Friends or Enemies?

Friends or Enemies? [MULTI-CHAPTER]


Junho sat on his bed, his knees curled up to his chest, his arms stretched around his knees as he dived his head into his own lap – tears flowing down his face as he just didn’t care anymore. He should have never went with his feelings and acted on them. Especially if he didn’t know the guy. But, who would have ever thought Junho would have discovered what love at first sight felt like? And how much it hurt to have that person screw you over, just because of your previous actions that had nothing to do with them? It hurt to know that it was because of your best friend this happened. But, he couldn’t fully place the blame on him, cause he had stood there, watched it happen, and did absolutely nothing to stop it – hell, he even laughed.

So this is what true heartache felt like. Wow, he had never felt this much pain before. Sure, he thought he was heartbroken once before, but this overcame that pain any day. His heart hurt so much, his head hurt, hell – all of his limbs hurt.

The next day at school came way too quickly, but he knew – he wasn’t going to act weak and not show up. No, he was going to walk in with his head held high, and act like nothing had happened. That was exactly what he was going to do.

He met his group of friends at the usual place – the entrance to the school – and he laughed and talked with them as he usually did. They all walked in, people scurrying away from them as they usually would – it wasn’t like Junho like the fact they did that, but, it made him feel powerful – and they took their normal seats at their normal table. Nothing was different; Junho kept repeating that to himself. That is, until he saw Junsu.

Everything in his head turned black, his eyes started to fade, and all the feelings from the previous day built up again, and he couldn’t help but want to tear out his own heart, and present it to the man. His best friend looked at him with worry, he had never seen Junho this… broken.

Junho continued to stare at the boy who had broken his heart in one simple day, and in one side of his brain he admired him – to have the ability to do that to someone in such a short time – was amazing. And on the other side he hated him completely. He wanted to hurt him, cause him the utmost pain wanted to see him be tortured. But that feeling was always overcome by love, and he began to hate himself. How, over one short day, was he able to fall in love with Junsu – get exactly what he wanted in one night – and the next day have his heart ripped from his chest? Junho knew, if this continued – he wasn’t going to last long. He had no idea what that meant. But he knew it was going to happen.

“God sake Junho! Snap the out of it.” His best friend shouted, not being able to handle it any longer. Junho’s head shot up and he glared.

“Snap out of what?” he asked, venom in his voice towards the one… responsible. Well, half responsible anyway.

“That stupid phase you’ve gotten yourself into. It was one night! Nothing to get that upset over.” He explained, shooting back. Junho took a deep breath, trying to calm himself from lashing out.

“It’s your fault! If you hadn’t bullied that kid, I wouldn’t have gotten hurt like this!” he slammed his hand on the table. The other glared.

“How the can you get hurt over something like that anyway?!” he shouted back. Junho bit his lip, trying to keep in his anger.

“Because…” he muttered, he didn’t have the heart to explain it, hell, even to himself it sounded stupid.

“That’s what I thought.” The other replied, a smug smile appearing on his face. Junho lost it.

“ Nichkhun! Just… stay the away from me!” he screamed as he stood up and ran in the opposite direction. The loud comment grabbed the attention of Junsu and Wooyoung, who immediately looked in their direction. Wooyoung’s breath caught as he heard that name. He felt the dizziness reappear, and he grabbed quickly onto Junsu’s arm to steady himself.

“Woah. Are you alright?” Junsu asked worriedly, holding onto Wooyoung. The other just steadied his stance, and nodded.

“I’m fine.” He sat down and tried to clear his head.

‘Not now.’ He thought.

Junho ran out to the rooftop, tears flooding his face, head going round in circles as the previous encounter repeated in his head. He hadn’t meant to lash out at Khun like that, but suddenly, everything the other did just made him angry. Of course, most of it was his own fault, but still… He lay against a wall, closing his eyes tightly, taking deep breaths trying to calm himself down. Suddenly, a soft hand began to his cheek and Junho felt a weight on his lap. Before he had the chance to open his eyes, soft, familiar lips captured his own, and they were soon engulfed in a long, passionate kiss. Junho knew exactly who that was. They let each other go, and finally, Junho looked at the other with a lot of surprise on his face. The other smiled and the others cheek again, lovingly.

“Junho…” the deep voice said, and Junho couldn’t move.

Wooyoung sat in class, trying to make his mind go in a different direction other than… Nichkhun. How could something like that be even possible? The boy who head talked to over the internet multiple times for a year, the boy Wooyoung had fallen in love with… was the same person as the one who hurt him continuously. How ironic. Wooyoung suddenly remembered, that Devil said one night that he would tear apart the one who was bullying Wooyoung – well, that was even more ironic. Should he tell Nichkhun? No, he was still too terrified of him. Should he tell Devil? He didn’t know if he had the courage to.

Tonight, he promised himself, that he was going to sort as much as he could out. Tonight, he was going to do something, something the old Wooyoung would have never had done before Junsu came along. He was going to tell Devil who he was, and he was going lay back and watch the entertaining reaction the other had.

And, he was going to make sure, that Nichkhun suffered.

Now, even if he had loved him, it was only a computer screen he loved, and he hated Nichkhun with a passion. A sudden volt of revenge flew through Wooyoung’s spine, the feeling of just thinking about it was amazing, and he couldn’t wait till tonight.

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Happy to find this
Chapter 13: Just found this, and I love the story! Glad that khunyoung ended up together! ^^
ponpin #3
Chapter 13: this story is wonderful!!! i love it <3
ss1876 #4
Chapter 13: soooo...i almost abandoned this story when taec became woo's boyfriend after khun's untimely death............and boy, am i glad i didn't!!!!!! thank you so much for not killing khunnie~~~ T~T <3
Chapter 13: awww! its so cute!!
Chapter 13: Read this again.
Perfecto mundus!
Chapter 13: The ending was perfect. the whole story was perfect read it twice .
Chapter 13: woooow,, the new couple. Hehe, actually chanuneo,but now, junbros and taechan. Good :)
orkideh #9
Chapter 13: This is what I was looking for all this while,exactly what i wanted!
Really enjoyed crazily every bit of it.
And you're an amazing writer.You're a genius,actually.
All the time I was surprised by everything happened.
Soooooooooooo unpredictable!
This is excatly what I'm gonna do.
After finishing my comment,goning straight to your other stories!
Hope find more khunyoung there!
I totally fell in love with you! kekeke