I'm Back!

His Secret Lover

Hi! I know it's supposed to be 'School Trip'

But unfortunately I can't think very well right now on what to write for that title,,,

Mianhe...for disappointing everyone

I still tried to update though even it's a short one. Yeah for me it's a short update because I usually put a longer chapter

You might find it boring because my mind is really blank and in haze as of the moment

This past weeek is not really a good week for me and my family and I think those who are from the Philippines can relate to what I'm saying

especially those who are in the Luzon/ Metro Manila Area...

Our place were flooded. In my place the flood almost reach our waist, thank goodness that our house was elated from the ground

and has few steps before you reach the flooring that's why the flood was only almost knee-high inside my house but still... *sigh*

We're still lucky though because many families lose their homes...it's really sad everytime I saw it on the news...

And all of this was not because of typhoon/ hurricane it was only because of a Southwest Monsoon that stayed for more than a week

in the country that brought so much rain... :(

Anyway, sorry for talking non-sense... Here's a new chapter.

And btw, I updated IPYWAML & ONWTP

Enjoy Reading!






“I won!” Dara screamed as she jumped on me. Her legs were wrapped around my waist and her hands on my neck. My hand automatically wrapped around her petite body to support her.


“Congratulations! You did well my love.” I said kissing her cheek. She giggled and whispered something on my ear.


“That’s because you came here to cheer for me. That was an awesome cheer by the way.” She whispered while biting her lips trying hard not to laugh at the way I shouted and cheer for her. But the sadness and disappointment in her eyes can be clearly seen. And I know the reason... her parents.


I know she won’t say it and I understand that she doesn’t want to talk about it. It’s always like this, even though she knows that her parents were too busy because of their business, deep inside her, she always wish to caught the glimpse of her parents cheering for her to win the competition.


“You know that whatever and wherever the competition is, as long as you’re in it. I’ll always be there. Even though I’m busy, I’ll always find time just to see you. Don’t forget that.” I whispered back as she give me a peck on my lips.


“Te amo.” She said as she pulled back showing me her beautiful smile. We really don’t know how to speak other language, it’s just that she heard it one time and then here you go... she’s already fond of saying it.


“I love you too.” I replied as I look at her adorable blushing face.


“Alright dude! That’s enough. I know you guys are engaged or whatever but dude, that’s my sister you are kissing!”Leeteuk said with a scrunch up face while Siwon just laughed at his expression.


“You’re reacting too exaggeratedly. Come on! Let’s all go home. For sure Chun and Bom were waiting for us at in your house.” Siwon said with a dreamy look as he spoke Bom’s name.


“Ha-ha! Shut up! You just can’t wait to see your girlfriend in her short cheerleading skirt!” Leeteuk replied teasingly which earned a smack directly at the back of his head, thus the start of their bickering.


I put Dara down on her feet as my hand automatically reached hers and intertwined our fingers and follow those two who continue on teasing each other.


As soon as we got in the car, I saw my fiancée yawn and notice her sleepy eyes. She must be really tired after the quiz bee. I immediately lay her on my lap as she hugged my knees while I played with her ring on her other hand. The ride was uneventful. After Leeteuk was done teasing Siwon, he turned to me and makes me his new target. He started teasing me on how I cheer for his sister.


But that soon ended as Siwon spotted a truck zigzagging on the other lane.


“What’s wrong with the truck?” He asked as he continues to drive. All our attention beside my fiancée who’s sleeping soundlessly on my lap was now on the truck.  


“I don’t know bro but the driver of that truck had gone insane! He’s driving dangerously fast and unsteady.” Leeteuk answered him.


“Shoot! What’s wrong with the driver?!” I exclaimed as I saw the truck going on illegal speed.


“Let’s pull over to the side until the truck passed by. I don’t want to drive along with that truck.” Siwon said as he stopped on the side of the road.


But as soon as we stopped, everything happened so fast. A blinding light was instantly in front of us that we all froze in fear. But before everything registered to us, a loud sound was heard at the same time a strong impact collided on our car.


I don’t know what’s happening but my body immediately bend down, shielding the girl who’s sleeping on my lap at the same time I heard my friends scream and grunt. I felt my head hit the other side of the car and pains covered different parts of my body. I didn’t bother to check what’s happening as my mind and body was only thinking of my fiancée’s safety under me. I heard her whimper under my body as I saw red on both of us and that’s the last thing I saw before darkness embraces me.


“Dara!!!!!!!” I screamed as soon as I found my voice. My body was covered in sweat all over. My breathing comes in huff.  My eyes were wide open and I immediately took in my environment.


My eyes scan the place I was in. My back was flushed on a fluffy thing which I assume is a bed. The ceiling was pure white and so as the wall. The beeping sound on my side caught my attention. I turn towards the direction of it and I saw a machine with a line going up and down. Every time I breathe, it will also beep and the graph will move up and then down. My eyes roamed around once more inside my room, which I’m sure is inside the hospital. Tubes were attached in my hand and I have to stop myself from ripping it off me.


I got a glimpse of the time and the calendar on my other side and realize that I must be asleep for a day.I took notice of the middle-aged couple who was standing in front of me and I instantly recognized them as my parents. Their faces show surprise expression. Their mouths were hanging open and their eyes were as big as a saucer.


“You remember Dara?” That’s the first thing they told me after I woke up.


“Where’s my fiancée?” I asked ignoring their question and the throbbing pain that starting to build in my head.


“She’s not your fian—“ My mom answered but I cut her off.


“Where is Dara?!” I shouted as frustration started radiating off my body. I can’t help but feel really angry right now towards my parents. How the hell did they managed to sleep at night knowing my fiancée is suffering?!


My parents look at each other and I can sense their worry and fear but I don’t care. Right now, what I want is my fiancée. I need to know where is she, I need to know how is she, I need to know what happen after I passes out, I need to know that she’s safe and mostly I need to know... if she still love me and if she will ever forgive me...


I look at my parents as tears fell from my mom’s eyes. My father hugged her tightly as she sobbed on his chest. My father just looks at me with an apologetic expression. I want to know...why they did that to us.


“Why did you hide it from me? Why didn’t you inform me about Dara? Why did you let her suffer alone? How come you let her live alone, you! Both of you! Who she had treated as her second parents....tell me mom, Dad, why?” I whispered looking at them as tears fell from my eyes.


“You don’t know anything son...” My dad murmured.


“That’s why tell me dad! Tell me! Because I can’t bear the fact that my own parents turn their back to the girl I’ve only love especially when I know how much you want her to be your own daughter! And especially when you know how much I’ve been yearning for the truth...for her!” I shouted as more tears escape from my eyes that I didn’t bother to hide as all the feelings inside me were starting to come out. Pain, betrayal, sadness and anger to everyone... to everything.


“Please tell me... why?” I pleaded as I look at them directly in their eyes.


“If we could turn back the time son, we will do everything to make up to her. What we did is the worst decision we have ever made. At that time, all we think was how to save you. Everyone thought that you will die during the accident but we believe that you will survive because you will not let Dara live alone.” My father explained as my mom pulled back from his hugged.


“You suffered from lots of injuries and broken bones. Some major organs were affected that’s why you were asleep for almost 5 days then when you woke up you can’t remember a lot of things. That time, our business is not doing well. The cost of your operations, hospital bills, medicines and other necessities almost put our business to bankruptcy. But Dara’s parents came to help us....” My mom trailed as she looks up to my dad.


“They offer to help the company. To bring it back to its original state. At first, we were embarrassed because our company needed a big amount. But they insist, so we gladly accept it. We thought that they were doing it out of our friendship for so many years. We thought they were good persons. But that’s what we thought... they suddenly demanded not to tell anything about Dara to you. They knew your condition, that’s why they ordered us to keep our mouth shut.”


 “They wanted Dara to suffer the consequence of the accident. They blame the poor girl for what happened, that’s why they wanted her to live alone. They knew how much she loves you and think that if she looses you, it will be enough to make her suffer.”


I clenched my hand tightly. Right now, all I wanted was to kill her parents! How could they do that to her?!


“But it was too late... we already used the money they gave us and paid all our debts and also to make a fresh start with the company. Right after we settled everything, we were asked to do the unexpected in exchange for the money.”


“We were asked to leave the house near their mansion. While you are recuperating in the hospital, we tried to talk to them about Dara, but their ears were shut to whatever we said. They didn’t listen. Among the Parks, they are the richest and powerful that even Bom and Yoochun’s parents and their other relatives were threatened and blackmailed.”


“We don’t have any idea that behind those kindness and thoughtfulness from them is a cruel and heartless parent. We never imagine that they will do that to their own daughter.”


“And so, we were left with no choice. Few weeks after Dara recovered, we sent her a letter stating that you’re...gone. It pains us to lie to her. We love her as much as you love her. If we just know what her parents were planning, we won’t think twice about rejecting the money.”


“As soon as you recovered, we moved to another town. You keep on asking about the ring you have on your finger but we keep silent. If ever they found out that we told something about Dara to you, they will buy our company... and that time, it’s the only source of our money, food and your medicine. You don’t have any idea how much we wanted to tell you about Dara.”


“It hurts to see you suffer but we have to endure or else we will face the wrath of the Parks. But after three years, we are now ready to lose everything if it means making up to everything we’ve done to her.”


“After you graduated, we were planning to answer the question about your ring if ever you ask, but unfortunately you’ve never ask again. That’s why when you said that you’ve found a job in our old town, we decided to look for an apartment near your workplace, and thus we found Dara.”


“We decided to rent the apartment besides Dara’s and think that maybe if ever you crossed path with her, you can remember her...” My parents continue to explain but my mind has already had enough.


As they continue to speak, I reached for my left hand and touch the ring that binds us. It’s my fault. It’s my entire fault. All this time, I knew how her parents treated her yet I never said anything. I knew how she will silently sob in the night because of them. All of it, even though she didn’t say it, I knew it... all along.


Even Leeteuk knew this, that’s why he will do anything to make Dara feel the warmth of a family as her big brother. I remember Leeteuk telling me how he notice the difference of how his parents treat him and her... but whenever he tried to talk to her about their parents, she will try to avoid the topic.


That’s why I never ask about it. But I know the reason behind all of it... Leeteuk confess it to me and told me not to tell anyone. He just told it to me because he knew how I love his sister...and the reason...is solely because, she was a result of a one night stand that she didn’t even wish for.


I tuned out every sound around me and close my eyes. Remembering every memory I had lost. A silent tear escape from my eyes as my heart breaks knowing how the only girl I have ever loved suffer alone... alone...all this time...by herself.


“I’m sorry...” I whispered to no one hoping she could hear me. If I’m not lying down here in this hospital right now, I will run to wherever she is and enveloped her in my arms. The reason for my longing and incompleteness all this time... I’ve finally knew why.


If I was stronger before, maybe... I could protect her. But I’m sorry Dara, that time... I’m just still a young boy.  But starting today, I will do everything to fill the gap in your heart that form when you thought that I died... starting today, I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore. I’ll make up for all the time that we lost. I thought to myself as a new goal was set inside my mind.


I will bring everything back to pieces. I will once again stand by her side. Teacher or not, I am her fiancé. I don’t care if she already moves on. I will try to win her heart once again because my heart is the only place she should be. 


I’ll try to bring back the smile of my girl. No one will hurt her anymore... because I am back. Kim Jaejoong is back. Not the useless love sick puppy boy that can’t even protect his fiancée but the man who is ready to give everything for the only girl he love even if the only way is to give up everything.




I woke up from the sound of my phone ringing endlessly. My eyes adjusted from the blinding light in front of me as I realized that I’m still at the hospital. I picked up my phone, which I assumed was brought by my parents.


“Hello?” I answered as I press the accept button.


“Jae?” A familiar voice said my nickname from the other line.


“Uncle YG?” I asked. Silent was heard from the other line. It’s the nickname the six of us including Siwon gave him when we are young.


“You remember?” He asked in a shocked tone after a minute of silence.


“Yeah.” I answered dryly. Feeling another set of anger on how he just watch his own niece suffer alone. I know I don’t have the right to blame her relatives, but I can’t help but feel disappointed to those people while I was hidden in the dark.


“Oh thank you Lord! Oh God! Thank you! Thank you!” He keeps on chanting as if I’m not on the other line.


“You don’t have any idea how glad am I right now to know you remember everything. For sure my brothers and sisters will be glad to know about it...... well, except for her parents...” He said.


“Really? As of you care that I remember everything. You didn’t even care about your own niece.” I scoffed.  He went silent once again.


“You don’t understand Jae. Dara’s parent is like our benefactor. Without them, we don’t know how we are going to feed our family. We have children to take care of Jae, please understand that.” He explained.


“You don’t have any idea how guilty are we every time we will inform her parents about her detention, fights or any misbehaviour she did? You don’t have any idea how hard it is for us to live a like we are a puppet of her parents... You don’t Jae.. you don’t.”


“Do you know that every time we call her parents, the feeling of guiltiness will enveloped us... we don’t want to do what we are told, what we are ordered but they left us no choice. Dara was aware of her parent’s doings....but she chose to continue being the bad girl...hoping that someday.... they will come home...”


“It really hurts Jae... but we can’t do anything...especially that we know it’s her way to gain their attention... she wanted to be accepted Jae... wanted to feel the belongingness in a family...wanted to be loved... but you know what hurt us the most? It is when we all feel the helplessness as we watch her hurt herself... and when we realize that she knew everything that’s happening around her yet she never said anything and took everything by herself  wholeheartedly... like she’s fine...like everything’s okay... “


“She might talk to others rudely... but she never blame us or raised her voice against us... and when we need help, she’s still there for us...even after what we did...that’s why I told you before...that she is the most wonderful person that you will ever meet... and honestly, she’s the one who asked me to accept you as the new teacher even though your age is not qualified in our requirements...”


“I’m so sorry for being a useless uncle, Jae...I know I should be telling it to her... but I can’t. I’m afraid that she will forgive me after what happened. I don’t want her to forgive me... her forgiveness is not enough to make up for all my and everyone’s doings.” He explained as his voice broke in a silent sob.


I stayed silent as I continue to listen in his explanation...all of them, they were forced to turn their back against my fiancée. I don’t know any more if I should get angry or pity them for being a puppet of Dara’s parents...


“We have been waiting for your return. We never thought that it will take three years for you to completely remember everything. We always communicate with your parents to find out your condition.”


“Waiting for me? Why?” I asked in confusion.


“To bring back my niece... the old her... the bright Dara...” He whispered brokenly.


“Can you do that for us? I know we don’t have the right to ask you this favour after all that we have done... but we want to see the ‘old’ her once again... We miss her smile... Can you promise to bring her back once again?”


“I’m not sure if I can bring the old her back... but I promise to do everything I can to protect her and make her smile once again...” I replied sincerely.


“Thank you... thank you... and I’m really sorry for everything.” He said.


I ignore his apology because I’m not in the place to forgive him for what they have done, because I’m also one at fault. If I didn’t have that damn amnesia, she won’t be like that now. I’m the reason she changed...not her parents...but me...because... I left her.


“*sigh* I’m sure that it’s not the reason you called uncle. My I know why you called?” I asked.


“I just want to know how are you doin’? I’ve heard what happen from Bom. She said that she received a call from a frantic Dara telling her that she’s on her way to the hospital with you because you suddenly collapsed on the middle of the road. Thank goodness that the driver of car that was going on your direction notice you ahead of time and was able to avoid your unconscious body or else you might be dead by now.”


“Oh!” My response as I heard Dara’s name. So, she’s the one who brought me here, but where is she? “I’m good uncle. I’m just under observation for now. They wanted to run series of test before they will send me home. But where is Dara? How is she?”


“Bom and Chun were staying in her apartment right now. They forced her to go home since she won’t leave your side while crying her eyes out. She just got afraid that you won’t wake up. But good thing they convinced her because she won’t eat or say anything since last night.”


My heart broke knowing she’s crying all night but a little part of me was happy knowing she still care for me.


“Is that so... Is she alright now?” I asked.


“Bom told me that she still refused to eat few hours ago, but when they informed her that you woke up and doing well, she started eating again.” He explained. I let out a sigh of relief knowing her, she can be stubborn some time.


“That’s good to hear.”


“Yeah. Anyway, the other reason I called is because I want to inform you about the coming school trip. We have a 3 days, 2 nights trip to Jeju Island it’s once every semester. And I would like to ask if you want to be one of the teacher chaperones for the trip?” He inquired.


“Ahmm... I’m not sure about that since I’m still confine here in the hospital. Who are the participants?”


“The seniors. The departure will be five days from now on. What do you think?” Seniors? Is she going to participate?


“Is she going on the trip?” I asked hopefully.


“Yeah, I pulled out different tricks to force her to come. So are you coming or not?”


“Of course I will! I think it will be my chance to talk to her!” I answered with too much excitement and I heard him chuckle at the other line.


“It seems that you are excited. Alright then, I’ll put you in her class as their leader/chaperone/coordinator. Don’t tell anyone that I’m the one who assigned you in her class. And by the way, don’t forget that you’re still a teacher. Arasso?”


“Neh. Thank you Uncle. See you in  few days! Bye!” I said and hang up without waiting for his reply.








“Good! Now will be my chance to claim what’s mine and what I lost... And this time, I won’t ever let go....”





I'm sorry if you didn't like the chapter...

I'll try to do it better next time...






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bb2ne1fanjj #1
Chapter 8: Authornim where are you? Please update this fic again. Please. Will wait for you.
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 8: hello authornim..still waiting for an update with your 3 stories//pls dont abandon them,,i really love them and i read them for the nth time kkkk
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 8: ohmygahhhhhddddddddd authornim update this story please TT_TT i'm so loving your story..please update it~~~~~ i

JaeDara fighting!!!!
Chapter 8: Dara is the principal? She really missed alot because of the incident...

Please update soon authornim...
Chapter 6: crying here
msdeathstalker #6
Chapter 8: subscribed.... hoping that dara will smile again... she deserve to be happy with all the hurt and pain she experience.. authornim your awesome i love your story.. please update soon... kekekeke ツツツツ
i've been subscribed for a while now and just read your fanfic last night.. i was moved.. the story is direct to the point, just slightly draggy but t'was just enough not to shock the readers.. kkk. good job with the fic! i look forward to more updates :)

i wish Jaejoong all the best in winning Dara back! i think it'll take time.. Dara's change makes it a challenge but I know Jaejoong will endure it.. i'll be cheering for you, Jae! Dara will eventually soften up when she sees your effort and heart to it. GO, GO, GO, Jaejoong FTW! ^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 8: new subbie here~~im glad i happened to read this amazing fic,,so sad i only found it now~~ anyways dara had no reason to reject jae since she loves him still,,,wish they'll be back together again to make the absences they wasted being apart for years..thanks and update soon:)
Dyosa20 #9
Chapter 8: Heart taking story pls update and thanks a lot Author for a wonderful story keep it up
Please update soon ^^ uwaaa I'm so excited!!!