Chapter 8

Replace you

AN: Reuploaded this and made some changes. Read if you want :)



Sunggyu stood beside Woohyun and Naria as the director introduced them in front of other actors as the lead characters for the play. Quirking a brow at the director, Sunggyu questioned the man's choice, but only receiving a steady nod in reply. They bowed multiple times and everyone was ushered to work on their parts.

Naria introduced herself formally to Sunggyu and Woohyun and they did likewise. She gestured for them to follow her. Sunggyu glanced over to other performers on his way offstage, and waved to Myungsoo and Sungyeol when he spotted them playing with stage props (especially Sungyeol, yes; Myungsoo was just standing by his side).

"So, should we start practising today?" Naria dropped down to the floor in the practice room and Sunggyu and Woohyun did the same. Sunggyu sat with his knees lazily pulled up to his chest, while Woohyun sat cross-legged. She looked between the two males as if expecting an answer; only to be greeted with stiff quietness inside the room. Both were quiet. None of them spoke. And from her view, she noticed that both were looking anywhere but to each other.

A smile naturally formed on her face when Woohyun broke the still silence with a hum and Sunggyu shifted to Woohyun's sitting position and rested an elbow on his lap to prop his chin.

"Let's just read through the script for today," Sunggyu suggested, giving her a quick look.

The room became quiet again as they drowned themselves into their script books.


Sunggyu was halfway through the script when Woohyun suddenly sounded.

"I-I'm getting a drink," A troubled look etched on his face as he said it and the script looked like it slipped out of Woohyun's hand instead of him placing it on the floor himself. Woohyun pushed himself to stand. He walked to the door without sparing any glance at the two.

The sound of the door clicking came afterwards and Sunggyu was about to continue skimming through the pages; only to be startled when Naria suddenly took his hand. He looked at her confusedly and quickly, she retracted her hand, and he lowered his head to see a dollar in his palm. With questioning eyes, he looked up at Naria.

" me a drink too, neh...Sunggyu-sshi?"


An idea popped in his head as he followed Woohyun through the hallway to the vending machine. He paused midway when they arrived and watched - quite amused he might add - as the latter listlessly ran a finger along the few choices of drinks the machine offered. Woohyun didn't seem to know of his presence; and he waited until Woohyun bend down to take the drink can to surge forward to scare the sullen looking male in front.

Only that his plan failed when the can hit his chest at the abrubt turn Woohyun made when Sunggyu approached from the back and he winced in pain.

"O-oh Sunggyu..."

Sunggyu frowned slightly at the lack of respect as he rubbed his chest with a hiss. Knowing fully that it was his own fault, he managed to come back with feigned innocence. "You could have apologised," he muttered quietly as he eyed Woohyun - who's eyeing his chest with silent apology.

"Sorry," Woohyun said and Sunggyu rolled his eyes almost immediately. Gaining his posture, he pushed Woohyun aside to buy a drink himself and squatted down to take the can.

In all honesty, he was surprised at the absence of retort because quietness wasn't what people could expect from someone like Woohyun. Or so he thought because he didn't know Woohyun fully well as they were practically strangers before now. Not that Sunggyu admitted that they were close.

Sunggyu initially mulled over how he would have to stand Woohyun's nonsensical acts, but none of those came as they walked back in complete silence. A few clinks sounded right after and out of pure curiosity, Sunggyu turned around to see what Woohyun was doing.

Unintentionally, a laugh escaped and he quickly repressed it with his palm; but Woohyun had probably heard him because of the glare the latter was shooting.

"You can't open that?" Sunggyu asked, pointing a finger to the drink can in Woohyun's hands, chuckling with genuine amusement as the latter only frowned at him.

"I can," Woohyun stated in defence, "this can is just messing up with me."

Tapping a playful finger on his lips, Sunggyu pulled out a thinking stance. Unfolding his left arm from the other, he offered the can in his hand. A smirk played on his face when Woohyun stepped forward and took the can challengingly and replaced it with his own.


"You're so cute," Sunggyu remarked with mock laughter when Woohyun failed miserably. He opened Woohyun's drink and handed it back.

They returned to the practice room a few minutes later. Sunggyu handed Naria her drink before planking himself down, leaning back against a wall. Woohyun sat in front of Naria, arousing more laughter from Sunggyu as he downed his drink angrily.



"Where are we drinking hyung? Where are we drinking?" Sungyeol asked the next day, unduely excited as he dragged Myungsoo and Sunggyu behind him with both hands. Sungyeol had initially begged Sunggyu to strip his wallet and the older had to agree because he couldn't stand the overly pouty face. "AH!" he uttered aloud with a dramatic finger and began pulling them faster.

Sunggyu quirked an eyebrow when they arrived in front of a typical orange tent roadside restaurant.

"Here?" he asked and Sungyeol nodded furiously. Myungsoo was looking at him with equal doubtfulness.

"It's where people always drink in dramas!" he exclaimed and started telling overused scenes from dramas and whatnot. Sunggyu was thankful when Myungsoo emotionlessly silenced him by dragging him inside.


One bottle led to another and by now they had finished more than six bottles of Soju.

"Hyung..." Sungyeol nudged him by kicking him lightly under the table.

Sunggyu could care less to scold him and only answered with a hum, his vision blurring as he took another gulp of the native liquor.

"Hyung-" Sungyeol repeated, blinking a few times when he hiccupped. He laid his head on Myungsoo's back while the latter had his right cheek plastered on the table, back facing them. "So~" Sungyeol scrunched his face, struggling to point an accusing finger at Sunggyu, "Do you have a kissing scene?"

Myungsoo wriggled visibly, turning his head to lay on his other cheek to face them. Sungyeol sat up straight by now.

"Me?" Sunggyu pointed to himself and Sungyeol nodded like a puppy. He shook his head in denial. "Ani, Woohyun does." He nodded his head a few times and his bottom lip, narrowing his eyes into slits.

He heard Myungsoo clear his throat and both he and Sungyeol turned to look at him.

"Have you kissed hyung?" Myungsoo asked.

Sunggyu didn't answer and instead downed another glass. "You?"

Both of them stayed quiet when neither of them looked like they wanted to answer. An awkward vibe hung over them then, until Sungyeol decided to break the silence. "I have never kissed," he confessed, then looked at Myungsoo. "Can I kiss you Myungie?"

Myungsoo was definitely shocked by Sungyeol's blunt request.

Sungyeol's expression that evidently opposed didn't miss Sunggyu's eyes as the latter defended himself by saying that he was joking and waved dismissive hands in front of them. "I'm...joking," he repeated in a small voice. Sunggyu watched as the latter sipped in his drink, eyes stark on the plain white plastic tabletop.

A small part of him somehow recognised the expression.

Sunggyu stood and dragged his stool to the other side of the table and dropped beside Myungsoo. He made sure to make the movement loud and when he settled, he was quite startled when Myungsoo rested his head on his shoulder with his eyes closed.

Sungyeol stared at them.

He felt Myungsoo's head shift on his shoulder as he poured another glass for the three of them. He pushed Sungyeol's share to him, then moved to wake Myungsoo up.

Time paused and his heart seemed to leap out of its cage.

Myungsoo was looking at him prior to the moment he turned; and like cliched telltales, their eyes locked. Sunggyu gulped when he witnessed the latter's eyes shifting to a part gently below his nose and then back to his eyes. With a of his lips, Myungsoo took him aback by kissing him.



His mind was already a hazy mess; it worsened when without mercy, a fist had collided with his cheek hard from the side.

And he was sent tumbling to the floor.


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 37: what?????? please update authornim....what hppen next...howon??yah!! how dare him show his face after leaving sunggyu for a long period....eeee...
Chapter 37: whos this about myunggyu woogyu or rather its btw myunggyu or woogyu though.but then myunggyu seems rather impossible.there's myungyeol there yeah~
forgethurt #3
Chapter 37: NoUpdate?ToBadBecauseIt'sAGoodStory
I sub this story... I really2 hope u will update soon.
Chapter 37: Please tell me you're still going to update this ;A; worst cliffhanger moment ever!
I like your story! Please update soon! I want to know what will happen >w<
Chapter 37: Dongwoo is Woohyunnie stalker or something?
He kinda remind me of Bang Yongguk in Going Crazy.
Chapter 37: What? Howon is back.... this is gonna be good.
Chapter 37: madre de dios. Howon is back!! Im so excited for this. I wasn't expecting Howon do make an appearance here!
Chapter 37: Omg subscribing right now!!! This is soooo good!!!! :D