You're My Ideal Type


Thanks to neko12 and bmischevious for commenting!!! <3

Tao’s POV

I walked into the coffee shop the next day debating whether I should explain myself. I was still wondering why I felt like I had to but whatever. Maybe she forgot about it. After she made me some coffee she sat across from me for the first time.

“You gunna tell me why you were there yesterday?” she asked bluntly. I remained silent and stared at her. So she didn’t forget….and she doesn’t recognize me.

“Hellooooo?” Earth to ZiTao,” she said, waving her palm in my face.

“Call me Tao. ZiTao is a handful to say,” I said.

“Ok, Tao, stop changing the subject. Why were you there?”


Kajin stared at me, waiting for me to say something.

“Tao, we gotta go,” Kris suddenly appeared, “Hyung will be pissed if we’re not in the van in the next two minutes.” I looked at Kajin, who was eying Kris with a confused expression. I nodded at Kajin and turned to leave.

End Flashback

Kajin’s POV

I was just curious about why Tao was there but now that he wasn’t giving me a straight answer, I was getting suspicious. After a moment of silence, Tao let out a sigh.

“I..uh..I work there,” he said. Wow. That’s it? So he had a job, what’s the big deal?

“See, was that so hard?” I said to him, getting up from the table. “So you have a job; what’s the big secret?” I laughed. He awkwardly cleared his throat.

“Shut up and do your job,” he retorted. “Why were you there?”

“I was looking for a job. There was an opening.”

Did you get it?” he asked quietly.

“I don’t know yet. I’m supposed to get a-“ At that moment, my cell phone began ringing, the tune to Infinite’s Before the Dawn playing.

“Yoboseyo?” After a few minutes, our conversation was over and Tao looked at me with curiosity. I smiled at him.

“I got the job!!” I said, jumping up and down excitedly. OOO so much to do; I gotta write my letter of resignation for this dump and go in for training next week. My new job would pay me twice, no, THREE times as much as what I get now. Tao just looked at me, expressionless.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be working here for one more week, so you better visit me this week!”

I showed up for training. I didn’t actually know what my job was, but they did tell me that it paid well. I walked into SM Entertainment’s main building and the receptionist told me to wait form my trainer.

“Lee Kajin?” a young woman in her mid-twenties approached me.

“That’s me,” I said, standing up.

“I’m Shim Eunji. I’m your trainer.” She gave me a warm smile.

“Nice to meet you.” I bowed and returned the smile.

“If you don’t mind, I need to make a quick stop during your training.” I nodded and we proceeded to the company parking lot where she led me to a sleek black car.

“So what is it exactly that I’m doing?” I asked when we got out of the car.

“You’ll see,” is all she said. We began walking towards a large apartment building. When we arrived in what I assume was her apartment, she began searching for something in her kitchen drawers.

“Sit down, make yourself at home,” she called out, still rummaging through the drawers. Finally, I guess she found what she was looking for and she came to join me, sitting down on the couch across from me.

“Kajin, can you guess what my job is? Other than training you, of course.”

“You..uh..are a coordinator?” I guessed. She chuckled and shook her head.

“Not exactly. I’m kind of like a house mother. I take care of the dorms and cook for SHINee.” My jaw dropped. “In fact,” she continued, “they live in the dorm next door. But don’t tell anyone that,” she winked at me. Holy shiet. SHINee lives next door.

“Am I gunna be assisting you with SHINee?” I asked excitedly.

“No.” My smile faded quickly and I dropped my head dramatically. Eunji giggled at my expression. “Recently, a new group had debuted and there are 12 of them. We desperately needed someone like you. Your resume says that you have great training in cleaning and cooking. Is that true?” I nodded my head. I mean, it was. I had two older brothers who were lazy as poo and whenever my dad left for his business trips, I took care of them. It was really liberating to move into my own place, as small as it was.

“Very well then,” she said. Then she held up a keychain ring with three keys on it. “The group you are taking care of is called EXO. They are relatively really new so it’s no surprise if you are unfamiliar with them. They left for China today for a showcase, but they’ll be back at the end of the week, so you can meet them then. For now, it’s time to get you situated!” She held up a bronze key with a square head in her fingers. “This key is for your new apartment. It’s a floor underneath EXO’s so it shouldn’t be to hard to find the apartment underneath 12 loud boys.” She chuckled and I smiled at her. Next she held up a silver key with a round head. “This is for EXO-M’s dorm and this,” she said holding up a matching brass key, “is for EXO-K’s. I expect you not to abuse your position.” I nodded in reply.

She wrote down the addresses for me and said that people would be coming by tomorrow to move my stuff into my new apartment. For the time being, I went to my regular job. This would be my last week working at the coffee shop.

Strangely, Tao didn’t show up all week. I was just starting to like that guy. 


Ok, i promised a double update! so i'll be posting the next chapter soon/ sometime tonight. Gotta type it up still :> Sorry for the long wait guys! Hope you like it~

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magnafiend #1
Im sad you never came back
Frijoles #2
Chapter 10: Yay, she's finally realizing she likes him~ But she's not there yet...
And wow, you're already preparing for college? I'm still a Senior in high school, and I haven't exactly figured out what I want to do yet. Good luck!
Chapter 10: Yay!~
Good luck with your applications! Fighting! :D
minyoungunnie #4
We'll be patient ^^
It's ok! I understand ....school really XD
minyoungunnie #6
Kajin is going to live with all 12 of them!! Yay!! :)
I can't wait. Please update soon ^^
i want to keep reading :D great fic!! i love it! :3 now the love betwen kajin and tao (desesparated me hahaha) XD
minyoungunnie #8
No!!! Don't leave for China!!
And Kris is so dumb...meeting with the girlfriend in the dorm...
I just started reading! I really like it so far! ^^