Friends or Enemies?

Friends or Enemies? [MULTI-CHAPTER]


“Junho! It’s been a month, aren’t you going to go outside?” his mother nagged him; her son probably hasn’t seen the son for thirty days. The boy just groaned into his pillow. “You need to get over it honey, as bad as that sounds, it’s just not healthy.” She muttered, sitting beside him and his hair lovingly. No response. “Why don’t you go to school today, see your friends, try to be happy.” She offered, and the boy lifted his head slightly. She waited. He nodded and her eyes gleamed. “Good!” now get a shower, get dressed, and I’ll wait for you down the stairs.

Junho dragged himself from the bed, eyes bloodshot, his hair messed completely up, and no sign of a smile on his face. He sauntered over to his window, and in one swift move he opened the curtains, darting backwards as unfamiliar light lit up his room. He groaned. Walking over to his bathroom, he took a quick shower – he had to admit, it was nice being up again. When he eventually got down the stairs, simple jeans and a top on, his bag slung over his shoulder, his mother took him in a great hug.

“I’m so glad you’re doing this.” She muttered, smiling brightly. Junho just nodded and pushed himself away from her embrace.

“Let’s go.” He said, surprised at how smooth his voice was, considering he probably hadn’t used it in weeks.

When they arrived at the school, his mother explained that she was going to have a chat with his principal and that he should just go meet with his friends. He walked through the entrance, and he immediately felt stares. He sighed, he knew people would be talking about him – but surprisingly, he didn’t care – he was actually happy to see his friends again. Junho began walking faster, a small smile present on his face, when he suddenly barged into someone walking the opposite way. They both landed on the floor, and Junho instantly began apologising.

“I’m so sorry!” he muttered and pulled the other boy off the ground. When he realised who it was, he gasped silently. “Wooyoung!” he stated, his eyes widened. Of all the people he had expected to run in to, he was definitely not one.

“Ah, Junho. You’re finally back?” he asked, smiling a little. Junho nodded.

“I guess. Did you…” he started and looked to the ground. Wooyoung looked confused.

“Did I… what?” he asked. Junho chuckled.

“Did you take any days off?” he wondered, but the other boy surprisingly shook his head. “No?”

“No, I decided school would keep my mind off… certain things, y’know?” he explained and Junho nodded.

“Wish I had thought of that…” he whispered. Wooyoung smiled again.

“Glad you’re back.” Wooyoung said and walked passed him, leaving Junho dumbfounded.

“He’s… glad?” he contemplated. He began walking again and immediately saw Junsu, laughing with an unfamiliar group of people. He may as well chat with him – he had decided that everything before… that certain incident… would be forgotten which immediately meant he could talk to Junsu.

“Junsu!” he shouted over, before scuffling his feet and reaching the other faster. Junsu looked very surprised at who was in fact calling him. He turned to the other and grinned.

“Junho!” he exclaimed, walking over to the other and grabbing a hug. “Can’t believe you’re back!” he happily stated and let the other go. Junho shrugged.

“Decided I couldn’t stay holed up for long.” He sheepishly smiled at Junsu.

“Well I’m glad that’s what you decided.” Junsu said, smiling back. Junho looked around.

“So, found yourself new friends?” he asked, wanting to know what had happened when he had been away. Junsu laughed.

“I guess.” Was all he replied. Junho was a little annoyed with that.

“What about Wooyoung?” he wondered. Junsu chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I would never leave him alone, he just went to the gym for a bit.” He explained fully, trying to clear everything up. Junho cocked his head to the side.

“The gym? Since when did he go to the gym?” Junho was confused. The other just laughed.

“Since now. He’s actually getting pretty buff. It’s his way of… dealing with certain things.” He mentioned and Junho nodded.

“Oh. At least he’s oaky.” He sighed in relief. Junsu sighed.

“I wouldn’t go that far.” He whispered to himself. Junho looked up at him.

“What?” he asked. Junsu just shook his head.

“Why don’t you go greet your old friends? I’m sure Chansung’s been dying to see you.” He muttered and Junho thought he heard a tang of jealousy in his voice.

“Y-Yeah…” he stuttered and quickly walked away from the other. He hated the fact that his heart still fluttered when he was next to the other. It killed him. When he reached his familiar table, he noticed Chansung there alone, headphones in – obviously in his own little word. He silently sat beside him, placing his ear next to the others – trying to hear the music. It didn’t take long for Chansung to realise someone was really close to him. When he turned around, he flinched back when he realised who it was. Without a second though, he engulfed Junho in an air tight hug.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” he exclaimed happily as Junho tried to free himself and let himself breathe.

“Too… tight!” he struggled and Chansung finally let him go.

“Sorry...” he chuckled a little. Junho shook his head and smiled.

“Nice to see you to Channie~” Junho said and shot him a great smile. Chansung laughed.

“Nice to see you’ve cheered up a bit.” He explained. Junho laughed nervously.

“Yeah…” he muttered. They both hugged again.

Wooyoung heaved heavily as he stopped running on the treadmill. It was his way of escaping from the world. The pain he went through when he stepped into this place: trying to lift things that were too heavy or pushing himself to the limit helped him forget about everything else – which was exactly what he wanted. He lay on the floor, looking at the ceiling, his mind completely blank as nothing came to him. It was heaven.

He was so into his little world, that he hadn’t heard someone entering the gym, looking at the boy on the floor, and chuckling at the state of him. Wooyoung only realised when he felt a foot lightly nudge him on his thigh. His eyes widened as he saw someone he had never laid eyes on before.

“Uh…” he didn’t know what to say. The other laughed and offered his hand to help Wooyoung up.

“You okay there?” the man asked as he pulled the boy up. Wooyoung chuckled and nodded.

“Sorry, just… relaxing.” He explained and the muscular man chuckled.

“Ah, then sorry for disturbing your private time.” He apologised. Wooyoung shook his head.

“Uh, no, don’t be.” He replied. The man nodded.

“I’m actually the new assistant here.” The man explained. Wooyoung analysed the other, he was definitely much more muscular than the other gym teachers.

“Well, I can certainly say you put the other teachers to shame with your abs.” Wooyoung said, and as soon as the words left his mouth, he blushed deep red. Did he really just say that?

“Haha, well I guess so.” The man replied, smiling at Wooyoung. “Oh, my name’s Taecyeon, what’s yours?” he presented his hand to the boy. Wooyoung immediately took it.

“Wooyoung, nice to meet you.” He introduced himself. Taec smiled.

“Do you come here often then?” he interrogated, walking around the gym, examining the instruments. Wooyoung nodded.

“Yes, it’s my way of clearing my head.” Looking away from Taecyeon as he said that. Taec smiled.

“That’s exactly the same for me. I think too much, but when I’m here, working out, it’s amazing.” He explained. Wooyoung laughed and looked at the others muscles again.

“I can see you think, way too much.” Chuckling as he said that. Taecyeon laughed along with him.

“Well, I guess so.”

They both ended up chatting a long while, even trying out the machines during conversation, until finally the bell rang – and Wooyoung had to go.

“Ah, that’s my cue. I’ll… see you around?” Wooyoung asked, hoping the other would agree. Taecyeon smiled brightly.

“Of course, I’ll probably be here all day anyway. Goodbye Wooyoung.” He waved his hand as the other left. When Wooyoung left the fitness suite, he drew a deep breath. Junsu had really helped him leave his shell.

At lunch, Wooyoung was telling Junsu about Taecyeon and the other listened intently, that is until he noticed Junho and Chansung being all… cute together.

“Yeah, so what do you think?” Wooyoung asked a grin on his face. Junsu shook his head and looked at his best friend.

“Yes.” He replied, obviously having no idea what the question was at all. The other glared at him.

“Were you even listening to me?” he asked furiously. Junsu shook his head chuckling.

“Haha, no I wasn’t.” he admitted without any shame. Wooyoung sighed.

“Whatever, continue oogling at the cute couple.” He gave the other permission to continue to ignore him. Junsu shrugged and didn’t look over again.

“I don’t wanna.” Junsu stated, folding his arms. The other laughed at the childish man.

“Yeah. If you’re so sad about that, go talk to Junho about it.” Wooyoung explained, trying to boost his friend’s spirits.

“Yeah right! Besides, aren’t Junho and Chansung dating?” he asked, sighing. Wooyoung laughed.

“Nope. Just good friends, that’s all.” Wooyoung said, observing the two at the other side of the hall. Junsu scoffed.

“Yeah right.” He dampened his own spirits. Wooyoung sighed, but immediately lit up when he noticed a certain gym assistant heading his way.

“Hello Woo!” the man said, and Junsu got up immediately after hearing the weird nickname for his best friend. As he turned his head, he gasped. The man who was now standing beside Wooyoung was more than buff – he was a monster – and he had slick black hair. He wore a vest that clearly showed all of his muscles and shorts to match. Junsu gulped. This must’ve been the guy Wooyoung was talking to him about.

“Hey there.” Wooyoung greeted as Taec sat beside him. Taecyeon looked over at Junsu and nodded at him.

“My names Taecyeon.” He introduced himself and gave his hand to Junsu. Junsu replied, grabbing the others hand.

“Junsu. Nice to meet you.”

“Yeah.” Taecyeon said, and then turned to Wooyoung and they started chatting. Junsu now turned to the two in front of him, noticing their very close body language. He laughed, noticing Wooyoung’s face go redder each minute. Taecyeon was clearly flirting with the other, and Junsu was glad to see that Wooyoung was doing the exact same thing, accepting it even. Junsu ended up walking away, surprisingly deciding to go and bother Junho.

“Junsu, what are you doing over here?” Junho asked, confused the other would simply come over to him. Junsu sighed and took a seat opposite Junho and Chansung. He nudged his head over to where Wooyoung and Taecyeon were seated. Junho looked over and his eyes widened.

“Are they… flirting?!” he exclaimed and Chansung chuckled when he noticed the exact same thing. Junsu chuckled at the others reaction.

“Yup, so I decided to give them some space and come bother you guys.” He explained with a smug smile on his face. Junho laughed.

“Fair enough.”

Wooyoung loved the way he could chat so easily with the gym assistant, and not to mention the other was super-hot AND flirting with him too. It let his mind let go of certain other things as he was now engulfed by Taecyeon instead. Taec laughed at every joke Wooyoung made, even if they were really bad, and he loved finding every situation to touch him slightly. However, there time was cut short as Wooyoung had to go to class. They both stood up as the bell rang and stared at each other. Taec talked first.

“I really like talking with you.” He admitted and Wooyoung turned red.

“Yeah…” he muttered and Taec laughed.

“See you tomorrow?” he wondered, getting a bit closer to the other. Wooyoung tensed up and nodded silently. Taec laughed. “Good.” He lightly patted Woo’s shoulder, smiled and walked away – leaving the other frozen at the spot. Just in time for Junsu to come over and start bullying him.

“Wooyoung has a crush! Wooyoung has a crush on the big muscular god!” he exclaimed, running in circles around Wooyoung as Junho and Chansung laughed at him. Wooyoung glared.

“Shut up!” he shouted and Junsu immediately stopped.

“Why?” he asked. Wooyoung turned red.

“Stop bullying me!” he pouted and Junsu went up to pat him on the shoulder, mimicking Taec’s last action.

“No.” he smirked and began dancing around him again, making everyone laugh harder.

Wooyoung laughed too, life was finally starting to get better.

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Happy to find this
Chapter 13: Just found this, and I love the story! Glad that khunyoung ended up together! ^^
ponpin #3
Chapter 13: this story is wonderful!!! i love it <3
ss1876 #4
Chapter 13: soooo...i almost abandoned this story when taec became woo's boyfriend after khun's untimely death............and boy, am i glad i didn't!!!!!! thank you so much for not killing khunnie~~~ T~T <3
Chapter 13: awww! its so cute!!
Chapter 13: Read this again.
Perfecto mundus!
Chapter 13: The ending was perfect. the whole story was perfect read it twice .
Chapter 13: woooow,, the new couple. Hehe, actually chanuneo,but now, junbros and taechan. Good :)
orkideh #9
Chapter 13: This is what I was looking for all this while,exactly what i wanted!
Really enjoyed crazily every bit of it.
And you're an amazing writer.You're a genius,actually.
All the time I was surprised by everything happened.
Soooooooooooo unpredictable!
This is excatly what I'm gonna do.
After finishing my comment,goning straight to your other stories!
Hope find more khunyoung there!
I totally fell in love with you! kekeke