Chapter 7

Replace you

Sunggyu was utterly wrong.

He shouldn't have said that it was okay. Woohyun practically clung to him the following days and Sunggyu was having difficulties even to pry the latter's hands off him.


"Jagiya!" Woohyun had called him one day while he was walking to the school library. His eyebrows twitched and his hand fisted the book tighter when Woohyun lunged towards him and sticked to his side like glue. Sunggyu had the urge to knock him in the face for calling him that, but suppressed it with a nudge at his side to let go. Woohyun only connected their arms securely and grinned at Dongwoo who stood with his arms crossed over his chest gratingly in front of them.

Sunggyu noticed Dongwoo was glaring at them and he almost rolled his eyes (if Woohyun didn't squeeze their arms again) when he saw the awfully smug smile Woohyun was plastering on his face. It was annoying.

"Can you move?" Sunggyu hissed quietly as they entered through the glass door; the air conditioner blowed above them causing Sunggyu's fringe to drop to his eyes and he had to blow it away. It was completely inconvenient while he tried to return the book to the librarian, Woohyun still insisted on staying close beside him. Sunggyu mentally face palmed when he earned a look from the librarian.

Completely distracted by the misfortunate situation he was in, he didn't hear it when the librarian spoke.

"E-excuse me?"

"Put this in the rack where you found it," she repeated, crushing the book almost violently with a stamp before handing it to him and Sunggyu only nodded his head, the hamster in his body scurrying to its deepest hole to hide. The woman was a perfect definition of scary. A shudder followed when the woman threw him a glare behind her white framed glasses. Honestly, if he was not that younger than that woman (she looked like she was in her forties) he would retaliate a glower, but he only complied. His arm weighed down when he retracted it from the countertop, and he cursed himself for forgetting; there was something much more important to consider at that moment. He should have known that Woohyun would still follow close.

"I'll put it for you," Woohyun said, taking the book from Sunggyu as soon as he found the right rack. The latter seriously followed him upstairs. It should have occured to him earlier to just make Woohyun go up for him instead of breaking his sweat to go round the spiral stairs! Sunggyu watched as Woohyun stood on his tiptoe and he shook his head unimpressed.

"I'm taller than you," Sunggyu said matter of factly, taking the book back and stepped up to the bottom shelve to reach up to place the book. Woohyun let out what seemed to Sunggyu a strangled laugh. He glanced at Woohyun - who suddenly became silent - and saw that the latter was eyeing Dongwoo who was leaning back against a rack, watching them with fiery eyes. Sunggyu seriously regretted not planning sooner; two people he could take advantage of. He was deep in his own thought to actually notice when Woohyun slipped a hand in his direction.

It unconsciously wrapped around Sunggyu's front waist and he squeaked; his hands immediately reached down to untwine Woohyun's arm and clutched onto his stomach protectively. His gaze almost look murderous when he eyed Woohyun disbelievingly. The book dropped to the floor and he misstepped his footing, stumbling backwards, but Woohyun caught him.

In the spur of that moment, both he and Woohyun were startled when Woohyun's hand was suddenly yanked away, and Sunggyu almost fell, but he magically managed to poise himself merely bracing through thin air. It was happening so fast, and he was actually thankful the second floor was almost empty and people wouldn't witness the dramatic scene that had happened.

They turned their heads to the cause and Sunggyu gazed confusedly when his eyes met ones under the familiar blue curtain and he could only blink - his mouth starting but formed no words.

How was he the middleman here? Sunggyu deeply questioned his sanity for bringing himself into that position.

Letting out a breath he unknowingly held, Sunggyu threw a glance at Woohyun, a scowl coursing on his face, but he hid it as he bent to pick the book up and literally threw it on the shelve. When he walked to exit, he could swear Woohyun was tugging the back of his shirt like a lost puppy.

He could care less.


The events following that day were almost identical and Sunggyu became aware of his surroundings then. It would be exaggerating if he said that he would flinch everytime someone jumped him from behind; but he would still flight when he sensed danger. This happened, too, when Sungyeol came up to him with Myungsoo in tow behind him.

"What's wrong, hyung?" Sungyeol asked and Sunggyu only shook his head. His friend continued nevertheless, pouting because his hyung wouldn't tell him. "I signed up for the play as well. Myungie said you did too," he said, his tone enlightening at the mention of Myungie. Sunggyu came to notice he was using less of verbal answers these days when he nodded and this caused Sungyeol to pout even further. "Let's go get the scripts, hyung."

Sunggyu nodded his head again, freezing momentarily when he spotted Dongwoo walking down another hallway not far from where they stood. The mere idea of being possibly close to Woohyun had him panicking, so he grabbed Sungyeol's hand and dragged them away.


The day of the audition came and students that signed up were announced to gather at the school's theatre at two in the afternoon. Sunggyu met up with Myungsoo and Sungyeol on his way to the theatre so they headed there together.

They made their way to sit on the stage as the room started to fill up with people and loud chatters. He scanned around the room for familiar faces. His eyes gripped to a somehow familiar brown head, and a certain someone crossed his mind, but they quickly disappeared when the door suddenly opened, and he squinted to the sudden bright light. Two silhouettes stood at the door and when one of them closed it, it took some time for Sunggyu to adjust and was able to make out their faces.

The director came up to the stage and clapped his hands to grab the students' attention. The room grew silent and all attention went to him.

"This is Naria," he said, motioning to the girl that stood behind him and she stood forward and bowed to introduce herself, "She will be the lead actress for this play." A few nods and a quick chatter followed after before it became quiet again. He heard Sungyeol mumbled that Myungie was prettier, but he decided to shrug it off when the male voice in front sounded again, "Isn't she pretty?"

The room roared with a loud "yes!" and the boys whistled and Naria almost looked like a cherry tomato by now.

Speaking about her, Sunggyu never actually saw her in school. He wasn't the observant type to begin with, but it wasn't to the extent that he didn't know the people around him. Although he had to admit he did not know most of them.

When the director yelled "chop-chop!", students started getting off their bums and proceeded to sit at the theatre seats.


Sunggyu didn't know if he had the talent in acting, but he believed he has it in singing. That was more important in a musical, right? Playing with his fingers, he lowered his head as he made his way to sit beside Myungsoo and Sungyeol. His heart started thumping loudly in his chest with each name being called on stage. In his thought, he almost missed it when Sungyeol's name was called.

He was completely stoned; but it wasn't until Sungyeol hugged him so tight that he shook out of his trance. Sunggyu stuttered when he whispered 'goodluck' and he watched as his tall friend popped a green skittle in his mouth before making his way to the stage.

Myungsoo turned to him, his hand outreached to offer him a handful of skittles. Sunggyu shook his head, continuing to play with the hem of his shirt while watching his friend in front. Sunggyu noticed when Myungsoo slid to the seat Sungyeol previously occupied; but it didn't occur to him that he would take his hand, albeit finding a small smile when the latter gave it an assuring squeeze.

A small chuckle pushed through his lips when Myungsoo suddenly opened his mouth as a gesture for Sunggyu to do the same and fed him a yellow skittle. His face scrunched when the sour taste exploded in his taste buds, but he could only laugh it off when Myungsoo teasingly waved the packet in front of him; the label clearly said 'Sours'.

However, he almost choked when that name was called.


He seriously needed to make a quick decision; it's okay to pull back now...right?



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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 37: what?????? please update authornim....what hppen next...howon??yah!! how dare him show his face after leaving sunggyu for a long period....eeee...
Chapter 37: whos this about myunggyu woogyu or rather its btw myunggyu or woogyu though.but then myunggyu seems rather impossible.there's myungyeol there yeah~
forgethurt #3
Chapter 37: NoUpdate?ToBadBecauseIt'sAGoodStory
I sub this story... I really2 hope u will update soon.
Chapter 37: Please tell me you're still going to update this ;A; worst cliffhanger moment ever!
I like your story! Please update soon! I want to know what will happen >w<
Chapter 37: Dongwoo is Woohyunnie stalker or something?
He kinda remind me of Bang Yongguk in Going Crazy.
Chapter 37: What? Howon is back.... this is gonna be good.
Chapter 37: madre de dios. Howon is back!! Im so excited for this. I wasn't expecting Howon do make an appearance here!
Chapter 37: Omg subscribing right now!!! This is soooo good!!!! :D