Chapter 11

Replace you

"Yeol-ah, can you pass me the scissors?" Sunggyu asked absentmindedly while he bent to adjust the fire under the boiling water. When he realised he just talked to Sungyeol, he jerked up and twisted his head to see how Sungyeol had reacted. He was half glad that his friend didn't look bothered by his sudden request, but he still worried for the taller was still giving him the cold shoulder with silent treatment. He accepted the tool with a small 'thanks' and smiled lightly.

While he poured the seasonings and dropped the raw noodles, silence occupied the whole kitchen. He glanced at Sungyeol who was leaning against the countertop, eyes stark watching him; and he flinched. He was careful not to slip anything out when he finished the first step of cooking ramyun and went to take a chopstick himself. His heart thudded against his ribcage disturbingly loudly when he stood beside Sungyeol. That was when the other pushed himself off the counter and walked towards the upper cupboards and easily took their needed bowls.

Sunggyu went back to the stove to taste the boiling ramyun. "Hey Yeol," his fingers twitched at his slip and he held the chopstick tighter. He heard footsteps from his right and he hurriedly turned to roll the noodles in a few turns before holding it out with his other hand cupped below it in front of Sungyeol. He smiled widely when Sungyeol leaned in to take it in his mouth.

"Tasty," Sungyeol said and Sunggyu felt utterly relieved not because his friend had said his cooking was okay, but because he actually talked to him.


They went back to their tents after they finished eating. With the tent zipper still opened after he crawled after Woohyun, he sat on his side of the tent and brought his knees to his chest as he watched the night sky outside. Woohyun looked curiously beside him as he tucked his legs into his sleeping bag; and scooted closer beside Sunggyu.

"Hey Woohyun," Sunggyu said in a small voice without looking at the said person. When he received a hum, he continued. "Do you know that I'm having kind of a fight with Sungyeol?" he glanced at Woohyun before returning his gaze outside, "I think I can fix it tonight." This time he turned his head to look at Woohyun.

Seconds passed with them only looking at each other without saying anything; and Woohyun finally responded with a "why?"

Sunggyu lowered his eyes and fixed his chin to his knees, "It sort of...happened, and I hope it'll fix soon."

Another moment of quietness was shared between them before Woohyun suddenly poked his arm and then pointed in the direction of where Sungyeol and Myungsoo's tent stood. Myungsoo just left the tent. "Why don't you go and fix everything now?" They watched Myungsoo walk in their direction and finally crouched down in front of them. Myungsoo pointed his thumb over his shoulder twice and Sunggyu understood it as a gesture for the same purpose with what Woohyun had just said. He nodded understandingly and scrambled up to jog to the tent across from their's.

The artificial door was carelessly closed where thin light seeped out from. Sunggyu took a deep breath and bent down and wordlessly entered the tent.

"Myung-" Sunggyu jumped at the sudden call. Sungyeol turned around, only to find Sunggyu instead of his tentmate. "O-oh hyung, why are you here?" He asked in a small voice, returning to busy himself with his backpack.

Sunggyu didn't answer and instead crouched in front of Sungyeol and hugged him. "I'm sorry Yeol-ah," his eyelids fluttered a few times as he said it. He didn't care who was at fault at that moment (because honestly, they weren't at fault. They were just drunk, right? They weren't sober and they weren't in control of their actions). He just hugged his friend tighter when he felt Sungyeol hug back.

"Hyung, I sorry too. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you," he sobbed into Sunggyu's shoulder and Sunggyu rubbed his back comfortingly. "I didn't mean to distance myself from you hyung. I was a jerk hyung and I'm sorry. I just..."

Sunggyu pulled away and held his friend by his arms. He sighed as he brought his thumb to wipe the wet trail on Sungyeol's left cheek. "Hyung is sorry too," he said assuringly and hugged him briefly.

The next few minutes were complete silence, but it was comfortable. Sunggyu felt like a huge rock had just been lifted off his chest and the air was light between them once again. Shortly after that, he voiced out, "I'll go now, neh? Myungsoo's been out long." He smiled as Sungyeol's eyes widened as if he had just realised something.

"Hyung," Sungyeol caught his wrist. Sunggyu turned around and nodded for him to continue. "...Goodnight."

When he returned to his tent, he found Myungsoo still seated by the door with his head buried between his knees. Sunggyu tapped him on his shoulder and Myungsoo lifted his head up with his eyes squinted. "Sorry I took long." Myungsoo nodded and walked to his own tent.

Woohyun was already asleep when he came in. Turning the lantern off, he tucked himself into his sleeping bag and went to sleep.


"Did something good happen today?"

The wind whistled happily as if mirroring his mood as they walked along the beach with their fingers intertwined. Sunggyu twirled around after letting go of their hands and jogged backwards and the other's laughter filled the otherwise calm air. He stopped and let the other close the remaining space between them; then he leaned in to place a firm kiss to the other's lips. Sunggyu pulled back shortly with a playful wink.

"Let's go home, okay?" he took the other's hand and turned to lead them in the direction of their car, but the other didn't budge. "What's wrong? Do you want to stay a little longer?"

His gaze fell to the hand that swept his hand away. With questioning eyes, he looked up, but was only greeted with apologetic eyes before a full back was turned to him. And he started walking. Sunggyu watched as he got further, and only then that he started running after him. Only that with each step he took, the space between them just got further. Sunggyu called out his name again and again, but it was only left as an echo; left unanswered.

His eyebrows furrowed, lungs begging for air as he quickened his pace to run after him. The uncomfortableness in the pit of his stomach bubbled harshly, clenching to his already nervous body. He felt his eyes sting.


The tears escaped and it flowed down his cheeks. He struggled to follow Howon's distancing steps, feeling his heart clenching tighter to his already nervous body. A voice startled him and he whipped his head to the person calling his name. Implausible to himself, he had slowed down his steps and turned fully to the figure approaching him.

He closed his eyes as fingers fondled his cheeks; brushing the tears away; effectively calming him. The hand moved up to carress the skin gently below his ear and through his hair. Then he felt the person lean in and brought him closer. He kissed Sunggyu on his forehead.

He whimpered at the lost of the friendly warmth; and he opened his eyes.

The salty sting on his eyes indicated his return to reality. Dazed at first, Sunggyu found himself recalling to the dream that slowly became more vivid to his memory. His stomach tightened at the part when Howon left him; again; like deja vu. His hand failed to reach his face to wipe the beads of sweat on his forehead, and he frowned. How had he not notice it? His body was caged by an arm.

In the crook of his neck was nuzzled a wad of brown hair. Questioningly, he stared at Woohyun who was hugging him, and just at that moment, the hand that was on his chest moved up to the side of his face. That was when he noticed his cheek was moist. And Woohyun's hand, it was there; brushing; . Sunggyu stayed still, utterly confused and he just continued staring at the face that was very close his own. He didn't realise what he had been doing, until those eyelids fluttered open, and he was met with dark eyes. He was silenced.

"Go to sleep, it's just a nightmare," Woohyun whispered, letting his hand fall to wrap around his waist.

Sunggyu didn't know what was wrong, but his heart was thudding fast.




So this is probably the last chapter I'll post before my exam hiatus. I hope you like it. Sunggyu has dreamt about Hoya so you all know what that means right?

Thank you for staying with me all this time and to my new readers, welcome!! I hope you enjoyed reading this (even though I think it's dull \(╯-╰)/)

Btw, watch B.A.P crash 120901. My sister said I sounded like an elephant while watching it.

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 37: what?????? please update authornim....what hppen next...howon??yah!! how dare him show his face after leaving sunggyu for a long period....eeee...
Chapter 37: whos this about myunggyu woogyu or rather its btw myunggyu or woogyu though.but then myunggyu seems rather impossible.there's myungyeol there yeah~
forgethurt #3
Chapter 37: NoUpdate?ToBadBecauseIt'sAGoodStory
I sub this story... I really2 hope u will update soon.
Chapter 37: Please tell me you're still going to update this ;A; worst cliffhanger moment ever!
I like your story! Please update soon! I want to know what will happen >w<
Chapter 37: Dongwoo is Woohyunnie stalker or something?
He kinda remind me of Bang Yongguk in Going Crazy.
Chapter 37: What? Howon is back.... this is gonna be good.
Chapter 37: madre de dios. Howon is back!! Im so excited for this. I wasn't expecting Howon do make an appearance here!
Chapter 37: Omg subscribing right now!!! This is soooo good!!!! :D