Chapter 6

Replace you

The next day, Sungjong asked to meet up. Despite the younger's enthusiasm when he called earlier, Sunggyu was taking his time as he strolled down to the younger's classroom; his neck craned to look outside through the glass-less windows along the hallway.

Heaving out a deep sigh, he averted his gaze to just stare at his sneakers, hearing its silent squeaks as he walked through the loud crowd. He wasn't paying much attention to his surrounding and he didn't see it coming when a rough brush against his shoulder had him stumble and swung around. His hands pulled out from its warm home harshly and his eyes immediately searched for the cause with a quick twist of his head.

Eyebrows knitted, forehead creased, his eyes followed a figure that casually retreated down the hallway, blending with the mass of students until he disappeared from Sunggyu's field of sight. The person's shirt looked much of everyone else's but there was a sureness in his dancer-like walk that set him apart from the crowd. It clicked to him who it was when he saw the wad of blue hair.

Slipping his hands slowly in his pockets out of habit, he pursed his lips, intending to just shrug it off completely and continued to Sungjong's.

He confirmed the class number; peeking through the door and glanced over for the younger's seat, only for the door to be yanked back by someone.

"O-oh...Sorry..." he spoke haltingly when he came face to face with Woohyun. It had been almost a week since they saw each other. Sunggyu wasn't too enthralled with seeing him, but one part of him still bubbled with curiosity. With much difficulty, he averted his gaze from the latter and walked into the room. He ignored the fact that he felt Woohyun's eyes boring behind his back.

It wasn't until he could sit properly in front of Sungjong that that familiar deep voice called his name. Sunggyu was sure it wasn't that loud, but he felt it echo in his head and he was completely frozen in his movement. His eyes darted unsurely until they met Sungjong's.

Sound of footsteps quickly followed behind him and Sunggyu just wanted to squeeze his heart firmly to stop it from beating so fast. It was unlike him to feel like that. The time it took for Woohyun to stand between him and Sungjong was what it took to finally breathe decently.

"Can I talk to him?" Woohyun asked, and the same scene seemed to roll in Sunggyu's head like deja vu. He glanced at Sungjong, somehow hopeful for an answer.

His eyes widened with panic when the least expected answer pushed through the younger's lips. His head shook slightly with suppressed "no," but Sungjong wasn't looking at him. Woohyun was no less.

Before he could articulate his protest, Woohyun grabbed his wrist and yanked on his arm so hard that his feet caught with the chair leg. Luckily, Woohyun was quick in his steps and pulled Sunggyu in before he could fall.

Sunggyu glared at him when he looked up and pushed the latter away.

"What the hell Woohyun?!"

His eyes followed as Sungjong left the room with his arms crossed. With a finger he pointed at Woohyun and gritted through set jaws, "You have five minutes."


Woohyun insisted on going somewhere more closed because eyes were already on them from the moment he called out the older's name.

Sunggyu noticed Woohyun was painfully aware of their surrounding as they made their way through the hall. Fingers tapped into his palm when Woohyun gestured for them to slip into one of the unused classrooms. When they got inside, Woohyun made sure no one followed after them and closed the door.

"Why are you so tense?" Sunggyu asked, not worrying to reflect on how he acted before now.

"Listen," Woohyun said directly, positing firm hands on Sunggyu's shoulders and pushed him down to a chair before grabbing one for himself. "I'm sorry I did that to you that day. I was offhanded; I couldn't think properly - Dongwoo was there, I thought I had lost him after all this while- I came across him and he sort of irritated me and I sort of slipped out that I already had a boyfriend and then I saw you and-"

Sunggyu stopped him with a loud "yah!"

"Okay," he said, eyes glued to the white tiled floor and Woohyun just stared quizzically. "I said it's okay. I get you."

The only questions running in his head at that moment was how or why he just said that. It was unintentional; it came out on its own. He wasn't sure how his voice sounded, but he hoped Woohyun would actually take it in the opposite meaning. He lifted his head, but the moment his eyes caught Woohyun's, his heart dropped and he was definitely sure he blurted out the wrong words.

A wide sheepish grin plastered on Woohyun's face and he immediately lunged forward to hug the older. Sunggyu's breath seemed to knock out of his lungs when he did that. Wriggling out of Woohyun's arms was hard considering it was tightly wrapped and the amount of muscles the younger seemed to possess didn't help either, but Sunggyu managed in the end.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Woohyun recited happily. "Thank you for helping me!"

Sunggyu could only sigh.



They walked out of the classroom silently: Sunggyu trying to rid the frown off while Woohyun had a lofty grin stuck to his face - one that said he was proud that he accomplished something. Sunggyu thought it was stupid.

"Wait," Sunggyu halted, spinning around to Woohyun (because he was walking in front). His head inclined slightly to his right as he pondered whether he should ask.

Woohyun hummed for Sunggyu to continue.

"How does Dong...Woo...look like?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow, unsure if he had got the name right.

"Why?" Woohyun prodded, the side of his lips tugging upwards in the familiar stupid smile. Sunggyu frowned.

"Forget it," he spat, then hurried to walk past him, but Woohyun had caught his hand quickly and yanked him back. Sunggyu's lips parted in a silent gasp, putting a hand over Woohyun's as he tried to pry it off.

"I'll take you to see him," Woohyun stated.

"What? No," Sunggyu said, finally managing to free his wrist when Woohyun's grip lightened. His mouth started, but instead of being able to argue further, Woohyun had grabbed his wrist again and pulled him with him. "Yah Nam Woohyun, I said I didn't want it."

The boy didn't reply.



Woohyun peeked over Sunggyu's shoulder from their post behind one of the lockers. The frown was static, and Sunggyu could actually feel the glum aura he was emitting. How had he dragged himself in that situation? Sunggyu didn't understand why they had to be in that position to begin with.

"There he is," Woohyun said quietly. Sunggyu sighed before twisting his head to look at the latter to clear up his point; only for Woohyun to simultaneously turn when Sunggyu did.

Sunggyu's eyes widened, jumping in surprise and he sunk further into the locker's surface, while Woohyun backed a step, eyes flitting unsurely.

Woohyun's hand crept behind his neck to scratch the patch of non-itchy skin while Sunggyu had his eyes anywhere but Woohyun. They were so close - their noses practically brushed against one another before they had reacted the way they did. Somehow, the memory from back at the cafe ran inside him like a wave and he had mentally slapped himself for thinking that.

With a somehow composed stare, Woohyun waved a hand as a gesture for them to return to their spot, only that Woohyun was in front.

"That's him," Woohyun repeated, pointing a finger in the direction of a few students grouped up in three different tables. Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrows, turning to look at Woohyun again. Only greeted with his profile, Sunggyu noticed Woohyun's eyes were fixed stark forward. Stiffly if he might add. He turned back to scan the unfamiliar faces. A slightly troubled look etched on him when he spotted the all too familiar blue head sitting amongst the group of students.

"The one with blue hair."






Guyyyyysss...Hogyu will come someday. Just wait okay? Leave me comments :)



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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 37: what?????? please update authornim....what hppen next...howon??yah!! how dare him show his face after leaving sunggyu for a long period....eeee...
Chapter 37: whos this about myunggyu woogyu or rather its btw myunggyu or woogyu though.but then myunggyu seems rather impossible.there's myungyeol there yeah~
forgethurt #3
Chapter 37: NoUpdate?ToBadBecauseIt'sAGoodStory
I sub this story... I really2 hope u will update soon.
Chapter 37: Please tell me you're still going to update this ;A; worst cliffhanger moment ever!
I like your story! Please update soon! I want to know what will happen >w<
Chapter 37: Dongwoo is Woohyunnie stalker or something?
He kinda remind me of Bang Yongguk in Going Crazy.
Chapter 37: What? Howon is back.... this is gonna be good.
Chapter 37: madre de dios. Howon is back!! Im so excited for this. I wasn't expecting Howon do make an appearance here!
Chapter 37: Omg subscribing right now!!! This is soooo good!!!! :D