Friends or Enemies?

Friends or Enemies? [MULTI-CHAPTER]


Junsu walked along the corridors, not particularly going anywhere, it was just, he couldn’t be bothered going to a class he didn’t learn anything in, so he was having a casual stroll. He ended up nearing the roof, and he stopped when he realised someone was already there. His eyes widened when he noticed it was indeed Junho, and it looked like he was very depressed. A pang of guilt hit his chest, and he wondered if he should go and apologise. Just as he was about to move, he noticed yet another body on the roof, one he hadn’t seen around the school, and it looked like the boy had his sights on Junho. Junsu watched the scene unfold. The unknown boy quickly sat on Junho’s lap, and took a hold of the others lips passionately, and it seemed Junho welcomed it. He watched as they began staring at each other afterwards, and smiles took over both their lips, and they hugged generously, the boy getting up – grabbing onto Junho’s wrists to make the other follow him – and he engulfed Junho in a hug, lifting him up and spinning him around. The pang of guilt was soon washed away, and it was overcome with jealousy. Junsu sighed, walking away before he got hurt anymore.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Junho exclaimed, hugging the other even tighter. The boy laughed and finally set him down.

“I heard, you were having troubles, so I came to calm you down.” He explained, smiling. Junho looked confused.

“Troubles?” he thought. How would he know about his trou-… Nichkhun. Of course. “Nichkhun told you… didn’t he?” he accused. The other smiled and nodded.

“Of course he did. He cares about you, you know?” he stated and hugged the other again who just nodded.

“Yeah, I know.” He muttered, throwing his head into the other’s shoulders, taking in the scent he hasn’t smelled in a long time. “But, you didn’t have to kiss me you know.” He pouted up at the other. All he got was a laugh in return.

“Of course I did. It made you feel better right?” he explained, catching Junho out.

“Yeah it did. So, how about lunch?” he offered and the other’s eyes gleamed.

“Of course! You can buy!” he volunteered Junho. However, Junho just chuckled.

“Glad your back Channie~” he whispered, and kissed the other again softly.

Stars soon covered the sky, turning day into night, and soon, Wooyoung was at his computer chair, logging into chat, trying to make sure he does go through with what he was about to do. Sure enough, the other was online: so it was now or never.

A: Nichkhun.

D: Hello. It’s weird seeing you use my name.

A: I know.

D: How are you?

A: Nervous.

D: Why is that?

A: I’m about to do something I would have never of dreamed of doing a month ago.

D: Must be pretty important.

A: It is.

D: Good luck with that then.

A: Actually, it involves you Nichkhun.

D: It does?

A: Yup.

D: Why? What does it have to do with me?

A: Well, when you told me your name, my mind snapped.

D: Why?

A: Because I realised something crucial.

D: …You don’t like Thai guys?

A: This isn’t a joke.

D: Sorry… It just feels as though… you’re about to hurt me.

A: Trust me. It’s nothing compared to the way you’ve hurt me.

D: But I’ve never hurt you.

A: Yes, you have.

D: When?!

A: Nichkhun… that boy you bully at school, what is his name?

D: You’re bringing this up again?!

A: Answer the question!

D: Fine. His name is Jang Wooyoung.

A: What a coincidence.

D: What is?

A: You never asked me my name you know.

D: Oh yeah. I told you mine, so what is yours?

A: Jang. Wooyoung.

D: Oh. My. God.

A: Yup. And don’t you dare try to go offline on me.

D: I-I…

A: You don’t know what to say right?

D: …

A: You fell in love with your victim. That must feel like .

D: …

A: And you don’t even have the courage to reply.

D: I-I…

A: You don’t even have the courage to apologise.

D: Wooyoung…

A: Don’t worry. I fell in love with Demon. Not Nichkhun.

D: I don’t know what to say.

A: Promise me one thing?

D: Yes…

A: Don’t talk, touch or look at me again.

D: …

A: Just do that. And I’ll forget everything.

D: But…

A: But what?

D: I can’t apologise. Because that would never be enough. I can’t do anything, because I’ve put you through so much that nothing would ever be enough.

A: I know.

D: Remember, what I told you before about your bully?

A: I do.

D: I said I would rip the person apart that was hurting you.

A: Ironic, isn’t it? That you were talking about yourself.

D: I wasn’t lying.

A: What?

D: When I said I would rip that person apart. I’m won’t back out now I know who it was.

A: But… It was you. How can you possibly rip yourself apart?

D: There are ways, aren’t there?

A: That’s idiotic.

D: But I deserve it right? For not knowing how precious a person I was hurting.

A: Nichkhun…

D: I’ll leave you alone now.

A: Don’t do anything drastic.

D: You want me to, do you not?

A: …

D: See? But, I’ll probably won’t see you again.

A: …

D: I’ll fulfill my promise.

A: That’s…

D: Goodbye.

Wooyoung stared at the screen as the other signed out. Surely, the scenario that was going through his head wasn’t what the other was going to do? No… He realised how hurtful it would be to find out that the person you had tortured for years was the one you loved… but would Nichkhun do… something as drastic as that?! Wooyoung had to do something…

But what? He couldn’t call anyone because… he only had Junsu. This was killing him. He couldn’t go to his parents or police because Nichkhun might not even be doing anything. Suddenly, he ran out of his house – guess he just had to use the only device he had. Soon, he arrived at Junsu’s front door as he frantically knocked on it, desperate to gain the others attention. And then he realised. Junsu had no idea about any of the situation. But there was no time to explain everything. Unless he gave him a super super short version. Junsu’s mother soon opened the door, very surprised to see Wooyoung there at this time of night.

“Wooyoung? What on earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?” she asked worriedly, hurrying to let the other in, curious to what the other was here for. Wooyoung took a deep breath.

“I need to speak to Junsu urgently.” He stated and the mother simply pointed to the other boy’s room. When Wooyoung suddenly burst into his room, Junsu sprang up from his bed, only in his jeans.

“What’s wrong?” he asked urgently, as surprised as his mother that Wooyoung is actually here.

“I-I… I think… Nichkhun may kill himself.” He stuttered. Junsu looked confused.

“You think… your bully… is going to kill himself…” he repeated. Wooyoung groaned, pushed Junsu onto the bed and took a seat beside him.

“I am going to tell you a very quick version of my story, okay?!” he asked quickly and Junsu silently nodded.

“A year ago, I started talking to this guy on the internet, I told him everything, and soon we fell in love with each other, never seeing each other’s faces but we did. But then, I found out his name – Nichkhun Horvejkul. Tonight, I told Nichkhun who I was, and he said he was still going to rip the person who hurt me apart.” As he finished his super short version of his story Junsu’s eyes were widened.

“That’s… something.” He muttered, not quite sure how to deal with the situation at hand. “But, how are you sure he was being serious?” he asked. Wooyoung groaned again.

“Because… of a gut feeling? Look, I know Nichkhun as well as Junho does – maybe even more – I just… need to know he isn’t going to do anything stupid.” He explained, gripping onto Junsu’s arm tightly. Junsu nodded firmly.

“Okay. Let’s go see Junho, maybe he can help.” They both agreed and rushed out the door to go to Nichkhun’s best friend.

You can certainly tell that Junho was utterly and completely surprised when he opened his door to find Junsu in front of him shirtless, accompanied by Nichkhun’s favourite toy.

“Wow… What the hell are you guys doing here?” he asked. Junsu sighed and pushed passed him, letting himself into the apartment. “Sure… come in.” when Junsu stomped into the living room, he noticed the other man from the rooftop was there, and soon he was filled with jealousy again.

Wooyoung walked in, not even caring about the tense atmosphere that surrounded the three men. Junho came in and sat beside Chansung, frowning.

“What is this about?” he asked urgently, wanting to know why the hell Junsu was even here in the first place.

“Who are these people?” Chansung asked, edging closer to Junho. Junsu noticed and glared a little.

“Look, we think… your best friend is about to commit suicide.” Junsu explained, but Junho glared very angrily.

“Look, just because you messed me up doesn’t mean you can barge in here and make up sick stories about Nichkhun!” he screamed. Chansung widened his eyes.

‘So this is the guy.’ He thought as he eyed Junsu up. Wooyoung stood straight up and pleaded.

“Please believe us! I-I don’t want Nichkhun to kill himself because of me…” he muttered the last bit, but Junho heard. He began to glare at Wooyoung now.

“Why the hell would he do that because of you?!” he screamed. Chansung began rubbing his back to try and calm him down.

“Look, just please, believe me!” Wooyoung shouted back, his eyes big and wide and full of fear. Chansung noticed, this guy did not look like he was lying at all.

“Junho babe, I think they’re generally telling the truth.” He whispered into his friends ear. Junho turned around to stare at him. But, he didn’t even have the strength to argue anymore, the fear of what they were saying being true was too much. He looked at Wooyoung and nodded. Junsu sighed in relief.

“Good! Now let’s go!” he ordered and the other three nodded, running outside, following Junho to Nichkhun’s place.

The air outside was cold, and it was chilling. It didn’t add to their spirits at all. As Wooyoung ran, he decided that he was going to do whatever it took, to make sure Nichkhun didn’t hurt himself or anyone else. They finally reached their destination, and Junho barged in – without even knocking. You could say Nichkhun’s mother was more than surprised.

“What are you all doing here?!” she asked urgently, not liking that these men just entered her house. Junho stepped over to her and pleaded.

“Where is Khun?” he muttered and the woman pointed to his bedroom, not bothering to ask why they wanted his son. Junho ran to the room and swung it open.

“Oh no…” he whispered as he searched around the empty room. When he walked back out he shook his head.

“He’s gone.” He stated and Wooyoung’s eyes widened. Junsu went up to Junho and got unnecessarily close.

“Where would he go Junho?” he asked urgently. The other just shook his head. Junsu placed his hands on the other’s shoulders, and began shaking him furiously.

“Think goddamit!” he screamed and then he felt someone pulling him back. Chansung stared into his eyes.

“Let him go, he needs space to think.” He explained. Junsu wriggled out of Chansung’s touch but agreed with the other. Junho sat down on a chair and began furiously digging through his thoughts, trying to think where Khun would go. Nichkhun’s mother was frantic as ever when she found out that her son was gone, but Chansung was reassuring her that everything was fine and that he was probably at a party or something. Wooyoung began to think about their conversations online. Did Nichkhun ever say something like that to him? He couldn’t remember. Junsu stared at Wooyoung and noticed he was thinking deeply, best to let him think too, as he said, he may know Nichkhun better than Junho did.

“Wait…” Wooyoung muttered as something sprang to his mind. Everyone looked at him surprised. “Junho, where did you guys meet?” he asked. Junho shrugged.

“At a swing park… why?” he wondered. Then Wooyoung remembered. One of the first conversations he had with Nichkhun was about his relaxing place. It was a small park as he described it, it was filled with flowers and green grass and it was a great place to look at the sky. Wooyoung sprang up – worry evident in his features.

“Wooyoung… what’s wrong?” Junsu asked, walking closer to his friend.

“Was there… a cliff near that park?” he asked wearily. Junho’s eyes widened. Even he didn’t want to reply back.

“Yes, there is.” He responded. After that, everyone took off, Junho leading again, sprinting to make sure that they got there before Nichkhun did. There was no way; they would let him do anything.

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Happy to find this
Chapter 13: Just found this, and I love the story! Glad that khunyoung ended up together! ^^
ponpin #3
Chapter 13: this story is wonderful!!! i love it <3
ss1876 #4
Chapter 13: soooo...i almost abandoned this story when taec became woo's boyfriend after khun's untimely death............and boy, am i glad i didn't!!!!!! thank you so much for not killing khunnie~~~ T~T <3
Chapter 13: awww! its so cute!!
Chapter 13: Read this again.
Perfecto mundus!
Chapter 13: The ending was perfect. the whole story was perfect read it twice .
Chapter 13: woooow,, the new couple. Hehe, actually chanuneo,but now, junbros and taechan. Good :)
orkideh #9
Chapter 13: This is what I was looking for all this while,exactly what i wanted!
Really enjoyed crazily every bit of it.
And you're an amazing writer.You're a genius,actually.
All the time I was surprised by everything happened.
Soooooooooooo unpredictable!
This is excatly what I'm gonna do.
After finishing my comment,goning straight to your other stories!
Hope find more khunyoung there!
I totally fell in love with you! kekeke