Definition of an Angel.

Angels' Protection.

“We’re angels sent to protect you.” Suho said calmly.

“Angels? Serious?” You asked, hoping for a no.
“If you don’t believe we can show you.” Kai gave you a smirk.
He walked towards you and lifted you up. The 7 of you then walked to the balcony and you felt that you are slowly disappearing.  You glanced around and realized you are at the street down your house.  Kai slowly let you down and you nearly shouted.
“What the hell happen?!” What the hell did he do?! I was in my house and now I’m on the street.
“Do you believe we’re your angels now?”
“Angels don’t scare people like this.”
“Fine. We just teleport. From your house to here.” Kai gave you his smirk again.
“Yes, I have the power of teleportation.”
“Power?!” You grew shock. These guys have power?!
Smirking, he lifted you up and the 7 of you disappeared again. You are starting to get curious about these guys. Not only do they claim they are angels. They even said they’re here to protect you. Back at the house, the others continue to show you their powers.
“I have the power of water! Let me show you!” Suho stands up and went to your kitchen, grab a cup of water and placed it in front of you. He lifted his hand and the water rises out of the cup and followed his hand. He began moving his arms and the water move with them. You felt your jaw dropped.  He swings his arm up and pointed to the vase of plants. The water just went into the vase.
Suho gave you his warm smile again and you feel like you’re melting inside. Oh god, don’t smile like that!

Just then, Chanyeol stood up and held his hand up and then he placed it down again, palm facing up. Then there’s fire on his hand.“Oh my! Fire! Put out the fire! Put out the fire! Suho, you can control water right? Put out the fire faster!” While you’re here panicking about the fire, they are busy laughing.
“Byeol, I have the power of flame! HAHAHHAHAHA!” What? Byeol? IS THAT A NICKNAME NOW?
Just then he placed both of his hands together and the ball of flame disappeared. He then gave  you a goofy grin. You can’t not admit that he’s cute that way.
At that moment, Sehun raises both hands and you felt a gush of wind coming.
“Your power is wind?”
“YES!” He brightly beamed at you. You gave him a soft smile too. He’s so cute!  You have always like the wind. It makes you feel free.
“I have the power of light.” Baekhyun smiled softly at you. His smile is so.. so.. Captivating. tumblr_m38jqebT9g1qb728qo1_500_large.png
You blushed at your thoughts and gave back a small smile.

You turned and face D.O, wondering what his power is.

“What bout you?” You asked shyly. He turned to face you and said,
“Earth? What kind of power is that?” You grew curious at his answer. Earth. Is that even a power?
“He can do many things to the nature of Earth. Like making the plants grow.” Suho replied your question.
“Or he could create earthquakes! Disasters!” Sehun shouted. D.O eyed Sehun and gave him a stern look. SHUT UP SEHUN!
“Ahhh.” You think about their powers and got curious.
“Do you guys have wings?”
“WHAT?” D.O looked at you with his big round eyes. Just then, Kai walk towards you and look at you.
“May I know what’s your definition of angels?” He looked amused and you swear you just want to punch him in the face.
“Don’t angels all have wings?  Wings that are attached to your back and you can fly while flapping those wings?”
All you hear were their roaring laughter.
“Ahhh, so this is the definition of angels for humans.” Kai gave you his smirk again. Damn, I swear this guy and his smirk just pisses me off.
“Guys, talk about the main point.” Leader-shi cut their laughter.
“Byeol, we have to stay with you. In this apartment.”
“WHAT?” I have to stay with 6 ridiculously hot guys or angels or whatever. But together?! You felt like screaming.

Updated! :D Image not mine, found it in google. 

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Hanayaa #1
Kyaah!! Author-nim please update agaiin!!!!;;;
angelchunsa #2
@jesshime: I will update as soon as I finish my assignments! Please be patient though ^^
angelchunsa #3
@HeartGold426: Thankyou! :D
when will you update it? i'm waiting ^-^
so curious about what will happen next :)
HeartGold426 #5
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I really like it.
angelchunsa #6
@KikoBread: Haha! They're cute people!:) Thankyou and be patience for EXO-M! :D
angelchunsa #7
@TheLastManStanding: ^^ Promised to update asap. :)
angelchunsa #8
@EXOtic0408: I promised EXO-M will appear but not so soon! They might appear as cameo in this sequel. Haha! He's so hot in that gif! *melts my heart* ^^ Thankyou!
They so cute and I love your gifs ~ I can't wait for Exo M <3
Cant wait till next update!!