Kai's glare

Angels' Protection.


"Byeol! Gwenchana?!" 
Murmurs everywhere. It's a sweet, soothing voice. A voice covered with concern that was able to calm your palpitating heart. Since its someone calling your name with such sweet voice over with a thick concern, it should be everyone else in the world except Kwanghee that bastard. 
You breathe in deeply and exhale, an attempt to calm yourself down.  You slowly open your eyes and met eyes with that one angel. 
"Byeol ah, gwenchana?!" It was Baekhyun. 
"Kwanghee.." You stuttered. 
"He ran off!" Chanyeol boomed gleefully. 
" Ran of- what?! He ran off?!" That Kwanghee will never do that! 
"I never let go a prey that easily!"
That was what he always say. He would never let you go regardless of your endless pleading and begging. He ran off without ridiculing you. That is weird, very weird. 
"Did he say anything?" I don't remember hearing him shout any nasty things. Hmm..
"Is there anything he should be saying?" Kai shot his icy cold pierce-kind stare at you. You swear you could feel that slight tingling tremble down your spine. 
"Don't scare her!" Sehun ran towards you and gave you a bone crushing hug. Despite him being all skinny and boney, his hug almost make you choked. 
 "Guys, enough. Lets bring Byeol home! I guess we'll cook congee for dinner today!" It was Suho. You shifted yourself out of Sehun's tight embrace and stood up. You glance to Kai, who's just giving you a  "you're hiding something" glare with a hinge, a tiny hinge of annoyance. So tiny you felt like you could've died if looks could kill. 
Sehun probably saw Kai's almost dead stare so he went to you and held up your right  hand. Chanyeol probably got jealous over Sehun getting all touchy over you so he held up your left hand. While times like you this make you really grateful for having them. You couldn't imagine what would happen if they were not there to help defend you from Kwanghee. Just the simple thought of Kwanghee makes you shudder. 
But Kai, why is he giving me those looks? Did Kwanghee said something that they shouldn't know? But what do they know.. 
hi guys. It's been a while, a really long time. I will soon post an update on why I've been away for such a long time and not updating frequently. I'm really sorry for that. Now I'm using my itouch to update and it's so lag. But here's an update. I really have no idea how the story's gon continue. I don't know how to write the Exo-m part... But i will continue this story. So please be patient with me! Sorry once again! TT.TT
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Hanayaa #1
Kyaah!! Author-nim please update agaiin!!!!;;;
angelchunsa #2
@jesshime: I will update as soon as I finish my assignments! Please be patient though ^^
angelchunsa #3
@HeartGold426: Thankyou! :D
when will you update it? i'm waiting ^-^
so curious about what will happen next :)
HeartGold426 #5
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I really like it.
angelchunsa #6
@KikoBread: Haha! They're cute people!:) Thankyou and be patience for EXO-M! :D
angelchunsa #7
@TheLastManStanding: ^^ Promised to update asap. :)
angelchunsa #8
@EXOtic0408: I promised EXO-M will appear but not so soon! They might appear as cameo in this sequel. Haha! He's so hot in that gif! *melts my heart* ^^ Thankyou!
They so cute and I love your gifs ~ I can't wait for Exo M <3
Cant wait till next update!!