Chapter 13

Replace you

The bright sun interrupted his sleep, prickling on his skin with its warm rays. He brought his hand up to shield his eyes, squinting to see the time on his watch. A look to his left, he found the spot where Woohyun had been, empty. With a sigh he picked himself up, swinging his bag over one shoulder and walked home.

Other than the small talk with his mother and dinner, he had spent the rest of the day in his room. His dream that night was strangely of a cute hamster snuggling on a pillow, so he started his morning the next day with a soft laugh. When he went down, his mother was already at the kitchen table, breakfast set to one side as she busied herself with writing on a piece of paper.

"Umma," he snuggled into her shoulder, arms wrapped around her upper body. "Good morning," he greeted, hearing his mother chuckle at his sudden affection. She didn't ask any question seeing that it was better than having his son lock himself in his room. She rubbed the back of his ear and told him that he smelled nice; though the next thing she said about him needing to buy the groceries for her after school made him whine.


Sungjong had an interesting way of greeting that included making him promise to have lunch with him later- no friends allowed because he had missed him over weekend and he only had food for two. As soon as the bell rang for lunch, Sunggyu told Sungyeol that he wouldn't be having lunch with them. Sungyeol's pout was brief, quickly replaced with a beam and a loud 'I get to spend alone time with Myunggie.'

Somehow Myungsoo's words about him knowing the reason why Sungyeol fought with him a few days ago floated in his head as he looked at his friend's retreating figure one last time before heading in the opposite way to Sungjong's classroom. He shouldn't be worried about leaving them off to have lunch together, right? After all, they had always been close, and he trusted that Myungsoo was capable of keeping things to himself. He wasn't being sarcastic.

"Hyung!" Sungjong's voice was loud and rushed when he spotted Sunggyu in the doorway. Sunggyu's eyes narrowed imperceptibly when he saw his friend bite his fingers. There had to be something that was bothering him. When he came close Sungjong dropped his head on the table.

Sunggyu blinked his eyes, quickly patting his friend's back because he sensed that Sungjong needed it. Sungjong turned his head slightly to look at Sunggyu with lips curved in a sad pout. "Are you okay? Do you have something to tell me?"

"Well-" he started quietly, shifting in his seat. "I don't know why I'm telling you this, but since you're pretty close with Woohyun," The word 'close' triggered a question, and Sunggyu mentally reasoned that he wouldn't be telling other people about his past relationship if they weren't close. But the question was why he'd tell Woohyun when he was closer to Myungsoo and Sungyeol. "And since I need to let out-" He inhaled deeply."I saw this blue haired guy kiss Woohyun."

Sunggyu's mouth opened and closed wordlessly; Sungjong eyeing him expectantly. "W-what? Why are you telling me this?" He asked when he found his voice again.

Sungjong shrugged, flopping himself down against the wall. Sighing, Sunggyu picked his friend's lunch box, taking the spot beside him and poked Sungjong's knees.

Sungjong beamed. "So hyung, how was your weekend? You look all good today." Back to his cheerful tone, he unpacked their lunch.


It was during practice that afternoon when Woohyun suddenly shot up from his seat to drink down his bottle of water to its last drop. Questioning looks were shared between the other two in the room, bodies jolting at the loud bang the bottle made crashing with the trash can before the door slammed close.

"I-I'll go check on him," Sunggyu said, and Naria shooed him out.

When he entered the bathroom, he was greeted with Woohyun's accusing glare through the reflection in the mirror. Sunggyu flinched, lips pressing into a thin line as he observed Woohyun's exaggerated actions of washing his mouth again and again as if the bleeding would stop if he continued harrassing it that way. Sunggyu gave him a tissue and Woohyun took it with force, eyes not tearing from his.

"What did I do?" Sunggyu asked defensively. It took a while before it dawned to him that Woohyun was probably acting like that because of the kiss that Sungjong had mentioned earlier. He kept a confused face. "What are you talking about?"

Woohyun's features softened, hands dropping to his sides. "It's...nothing. I'm sorry, I just..." He didn't finish and just walked past him with his head down, but Sunggyu was quick to follow him out.

"Woohyun-ah," he jogged to his side and stopped in front of him with his hands on the other's shoulder and searched his eyes. "Woohyun-ah, look at me. Look, if it's about the kiss, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you out when it happened."

Woohyun avoided his gaze. "Really, it wasn't your fault. You're not even my real boyfriend; what was I thinking..." his voice trailed off as he looked down again, and it pained him that Woohyun's smile after that looked so strained.

By instinct his arms reached out around Woohyun's smaller build, and he found his hand patting his back, letting the other rest his head under his chin. What he did opposed the fact that he knew what Woohyun said was true.

A voice broke from their side just when Sunggyu pulled away. A panting Naria marched up to them. "Yah, hurry up practice is at the theatre," she said curtly, walking away as soon as she finished getting the message to them. A distant curse of battery being empty was heard before her figure disappeared at a turn.

"We should get going now," Sunggyu scratched the side of his neck, turning back to Woohyun.

"Yeah," he breathed out.

They were on their way down the hallway when Sunggyu found himself staring at Woohyun from behind; his mind filling with questions about Woohyun's relationship with Dongwoo.

A call made him snap out, and Woohyun was suddenly in front of him, asking if Sunggyu wanted to accompany him for a walk after school. A slight pout, Sunggyu said that he had to do some grocery shopping for his mother. A tug at his insides; he smiled, glad that Woohyun laughed even though it was for his misfortune.

"You know, I've never done grocery shopping. If you don't mind, can I go with you after school?" He asked, reaching the theatre hall and opening the door.

Unsurely, Sunggyu nodded.

"Great, we'll go by my car and I'll-"

Words cut short, and in a blur of that moment, quick hands grabbed small waist when clumsy feet tripped one step downstairs. Eyes gazed at one another before a pair broke away with a frown and hands slipped out. "Be careful. You could have gotten hurt," a cold advice; Sunggyu walked ahead.


It was easy to predict that Woohyun probably thought that he was angry at him from the guilt-washed face Woohyun displayed when their eyes locked after practice. He crossed the room, hurriedly taking Woohyun's hand saying that his mother would complain if he came home too late. He recognised Woohyun's smile.

Woohyun studied the list of groceries in his hand, making sure they didn't miss on anything as they scanned along an aisle of tinned food, searching for the right brand.

"Are you sure they have it here?" he asked, but Sunggyu was too up front to hear him. "Hyung!" he called, eyes widening at the realisation of the term he just blurted out. Nevertheless, Sunggyu heard him and walked up to him with a grin.

"What did you call me?" He teased.

"Are you sure they have the brand here?" Woohyun repeated, changing the topic.

"Seriously, what did you call me?" Sunggyu persisted.

And Woohyun left to whine out a forced "Hyung, stop it."

"Alright," Sunggyu said, satisfied. "And yeah, I found it the moment you called me hyung. It's the first time you actually called me respectfully." He placed the tins in the cart.


Woohyun gave up when Sunggyu assured that he can manage the bags himself. Placing down the groceries on the porch, he dug for his house key in his backpack. Footsteps were heard from inside, and the front door opened when he wasn't looking. When he did lift his gaze, what greeted him made his legs weak, and if it wasn't for the arms that encircled his body then, he'd give in to gravity.

He was speechless. What surprises were there to come? Was there anymore waiting for him?

But no, nothing could have surprised him more than having Howon in front of him.

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 37: what?????? please update authornim....what hppen next...howon??yah!! how dare him show his face after leaving sunggyu for a long period....eeee...
Chapter 37: whos this about myunggyu woogyu or rather its btw myunggyu or woogyu though.but then myunggyu seems rather impossible.there's myungyeol there yeah~
forgethurt #3
Chapter 37: NoUpdate?ToBadBecauseIt'sAGoodStory
I sub this story... I really2 hope u will update soon.
Chapter 37: Please tell me you're still going to update this ;A; worst cliffhanger moment ever!
I like your story! Please update soon! I want to know what will happen >w<
Chapter 37: Dongwoo is Woohyunnie stalker or something?
He kinda remind me of Bang Yongguk in Going Crazy.
Chapter 37: What? Howon is back.... this is gonna be good.
Chapter 37: madre de dios. Howon is back!! Im so excited for this. I wasn't expecting Howon do make an appearance here!
Chapter 37: Omg subscribing right now!!! This is soooo good!!!! :D