Friends or Enemies?

Friends or Enemies? [MULTI-CHAPTER]


The next day came far too quickly for Wooyoung again, and that night, he didn’t seem to be able to get a hold of his only friend online, which just depressed him even more. He sauntered into the atrium, the bell had yet to go for first period – he just hoped that everyone would leave him alone. Soon enough, he was already in class, seated patiently, hoping that class wouldn’t be over too fast.  Suddenly, he heard the over-speaker from the ceiling broadcast the principal’s message.

“Can Jang Wooyoung Please Come To The Principal’s Office.” It demanded and Wooyoung froze. Never before had he done anything that would get him the least bit noticed. It scared him completely. The teacher nodded at him and he gathered up his stuff, walking slowly to the place where he was expected, terrified of what was going to happen. Time went by very quickly and he reached the office, knocking slightly before he heard himself getting called in.

“Wooyoung, glad you’re here, come on in.” The principal greeted him and Wooyoung did as he was told, noticing that another student was already present as well. “This is the new student. He just transferred from another school. I would like you to him around the school if you are able.” He asked in a smart way. Although, Wooyoung knew he had no option other than to accept it.

“Of course sir.” He agreed and looked up at the new student. He had short black hair that ended just when his neck started to appear. He wore tight leather trousers that complimented his legs, and black combat boots that accompanied them. He wore a white skinny V-neck that clung around his chest and stomach, showing off his toned body. Wooyoung gulped, he looked like he’d fit right in with the bullies. And that scared him even more. The boy walked over to him, with a light smile present on his face, and held out his hand for Wooyoung to take. Wooyoung did so, reluctantly.

“My name is Kim Junsu. Pleasure to meet you.” He introduced himself shaking Wooyoung’s hand up and down.

“Jang Wooyoung.” Replied back, still pretty worried.

“Are you okay with showing me around?” Junsu asked worriedly.

“Um, yeah. It’s fine.” Wooyoung reluctantly replied back.

“Good, I don’t want to disturb you.” He drew a sigh of relief and smiled brightly at Wooyoung. The principal laughed and ordered the two to go out. He said they didn’t need to attend the next class so they had to wait until third period. Junsu and Wooyoung took a pair of vacant seats in the atrium. Junsu smiled and looked around.

“Marvellous place don’t you think?” he asked, and Wooyoung only nodded shyly in reply. “Am I making you feel uneasy?” the new student asked worriedly, noticing how Wooyoung was trying to avoid conversation altogether.  Wooyoung looked up surprised but shook his head instantly.

“I’m sorry. It’s just… I’m not much of a talker.” He admitted and looked down embarrassed. Junsu chuckled.

“Nothing to be ashamed of. You’re just shy, that can be fixed in no time.” He explained, shining his smile at the other. Wooyoung raised an eyebrow.

“It can?” he asked. The other nodded.

“Of course.” He replied. Wooyoung was very curious about the others solutions to this sort of problem.

“How so?” he pushed the conversation further. To be honest, Junsu was only glad the monologue actually turned into a conversation.

“Well, look at it this way; I used to very shy a couple of years ago. I had no friends, I was bullied, and I thought everyone around me wanted to hurt me.” Wooyoung gasped silently, it was like Junsu had just basically described his very own situation. “But then, one day in class, we were put into partners. This was different though to all the other times I was put with someone else. I would never talk to a stranger. But this time, I wanted to know what would happen if I did try to strike up a conversation – even if it was on the subject.” He continued and looked at Wooyoung, who seemed to be completely listening as best as he could. “It turns out, me and the other person, had a hell of a lot in common, but of course, he had a lot of other friends; and I had none. But, every single day when we had to go back into partners, we talked and talked and soon enough, I became friends with him. From there, I became friends with his friends, and even his friends’ friends.”” He explained with a serious face. Wooyoung thought deeply.

“Wow.” That was all Wooyoung could say.

“So, if you do the same thing, it’ll be easy trust me.” Junsu said, lighting up his own expression. Wooyoung shook his head.

“You were just lucky.” He explained, drowning his very own spirits. Junsu sighed.

“Well, you are too right?” he smirked. Wooyoung shrugged.

“Why?” he wondered. The new boy pointed to himself.

“You’ve got me now.” He explained. The other’s eyes widened.

“…What?” he asked, wondering what the other meant. Junsu chuckled.

“We’re friends right? It seems we have a lot more in common than you’d like to think.” He muttered. Wooyoung’s heart jumped a little. Had he just made his very first friend?

“…R-Right.” He stuttered, going red from embarrassment.

“Ah Wooyoung! You’re so cute!” Junsu exclaimed as he noticed the other boy’s cheeks flaming red.

“Shut up.” The other replied, chuckling a little.

Soon, interval came, and the little light of spirit in Wooyoung’s chest faded away, as he saw the bully nearing him and Junsu. He didn’t want Junsu involved with this. Now he realised why he had felt uneasy at the start. Junsu didn’t deserve to get dragged into his mess on his first day.

“Junsu, you should leave.” He muttered. The other frowned.

“Why?” he asked. Wooyoung nodded slightly over to the oncoming crowd of people. Junsu narrowed his eyes.

“I take it those people are bullying you?” he glared at them; the old fire burning in his chest, the fire that he thought had long left him. He knew, no way was someone who was now his friend, going to be treated in a way that he himself knew, so well, was absolutely horrible. Wooyoung started to get worried as Junsu did stand up, but only to grab Wooyoung up as well, and push him slightly behind him… as if he was… protecting him.

“W-What are you doing?” Wooyoung stuttered, wondering why Junsu would even contemplate about doing this.

“I won’t let you get hurt.” He replied firmly back. Wooyoung’s eyes widened.

“Why?” he asked.

“You’re my first friend here. Meaning, you mean the most to me right now, right?” he explained, putting his hand behind him and quickly grasping hold onto Wooyoung’s own hand, wrapping his finger’s protectively around it. Wooyoung gasped at the touch, but he didn’t try to move. Right now, he really did feel protected.

Wooyoung watched as the group of bullies edged closer, and when he saw the main one’s face, he glared. He was laughing with his best friend, pointing over to where Junsu was standing. Soon enough, they approached the two boys, and the main bully started to laugh as he noticed Wooyoung’s hand in the others.

“Oi! Who’s this?” he asked, getting very close to Junsu’s face. Junsu, however, laughed.

“Isn’t it polite to introduce yourself first?” he replied smartly back, smirking.

“I don’t feel like it.” He said, smirking himself.

“Then I feel no need in telling you my name.” Junsu smiled back at him. The other soon growled at him, wanting to hit him for making him look like a fool.

“Why don’t you step away from Wooyoung, huh?” he said, smirking again. Junsu laughed.

“How about… no?” he raised his eyebrow, clutching onto Wooyoung’s wrist tighter, showing he had no intention in walking away.

“Move.” The bully warned, grabbing onto Junsu’s shirt, showing him he was going to hit him.

“Get your filthy hands off of me.” Junsu warned, letting go of Wooyoung’s hand in order to push his offender away. Junsu looked at the bullies friends, and laughed sarcastically. “How can you guys just stand there and not do anything?” he shouted. But the guys only laughed. Junsu stared at what he assumed was the main bully’s best friend. “You make me sick, just as much as he does.” He pointed to the bully standing by the side-lines.

“Leave Junho out of this.” The main bully warned. Junsu shook his head.

“Why? He’s as much as part of this horrific act as you are.” He glared at Junho who just smiled. “You know what; maybe he’s even lower than you. You’re like a piece of trash.” Junsu glared at Junho, who seemed completely insulted. The main bully suddenly pushed Junsu away.

“Leave him the alone.” He warned but Junsu laughed.

“Hey, I’ll leave your friend alone, if you leave mine alone.” And as he said that, he grabbed Wooyoung’s wrist and pulled him closer. The main bully just glared and surprisingly left with his friends following close behind him. Wooyoung couldn’t believe it. He turned to Junsu.

“Thank you.” He muttered, trying to sound not too wimpy. Junsu only chuckled and surprisingly hugged Wooyoung immediately, pulling him close.

“Don’t you worry about it. As long as I’m here, I’ll protect you.” He whispered, not minding about the looks they were getting from other students walking by. Wooyoung wrapped his arms around Junsu, so glad, to finally have someone to talk to, someone who actually wanted to protect him.

“Now…”  Junsu started, pushing Wooyoung away from him a little. “Is there anything you want to do to those bullies?” he asked, a sparkle in his eyes. Wooyoung frowned.

“What do you mean?” he wondered.

“Well… How long have they been doing this to you?” he asked. Wooyoung sighed.

“…Two years.” He said, trying not to remember when it all started.

“Well, I can’t guarantee to do much to the main guy, but if you’d like, that guy Junho is seen to be quite gullible.” He explained, but Wooyoung didn’t understand.

“Wouldn’t doing that just be doing the exact same as them?” he asked, no way did he want to turn into one of them. Junsu shook his head.

“Trust me, this is not bullying. This is just… something they deserve.” He tried to explain more, but he knew Wooyoung didn’t want to do anything. “Look, just, let me handle it, and I promise you, you’ll laugh.” He reassured him, and his hair. Wooyoung, still feeling a bit weary, nodded.

“Okay, just… don’t go too far.” He warned and Junsu nodded obediently.

“Of course!” he exclaimed and they both laughed.

Finally, he had a friend, one he could trust, and one that he could see beyond a computer screen.

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Happy to find this
Chapter 13: Just found this, and I love the story! Glad that khunyoung ended up together! ^^
ponpin #3
Chapter 13: this story is wonderful!!! i love it <3
ss1876 #4
Chapter 13: soooo...i almost abandoned this story when taec became woo's boyfriend after khun's untimely death............and boy, am i glad i didn't!!!!!! thank you so much for not killing khunnie~~~ T~T <3
Chapter 13: awww! its so cute!!
Chapter 13: Read this again.
Perfecto mundus!
Chapter 13: The ending was perfect. the whole story was perfect read it twice .
Chapter 13: woooow,, the new couple. Hehe, actually chanuneo,but now, junbros and taechan. Good :)
orkideh #9
Chapter 13: This is what I was looking for all this while,exactly what i wanted!
Really enjoyed crazily every bit of it.
And you're an amazing writer.You're a genius,actually.
All the time I was surprised by everything happened.
Soooooooooooo unpredictable!
This is excatly what I'm gonna do.
After finishing my comment,goning straight to your other stories!
Hope find more khunyoung there!
I totally fell in love with you! kekeke