.

“Juri, just say it!” Minzy impatiently yelled. She sometime couldn't stand people like Juri. The nervous and indecisive type.

“Okay, Okay”. Juri looked back up at Minzy, twitching her left eye repetitively. “W-ell you see, this young attractive looking guy, paid for it".

“Wait what, a guy, why?” Minzy asked. She couldn’t think of any guy that was willing to pay for her rent. Unless…unless it was her ex-boyfriend.

 Juri, turned her head left, and right a few times, paranoid. “I really don’t now Minzy”. With that  Juri, sprinted for her life terrifed of Minzy attack.

Minzy, who didn’t really care where Juri has ran off too, only had one thing imprinted on her mind: her ex-boyfriend.

Did he really pay for the rent for me, and why? Minzy thought. She walked out of her apartment skipping breakfast, and headed off to work.


“Taemin Oppa, Let’s go on the extremely high one, this time.” Sulli said keeping up with his fast pace.

Taemin stopped walking and turned around facing Sulli. They’ve been at the amusement park for more than 3 hours and he couldn’t stand her pestering him 24/7 anymore. Her whining bothered him, her complaints about going to the bathroom every 10 minutes annoyed him, and her commands, as if treating him like an abandoned dog irritated the living hell out of him. He was done and through with her. He thought that a trip to the amusement park would at least do justice and strengthen up their wary relationship, but it only made annoyed with her. “I think I should just drop you off… at your house.” Taemin said stressfully.

“My house, isn’t it ours” Sulli retorted back, raising an eyebrow at him and crossing her arms around her chest.

“Yes, your house Sulli, I moved out remember?” He repleid back, petulantly tapping his feet against the ground.

Sulli rolled her eyes in response, “Fine, you moved out. I understand you want to live on your own, independently.”

“Let’s just go.” Taemin said ignoring Sulli completely. He walked passed her and made his way over to the exit.

1 hour later.

After dropping off Sulli, Taemin grabbed some of his luggage without saying goodbye. He headed off to his new apartment. Once he was actually there. He knocked on the landowner’s apartment door. He heard some ruffled movement through the door,  a few minutes a mid-aged tensed looking women opened the door for him.

“Oh hi, Taemin right?” the mid-aged women said, apprehensively.

“Yeah, and your...", Taemin tried to refresh his memory from 2 days ago.

“Ah, it Jung Juri, but you could call be Juri Noona.” The mid-aged women said, winking at him flirtatiously.

He  let out an awkward smile. “So about our deal…”

“Ah yes,” Juri applauded her hands together. She marched out of her apartment, closing her door gently. “Just follow me and I lead you the way.” Taemin quietly trailed behind Juri, Observing the apartment building. They came to a short stop. “Well here it is, apartment #253”. Juri bent down and pulled a key out of the carpet. She turned around facing Taemin slightly blushing letting out a small shy smile. “The apartment key well always be outside, under the carpet.”

Taemin slightly nodded.

“Ah, and one more thing-“, Juri laughed nervously turning the knob on the door, “-there is already someone living here”.

He took a few steps back and looked at Juri with confusion. “What do you mean someone living here?”

“Well, it just that, there were no more rooms and this is the only apartment that has an extra room.”

"B-but I paid 2 months in advance!”, Taemin said stunned at what this old noona was telling him. She has got to be kidding? Maybe this was some kind of prank, maybe he was in a reality show called Punk'd. He truned his gaze outside looking for someone to pop out with a camera screaming 'YOU JUST GOT PUNK'D'. But that didn't happen.  

Juri slowly put back the small key under the outside carpet tucking it precisly as it was before. “I guess you’re just going to have live here with her, and adjust things out.”

“Her, it’s a girl?” Taemin asked even more shocked than before. This was just not his day. Thing couldn't get any worse than this could it?  He unequivocally couldn’t live with a girl, after living with Sulli; he just couldn’t, any more.

“Y-yes” Juri replied back ,shaken by his sudden change in tone.

Taemin walked inside the apartment passing Juri, after observing the apartment, he looked at Juri intensively.

“I want my money back, I definitely not living here.” He approached Juri, only a few feets away from her.

Juri shook her head slowly backing away from Taemin, “I’ve already used up the money. Please just bear with it for a few months.”

He sigh loudly, What has he just gotten himself into. He knew trouble was going to await him. But this girl might not be as bad as Sulli. After some mind battling, he came up with an soild answer, that he knew sooner or later he might regret. “Fine, just leave.”

Juri not wanting to be confronted any longer ran like the wind once again. Why was it that she always leased apartment to people that terrified her?


After a long exhausting day at work, Minzy was ready for some relaxation time. Her boss  has yelled at her in front of the whole staff and humilated her by pointing out her weak spots. Minzy was bummed. It was dark out and all she wanted to was crash on her bed. She made her way to her apartment, once she was outside her door. Minzy bent down to her carpet to pull out her key.

That’s odd, I don’t remember putting my key’s under on the left side of the carpet she thought.

She erased the thought away and proceded to open her apartment door.


Taemin heard movement outside, she must be here he thought. He sat down comfortably on one of her black sofas, waiting quietly and timidly in the dark.


Minzy opened the door, and locked it behind her. She the lights and let out a loud shriek. “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU???”. She saw an odd shape of an human male sitting comfortably on her sofa. How the hell did he get in? 

Maybe his a !!!

She took off one of her high red pumps , angling it directly at the strange man sitting down on her sofa.

She saw the man look at her with a knowing smirk on his face. “This is a funny way of meeting like this, again.”


January 8th

Dear Diary,
I’m at work right now; I have no clue why I brought you here with me, probably to distract me. I feel like punching my boss in the  face, I mean yeah I came in 30 minutes late, but that doesn’t mean to yell at me and embarrassed me in front of everyone!  I decided not to talk to Chaerin, as my coworker and best friend I expected a lot from her but she disappointed me. She should have backed me up. But, whatever. I can’t help but think about the man who paid for my rent for 2 month. I can’t help but think it's him. I really hope it’s not him, but at the same time I hope it’s him. I don’t know why.  Maybe I’m still heartbroken and just want him back, because he was my comfort zone.





A/n: Thank you guys for commenting & subscribing!Yes Taemin is mean & a Jerk, but he has his reasons for it... Yay!They fianlly met! in a  personal level I guess...Now they have to get use to living with each other:)




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Sorry guys for not updating, I was rereading this story & realized that some of my part got deleted so I reuploaded them...I'll update soon!


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Shroomies123 #1
Chapter 9: I love this story. Hoping you will update!
Shroomies123 #2
Pretty please update
Flowergirl_18 #3
Chapter 9: I just found this fic... You can't abandon this. I really want to know what happen next!
Author-nim :< don't abadon us shroomie.. please update ><
Jpotts1320 #5
Yay you updated but, I was hoping that you would update alittle more, and Taemin don't be stupid! Stay with minzy
Chapter 9: YOU FINALLY UPDATE!!!! I got to say Kai is sweet..but Minzy still should not take him back. No Taemin stay with MINZY!!!
Chapter 9: FINALLYYYY, this was sooo cute, I hope Minzy and Kai become friends ^_^
Update soon <33
bigbrowneyedcreature #8
Chapter 9: asdfghjkl yay you updated!!! I'm soo happy ^-^ can't wait for your next update :D
I miss this story :( update please..
Chapter 8: Idc if kai is the one who kiss her or it was taemin because both of them are HOT ..PLEASE UPDATE