Part Of My Life

Angels' Protection.


“ITS HER! YAH! ORPHANBYEOL! THE ONE WITH NO PARENTS!” When you heard that, it just feels like those times when you’ve been bullied by Kwanghee had come back.

Damn this orphan is running away! Haha! No way till I’ve had my own fun!
“Don’t run away! Orphan!”

“Lets go! Please.” You look at Suho and the rest of them. This is the second time you’ve pleaded with someone. First was Kwanghee. But that was the last and only time when you’ve pleaded him.
“Byeol, he’s Lee Kwanghee right?” Suho asked expressionlessly.
“Yeah but how did you-”
“Let us settle this.” Chanyeol answered coldly.
“Byeol, stay back. Let us handle this.” Baekhyun gave you a warm smile but his eyes were cold without emotion.
Facing Kwanghee, who came out of the shop, all of them turned into 6 straight-faced silhouette.

“There she is!” 6 of your angels had already pushed you behind their back. For the first time since leaving the orphanage, you felt protected. You thought being protected was not what an orphan could have. But today, you felt protected. Not just by 1 but 6 at a time.
Thoughts were running in your head. What am I supposed to do right now?!

6 of them stand side by side, forming a line. Suho, being the leader was at the centre of the 6. While Chanyeol, who’s at the side pushed you back behind him. God, I told them to go! Kwanghee’s not gonna let me go! And just look at them, they’re just going to create more troubles for me! Right at this moment, the 6 angels looked like a packed of werewolf, ready to pounce on anyone.

Kwanghee chased out and was surprised to see the 6 angels in front of you. “Wow, yah! Cha Byeol Dal! Just how much do you sell yourself for a night? Or you found a rich man and these are your body guards?” He raised one of his eyebrows at you. Sell. You winced at that word. Kwanghee never fails to remind you of your parents. When you first came out of the orphanage, he used to go around laughing and telling everyone of the estate that your parents sold you to the orphanage. This bastard. I’ve had enough of him! You walked to Suho and told him “Suho-shi-“
“Byeol.” He met eyes with you and you swear his cold stare instantly melt into loving orbs. He gave you an assuring nod.
“He’s that guy that makes our Byeol cry at night. He’s the guy that called Byeol names. He’s the one we’re looking for guys.” Suho turned back to faced the now amused Kwanghee.
You’re so damn dead if I caught your back. Chanyeol taught. Because I will freaking burn you for toying with my Byeol.
You realised Sehun stares at them with this slight tint of hatred. This was weird because all the boys had cold stares. But just not Sehun.

You were unknowingly behind Baekhyun and he turned to you. “Closed your eyes for the next 30 seconds. Don’t be afraid.” He took your trembling hands and wiped a tear off your face. You didn’t even realised that your tears are already streaming down. At that moment, you were afraid. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to the 6 of them. You knew Kwanghee aren’t going to give up teasing on you today. Especially since he looks a little tipsy.

“Oh god, so you 6 guys are protecting her. I see. Come at me bro, I’m especially irritable today. You saw Kwanghee tossing punches into the air. Please- You held your hands together, closed to your heart. –be safe. The 6 of them. For once, you are praying. Not for your parents. Not for your boss or anyone else. Definitely not for Kwanghee to be harassed you. But for 6 claimed angels-strangers that just became part of your life. You knew that they are part of your life from now on.

Worriedly, you slowly closed your eyes and felt your heart beat faster the very moment you closed your eyes. Then you started counting for 30 seconds.

It’s gon’ be over.

It’s gon’ be over.

It’s gon’ be over.

You didn’t even took note of them time because you were so focused on shutting down the shouts. Because you’re not sure who is shouting.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH STOPPPPPP!” Your heart went wild, beating faster than Usian Bolt. Please not the 6 of them.


I'm so so so so so so so so so so so sorryy!!!!!!!! mianhae!!!! IM SO SORRY I TOOK LIKE HALF A YEAR TO UPDATE. I WAS REALLY PREOCCUPIED!  WILLL UPDATE AGAIN SOON!

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Hanayaa #1
Kyaah!! Author-nim please update agaiin!!!!;;;
angelchunsa #2
@jesshime: I will update as soon as I finish my assignments! Please be patient though ^^
angelchunsa #3
@HeartGold426: Thankyou! :D
when will you update it? i'm waiting ^-^
so curious about what will happen next :)
HeartGold426 #5
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I really like it.
angelchunsa #6
@KikoBread: Haha! They're cute people!:) Thankyou and be patience for EXO-M! :D
angelchunsa #7
@TheLastManStanding: ^^ Promised to update asap. :)
angelchunsa #8
@EXOtic0408: I promised EXO-M will appear but not so soon! They might appear as cameo in this sequel. Haha! He's so hot in that gif! *melts my heart* ^^ Thankyou!
They so cute and I love your gifs ~ I can't wait for Exo M <3
Cant wait till next update!!