The New Teacher

His Secret Lover


Author’s POV:


Sandara was summoned early Monday morning to his uncle’s office. She was really pissed that she needs to see him before the class. She left her apartment with her usual attire, the hoodie and the mask.


Once she arrived at the school, she went directly to her uncle’s office. She didn’t even bother to knock because she’s really not in a good mood to act goody-two shoes. When she opens the door, she saw her uncle reading some documents.


“Uncle.” She said nonchalantly. Mr. Yang looks over the documents he was reading and saw his niece.


“Good Morning, Dara. Do you have any idea why I called you here?” He asked nicely.


“Do you think if I have an idea I will still go here?” She asked rudely. Her uncle just shook his head at her. Oh how he missed the old her. Why did something like that happen? He asked himself. He wish that he could turn back the time and make her burden and pain go away.


“Okay. I would just like to ask you. Are you sure about him?” He asked looking at his niece seriously. He saw her curious look but immediately gone once she realize what he mean about.


“ if we have a choice.” She replied back.


“But isn’t it kind of risky?”


“I don’t care... We need him right now.”


“But what if they found out about him?”


“I don’t know, I’ll think about it if something like that happen, but for now let just watch from the side on how it will goes. Bye.” She said leaving his uncle who’s mouth was about to open to say something but immediately close it knowing his niece is not interested in what he’s about to say.


He can’t help but to shook his head again in disappointment and look at the picture of 5 children in his table. “I wonder... if you’re here... will everything be the same as it was before?” He said softly still looking at the picture.


Dara who quickly end the conversation with his uncle abruptly stepped out of his office and accidentally bumped in to someone, she didn’t even bother to look at the person as she wanted to go away from the office as fast as she can. Though she can clearly feel someone’s eyes looking at her intently but she just let it go.


She started walking around the school as students started to pile the hallways. Like the Red Sea, everyone parted to give her a way. She must be the type who doesn’t speak a lot but everyone knows that’s because her fist speaks for her.


They are afraid to face the little fighter of The Parks. She might be petite but she never lost to any fight yet. Dara went to where her other 2 cousins can be found. It’s none other than their favourite place... The greenhouse. It is located at the center of the school garden. Almost everyone knew that it’s their usual hang out place that’s why no one dares to go there.


“Hey cousin!” Yoochun greeted Dara as he saw him enter the greenhouse. Dara nod at him as he took off her mask.


“Yow Dee! Wazzup?” Bom asked cheerfully.


“I was called earlier to Uncle’s office.” She replied.  Only these two know everything about her. The three of them grew together like brother and sisters. They don’t have secrets... all of them share everything to each other.


“Don’t tell me you hang someone in the tree again upside down.” Chun said while fiddling on his Iphone.


“Nah! I think she just broke another ’s nose.” Bom concluded while brushing her hair.


“Do I look like someone who will do something like that?” She asked playfully. The attitude that she only shows to her two cousins.


“Yes.” Both answered dead serious. She rolled her eyes to her two cousins.


“Whatever, we just talk about business.” She informed them while taking a seat near Chun.


“Hmm...” Both hummed in response knowing what she meant.


“By the way, I’ve heard about the new English teacher. There’s a gossip that he’s quiet young and hot huh? What do you say?” Bom asked looking at Dara. She just shrugged in response.


“As If I care Bommie.”


“Uh-huh... If I know, you are the one who a—“ She was cut off when the bell rang.


“Alright let’s go, our first subject is English you don’t want to be late seeing there’s a new hot and young teacher right?” Chun asked giving Dara a wink with a smirk on his face.  Dara just stared at him dumbfounded.


“Yeah! So excited!” Bom answered cheerfully. Too cheerful that Dara thinks that there something behind that cheerfulness.


“Come on!” Both said while pulling Dara up from her seat.


“I don’t want to!!!!!!!!!!” She whined. The two just roll their eyes to the playful side of their cousin.


Yoochun and Bom literally dragged Sandara out of the greenhouse. But once they arrive near the school building Dara immediately put her mask on and snatched her hands from the other two as she stand up properly.


The two smirk as they saw the sudden change in their petite cousin. They knew that the ‘mysterious genius’ is on.


“Why do you have to act so mysterious, you actually look like a freak loner when you tried to scare everyone just because of your mere presence?” Yoochun asked.


“You don’t have to ask that Chun, you know the answer and I’m not in a good mood to talk about it.” She replied insolently.


Yoochun knows that he won’t have a proper conversation with her cousin right now if she’s acting the ‘mysterious genius’.



Bom’s POV:


We arrived the English Building 5 minutes late but who cares, we’re literally the one who’s running the school. We can hear the noise coming from our right outside our room but that won’t last. For sure, once we enter the room they will zip their mouth.


Dara is the first one who enters the room as she open the door widely. Every heads whip to our direction. A smile starting to form in my lips as they shut their mouths. The sounds of my heels can be heard in every step I made.


We sat in our favourite seat, the farthest corner of the room. It’s not like we’re here to study. The three of us were actually the smartest in this school though no one can beat Dara. Yoochun and I still need to study at home for a bit while Dara was born a genius.


Dara immediately stoop down hating how the guys in the classroom flirting with her. To be honest, almost all of the boys here were dying to be her boyfriend. Yeah, it might sound crazy because even though she’s hiding her face, they still want to be with her especially knowing how she could kick their asses.


You see, there’s one time that she showed her face to the whole student body, not intentionally but accidentally. That was 6 months ago, the school has this annual camping for all the students that been held in the school ground.


We were force to join the camping so we didn’t have a choice. The three of us just stay in our tent playing cards the whole night, and then when morning came someone went to wake us up. I’m the one who get up first but when I went out of our tent there’s a big caterpillar crawling on the ground. Me, being scared of those things shouted on the top of my lungs.


Dara and Yoochun instantly bolted out of the tent with a very worried and surprised expression thinking something bad happen to me. But because of my scream, I gather everyone’s attention. But as soon as they look at our direction all you can hear wear gasped. ‘wow!’, ‘oh my’ and something like that.


Yoochun and I look at them curiously to find out what with them. We saw them looking at something in awe, we follow their gazes and they’re looking at something on the ground... no it’s not something it is someone who’s crouching on the ground playing with the caterpillar using a wood stick.


“Kyahhh!!! Bommie look! It’s your best friend!” My cousin said who’s oblivious to everyone’s presence.


“Err... Dee—“ I tried to warn her but she’s so busy.


“See? Mr. Caterpillar here wants to greet you a good morning.” She teased while holding the stick with the caterpillar on the tip of it.


“Yah! Stay away from me! Don’t you dare put that thing on me! Stop! Stop!” I shouted and run in circle around our tent as she walked near me, being careful so that the caterpillar won’t fall from the stick.


I can see that everyone is watching us amusingly. Well, who won’t? Seeing the mysterious Sandara Park without her mask and her hoodie on while playing... it’s once in a life time opportunity.


Some students have their camera and phone in hands trying to take a picture and videos of us. But Dara still haven’t notice them. She even tried to scare Chun with the caterpillar but to her disappointment he didn’t even flinch when she put the green monster in front of his face.


And unfortunately, she went back on scaring me. We went like that for good five minutes before she realized that we are not alone. She instantly put a stop on teasing me. Her eyes were wide open, shocked seeing all the students were watching us...not only watching us but also recording our bickering.


She immediately let go of the stick and her eyes narrowed. She scans the crowd, as the students offer her a genuine smile. To be honest, I thought she will smile in return but no, she didn’t. She clenched her hands and took a step forward towards them.


Sensing the impending trouble, Chun and I follow her. She’s not the type who will hurt someone just because they’re taking a picture or video but for her she has to continue with her act. She doesn’t want anyone to see the real her. She’s afraid that they will pity her and she doesn’t like it.


We know that she will regret it after she hurt one of them but for sure, she will still do it. So that the image of playful Sandara Park will immediately erase from everyone’s memory and turn back to the war freak image of her.


We tried to stop her but it’s too late, she already grabs someone in the shirt and punches him. It was a chaotic as we tried to pull her away from the guy who didn’t even think of hurting her after seeing the angelic face behind the mask and the hoodie.


Teachers and guards immediately came to the rescue. Students were going wild witnessing what’s happening. It was a chaos. The next day Dara was suspended. No one dare to talk what happen after seeing how ruthless Dara is. The angelic beauty was instantly erased from everyone’s mind.


The guy that she regretfully hurt was confined in the hospital for two weeks. The doctor said that the patient only has minor injuries, it’s like the one who beat him had skilfully avoided all the major organs.


Dara who’s feeling sorry the whole time she beat the guy just stayed in her room during her suspension. She admitted that she wanted to apologize but she’s afraid that the guy will think of her differently. So, she sent us in the hospital instead of visiting the poor guy herself.


At first, the guy’s family wanted to kick us out but upon knowing who we are the treatment suddenly change. That is the thing we hated. Being treated like a royalty because we are ‘The Parks’. Well, who wouldn’t know us? Our family is the 3rd richest family in the whole Asia.


Up to now, no one ever forget how Dara beat the guy easily. Though it’s already engraved in their minds, they can’t also forget how in the first time they saw the beauty and smile behind those disguises. Though they are scared, you can still notice how they wish to see that person whose smile gave warm to their hearts once again that’s why guys still tried to pursue her not just to get in her pants but wishing someday they will see that genuine smile.


She doesn’t have any idea that she already became the princess of the school. Students might be scared of her, but they know that she won’t hurt them just for fun. They already witness her fight many times and they know that she’s not delinquent type.


I don’t know how come students here get to understand her, but at least I’m happy that it’s not only us who can see the real her. But of course there’s an exemption, there might be some who can understand her and there are some who were envious of her thinking she’s only doing it for a show.


Back to where am I, I sit in between Dara and Chun. I look around to see the new teacher and I saw him looking at Dara with a thoughtful look. He actually looks familiar. Yoochun on the other hand is back on playing with his phone.


The teacher started to write something on the board but I don’t give a damn whatever it is. I still haven’t seen his face clearly though I can say that his body is yummy. Hmm... I think it will be fun to play with him.


He turns around to my utter shock as he spoke. “Hi everyone. Good Morning, starting today I will be your new English Teacher. My name is Kim Jaejoong. Please to meet all of you.”


The instant he turn around and spoke, I felt like my whole world stop. No, how come? What’s happening?!! What is this?!!! I feel like I’m going crazy. I don’t have any idea how come he’s here in front of us.


I turn to Yoochun who has the same shocked expression as mine. Oh no! I can’t believe its happening. I’m not even sure what to feel. Should I be happy that he’s here? Or should I get mad that he only showed his face today?


“Chun.” I called out to Yoochun feeling myself wanting to cry seeing him again. Yoochun look at me with a sad smile. I can feel that even him is feeling overwhelm right now.


“I know, I also don’t have any idea what’s happening.” He said to me reaching for my hand. We both turn to look at Dara but her head is still on table. Does she know what’s happening? Or she also doesn’t have any idea?


“I think we all need to talk later including Jae to find out what’s happening.” Chun said reassuringly. I nod as I look back to Jaejoong who’s now calling the students one by one as he takes the attendance.


“Gong Minzy!”




“Lee Chaerin!”




He continued to call my classmates name, though those two named Minzy and Chaerin were really not familiar to me. Maybe they are new, both were so shy as they raised their hands and response. Chun and I were just watching him the whole time his doing the attendance until my name was called.


“Park Bom!” I didn’t bother to answer first and Chun nudges me on the side.


“Is Ms. Park Bom here?” He asked once again as he glanced at the whole classroom.


“I’m here.” I said while raising my hand. He just looked at me then back to his attendance log book.


“Park Sandara!” He called to my cousin. Dara didn’t even budge, maybe she’s sleeping.  Chun and I were just looking at Dara and Jaejoong.


“Park Sandara!” He called once again as he look around. I kick Dara’s chair as she sit up straight and I caught a bit of his eyes behind the hoodie glaring at me.


“Is Ms. Park Sandara here?” He asked one last time as her shoulder tensed up hearing the familiar voice that we all missed but she still didn’t turn to look or answer him.  Even though her hoodie is on, I can feel that her eyes were wide in shock.


I saw Jae look back on his attendance log and was about to mark Dara as absent. He was going to call Yoochun when I found my voice and shouted.


“She’s here! Park Sandara is here!” I shouted as I grabbed Dara’s arm and raised it with mine. Jae shook his head and look at our direction.


“I appreciate if you will answer by yourself the next time I call you Ms. Sandara Park. Okay?” He asked looking at Dara. But she didn’t answer and take her arms from my hold and look at the window.


“Did you hear me Ms. Park?” He asked again.


“Whatever.” She answered still not looking at him.


“Ms. Park, a simple ‘yes’ will do. I hope that you will not fail to answer your teacher politely. And by the way, you are inside the classroom so I think that the hoodie and mask is not needed to be wear here.” He stated with an edge to his voice. He really hates it when the one he’s talking is not even looking at him.


Dara didn’t move as she continued looking out the window. Jae is clearly getting irritated by the way Dara act. I turn to look at Chun as Jae started walking towards Dara.


“Chun.” I whispered, don’t know what to do.


“I don’t know Bommie.” He answered as we both turn to look Jae who’s now standing in front of Dara’s seat.


“Ms. Park.” He called with his hands on his hips. If Dara don’t know what’s happening here for sure it’s her who’s having a hard time right now among the three of us.


“Ahmmm Jae, just ignore Dara for now. Give her some time, we’re just too shock to see you again. We just don’t know what’s happening right now especially her.” I whispered so that it’s only Jae who can hear me.


His head quickly turn to me as a curious expression flash into his face and quickly concealed it. His eyes turn to slits as he stares at me.


“I don’t know what you are talking about Ms. Park Bom so I hope you stay out of this. And it’s Mr. Kim for you don’t forget that. I don’t appreciate my students calling me by my first name.” He answered.


I felt a pain that stab my chest. Why? Why is he talking to me like that? What’s wrong with him? With those words, I can feel my eyes starting to get teary so I look away and turn my head to Chun’s direction. All those time my classmates just watching us with a ‘what’s-happening’ look.


“And I hate the way you talk to her like that. Jae! What’s wrong with you?!” This time Yoochun can’t help but shout upon seeing the hurtful expression I have right now that I didn’t bother to hide knowing my classmates were watching.


“Is this how you talk to your teacher? I’ve already heard a lot about you three from the Vice Principal. He actually informed me to just ignore you like what the other teachers doing, but since you are all acting like this in my class, I won’t just ignore and tolerate your behaviour inside the classroom.” He said angrily looking the three of us.


“The three of you! Detention after class!” He shouted as he went back to his chair giving us a disapproving look. He was about to continue with the attendance when Dara make her move.


We are all shocked when she suddenly kicked her desk, hurting the one sitting in front of her. As if she’s not contented, she punches the window on her side. The glass window shattered into pieces from her punch and scattered around her.


Thankfully no one near her got hurt because when she kick her desk, the seat of the guy sitting in front of her was forcefully pushed forward leaving her alone on the window side. Yeah no one got hurt... except her. Her knuckles were bleeding and some shards of the broken window graze her skin causing blood to gush from her arms.


“Kyahhh!!” the girls scream together as Dara punched the window.


“What the—“ Jae spoke as Dara started running out of the classroom.


I immediately run after her and I saw Chun stand up from his chair while cursing as he follows us. I called Dara many times but she didn’t bother to turn around.


“Dee! Wait a minute!”


“Dara! Dammit! Stop!”


Chun and I simultaneously called to her but she’s still running. As we left the school building, we immediately realized where she’s going. The greenhouse.


We saw Dara enter the greenhouse. As if her strength was all drained, she plopped on the ground and took off her mask. Her back was facing us when we arrived inside. We quickly went to her side as her sobbed echoed inside the greenhouse.


“Dee.” I called as Yoochun and I kneel on her side.


“Why?” She asked to no one as tears flowed from her eyes. Chun and I didn’t answer not because we don’t want to but because we also don’t know what to answer.


“Why? All this time, I thought I’m fine. That I’ve already move on from the accident, but why? Why is it that just by seeing him... all the things happen that night flash into my mind like it was only yesterday... and why does hearing his voice makes my heart beats fast. And why his presence... hurt me so much.” She said looking like she’s about to break.


Yoochun immediately enveloped her in a hug as I hold her hand and cover her bleeding knuckles with a handkerchief. The tears that I’ve been holding from the start had escape from my eyes. The night that we all trying to forget had suddenly rewind in our minds.


“I never thought I would see him again. All this time... I thought he’s gone. I thought he’s dead, but how come he’s here... healthy and fine... and... and as our teacher.” Chun asked as he hushed Dara.


“Why didn’t he call us? For three years he didn’t even try contact us? What kind of person he is?! He makes us believe that he’s gone! But why he would do that? And why he would act so rudely towards the three of us? Like we are strangers, like he don’t know who we are?” This time I voice out what’s on my mind the whole time.


We all continue to sit on the ground as Dara continue to sob.  I understand how much she’s suffering the past three years. I know it’s hard for her to cope up with reality believing that all this time, two of the most important persons she loved was gone then suddenly, she will found out that one of them was alive.


But on the back of my head I know that she knows something... she’s hiding something important from the two of us. Its Sandara Park that we are talking... for sure she knows something. I was about to ask her when she blurted out what she’s keeping.


“I found out that he’s alive, a month ago. His parents keep him from us.”


“W-why?” I stuttered.


“They are afraid that he will remember what happened during that night.” She answered looking at the ground.


“What do you mean?” Chun asked looking curious.


“He forgot what happen. He doesn’t know us anymore. They said that because of trauma, his brain form its own defense mechanism. He tried to pushed and forget the memory of that night.... and his memory with the three of us and even Siwon.” My heart broke hearing the name of the person I’m still trying to forget up to now.






“He has a selective amnesia. He is not the Kim Jaejoong that we know and definitely not the person that we all love.”





I'm sorry for not updating for the past few days...

I'm actually getting busy that I can't update my fics like before

Anyway, here's an update that will make you curious of what happened.

Sorry for the errors/mistakes


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bb2ne1fanjj #1
Chapter 8: Authornim where are you? Please update this fic again. Please. Will wait for you.
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 8: hello authornim..still waiting for an update with your 3 stories//pls dont abandon them,,i really love them and i read them for the nth time kkkk
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 8: ohmygahhhhhddddddddd authornim update this story please TT_TT i'm so loving your story..please update it~~~~~ i

JaeDara fighting!!!!
Chapter 8: Dara is the principal? She really missed alot because of the incident...

Please update soon authornim...
Chapter 6: crying here
msdeathstalker #6
Chapter 8: subscribed.... hoping that dara will smile again... she deserve to be happy with all the hurt and pain she experience.. authornim your awesome i love your story.. please update soon... kekekeke ツツツツ
i've been subscribed for a while now and just read your fanfic last night.. i was moved.. the story is direct to the point, just slightly draggy but t'was just enough not to shock the readers.. kkk. good job with the fic! i look forward to more updates :)

i wish Jaejoong all the best in winning Dara back! i think it'll take time.. Dara's change makes it a challenge but I know Jaejoong will endure it.. i'll be cheering for you, Jae! Dara will eventually soften up when she sees your effort and heart to it. GO, GO, GO, Jaejoong FTW! ^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 8: new subbie here~~im glad i happened to read this amazing fic,,so sad i only found it now~~ anyways dara had no reason to reject jae since she loves him still,,,wish they'll be back together again to make the absences they wasted being apart for years..thanks and update soon:)
Dyosa20 #9
Chapter 8: Heart taking story pls update and thanks a lot Author for a wonderful story keep it up
Please update soon ^^ uwaaa I'm so excited!!!