Chapter 3

Replace you

He kept a straight face, intending to be as invisible as he could as he weaved and blended into the swarm of students in the school hallway that morning. Waking up after an alcohol-filled night was what he hated the most, but he didn't find himself making any effort to stop even so.


His alarm clock had a difficult time waking him up, and it sadly ended its life that morning as well. Sunggyu walked to his locker and as he peeked in to find his textbook, he jerked back when he felt cold air at the back of his neck.


A black haired male -easily mistaken as female- stood beside him, his eyes big and glittery as he shot him a wide smile. Sunggyu exhaled in relief when he saw his young friend. Seriously, he was four years younger. Sungjong waved at him enthusiastically even though they were less than half a meter apart.


The younger of the two tugged by his side as they walked to their shared class. An apparent contrast between them: one was walking with a feline cat-like walk, his energy emitting from even the rhythmic pulsating of his fingers against his hips; one shuffling listlessly with lazy steps. The bell rung when they simultaneously made it to class and they hurried to claim a seat by the windows.


"Hyung, are you going anywhere after school?" Sungjong whispered between the lesson. Sunggyu took a side glance at Sungjong; the latter's eyes fixed onto the words written in black whiteboard pen in front. He hung his head low as he copied some notes and mumbled a soft "I don't know."


The morning lesson dragged on for a full silent hour and when the school bell finally rang, the whole room roared cheerfully. The teacher - who didn't seem to care - collected all the scattered papers on his table and left the room without words. Sunggyu pulled the straps of his bag over his shoulders and twisted to his friend, but he saw that the latter was no longer there.


He glanced at his watch, running a hand through his hair as he walked out of the classroom. There were three minutes left before his next class started, and Sunggyu took his full leisure time walking to the schoolroom. His steps came into a halt when a pair of Converse sneakers greeted him. He lifted his head to peer at the person through his fringe.


The man stood slightly shorter than himself - his hair coloured a strange intermediate between dark green and violet, slipping across his forehead in a soft arc. Sunggyu looked away when he met the other's eyes. As he looked down, he noticed the other was wearing a white button-down shirt under a thin black cotton cardigan and blue jeans.


He prodded to walk pass him and kept his head low. However, it didn't seem that he would get away so easily when he felt a hand on his shoulder. With the same frown, he turned to face him. The other withdrew his hand and with a rather sinister grin, he took a step closer to Sunggyu.


The fact that they were standing only a foot apart didn't concern him. Sunggyu raised an eyebrow as if to urge him to speak.


"Nice to see you again," the other said with a low voice so Sunggyu was the only one to hear. Sunggyu blinked a few times to sink in what he had said and somehow, he could easily note the irony. With a smirk, the latter spun on his heels and retreated down the hallway.





He was greeted by an energetic pole as soon as he walked out of his last class of the day. Letting the latter pull him to his locker, he followed obediently while the tall ice trailed along behind them. Sungyeol drummed his fingers on the locker door beside Sunggyu's as he waited for him to put in his textbooks.


"Where are you taking me?" Sunggyu asked, slight amusement in his tone as he observed the choding's antic.


"Myungie's treating us coffee!" he explained loudly, avid for his love for the umber beverage. Sunggyu chuckled while Myungsoo only scratched his temple and leaned back against the lockers, only to be pulled off again when Sungyeol saw that Sunggyu was done.


Myongsoo staggered in his steps as he ran along while Sungyeol tugged on his wrist. Sunggyu jogged to them to catch up.



They took a seat by the windows once they arrived at a cafe down town. The rich smell of coffee reached their nostrils as soon as the front door opened. Sunggyu wasn't surprised that Sungyeol was already seated by the time he and Myungsoo came in. Sungyeol's wave was cut abrupt when a waiter came to take their order.


Sunggyu slumped down the inner seat beside the window while Myungsoo sat in front of him. He stared out at the busy road: people going back and forth from one building to another, cars passing by, racing the yellow light. Propping his chin on his palm, he puffed his cheeks out and rolled his eyes to scan around the room.


His attention averted when a dull clunk sounded, followed by Sungyeol's squeak. The same waiter had returned with two cups of coffee and a glass of milk. Taking a sip of his milk, he eyed the choding over the rim of his glass. Sunggyu didn't know coffee could make someone so happy.


"Does it taste good?" Sunggyu asked as he placed his glass down.


"Of course!" Sungyeol answered with a tone that said it-was-the-most-ridiculous-question-ever. He looked over to Myungsoo then urged him to offer Sunggyu some of his coffee. His own was too precious to give away.


Myungsoo stopped sipping his coffee and placed it down before lifting his gaze at Sunggyu. He pushed his cup across the table and Sunggyu picked it up to have a taste. Sungyeol eyed him expectantly, his eyes twinkling as he waited for Sunggyu's response. his lips, he pushed the cup back to Myungsoo and nodded in confirmation.


"It's nice," he said and Sungyeol sat up straight and grinned proudly.


As he waited for his second cup, Sungyeol noticed the still quietness that hung around them. Suddenly remembering the night's events, he initiated a talk to enlighten the mood.


"Hyung, did Myungie go home safely last night? Myungie said he didn't remember," Sungyeol asked with a cute pout.


Sunggyu remembered Myungsoo passing out; him sending the latter home, and Myungsoo wanting him to stay. He remembered lying beside him and the younger had curled his arms and legs around his body. He also remembered falling asleep and waking up in the middle of the night.


Sunggyu voiced out a "yes."


Sungyeol shrugged everything off when his coffee arrived.



"Excuse me," Sunggyu said softly, pushing his chair back and stood up. Sungyeol blinked with his large eyes, craning his neck to look at the hamster while finishing his last drop of coffee. The dull clunk of the cup against the table sounded afterwards and Sunggyu immediately whirled back to them with a raised finger.


Sungyeol had his hand halted midair and his mouth hung open.


"No more Yeollie," Sunggyu warned, throwing a glance at Myungsoo -who acknowledged it- and then waved off in the direction of the bathroom.



Looking at himself in the mirror, he placed his hand on the tap, finding it strange that there was nothing to turn it on with. Waving his hand slightly under it, he was startled when water came out itself. He rolled his eyes and snickered to himself before cupping his hands under it to wash his face.


Flicking his fringe to a side with his finger, he tore a piece of tissue paper and dabbed it on his face.


Fixing his shirt down, he strutted to the door and swung it open. The sound of it closing behind him came after as he stopped in his movement. He looked up to see a familiar brown head; a panicked look etched on him.


"Woohyun? Why are you here?" he asked, only to jump when Woohyun posited his hands on his shoulder.


"Help me," the younger blurted out, his voice trembling.


"What? Why-"


"Kiss me."





. -------------------------


Thank you for reading! Tell me how I did ok? Sorry for the mistakes.

Btw, does anyone know where I can find Infinite's video masterpost? I can easily download live performances from mediafire through that, but I can't find Infinite's. Help me? :) Leave me comments <3

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 37: what?????? please update authornim....what hppen next...howon??yah!! how dare him show his face after leaving sunggyu for a long period....eeee...
Chapter 37: whos this about myunggyu woogyu or rather its btw myunggyu or woogyu though.but then myunggyu seems rather impossible.there's myungyeol there yeah~
forgethurt #3
Chapter 37: NoUpdate?ToBadBecauseIt'sAGoodStory
I sub this story... I really2 hope u will update soon.
Chapter 37: Please tell me you're still going to update this ;A; worst cliffhanger moment ever!
I like your story! Please update soon! I want to know what will happen >w<
Chapter 37: Dongwoo is Woohyunnie stalker or something?
He kinda remind me of Bang Yongguk in Going Crazy.
Chapter 37: What? Howon is back.... this is gonna be good.
Chapter 37: madre de dios. Howon is back!! Im so excited for this. I wasn't expecting Howon do make an appearance here!
Chapter 37: Omg subscribing right now!!! This is soooo good!!!! :D