
His Secret Lover



Dara’s POV:


I open my eyes for the nth time. I’ve been doing this for the past hours, trying to get some sleep but having none.  As usual, I was woken up by the nightmare of the accident. I’m already used to this, waking up around three in the morning screaming their names, asking for help and crying. Then after sobering, I will end up tossing and rolling on my bed trying to get some sleep before going to school.


It’s a routine I’ve been suffering for these past three years. I look at my once pink princess room that turns into a pale white wall and ceiling. I moved out of our mansion after my family left to US. Living alone in that mansion makes me feel suffocated for some reason, that’s why I decided to move in a simple apartment.


 Before the accident I was living like a princess. I can get anything I want with just a snap of my fingers. Name anything I want and my parents will grant it. Though they are usually cold to me especially my mother, I’m fine with it because oppa and the others are always there for me.


“But why? why me? Why us?” I asked to no one as I stared on the ceiling. Tears silently fall from my eyes as I tried to snap my fingers so many times like a fool wishing that by doing so, I can still get what I want, my family, my youth, my best friend and my... fiancé.


“God, what did I do wrong for you to punish me this much? Is it a sin to be a daughter of my father’s mistress? But I didn’t wish for it... Why am I suffering so much?”  I asked once again. Yeah, I’m not my mom’s daughter. When Leeteuk oppa was 2 years old, our dad played a bit. He had an affair with one of his female employee. And that affairs outcome is me.


My real mom died before I turn one year old. My dad said that when she was on her way home from work, someone tried to snatch her bag but she put a fight with the culprit ending her up with a knife stabbed directly in her heart, ending her life.


Since my existence to everyone was unknown because of my dad’s circumstances. I was left with no one. My real mom’s family didn’t have any idea about me. So my dad was force to keep me. I’m not sure what happen when he took me home. What my not-real-mother’s reaction after finding out her husband’s betrayal but I’m glad to have a half-brother in the presence of Leeteuk oppa. He is the only one who let me feel what real family is together with my cousins and my fiancé, and later on with my best friend. Only oppa knew about me being a daughter of a mistress because they don’t want the ‘Parks’ reputation to be ruined.


My parents never loved me. That’s the truth. It hurts to admit but a part of me is hoping that they love me even a little bit. My parents never showed in any of my competition nor give any support. The whole country was cheering whenever I have a competition against other country but my parents never did. A single ‘good luck’ will be enough but not even a sound came from their mouth.


Ever since I was young I was always told that I was to marry to one of the Kim’s. They always stated that they can’t wait until I get out of their mansion and move to the Kim’s. At first I didn’t understand what they mean but as time goes by everything became clear to me when at the age of 10 I was officially engage to the most wonderful man in the world. The one who holds my heart.


I never actually like the idea of being engage at such a young age. I was never given a chance to choose who to love but that change upon meeting Jae. I’m glad he is my fiancé. He became my support to everything. My air, my light, my only life. That’s why when I heard he died. My heart also died together with him.


Back to my parents they never warm to me but I never rebel against them. I’m thankful enough for them to take me in and gave me what I want. Except for loving me. Is it really hard to accept me?


They only value oppa as their son. He is the heir of our company that’s why they gave him all the things that he needed even the love that I can’t get from them. I always envy them every time they talk happily. I always watch from aside whenever they have their bonding time, afraid that I will disturb their ‘family time’ but oppa will always force me to join thus making my parents sighed in disappointment.


I always do my best in everything so that they will see me in different light and maybe, just maybe...they will learn to love me. But I didn’t expect that doing my best will only make my situation worst. I become the ‘Nation’s genius’, the perfect daughter that any family could ever have and best in every field I enter but it only make them furious because I excel than oppa.


That’s why when the accident happened, they blamed me for it. They said that because I always join in those stupid competitions that oppa will always make time to cheer for me. They said that if I didn’t join that competition, oppa won’t come to the competition and won’t be involved in the accident.


“It’s my entire fault. Maybe if I just didn’t exist nothing like this will happen.... but it’s too late now...” I whispered as I close my eyes with tears still rolling down on my cheeks. No one knows that my parents treat me coldly even oppa don’t know that because in the presence of others, they are the ideal parents. But not until they left me to America. My aunts, uncles, cousins and friends found out how they treat me after I was left alone but no one tried to console me because my parents threatened them that if they did, they will withdraw their shares in my relatives business though I am mostly the one who’s managing it.


I also found out the reason why the Kim’s never told JJ what happened during the accident. It seems that they were also blackmailed by my parents. They really want me to suffer alone huh? But I can’t bring myself to hate them...because inside me, I love them deeply.


I open my eyes once again as I wiped the tears away. My thoughts drifted to my fiancé. Will there be a time that Jae will remember who am I? Will there be a time that he will wipe my tears again? Will he accept me for who am I now? And will he love once again?


“I miss you...” A small sobbed escape from my lips as I remember my words to him... “If a simple yes will make all your memories back, I’m willing to say ‘yes’ more than once. But in reality, it won’t. So, just ignore us JJ. You were given a chance to fulfil your dream as a teacher. You’ll just destroy it if you will get involve with us. The three of us were stuck in the past, and the future is something we never look forward to. After this conversation, just ignore us like we’d never exist or just treat us like your ordinary student, that’s it, no more, no less. So, don’t ever try to dig your past. Move on and look forward to the future together with your girlfriend. And happy. Goodbye.”


“I hope you are happy now Jae... I hope you won’t ever remember me. I’m afraid that if you get close to me, you’ll just suffer. I can’t make you happy anymore. I hope that your girlfriend will love you the way I did and the way I’ll always will...but this love, will never reach you. I’ll bury it deep inside me together with your Dara, the fiancée that you once loved.”


I hug myself tightly as I reached for my necklace. The necklace that holds my engagement ring near my heart.  ‘ Aeternum Vestrum’, I will forever be yours... but I’m afraid you won’t be mine Jae. I hold myself tightly as I remember how he always makes me smile. How he take care of me, how loud he gets every time he cheers in my competition, how he hates when other men approach, how he always comfort me and how he never fails to say and show how much he loves me.


I stayed like that reminiscing the memories I once had with him until my alarm clock went wild. I turned it off immediately and sat on my bed. I sighed deeply as I remember that I have to go to school.


I stand up from my bed and went directly to my bathroom. I the lights and was immediately greeted by a girl in the mirror. I studied her appearance disappointedly. She had her hair sticking out everywhere sign that she just rolled up from her bed. Her eyes were red from crying and slightly puffy. Dark circles were around her eyes due to lack of sleep. I look at her more intently as the faint scar in her left eyes was clear to me. I slowly reached my left eye as the girl did the same.


“Who will love a blind girl like me?” I whispered to myself. *Sigh* I been talking a lot to myself lately huh? Is this the result of being so lonely living alone? I shrugged to myself and proceed on talking a bath.


After I finish my morning rituals, I locked my door and went to my Suzuki Hayabusa. After the accident, I rarely ride on a car... I’m not afraid of riding or did develop any phobia or trauma... I still ride sometimes and even drive but it just reminded me so much of Siwon, Jae and oppa that’s why I prefer motorcycle than cars.


As I approached my motorbike, I saw a familiar red Aston Martin. I’m not sure where did I saw it but I swear, I’ve seen it before. It was parked beside my bike and I have the urge to wait and see who own this awesome car though my bike is more awesome.


I pulled out my phone from my pocket and saw that it’s almost time for school. I put my mask on and secure my hood on my head before putting on my helmet. My mom always hated my face, she said I remind her of my mom. If my presence will make everyone remember what happened to my real mom and dad or what happen during the accident, it’s better for me to hide this face than let the world see how ugly am I...especially inside. I immediately hop on my bike and started the engine once I’m done and speed to school.


School was painfully taking so long, thankfully no one tried to tick me off today. I’ve manage to avoid Jae every time I pass on his room and it’s good that he didn’t make a move. It’s really hard to face him after our conversation.


When I heard that he died, I thought I won’t ever survive without him. I tried to kill myself so many times because my life is useless without him. But that change one month before the school opens when I receive an application of a fresh college graduate student looking for a work as a teacher.


My heart stopped as I saw his picture in the application. I can’t believe what I saw that time. Without thinking, I immediately called my uncle and tell him to make sure that he will be the new teacher in the school though our school only accept those 23 years old and above, my uncle make sure that Jae will keep his real age a secret if he wanted to teach here.

I asked someone to investigate what happened. And found out that he has a selective amnesia. And that made my heart shattered into pieces once again. It’s almost the same with him being dead. We still can’t be together, he’s not the fiancé I love. I scan all the pictures that the investigator I hired sent me. He changed a lot, almost all the pictures of him is with different girls. He turns out to be a player, always present on different party.


And with that, everything went fast. I thought that I’ll be fine if ever I see him or hear his voice but no, I was wrong. The thought that I already move on after seeing those pictures were a lie. During the first day I already know that he will be the new teacher that everyone’s talking about. That’s why I immediately stoop down and pretend I was sleeping and tuned out every sound around me.


And that stop when I he started to take the attendance. Bom kicked my chair and I instantly sat up straight and that was wrong move. As soon as I heard his voice, my heart started beating fast and my body was frozen. I was trying really hard not to run over him and hug him so close to me but that immediately change as soon as I heard the way he talks to my cousins.


Before he reached the front I kicked the chair in front of me sending Donghae forward so that he won’t get hurt as my fist quickly collided with the window. Pain immediately prickled my skin as the shards of glasses scrape my skin. The pain I’m feeling right now is nothing compare to the pain my heart is experiencing. I immediately run out of the room and I heard my cousins shouting at me.


I went to the glasshouse and cried my eyes out as I explained everything to my cousins. The three of us our inseparable, no secrets allowed. But that’s what they thought. I hid a lot of things from them including me, the daughter of a mistress and few more. And those secret will remain untold until the day I die.


Back at the present, I remember that today is my cousins’ detention. It’s good that I’m done with mine because I’m not sure if I can check my emotion of I’m around those three since that will be our first time spending time together. And I don’t want to go soft in front of Jae.


When the last bell rang signalling the end of class, I almost dance in happiness. I ran immediately outside the room waving to my cousins and proceed to the glasshouse.  I’ll just wait for them here, I’m sure they won’t take more than an hour, I still have a meeting later for the expansion of our company.


I lazily lay down on one of the couch and pull my hoodie and mask away from my face. I’m sure no one will come here at this time. Who wanted to stay at school after class by the way? I close my eyes as soon as I feel comfortable and folded my arms in front of my chest.


I was like that for a few minutes until I heard series of footsteps coming to my way. I immediately sit up and look at the entrance of the glass house at the same time that Minzy and CL stood there frozen looking at me surprised.


“Err.... Hi?” I greeted both of them awkwardly seeing their shocked expression which I’m not sure why though. Those two became close with us after the incident in front of their locker. They still keep on bugging me on how come I know their passwords but I just ignore them.


“Wow!” They both exclaimed at the same time still with their mouth wide open.


“Wow?” I asked raising an eyebrow curiously.


“ Dara! You never told me you are a goddess!” CL ranted as soon as she recovered.


“Excuse me?” I asked in disbelief. When did I become a goddess?


“OMG! You’re so freaking gorgeous! Why are you hiding your face? Seriously? Every guy will really fall on their knees begging for your attention!”  Minzy shouted in excitement as she took my appearance for the first time. I rolled my eyes at them and lay back on the couch.


“Whatever, don’t be noisy I want to sleep.” I order them as I close my eyes once again.


“Fine. Bye.” They snorted as I heard them started walking out of the glasshouse.


I feel myself slowly losing to sleepiness when I heard series of footsteps once again. I groaned loudly and run a hand on my hair frustratingly as I sit once again and look at the entrance waiting for the arrivals of the intruders. I can hear laughter and teasing getting louder as they near and I’m 100% sure that it’s Chun’s teammates.


But that stop as soon as they saw me sitting directly in front of them glaring. But their reaction is different from what I am expecting for. All of them have this awed and dreamy look on their faces as their lips twitched upward.


“Holy crap!” TOP and Jiyong says at the same time.


“Am I in heaven?” Yunho said after them. The rest just let out a wolf whistle. I just shook my head and rest my head on the back of the couch. I think I know why their reactions are like that again. It’s rare for them to see me without my hoodie or mask.


“You know Danna, I’m not sure why are you hiding your perfect face. But you know, just give as some fun and let us see your face every day.”  Taeyang said as he drag a chair in front of me and sit slouching.


“Seriously? When are you guys going to learn? My name is Dar—“ I said but was cut off by Seungri.


“Yeah. Taeyang is right Daria. The girls’ face here is no match to yours. Just give us some inspiration.” He teased and sits beside me as he slings his arm on my shoulder that I quickly pinch.


“Shut up.” I muttered under my breath as TOP sit beside me and pat my head.


“Relax Daryn, they’re just teasing you.” He said trying to comfort me. I swear he is the nearest thing to his age. All of them act immature.


“But really why are you hiding you’re face Dona?” Jiyong asked as he went behind the couch and plopped his elbow beside my head looking down at me.


I didn’t answer. I’m not in the mood to explain something that can make me emotional. These guys don’t have any idea about our past or any hunch that my left eye is blind. We are friends, yeah but not that close. We hang out, we chat, we play but that’s it.


They might saw something in my face because as soon as Jiyong asked me Changmin quickly changed the topic.


“What are you doing here alone by the way Danie?” He asked. I’m really starting to get irritated with the way they call me. They said that they want to be unique from others who keep calling me Dara here, Dara there and Dara everywhere.


And that’s when they started calling me whatever names starting from letter D. And I have to continuously remind myself that every time I hear this guys’ voice shouting a name starting from letter D, I’m positive that’s me they are calling. But they still call me on my real name, and that’s when I did something bad to them that made them angry.


These douche bags were Yoochun’s teammates. I was once force to attend their victory party since Bom and Chun were attending. Yoochun introduced me to them and I like how we instantly clicked without them judging me. Bom did the same and introduced me to her little squad but unfortunately I have to control myself from breaking their nose from looking at me disgustingly especially with my mask on.


“I’m waiting for those two. They have a detention with Jae.” I answered without thinking.


“Jae?” They all asked at the same time looking at me curiously.


“Ahhh I mean Mr. Kim, the new English teacher.” I answered closing my eyes, afraid to see their reactions.  Damn! Why do I have to call him in his name?! For goodness sake he is your teacher, Sandara!


“Nickname basis eh Dale?” I heard Junsu asked with a strained voice. I keep my eyes close.


“Just let it go...please.” I beg. It suddenly become quiet around me that I become curious on why so slowly open my eyes and see them looking at me with a pained expression.


“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked looking at them one by one worriedly.


“Danica.” Daesung called, I turned my head to his direction beside Seungri. “Have you realized that you just said the word ‘please’ to us?” I look at him dumbfounded. “You don’t, do you? It’s the first time you asked nicely... You’re the type who usually order and boss us around. I guess the topic with ‘Jae?’ is kinda sensitive?” He finished but their faces is still the same.  It seems like they hurt for some reason.


“And the fact the you just call him by his name is quite shocking... you never call us by our names Daphne... you always go by ‘you!’, ‘hey!’ or ‘douche!’. Even the new girls, you never call them by their names but Chun and Bom are the exception and now the new teacher.” TOP added with a sad smile.


Ahhh! I’m hurting someone again without knowing. I quickly averted my eyes from them and look at the ground. They all remained silent and I can feel their eyes on me.


“Mianhe, I didn’t notice... I’m sorry.” I whispered as I looked at them and quickly rush out of the room. I didn’t bother to grab my mask and just simply put my hoodie as I started running towards the parking lot.


I immediately spotted my motorbike ignoring the familiar voice that keep shouting my name asking me to stop. I the engine as soon as I touched it and hop on it without wearing my helmet and quickly zoomed out of the school.



Jaejoong’s POV:


I continue to run at the hallway looking for my fiancée. Yeah, my fiancée! And I’m proud to say that.


“Dara!!!!!!!!!” I shouted her name in the empty hallway. Darn! Of course why would she be here? The school already ended. I guess I have to wait till tomorrow seeing I don’t have any contact information of her or even her home address.


I shook my head walking back to my classroom.  I was on my way to my when I heard a footstep behind me and I quickly looked back. I froze as I took notice of my fiancée running so fast without looking anywhere except the parking lot.


My eyes follow here until she reached the parking lot and hop on a very cool motorbike which instantly unfreeze me. Oh no, no, no, no! Don’t tell me it her ride? She instantly the engine and that answers my question.


“Dammit!” I cursed.


“Dara!!! Stop!”


“ Dara! Wait! Stop!”


I keep shouting but it’s too late. She quickly speeds out of the parking lot without even wearing a helmet as the wind pulled down her hood.


I froze once again at the sight of my fiancée without a hoodie and mask. She caught my eyes once again. I was mesmerized with the beauty in front of me. She is absolutely gorgeous. She is definitely, no doubt the girl in my dreams. My eyes follow her until she was out of sight.


“At least wear a helmet, idiot!” I murmured to myself but suddenly realized that her left eye was actually blind. How come Bom and Chun let her ride on a bike! It’s too risky!


I abruptly turn around and went to my classroom to talk to her cousins. I open the door with a loud bang and was about to yeel at the two when I saw no one. I sighed and grab my things.


“I think, today’s incident is enough. I need a rest. My head is killing me, its hurts like hell ever since I remember Siwon.” I whispered to myself. Siwon, I wonder where is he laying. I want to visit him. I want to thank him for everything and apologize for not being on his side when he needed me.





I just finish watching a soccer game when I heard a sound outside my apartment. I look at the clock on the wall and saw that it’s already past eleven in the evening. I went near my window and slightly brushed the curtain to the side to see what’s going on.


My eyes widened in shock as I took the scene before my eyes. Dara was carefully parking her motorbike beside my car. She turned off the engine and jumps off her bike and pulled the helmet out of her head. What the?! Why is she here? Wait, it’s not the problem’s already midnight, did she just come back from her work? She’s a girl! She should not go home alone at this hour especially with that goddess appearance!


My blood boils inside me. How can she be reckless?! Dammit! Starting today I will not let her ride that bike nor go home alone at this time of night! I won’t let her do that even if she got angry. I don’t care as long as I know she’s safe.


I know I have no right to do that, but no one has told me that our engagement was called off. So as far I am concern, she will follow me because I am still her fiancé.  I quickly reached to my door knob and swing open my door and walk directly to her as her head shot to my  direction.


“Yah! You! It’s already 11:30 in the evening and you just arrive home?! What if someone kidnapped you?! Have you forgotten who you are?! You are a Park! I told you before that if you can’t go home early, call me so that I can fetch you!” I scolded her as her eyes widened in surprise with my outburst. Ahh, does eyes! Seriously! It’s so beautiful. Her lips, it’s the first time I’ve seen it in person. I only see it in my dreams and that nose...oh wait!


Oh God?! Did I seriously scold her like an idiot boyfriend! I haven’t even explained to her that I already know she’s my fiancée and I remember a bit of the past. Ahhh!!! I screwed up! I rubbed my palm into my face in frustration as her voice suddenly caught my attention.


“What...what did you say?” She asked as if she’s in pain. My hand quickly left my face as I looked into her eyes. And it’s clear that she’s about to cry.


“, I’m sorry for scolding you it’s just that it’s dangerous for a girl to go ho—“


“No! It’s not that! You just told me that ‘I told you before that if you can’t go home early, call me so that I can fetch you!’! That’s said.” She trailed off.


“Huh?” Did I say that?


“You remember?” She asked but her voice croaked and tears started pouring from her eyes. I step closer to her as the urge to envelop her in my arms grow inside me.


“Don’t you dare come near me!” She shouted. I quickly stop from my track as I felt hurt.


“You remember?! You actually remember me?!!! Yet you never told me?! Since when Jae? Since when?!!!” She shouted more as tears keep pouring from her eyes. My hand were itching to wipe the tears on her cheeks but I control myself.


“No, I didn’t remember everything. Just a bit. I’m not sure what I said, it just came out from my mouth when I saw you going home at this time. I don’t know but something inside me snap and get angry. As if telling me that you should not go home alone at this time and that you should not ride on a motorbike especially that...ahmmm you know... about your eyes.” I said softly. I’m not really sure how to break that to her, I even promise to her cousins that I won’t tell her about it. Aish Jae! You’re on big trouble.


“You knew?” She asked warily as stepped back. She looked at me intently as if looking for something. Until her eyes stare my left hand. Her hands reached her chest and clutch on something behind her jacket. I’m not sure what is she holding but I have an idea that it’s a pendant or something, I can see the line of necklace.


“They told you, aren’t they?” She accused. I didn’t answer as I watch her took another step backwards until she turned around and started running to the other side of the street.


“Wait!!! Dara!” I called to her! But she’s ignoring me. I followed her and run after her.


Then, everything went so fast. So fast that I froze in my feet as I saw a flashing light on my right side and a series of car honking... My heart beats rapidly and cold sweat starting to form in my whole body.  My head started to pound again.


“Ahhhh!!” I shouted as I kneeled to the ground as I remember the flashing light of the truck that’s coming to our way three years ago. As if a movie is being rewind in my head, the memories slowly  coming to me. Everything... about the accident, my friends... my fiancée.


I look up quickly and my eyes search for Dara. I saw her standing near me looking worriedly at my direction and that’s when I remember that we are in the middle of a road. I look to my right and surely a car is coming to our way.


I saw her took a step forward hesitantly to my direction before running in full speed as my eyelids slowly  getting heavy and my head continue hurting. I tried to fight the darkness that slowly enveloping me but I lost as my eyes completely close as I heard an hear deafening sound.













Here's an update guys!

I'm sorry for not updating regularly....

Sorry if you find it boring....

Thank you for all the comments...

I really appreciate all of it.... Please continue dropping some more!!!

Till next time!


Sorry for the mistakes/error



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bb2ne1fanjj #1
Chapter 8: Authornim where are you? Please update this fic again. Please. Will wait for you.
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 8: hello authornim..still waiting for an update with your 3 stories//pls dont abandon them,,i really love them and i read them for the nth time kkkk
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 8: ohmygahhhhhddddddddd authornim update this story please TT_TT i'm so loving your story..please update it~~~~~ i

JaeDara fighting!!!!
Chapter 8: Dara is the principal? She really missed alot because of the incident...

Please update soon authornim...
Chapter 6: crying here
msdeathstalker #6
Chapter 8: subscribed.... hoping that dara will smile again... she deserve to be happy with all the hurt and pain she experience.. authornim your awesome i love your story.. please update soon... kekekeke ツツツツ
i've been subscribed for a while now and just read your fanfic last night.. i was moved.. the story is direct to the point, just slightly draggy but t'was just enough not to shock the readers.. kkk. good job with the fic! i look forward to more updates :)

i wish Jaejoong all the best in winning Dara back! i think it'll take time.. Dara's change makes it a challenge but I know Jaejoong will endure it.. i'll be cheering for you, Jae! Dara will eventually soften up when she sees your effort and heart to it. GO, GO, GO, Jaejoong FTW! ^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 8: new subbie here~~im glad i happened to read this amazing fic,,so sad i only found it now~~ anyways dara had no reason to reject jae since she loves him still,,,wish they'll be back together again to make the absences they wasted being apart for years..thanks and update soon:)
Dyosa20 #9
Chapter 8: Heart taking story pls update and thanks a lot Author for a wonderful story keep it up
Please update soon ^^ uwaaa I'm so excited!!!