You're My Ideal Type

wow...guys...im ridiculously sorry for not updating. it's college application season and lawd im exhausted. T^T but you guys deserve the update! thank you for being patient!



I put whatever dry items I could salvage in a box and brought them up to the apartment. The 12 boys and their managers were already gone. I cleaned what I could and decided to take a break and visit Eunji-unnie. 

"They did WHAT?" she said in disbelief after Intold her what happened. "Well they are boys. They were bound to do something like this sometime." I shrugged. 

"Soooo...." she looked at me mischieviously. 

"What?" I blinked. 

"Don't tell me you haven't fallen for any of them yet?" she winked. I coughed, choking on my own spit. And then I burst out laughing hysterically. "What's so funny? i was being serious," she pouted. It was funny to me because well, cmon let's get real. 

"Hahahaha they probably only think of me as a maid or a sister at most." Smelling like clorox and kimchi vinegar didn't exactly yell "You should date me" or "I have so much appeal" at all. 

"Cmon Kajin. There's not one of them that you like? Not one?" she asked. At that moment, Tao's face appeared in my mind for no good reason so I pushed it out of my head. 

"Nope." She looked disappointed. 

"Aish Kajin don't be so boring." She giggled. 

"Dating them isn't even allowed unnie," I told her. She smiled at me. 

"But when love is involved, the rules don't matter," she said wistfully. I looked at her and it was obvious she was in love. I smiled. 

I webt back to the apartment to do some ironing and got bored steaming the clothes in silence. I put in one of the dvds the manager gave me with the interviews on it. The members were too funny in their own way and very entertaining to watch. 

"What's your ideal type?" There was that question again. The answers were pretty typical of boys to say. Then it was Tao's turn to answer.

"A pretty girl with a good body." I thought about his answer for a moment. I looked down at my tummy and suddenly felt extremely self conscious. I pinched my belly fat and sighed. I finished the ironing quickly and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Was i pretty? Was I too fa-- KAJIN WY DO YOU EVEN CARE. I exited the bathroom and made lunch for the guys, ocasionally stoping to actually watch some of the variety shows. 

After lunch was made, i sat down on the couch and sighed. The door opened an in walks Exo, Tao at the front. 

"Oh- Kajin. Are settling in ok?" I nodded. He sent me a cuter-than-normal smile and my heart jumped at the sight of it. WOAH WOAH WOAH KAJIN why are you feaking out right  now? 

"Kajin, you ok?" Tao asked. I hadn't realized that I'd been staring at him but whe I did I looked away. 

"yeah...go eat before the others eat it all." he nodded and smiled at me. I sat thee on the couch and my cheeks heating up. Eunji's voice rang through my head. 

"when love is involved the rules don't matter." 


hey guys T^T its been a looong time. I dont think ive updated since august D: college applications are taking all my time but i had some inspiration and had to write this. I hope you like it. I'll update as soon as i can! Sorry for such a short chapter :( l talk to you guys soon!

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magnafiend #1
Im sad you never came back
Frijoles #2
Chapter 10: Yay, she's finally realizing she likes him~ But she's not there yet...
And wow, you're already preparing for college? I'm still a Senior in high school, and I haven't exactly figured out what I want to do yet. Good luck!
Chapter 10: Yay!~
Good luck with your applications! Fighting! :D
minyoungunnie #4
We'll be patient ^^
It's ok! I understand ....school really XD
minyoungunnie #6
Kajin is going to live with all 12 of them!! Yay!! :)
I can't wait. Please update soon ^^
i want to keep reading :D great fic!! i love it! :3 now the love betwen kajin and tao (desesparated me hahaha) XD
minyoungunnie #8
No!!! Don't leave for China!!
And Kris is so dumb...meeting with the girlfriend in the dorm...
I just started reading! I really like it so far! ^^