New Job

Cupid's Bachelors



“About time you came down here,” he muttered as he placed a cup of orange juice in front of me.


Again I stuck my tongue out at him before eating my small and quick breakfast. Heechul simply drank his coffee in silence as he took a seat across from me. I gave him a quick glance before I continued to eat. I glanced at the clock and realized I had about half an hour left before I needed to be at my job.


I quickly finished up and ran upstairs to get my phone, my wallet and keys. I adjusted my darn uniform before running down the stairs just as Heechul reached the front door. He looked back at me and mentioned at the door before stepping out himself.


I grinned and followed, turning on the alarm before closing the door shut and locking it. I run down the front stairs and head to my cousin’s car, sliding inside just as he the engine.


“You ready?” he asked with a smile.


“Ready as ever,” I gave a simple reply and smiled.


He smiled at me again and told me to put on my seat belt before driving out of the parking space and onto the street. I kept myself occupied during the ten minute ride watching the buildings, the tree, and the people we passed as the radio blasted some tunes. I was amazed at how lively the city seemed even this early.


During the ride, I thought about the reasons that brought me up to this point. The fights, the disagreements, the lies, and broken dreams still seemed so fresh, even if they occurred over a year ago. I sighed and placed my forehead up against the window; sighing at the cool refreshes it brought my heated skin. I still don’t understand why Heechul agreed to take me under his wing, but I was grateful.


He was one of the few people I could get along with in the entire family and because we wanted something different than being a doctor or lawyer, we were casted aside and seen as the black sheep. I really didn’t care as much as I used to, but living with parents who once loved you and now acted as if you didn’t exist tore me to pieces. What was even worst was the fact that they were killed not long after the quarrel began and the family turned their backs on me.


Well, everyone but Heechul of course. He welcomed me with open arms and a smile, but sometimes he had a temper and a mouth that just lashed out without warning. I was far too busy walking down memory lane that I failed to notice Heechul had stopped the car.


“Were here and stop daydreaming,” he said and shoved me.


That movement caused me to snap back into reality and give my cousin a pout. Heechul simply rolled his eyes and waved his hand.


“Hurry and get out, I have stuff to do before I go to work myself,” he said and sent me a wink.


I rolled my eyes and slid out; I closed the car door and watched him drive off. I sighed before spinning on my heel and moving towards my building; well not really mine but the job I work for to be exact. I took in a deep gulp of air before reaching for the door and going inside. I was curious to see what they would make me do.


The sudden ding that I made by opening the door caused me to jump slightly, but I simply smiled at my jumpiness. It seemed I was more nervous that I first thought. I quickly moved to the counter and smiled at the cashier.


“What would you like for today?”


“Um, is Mr. Lee here?”


“The manager?”


“Yes,” I replied as I clutched my side bag tightly.


“Who may I ask is calling for him?”


“Oh, um the new employee Taemin,” I introduced myself.


“Ah, okay just hold on for a moment please,” she said with a smile before moving to the back of the café.


I took the opportunity to look around and I was amazed at the quality of the furniture and paintings. It wasn’t exactly modern, but there was enough color and pop in the décor that it was fine for the present day. Perhaps I should actually get a coffee here or even a pastry if given the chance.


“Taemin?” I heard someone call my name.


I quickly spun to see an elder man, perhaps in his late 30’s with dark combed back hair. He had glasses on and wore a white button up shirt with a black tie and black dress pants. His physique looked muscular, but it was clear he was aging by his face. Well he certainly dressed like a manager.


“Yes hello Mr. Lee,” I said with a bow and earned a smile from the man.


“Come with me and I’ll give you a quick tour along with your uniform,” he said and I followed immediately not wanting to cause problems.


The place wasn’t insanely big, but rather descent size because it wasn’t small either. It had room to occupy around 40 guests I would guess and the music simply seemed to relax most customers. However, it seemed that ever so often there would be a performance that would kick up the energy and today happened to be one of them. I also got to taste a few pastries and they were simply delicious!


I knew I had to bring Heechul here whenever he had a day off. This place seemed the perfect and ideal place to take it easy and relax, something that Heechul needed to do a lot of lately. I was then given my uniform of a black polo shirt with the business logo on it and black dress up pants as well. Wearing black sneakers were fine and I thanked the heavens that I had decided to wear them today.


I changed into them quickly and began to clean up the dirtied and used tables left behind by customers. Since I had yet to learn how to make the different coffee, I was on clean up duty until then. I didn’t care for it made things go by a lot faster and it helped me help Heechul to pay the bills for the apartment. I wanted to give back something for all he had done for me and this seemed like a good direction to head in.


“Alright, get ready Tae the rush hour is about to begin,” said Mr. Lee.


“Rush hour?” I asked confused.


“Yes, most people will soon crowd into the café in the next hour or so.  I suggest you stay light on your feet. The hours of four through seven are our most busy seeing as most folks want to catch a glimpse of the bachelors.”




“Ah that’s right your new to this city right?” asked Mae, the cashier.


I could only nod, still being confused on what bachelors had to do with the rush hour of consumers.


“They are a group of young men who have quite a bit of money under their name and are seen as the most wanted men here. Their mentor and leader is called Cupid,” explained Mae.




“Ahuh thus the four were given the name of Cupid’s Bachelors though there are rumors that there perhaps will be a fifth and that will bring the total up to six!”


“Six? But I though you said there was only four?” I asked.


“Well yes officially, but there are also rumors that Cupid himself is also a bachelor,” she said with a wink before she squealed.


“This is why I am so lucky to work here. Watching those four men come in here for up to an hour if not more to relax and talk is just a dream come true! But I wish that one would come up to me and suddenly ask me to be their girlfriend! Can you imagine?!”


“No, not really,” I replied honestly.


Mr. Lee chuckled and shook his head before he ordered us to get back to work and get ready for the big rush. I gulped; I didn’t know what to expect from this at all and I was worried.





Double update for I felt inspired for this story! Please leave a review and tell me how you think its progressing so far! 

Please read my other stories as well! 



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Chapter 13: I Love this story hope you continue it :)
boosher #2
New reader here!!! This story is so interesting and I can't wait to see where it's going!!
Good luck with school!!! I hope you Ace everything!!!!
Chapter 13: I'll be waiting, good luck in your studying hun. ;-D
Tykkii #4
Chapter 13: Awww.. I'll be waiting! study hard!
HiBirdSong #5
Chapter 12: i miss han geng... but i'm chinese so it's okay ^^
please update soon! hwaiting :3
Wonderful again cant wait for the next chapter ^^ I love pissy Heechul I just cant OTL
That was such a Minho thing to do. Love it. XD
Hohoho. Chullie (lol the nickname) is developing some feelings for Cupid naaaao. Tsk tsk. So much in the air. Someone's bound to choke on it and act. I do hope that Heechul would yank off Cupid'a shades from his face. I'm so curious. D: (yeah~ sajin sok nega) Wahaha. Sorry. Just had to do that.
Anyway, do hope you update soon! More of Onew's cuteness please? Hehe.
KeyGal #8
Lol. Chullie.
lol yeah Heechul likes him, keke; Onew was so cute bless him; can't wait to see how the outing goes, update really soon. <3
Oh Heechul <3, I just love him here