6 angels, they claimed.

Angels' Protection.


Its morning and your alarm rang. Its another day. Darn. Another day means another day in school, another round of torture and ridicule. Though you got used to whatever people says to you, but it still hurts. You woke up and went to prepare for school. Then you saw the calendar and realised that its the weekend so there’s no school. Well thats not good either. It just means the place you’re working at will be flooded with crowds. At that time, you heard murmurs in the living room. Omo, there’s people in my house! You went into your closet and grabbed a baseball bat. You placed that in the closet just in case. While holding the baseball bat real tight, you twist the door knob and went out. You look around suspiciously, on full alert mode. Then you felt a tap on your shoulder, which made you froze on the spot. OMO!
Without turning back, you spoke, “Who are you? I’ll give you all my money! Spare my life!”
You heard a snort and slowly turn back with your eyes closed. Still holding you baseball bat tightly, you open your eyes and see 6 guys standing in front of you. Your jaws dropped and your mouth formed an ‘O’ shape. A tall guy had his hand on your shoulders.
“Who are you?!” You shouted.
“We’re Exo K!” The guy standing at the most front gave you a smile that make you kind of melt.
“Did we scare you? Are you alright?” The same guy continued. You were too shock to form words.
“Hyung, you scared her! Aissh!” Sehun said.
“Exo what?” You replied.
Does she have memory loss? We just told her we’re Exo K. Kai thought to himself.
“Exo K. We’re here to protect you.” The same guy in the frontline spoke.
“Protect? Please tell me this is not a dream.”
“No, this is not a dream.” Kai replied.
“Its a long story so we should sit down and explain to you. May we?”
“Huh? What the.. Hey this is absurd okay? I don’t know how you guys get into MY HOUSE but I hope you guys have the least respect of MY PROPERTY and leave.”
“How can we leave?! We’re here to protect you!”
“And you expect me to believe that? Out of a sudden?! Are you guys sent from Kwanghee?!” Kwanghee was the big bully in your school that always, without fail pick on you. He makes your life in school thousand times worse.
“Can’t you just let us explain?” One of them said.
“Fine!” You replied curtly.

“Lets start off with introducing ourselves! I am Suho, the leader of ExoK!” Suho beamed at you with a bright smile of his.
“Hello Byeol Dal, I’m D.O.” You widen your eyes at D.O. How the hell did he know my name!
“I’m Chanyeol.” He held out his hand for handshake, which you returned the handshake awkwardly.
“I’m Baekhyun.” He stared into your eyes and you felt so captivated. You felt that your cheeks are burning and break away from his stare.
“Kai.” He gave you one arrogant look and you swear he looked like the big bully Kwanghee. You rolled your eyes at his arrogant face.
“I’m Sehun! Nice to meet you!!” With that Sehun embraced you into a tight hug. You were already coughing for breath when he released you.
“Sehun ah! You hurt her!” Leader Suho scolded. After catching your breath, you thought of introducing yourself too.
“I’m Cha-”
“Byeol Dal.” The six replied.
“How did you guys know my name?”
“Of course we know! We’re your angels!”
6 strange, yet good looking guys just came into your house like that. What a good day to start!

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Hanayaa #1
Kyaah!! Author-nim please update agaiin!!!!;;;
angelchunsa #2
@jesshime: I will update as soon as I finish my assignments! Please be patient though ^^
angelchunsa #3
@HeartGold426: Thankyou! :D
when will you update it? i'm waiting ^-^
so curious about what will happen next :)
HeartGold426 #5
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I really like it.
angelchunsa #6
@KikoBread: Haha! They're cute people!:) Thankyou and be patience for EXO-M! :D
angelchunsa #7
@TheLastManStanding: ^^ Promised to update asap. :)
angelchunsa #8
@EXOtic0408: I promised EXO-M will appear but not so soon! They might appear as cameo in this sequel. Haha! He's so hot in that gif! *melts my heart* ^^ Thankyou!
They so cute and I love your gifs ~ I can't wait for Exo M <3
Cant wait till next update!!