You're My Ideal Type

thank you Taemin-lover, IIVAYY, minyoungunnie, and eternal-freedom for commenting!!!!!! you guys are too sweet ;A; 

on to the update!




“Take the day off,” the manager told me. Wait, what? Did I hear that correctly? It must’ve been my imagination.


“I said, take the day off. You deserve it,” M’s manager said.

“Yeah, go ahead Kajin. Enjoy yourself a little while you’re still young,” K’s manager said, waving me off. I bowed to them and gave them both a hug.

YEEEEESSSS SWEET FREEDOM. I decided not to question it any further and ran back down to my apartment.

I hadn’t talked to any of my friends in a while. I decided to call my best friend, Shin. Well, his actual name is Shinwoo, but he hates that name. Something about it being too old fashioned or something dumb like that. We’ve been best friends since junior high and we graduated high school together not too long ago. I was able to talk to him about a lot of things and we would exchange advice often. He really was my best friend.

[A/N: My idea of "Shin." lets pretend that this guy isnt a super cute ulzzang model. psh.]


“Shin! It’s Kajin! You free today?”

“Kajin-ah! Where’ve you been? I heard you moved! Gimme your address, I’ll come pick you up now. We need to catch up!” I told him my address and hung up. Wow, it felt really weird not making breakfast for the boys, who I could hear waking up just now, their footsteps audible through my ceiling. But then I also heard a loud thud followed by a loud crash. Were they…ok? I headed up to their apartment to see what the commotion was all about.

All the members usually ate breakfast in K’s dorm (and dinner in M’s dorm) and when I walked in, I was horrified. Smoke was everywhere, A few broken dishes. Another loud crash as EXO-K’s manager backed up into another platter carelessly placed on the edge of the counter.

“Kajin-ah! Save us!” Sehun whimpered.

“What the hell is going on here?!?!” I yelled. Both managers looked up from their tasks- Manager K was holding a pot of burning something (God only knows what) and Manager M was emptying the fridge of its contents to see what could be made into breakfast. Oh my god….

“I thought we told you that you could take the day off!”

“I am but I also don’t want you guys to burn down the building!” I said, quickly rushing over to open the windows and proceeding to push the managers out of the kitchen. I quickly made an American style breakfast with eggs and toast, setting the food in front of the 12 hungry boys.

“Thank you Kajin!!” Chanyeol cried, stuffing his mouth, a tear welling up in his eye from gratitude.

I glared at the managers.

“Never. Touch. The. Kitchen. Ever. Again. Like. EVER. Do you understand me?” The two managers slowly nodded their heads and awkwardly looked down, unsure of what to say. There was a knock at the door and everything became quiet; everyone craned their necks in the direction of the door expecting who ever was behind it to just let themselves in.

“AIsh,” I mumbled, making my way over to the door.

“Excuse me, do you know where- Oh Kajin!”

“Shin!” I gave him a hug.

“You gave me the wrong address pabo,” he said ruffling my hair. I swatted his arm away. “Erm…who are they and why are they in your apartment….?”

“Kajin…who’s that?” I heard Sehun squeak.

“Those are my bosses, I’ll explain later,” I said to Shin, pulling him out of the threshold. Before closing the door, I poked my head into the door. “Bye boys! Have a good day! And managers, you better clean the kitchen up,” I said, poking my head in the direction of the horrible mess that was my cooking space. I closed the door to face a very confused Shin.

“Don’t even ask,” I told him. He shrugged his shoulders and casually threw his arm around my shoulder.

“So what did you want to do today?”


I stared at the closed door, trying to wrap my brain around what just happened. Well, all 12 of us were.

“Where’s she going?” Luhan asked, breaking the silence. The two managers were dejectedly walking to the kitchen to clean up the disaster they created.

“She’s got the day off,” our manager said.  We all kind of shrugged it off and went on with our day. I thought about that guy that was with her this morning and I thought…well I didn’t really know what I thought. It wasn’t exactly my place to get into her personal life but it kept gnawing at me.

Lunch time came around and we were all starving. We were all very put out that Kajin wouldn’t come and give us something good, and were even more put out when our managers came back with tofu. TOFU. It did NOT fill me up at ALL. Around 8 PM or so, Kris volunteered to go back to the dorm early since Kajin wouldn’t be making dinner for us.

How nice of him.

Your POV

Shin and I caught up on a lot of things. For one, I explained to him the whole ordeal. He could be trusted, and plus, he didn’t really care much for idol groups. Shin said that he had taken up wushu (making me think of Tao for a moment) and that he was improving well. He also said he got into a great university.

“That’s great Shin! Congrats!” I nudged him playfully with my elbow as we walked down the street.

“Yah, Kajin-ah, why aren’t you going to college?” I sighed.

“I-I just can’t afford it, and now I’m busy with work. I think I’m situated well for now….” I said quietly, looking at the grass. We had been walking through a dog park.

“Kajin, you need to think of your future. What happens if they disband? They won’t be together forever. And besides, what if you want to get married and have kids? What then?” I squatted down to pet a small puppy that had trotted over to me for attention.

“I don’t know, Shin. I’m not gunna worry about that just yet. As for college, I’ll look into online classes…”


“Don’t start,” I smiled up at him reassuringly.

“I’m just worried,” he said quietly. I stood up and linked my arm with his, the puppy wandering off back to its owner.

“Don’t worry too much. I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine.” I guess he knew he wasn’t going to get much more out of me so he just dropped the subject.

For the rest of the day, we did a lot of shopping and we even went to karaoke. When we emerged from the room, it was already night time. I looked at my phone- 8:30.

“I should probably go and make dinner for the boys. I think the managers have tortured them enough. Come on, I’ll make some for you too,” I said, looping my arm with Shin’s. We walked back to the dorms, talking more about what Shin wanted to do in college. He said he'd be studying medicine and that he was excited to become a doctor. 

"Hehe thats great! You'll be just like Dr. Oz!" I said, remembering the famous doctor that I'd seen on TV on my trip to New York last year. He playfully nudged me. We were approaching the apartment complex and headed up the elevator. 

“They’ll probably be home in an hour and a half…what should we ma-“ I stood speechless at the sight before me in EXO-M’s apartment. Nothing could have prepared me for it, to be quite honest.

Kris was on the couch, arms wrapped around a tiny female figure, his lips pressed against hers. 


muahahaha~~ bet you werent expecting that. -runs and hides-  

thank you to all of my lovely new subscribers!!! i wasn't expecting to get so many within the last couple days. I love you all ;A; <3 

what did you guys think? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! dont worry, there will be more tao fo sho ;) the only thing ive been having trouble with is naming the managers. like srsly idk what to call them and i dont want to be politically incorrect. ;A; 

comment, subscribe, and if you want, come talk to meeee ;D


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magnafiend #1
Im sad you never came back
Frijoles #2
Chapter 10: Yay, she's finally realizing she likes him~ But she's not there yet...
And wow, you're already preparing for college? I'm still a Senior in high school, and I haven't exactly figured out what I want to do yet. Good luck!
Chapter 10: Yay!~
Good luck with your applications! Fighting! :D
minyoungunnie #4
We'll be patient ^^
It's ok! I understand ....school really XD
minyoungunnie #6
Kajin is going to live with all 12 of them!! Yay!! :)
I can't wait. Please update soon ^^
i want to keep reading :D great fic!! i love it! :3 now the love betwen kajin and tao (desesparated me hahaha) XD
minyoungunnie #8
No!!! Don't leave for China!!
And Kris is so dumb...meeting with the girlfriend in the dorm...
I just started reading! I really like it so far! ^^