Bachelors are IN!

Cupid's Bachelors

“Excuse me!” I cried over the loud chatter that seemed to bounce off the walls.


Just as Mr. Lee had said, a wave of countless people seemed to stampede through the door once the clock four. I was hiding in the kitchen when they came through and lined up to get their order. I just didn’t understand how Mae was able to do this for so long; it was just plain frightening.


I took the tray, full of empty and dirty cups, mugs, and small plates with forks or spoons, towards the kitchen and dunk the dishes into the large container.  I felt sorry for the dish washer who had to deal with this sort of work daily. I leaned against the wall to take in a breather, this was just tiring. I puffed out my cheeks for a second before I heard a chuckle beside me.


I turned to see Mr. Lee with a teasing smile on his face. I practically jumped from the wall and bowed.


“Ah Mr. Lee!” I cried surprised by his sudden appearance.


“Ah calm down Taemin, I’m not about to fire you for taking a short breather,” he exclaimed with a smile and I could only nod my head.


“But you may want to pull your hair up; helps keep you cool when running around here,” he advised with a wink before walking to his office.


At the mention of my hair, I reached for it in an instant and wanted to slap myself for not even thinking about the simple solution. I was hot and at any given time I had an opportunity, I would fan myself with my hands or anything at my disposal.  With a pout, I walked to my assigned locker and grabbed my bag before rummaging through it for an elastic band or clip.


After, what to me, felt like an eternity I managed to find a clip and pin my hair up from the back of my neck and I immediately sighed at the relief it brought.  With a smile, I quickly returned to my duties outside and surveyed the area before counting all the tables that needed cleaning. I immediately went to work and grabbed the serving platter and headed to clean the first table.


As I cleared the table of the dirtied dishes and gave it a quick wipe, I began to hear the high pitch squeal of a girl that was soon followed by others. I raised my hand to my ears for a second, wondering if this was where I was going to go deaf. I turned and saw women and even a few men crowding towards the entrance. I blinked and tilted my head, wondering what was going on.


However, when another couple got up to leave, I immediately rushed back to work. I didn’t feel like dealing with an angry Mr. Lee for not doing my job properly my first day here. I continued to do the dishes as I tried my best to ignore the squealing and screaming from the females. All I could do was wait to see the source of their sudden fan-girl mode.


Realizing that I had enough dishes on the platter, I headed back to dump them in the bin. In that instant, the squealing and screaming became louder.


“THEY’RE HERE!” I heard someone practically screech.


I stopped my movement and turned to glance at the entrance and the crowd that had surrounded it parted like the red sea in seconds. As I held the platter full of dirty dishes and turned towards the entrance of the café, figures emerged from the crowd all wearing sunglasses. I raised an eyebrow as the squealing began again and I practically jumped when Mae also joined the group.


I figured that the people that had arrived were in fact the Bachelors seeing as everyone was going in a frenzy. A small stature man with a black hat that hid most of his brown hair walked in first dressed in some dark skinny jeans and a purple splattered tie-dyed tank top under a light dark sweater. Two others followed him, the tallest light brown haired wearing a simple white v-neck under a brown, perhaps leather, jacket and blue fitted jeans.


The man beside him clearly seemed annoyed a tad bit by the way he twisted his lower lip into his mouth. That man wore another black hat at the top of his blonde hair with a printed T-Shirt under a cheetah or perhaps leopard print jacket and fitted dark jeans. The one behind those two was short, but well groomed brown hair with highlights throughout and his overall color scheme gold. He walked in with a bright smile on his face and greeted nearly everyone by.


The last man was obviously older, but younger than Mr. Lee, but his clothes made him seem even younger than that. He wore loose jeans with a bull belt, a black blazer and a loose perhaps wrapped around white shirt underneath. His face was also hidden by his sunglasses and his dark hair gelled back and to the side, but messy. Handsome, they all were I would admit.


Suddenly, as they continued to walk, a breeze seemed to pick up their lose strands of hair and blew it behind them. I stared in slight awe and confusion; where the hell did a breeze come from the inside? It looked as if they were filming a commercial for an ad or something. I raised a brow before I heard a squeal behind me and I turned nearly falling over when I saw  Mae jumping up and down near a rather descent size fan.


‘Seriously?’ I thought to myself before turning back to see the bachelors taking a seat.


“So they’re the Bachelors?” he asked Mr. Lee who happened to walk out at the moment and stand beside me.


“Yes and surprisingly, Mr. Cupid seemed to have showed up as well.”


“Mr. Cupid?” I asked.


“Ah yes, the one with black hair and he also happens to be the owner of this place,” Mr. Lee clarified.


“Eh!?” I exclaimed turning to him causing the man to laugh at me.


“I suggest you get back to work, some tables need cleaning Tae,” he said and walked over to the only round corner table they sat at.


I blinked and followed him as he greeted the bachelors, smiles almost immediately growing on their faces when my boss came over. Some smiles were small, but they were still there. I sighed before willing myself back to work and pushed through the kitchen door to get rid of the dishes I still had on the platter. I had to wonder, why they were so chased after. I would have mistaken them for some sort of celebrities if Mae hadn’t explained who they were.


I sluggishly walked back to the door before taking in a deep breath and walking back outside to work, a smile on my face as I greeted a few customers leaving. I bowed and as I straightened myself out to go clean yet another table, a woman bumped into a stand that had a rather large vase of flowers on it sending it falling towards me. It seemed to happen so slow as I stared at the vase falling at me, the sudden scream from Mae slowly fading away as I raised the platter to shield myself.


Shutting my eyes as I waited for it to hit me, the sudden force from the collision sent me flying onto the floor and I could hear even more gasps and screams as I made contact with the wood floor. I felt water seep onto my pants and onto my head as I pushed myself from the floor to sit on my thighs just as I heard people get near me. I blinked as I tried to make sense of what just happened, hearing a few people call out.


“Are you okay?!”




“I’m so sorry!” gasped the woman who had caused the accident and as I turned to stare at the people who called, more gasps erupted from the crowd.


I blinked again, not sure what was going on for a second before I noticed the woman near crying and I immediately began to try and calm her down.


“Oh, no don’t worry I’m alright it was an accident miss,” I said softly giving her a gentle smile. 


The woman nodded weakly and I knew she still felt responsible. I sighed, knowing I wouldn’t be able to ease her worries or regret. Suddenly a hand was offered to me and I followed the arm to see who it belonged to. To my shock it belonged to one of the bachelors, the one with a bright smile. I smiled at him before taking the offer and standing up, thanking him for the help.


“No need to worry, but are you alright?”


“I’m fine, just need to change clothes,” I said as I looked at myself over.


Luckily, the water hadn’t reached my shirt for it was dry except for the shoulders. Mr. Lee immediately ordered another coworker to clean up the mess before guiding me to the back to change. Mae followed behind as the others tried to calm the clients.


“I’m sorry,” I replied looking at my feet.


“It isn’t your fault Tae but are you sure you’re fine?” Mr. Lee asked.


“Yeah, the platter helped a lot,” I replied, “but can I change clothes? These pants are practically drenched.”


“That’s the problem, we only have a girl uniform left…” replied Mae as she showed up with new clothes.


“Wha!?” I exclaimed as I stared at the clothes, “Please tell me you’re joking,” I added.




I groaned, but I knew I still had a job to do. Against my better judgment I swallowed my pride as a guy and agreed to put on the clothes. I needed the money and I would feel bad if I was paid for an entire day if I only worked half of one because of an accident. Mr. Lee and Mae walked out to give me room to change and I picked up the skirt and stared at it.


“What the hell am I doing?” I asked myself and allowed my head to fall forward in shame.






Chapter three is out my lovelies and I am surprised how many subscribers I have already! I hope you enjoy this new installment and please show your support and love my dropping a comment! Love to hear what you all think so don't be shy!

by the way, here are the looks by order in which they appear:


Minho & Key



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Chapter 13: I Love this story hope you continue it :)
boosher #2
New reader here!!! This story is so interesting and I can't wait to see where it's going!!
Good luck with school!!! I hope you Ace everything!!!!
Chapter 13: I'll be waiting, good luck in your studying hun. ;-D
Tykkii #4
Chapter 13: Awww.. I'll be waiting! study hard!
HiBirdSong #5
Chapter 12: i miss han geng... but i'm chinese so it's okay ^^
please update soon! hwaiting :3
Wonderful again cant wait for the next chapter ^^ I love pissy Heechul I just cant OTL
That was such a Minho thing to do. Love it. XD
Hohoho. Chullie (lol the nickname) is developing some feelings for Cupid naaaao. Tsk tsk. So much in the air. Someone's bound to choke on it and act. I do hope that Heechul would yank off Cupid'a shades from his face. I'm so curious. D: (yeah~ sajin sok nega) Wahaha. Sorry. Just had to do that.
Anyway, do hope you update soon! More of Onew's cuteness please? Hehe.
KeyGal #8
Lol. Chullie.
lol yeah Heechul likes him, keke; Onew was so cute bless him; can't wait to see how the outing goes, update really soon. <3
Oh Heechul <3, I just love him here