Friends or Enemies?

Friends or Enemies? [MULTI-CHAPTER]


Angelfromhell:  Hey, are you awake?

Devilfromabove:  Yeah, I’m here.

A:  Good, I was getting lonely.

D:  Don’t worry, whenever you’re bored, I’ll be here.

A:  Too sweet.

D:  I know right?

A:  So… what are you up to?

D:  Well, I was sleeping, and then someone special wanted my company, so I gave it to them.

A:  Damn. Well, I’ll let you get back to them.

D:  Oh, good. Well, goodnight.

A:  Hey! Get back here.

A:  …

A:  Devil! Don’t you dare leave me.

D:  Aishh! Okay, okay, I’m here.

A:  Good, I was worried for a moment there.

D:  You’d be lost without me.

A:  I would. I don’t know what I’d do, if I couldn’t talk to you like this.

D:  Suffer lonely?

A:  Geez, thanks.

D:  You should realise, I feel exactly the same about you.

A:  Hmm, you do huh?

D:  Of course. You’re very special to me.

A:  As are you.

D:  Do you not have school tomorrow?

A:  *sigh* Yes, what of it?

D:  It is already 1 am; shouldn’t you be sleeping peacefully already?

A:  How can I possible sleep peacefully knowing I have school?

D:  It can’t be that bad.

A:  Oh trust me, it can. But you already know that Devil.

D:  Yes, yes. You have explained it to me numerous times.

A:  Then, you know I have a reason for staying up late.

D:  Talking to me should not be a reason to ruin your sleep.

A:  You’re such a hypocrite.

D:  How so?

A:  You’re doing the exact same thing I’m doing idiot.

D:  Oh yeah…

A:  But at least you aren’t targeted by the scary popular people.

D:  I know.

A:  Remember when you once told me, you were the scary popular people at your school?

D:  Yes.

A:  You still bully those weaker than you, don’t you?

D:  Yes.

A:  Will you stop?

D:  …No.

A:  For me?

D:  I’m sorry.

A:  But you know how your victims feel. I mean, I tell you all the time.

D:  I know, and I’m sorry about that, if I could find the person that was doing that to you, I would rip them apart from hurting someone as precious as you.

A:  But, your victim has someone who feels about them like that too, probably.

D:  You know I hate talking about this subject.

A:  I know… sorry.

D:  Don’t apologise. Just, go to sleep okay?

A:  Grr… fine!

D:  Goodnight sweetheart, message me tomorrow.

A:  Sweet dreams.


Nichkhun chuckled at the screen and switched his computer off. He glanced at the clock and sighed, it was already twenty-past one. Better get to sleep.

Wooyoung giggled at the message and calmly got snuggled into his bed. He didn’t care about the time; he just hoped he’d have a sweet dream – hopefully about his mysterious companion - Devil.

The next morning came to fast for Wooyoung, the sound of his alarm clock piercing through his ears, the rays of sunlight burning into his neck skin – forcing him to move out of its harmful way – and his mother’s loud voice nagging at him to wake up. He dragged his feet down the stairs after getting changed, and sat wearily at the breakfast table, slurping some of the tea that had been prepared for him, and lazily taking a bite out of the burnt toast. His mother was busy reading a paper. Wooyoung sighed when he noticed it was time for him to go, to go to that horrible school that he despised with his gut, the school that he wished would only lock people in their classrooms all day learning – so that Wooyoung didn’t need to deal with anyone else outside of it.

“I’m leaving.” He muttered before grabbing his bag and rushing out of the door.

He reached school, and he groaned, noticing the largely familiar group of people lingering outside of the school gates, chatting away aimlessly. Wooyoung sighed, and quickly walked past them, managing to escape any kind of harassment. When he reached his first lesson, he drew a sigh of relief; at least the morning was over.

But soon, class was over as well, and he had to go to the cafeteria, sit alone, and just patiently wait for someone to come over and bother him endlessly, coming very close for making Wooyoung want to kill himself, just to get away from all the problems he faced here – without any of it actually being brought upon himself. It was all mindless fun to the bullies. But of course, not to Wooyoung. Sadly enough, he couldn't message Devil from in here, which made school even worse, as he had no one he could confide in here – only one that was hiding behind a computer screen, one that could be a big fat geek for all he knew.

So there Wooyoung was, ignoring everyone else’s business, sitting quietly at a table that had no other people at it, waiting impatiently for the bell to ring and tell them to go to another class immediately, and what happened? Exactly what Wooyoung knew what would happen. Soon, someone had already grabbed his bag and clutched it tight in his arms, grinning at the smaller boy who just looked fed up. Wooyoung didn’t even have the strength anymore to ask for it back, he didn’t have the courage anymore to demand for them to stop. So he didn’t. And apparently, the bullies didn’t like that one bit.

“Aren’t you supposed to try and get it back?” a mocking voice asked in a thick Korean accent, and God, how Wooyoung hated that voice, it appeared in his nightmares, and all through his troubled thoughts. It was the voice of the main bully that had found his entertainment in teasing a younger boy aimlessly for the past two years.

“Is there any point?” Wooyoung’s voice came out croaky, as if there was no life or soul present in it at all.

“It will put the fun back in things.” The man said, before he grabbed Wooyoung’s precious phone – something Wooyoung did certainly not want him touching.

“Okay that needs to be given back to me. Right. Now.”  He warned, getting up from his seat. The other laughed in amusement.

“Oh really?” he mocked, tossing the phone up into the air daringly, but catching it with his other hand. “That important?” he asked, smirking. Wooyoung nodded instantly, but then found his hands tight behind his back, restricting all of his movements.

“Let me go.” He squeaked as he struggled in the grasp. The main bully laughed and came face to face with him, holding up Wooyoung’s phone teasingly in front of him.

“You’re so pathetic.” He stated, and through the phone up into the air, higher this time, and wasted no time in catching it. He smirked at the younger as the other’s phone landed harshly on the ground, a large cracking sound echoing through the large atrium. Wooyoung glared at the other, only to be kicked harshly in the stomach, coughing blankly as the air was knocked out of him. He felt another blow land on his face this time, a large bruise already appearing on his cheek.

“The next time I take something from you, play with me.” The bully warned as he motioned for his friends to let him go. “See you later.” He smirked, turning around and leaving Wooyoung clutching his stomach. Wooyoung looked at his broken phone on the ground.

Do you know what the worst thing about this whole situation is?

No one cared about him. No one cared enough to stop them. No one cared at all.

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Happy to find this
Chapter 13: Just found this, and I love the story! Glad that khunyoung ended up together! ^^
ponpin #3
Chapter 13: this story is wonderful!!! i love it <3
ss1876 #4
Chapter 13: soooo...i almost abandoned this story when taec became woo's boyfriend after khun's untimely death............and boy, am i glad i didn't!!!!!! thank you so much for not killing khunnie~~~ T~T <3
Chapter 13: awww! its so cute!!
Chapter 13: Read this again.
Perfecto mundus!
Chapter 13: The ending was perfect. the whole story was perfect read it twice .
Chapter 13: woooow,, the new couple. Hehe, actually chanuneo,but now, junbros and taechan. Good :)
orkideh #9
Chapter 13: This is what I was looking for all this while,exactly what i wanted!
Really enjoyed crazily every bit of it.
And you're an amazing writer.You're a genius,actually.
All the time I was surprised by everything happened.
Soooooooooooo unpredictable!
This is excatly what I'm gonna do.
After finishing my comment,goning straight to your other stories!
Hope find more khunyoung there!
I totally fell in love with you! kekeke