Detention and The Glimpse of Real Her

His Secret Lover


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I'm so sorry if I took so long to update this fanfic.

Sorry for any error/mistake

Hope you like it.

Enjoy reading!



Jaejoong’s POV:


“Hahaha! Jae that was funny!” the guy sitting in the driver seat said. I saw myself sitting inside a car with other three people. I can’t seem to see their faces. I don’t know why, it’s so blurry. The guy who’s driving has a jet black hair and toned slight tanned body. 


I look really young. Am I dreaming? I studied the ‘me’ in this car. It looks like I’m about 17 years old. I’m not sure though.


“Yeah, that was so epic! I understand that you really love my sister... but heck! You just make fun of yourself when you decided to shout at the top of your lungs holding a banner, cheering for her while standing. HAHAHA! If you seen the weird faces of the audience you will immediately stop and hide yourself in a bin!” The guy sitting in the passenger seat said as he glances at ‘me’ at the back seat with a girl sleeping on my lap. Though his face is still blurry I still notice his dimples when he smiles as he turns to look in front.


“Well, I don’t care if I embarrassed myself in front of others... as long as I can cheer for her... that’s the only thing that matters.” The ‘me’ said looking at the girl sitting on his lap. I saw’ myself’ looking at the girl lovingly as my hands the stray hair on her face and tuck it behind her ears.


The scene went on and on as I tried to shut the mouth of those two guys sitting in front, afraid that the girl sleeping on my lap will wake up.


After a few minutes, the four of us fell into silent. I felt relieve hearing no sounds. I saw how ‘I’ took the girl’s hand in mine. I notice that she had a beautiful brown hair and a small figure. Hmm... who is she? Why am I looking at her lovingly?


A genuine smile form into ‘my’ lips as ‘I’ played with the ring that’s on the girl’s left hand. Wow! That ring is the same as I am wearing right now? Who is she? Then ‘I suddenly spoke while still looking at the girl.


“Congrats meum amor! You once again prove that you are the nation’s genius. You did a great job D—“




I heard the alarm clock cried in my room. I reach for it and turn it off. I look at the ceiling for a moment until my dreams come back to me. I abruptly sit up and clutch my chest.


“What was that?” I asked to no one. Who are those people? Why do I feel like I know them for so long? And that girl? How the heck I speak those words? I don’t even know what it means. And why is she wearing the same ring as I have now? I asked myself as I look at my left hand.


I stare at the silver ring on my ring finger. It’s a simple ring but my mom said that it’s very important to me. They never told me why... they said that I have to figure it on my own when the time comes.


I tried to check this ring before and saw something written inside it, ‘Aeternum Vestrum- J♥ D’. I don’t even know what language is that. But one thing is for sure, the J is obviously stood for my name but who’s D?


If that girl who looks younger than me have the same ring as mine maybe she’s D. But what are we? Lovers? Couple? Best friends? Friends? But how come I can’t remember anything about those two guys and that girl with me in the car?


Are they part of the memories I’ve lost when I got in an accident three years ago? Hmm... I need to find out about it... I need to know where they are... how are they...and who is she? And the Parks... what is my relation to them? And why my heart does feels like it’s going to break when I can’t remember who that girl is.


Does my heart cries, knowing my brain can’t remember her?


Aish! Enough Jae! You’re acting like a fool! I scolded myself as I rise up from my bed and went directly to the bathroom for a shower. It will help me to clear my mind.



What the hell?!!! That’s the question I been meaning to ask as I drive to school upon remembering what happened yesterday as I decided to approach the Parks. Yeah, I know I been told to just ignore them but I don’t know it’s like someone from the back of my head told me to talk to them especially that petite girl.


I was shock first when the red head told me something like to leave the petite girl alone for some time, and she even called me in my nickname. I was really curious at that point. What is she talking about? And does she know me? Why is she calling me Jae?


After I told her off, the male Park suddenly shouted at me like what’s wrong’s with me. And he also called me by my nickname... Really? Is this school a nickname basis?


Due to their way of speaking to me like that, I ended up giving them a detention and head back to my table. But when I was about to continue taking attendance, the petite girl suddenly shove the guy sitting in front of her by kicking his chair forward, then suddenly punched the window beside her with her bare knuckles.


Her hands were bleeding from the broken glasses. She immediately stood up and left the room with her cousins in tow. I was shocked after witnessing something like that, that I froze in my place for a moment before I started running after them.


I follow them as they run to somewhat looks like a garden until they reach a beautiful glass house. I hide in one of the big pots while I watch the three of them. The hooded girl name Sandara collapsed in the ground as if she loses all her energy. The Yoochun guy immediately enveloped her in a hug as he spoke something that I can’t hear. The other girl name Bom gingerly wrapped her cousin’s hand in a handkerchief and whisper something as tears fall from her eyes.


Even though Sandara is the one who is rumoured to be the strongest among them, why does she look so weak and vulnerable right now? Is detention really that bad that they all reacted like that? Or did I do something that made them leave my class? And what’s really bothering me is when the two Parks call me in my nickname as if they used to call me that? What in the world is happening?


And why do I feel like I want to run to her side and be the one to comfort rather than her cousin?


I stood up from my hiding place and decided to return to class. But I was shock when I was near the door, I heard a voice that sent chill to my spine. I didn’t catch all the words... but caught something unexpectedly.


“He has a selective amnesia. He is not the Kim Jaejoong that we know and definitely not the person that we all love.” She spoke between her sobs. She’s crying, why? Why does she said those words like she’s hurting a lot.


I run back to my class after that. I decided to dismiss my class early as soon as I got back. I have to think those words I heard. They know me! They know who I am! They know I have amnesia! If they knew, why they didn’t try to visit me even once when I was in the hospital...clueless of what’s happening... Why?


After that, I didn’t act as myself the whole day. I’ve been trying to look for those three but I didn’t even see their shadows after that. They also didn’t show up during their detention that’s why I have to talk to their Uncle to force them to attend their detention after class today.


I hope I’ll be able to talk to them what happened to me, because even my parents and other friends or relative never talk of the incident I got involve resulting to this damn amnesia. And the funny thing about this amnesia is I remember almost everything except what happened that I ended up in the hospital. Though I also feel like I forgot something really important. Is it the Parks whom I forgot is the ‘something important’ that I needed to remember?


After long thinking inside my car, I arrived at the school park. “I think I have to make up for my classes for acting like an idiot yesterday. I hope everything will turn okay today.” I said to myself as I started going to my room.


Author’s POV:




The bell rings, signalling the start of the first class as the students started entering their classroom. Mr. Kim, arrived to his room and was slightly shock to see that all of his students are already in their seats including the Parks.


“Wow! All of you are early today.” He said chuckling a bit as the girls in front row started pulling their skirts up showing more skins trying to catch his attention but then again... he just ignore them.


“Oh well, Good Morning everyone. I want to start anew today and forget what happen yesterday.” He trailed off as the two Parks snorted while looking at him. He notices that Sandara Park has her jacket’s hood down but of course, the mask is still on while looking outside the new glass window.


“So let me introduce myself again. My name is Mr. Kim Jaejoong and I’m your new English teacher for your last year in this school and I hope that we all get along well.” He finished as the girls started cheering together with the other guys.


“Alright, do you have any questions?” He asked dumbfounded as he took notice of the jocks turning their heads to Sandara’s direction every now and then. He doesn’t know but the thoughts of other guys looking at her makes him irritated.


“Ahmm... how old are you, sir?” The girl name Jessica who’s part of the cheering squad asks flirty.


“Oh, ahmm... I’m 23.” He said nonchalantly as he saw Sandara quickly look at him.


His heart started to beat rapidly as he take the image in front of his eyes. A girl with a brown wavy hair that passes up to her shoulder with a very white smooth skin. His eyes slightly widened in shock as he saw the most beautiful brown orbs in his life with a curious look in her eyes.


‘Even though half of her face is covered with mask, I can honestly say that she’s beautiful’ He said to himself. But those features, why does it feel too familiar to him. Why does he feel like he wanted to just stare at her eyes and touch her smooth white skin as he tangle his fingers in her hair?


‘Stop!’ He scolded himself. He doesn’t know what he is thinking. ‘What the heck am I imagining? For goodness, Jaejoong! She’s your student!’ He continued until he heard someone grunted bringing him back to his reverie.


“23 huh?” Bom asked looking at her professor knowingly.


“If I know.” Yoochun whisper as he rolls his eyes.


Jaejoong clears his throat acting like he didn’t hear what they said as Sandara turn to look outside the window again. Jaejoong have a feeling that those three know that he’s only 20 by the way they react after he lied. But he has to follow what Mr. YG told keep his real age as a secret. He called another student.


“Do you have a girlfriend?” Yuri asked winking at him.


He was about to answer ‘no’ when he remember his ring in his hand and the girl in his dreams. He has a feeling that he’s in a relationship though he can’t remember.


“Yes.” He answered confidently. He once again saw those brown eyes looking at him but this time it has an emotion that is clear in her eyes. The same eyes his parents have every time he asked something about his ring. Hurt. Pain. Sadness.


He quickly looks away from those eyes as he felt his heart constricting in pain. He can’t explain why he felt hurt upon seeing those emotion flashes in her eyes.


“Awwww!” He heard the girls whined after he answered. He shook his head to them and tried not to roll his eyes in annoyance.


He turns again to look at Sandara’s direction but this time he is not looking at him. She is looking at her cousins with a pleading eyes while shaking her head left and right like asking them to not to do anything. He whips his head to the other Parks as he saw their murdering look directed to him.


‘What is it this time?’ He asked to himself as he saw the two turn to Sandara looking very worried.


“Alright, is there any other question?” He asked as he eyed the three curiously. No one answered and he takes that as a signal to start with the lesson. ‘Hmm... So saying I have a girlfriend can make these s shut up. That’s a nice move.’ He complimented himself.


He started teaching the lessons he planned for the day and without even knowing, the bell rings again signalling the end of the first class. Everyone started to leave the room biding him goodbye. The Parks was about to leave when he inform them about the detention.


“Parks, detention after class.” Jaejoong said simply as the Yoochun and Bom nod slightly while Sandara continue to walk leaving the two behind.


Jaejoong’s POV:


My mind had been drifting to somewhere else ever since I saw those brown orbs. My feet were itching to run to wherever she is. My hands are the same, they wanted to hug her and comfort her to erase those hurtful expressions in her eyes. My mind and heart can’t keep they’re telling me that she needs me.


“What’s happening to me?” I asked to no one in particular in my empty classroom. Why am I been thinking about her? Damn!


I stand up and leave my classroom to get something for lunch. I walk to the empty hallway. I were about to enter the cafeteria when I heard loud voices from the students’ locker.


I immediately run to the locker when I heard female voices crying. Upon arriving, I saw my students Chaerin and Minzy cowering in front of their locker as three boys surrounded them.


“Hey, hey, hey! Why are you guys crying? Come on! We didn’t do anything bad didn’t we?” Guy 1 said with a smirk on his face.


“Yeah... you know... we just want to be friends with both of you.” Guy 2 agreed with the same expression.


“Come on girls, let’s go somewhere to play and get to know each other.” Last Guy said as the three of them tried to grab the two girls’ arms.


I was about to intervene when I saw her. The three guys were oblivious of her presence and I think that even the girls didn’t notice her.


She was walking in the other side of the hallway when she notices the confrontation between the boys and the girls.


I saw her eyebrow rose up in curiosity as she looks at them and study the situation while walking near them.


I immediately hide when she’s only few feet away from me. I know I’m such a fool right now acting like a coward. I’m the teacher yet I’m letting my student handle this kind of situation and add the fact that I’m a man and she’s girl.


By the time she passed them, she just looked away like she didn’t see anything. I sighed heavily as I felt disappointed when she ignores them. Am I hoping to see her help them? Hoping that I could see a part of her that the Vice Principal told me?


I continue to watch her as she continue walking through the hallway ignoring the little commotion. I shook my head in disbelief. ‘Is she that heartless to just ignore those who in need of help?’ I asked myself. *sigh* I think I should go help them now.


“No!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  I was about to step out when I heard Minzy and Chaerin’s voice echoed through the area as the three guys grab their arm forcefully. I immediately step out of my hiding place.


I was just two steps away from my hiding place when I saw her quickly turn around but walk slowly towards them acting like she’s just passing by. I went back to my hiding as curiosity arises inside me. ‘What is she planning now?’ I asked myself as I discreetly watch her move.


I saw her stop behind the three boys that towering the scared girls. The three were still oblivious of her presence while I think this time, the girls already notice her. I saw how their eyes widened in surprise as they saw her standing so calmly behind those big guys.


“Get out of my way!!” She suddenly shouted out of nowhere which startled the three douches.


“Whoah!” The three exclaimed at the same time as they turned around. I saw how their eyes widened a bit upon seeing her but quickly hide it.


“Oh my, if it isn’t the Royal Genius.” Guy 2 said dramatically as he drapes his arm around Sandara. My blood boiled inside me seeing that gesture. Huh? Why is that?


“Are you deaf?” She asked lowly as she slaps away the arms on her shoulder. The three let go of the two girls arm as their attention where now on the brown-haired girl.


“Come on, don’t be like that... Do you want to join us?” He asked again. This time Sandara’s thread of patience snap.


“I said get out of my way!” She shouted as he punched the guy straight in the stomach. Guy 2 falls flat on the floor as he stared at her in disbelief.


“What’s your problem?! We didn’t do anything wrong to you!” Guy 1 shouted at her as he helps Guy 2 on the floor.


“Maybe you didn’t but you been blocking my locker. I told you twice to get out of my way but you didn’t listen!” She answered venomously as she pointed at the locker behind the two girls.


“Your locker?! Are you insane?! Everyone knows that the three Parks’ lockers are on the other side of the building!” He retorted.


“No! That’s my new locker!”


“I saw these two close that locker you’re pointing!” He reasoned out!


Sandara shoved the other guy and gently pushed away the girls so that she can reach the locker behind them. The boys watched her confidently as she tried to open the locker clearly thinking ‘You can’t open that! It’s not yours!’. Those boys are like a book. You can openly read them.


On the other hand, the girls were quite nervous thinking they might get in more trouble because she won’t be able to open it because they are the only one who knows the passwords given by the school for their lockers.




All five of them gasped in surprise as they heard the locker opened. Even I, myself were shocked that she opened it. Wow! How did she do that?


She gets one book from the locker and closes it. She turned around and looks at the shocked boys.


“I told you. Now! Scram! And don’t you ever show your faces in front of me or these girls again! Or else you will find yourself waking up in hell! Do you understand?!” She shouted angrily.


The three immediately run away from her without even bothering to reply. The girls look at the ground while glancing at her nervously. She just sighed and stares at girls like examining them from head to toe.


Her eyes suddenly stop on their arms. I look to where her eyes land and saw some bruises on both arms of the girls. I saw her shook her head and close her eyes as she took a deep breath like she’s calming herself.


“Both of you.” She started. The girls flinch at the same time as she spoke.


“If you don’t want to be pick on, try to fight! If you show your weakness to those idiots, they will think that they take you on! Aish!” She said frustratingly as she run her hands on her silky hair. The two girls nod at the same time as they look at her.


“Aish! Whatever! Starting today both of you will stick close to me or my cousins! Understand?!” She bawls.


“Ahmm... Yeah?” The two answered not so sure.


Huh? She’s letting them in her circle? I thought those three Parks don’t have any friends? Why does it look like she easily let other people enter her circle?


“SannnnnnnDaaaaaaaaaRaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Someone called her playfully at the end of the corridor.


“Dee!!!!Yoooooooohhhhhhhoooooooooo!!!!” Another voice called her in a sing-song way.


Sandara, Minzy and Chaerin all turn around to see the other two Parks walking to their direction. Yoochun was smiling ear to ear while Bom is hoping like a bunny happily.


I saw her looks at her cousin with a confused look. When both arrived to where she is, they immediately spoke.


“Dee, I have a cheering practice later, so I won’t be able to attend the detention later but tomorrow I will. Uncle will just inform Jae about it.” Bom spoke first. Err... still calling me Jae?


“And I have a practice match against SM High so I can’t also attend the detention. So, to put it simply... you will attend your detention ALONE.” Yoochun said.


“What?! Damn! I hate both of you!” She shouted as she storm out of the hallway. I hold my breath as she passed in front of me. Thankfully she didn’t see me hiding on the side.


The two Parks started walking with Minzy and Chaerin following them.


“Do you think she’ll be okay alone with him?” Yoochun asked, worried for his cousin.


“I’m not sure Chun, but I hope she will. It’s been three years...” She replied.


What did they mean by that? Why does it matter if we are alone? I was too engrossed thinking about what they said that I didn’t notice that the four of them stop in front of me with a weird look in their faces.


“Erm... what are you doing there?” Yoochun asked as he saw my body sticking so close behind the lockers.


“Ahh... ahmm I drop my coin and it went under this stupid locker.”I lied. I heard Bom and Yoochun cleared their throat but when I stare at them, you can clearly see that they are actually trying not to laugh. The two girls behind them were looking at the three of us curiously.


“Yeah right. As if we believe that. You’re not a good liar ever since we are small.” Bom said nonchalantly as she tried to hide her laugh. But she immediately froze as she realize what she said and look at me for a moment.


My eyes were wide open as I heard what she said. Ever since we are small? So, it’s confirmed. They really know me... and by what she said earlier, I think we are childhood friends. Does it mean, Sandara is also my childhood friend?


I look back at her as she looks at Chun with also a surprised expression. When they saw me about to open my mouth, they immediately dash outside with the two girls hot on their heels.


“Why everything is so mess up.” I whispered as I turn to my heels and went to where I originally planning to go. A small smile form in my lips as I remember Sandara helping the two girls earlier though the way she talks to them is cold, in the end she still helped them and even let them enter her circle.


At least, for a short time... I was able to take a glimpse of real her.




Lunch ended so as the whole day. I am sitting inside the classroom waiting for her to arrive. During lunch, excuse letter was sent to me regarding Bom and Yoochun’s schedule. I get one of my books and started reading it to pass time.


Ten minutes have passed but she’s still not here. Is she avoiding me? I asked myself. I was about to stand and look for her when the door opens.


Once again, my breath was caught on my throat as her eyes met mine. How many times will I get mesmerized with those brown stunning eyes until I got used to it?


She immediately looks away as she saw me looking at her. She sat at the farthest corner of the classroom, away from me and look outside the window like she always do. Yeah she is clearly avoiding me.


“Ahem!” I cleared my throat to gain her attention, but she didn’t even spare a glance. I put my books down to my table and stood up from my seat. I started walking to her direction. I saw her flinch for a moment as my footsteps echoed inside the classroom.


She suddenly started fidgeting in her seat. Maybe she’s aware that I’m walking toward her direction. As I near her, I saw her took a deep breath then close her eyes.


I drag the chair beside her on put it in front of her table. I silently studied her feature as she kept her eyes close. Her bangs were hiding one of her expressive eyes. Her hair dances freely as the wind blows from the window. 


My hands were itching to take off the mask from her face. I wonder how she’ll look like without that mask. Her bangs were brush away from her face as another blow of wind enters the room. I suddenly took notice of the faint scar on her left eyelids that run from her eyebrow and ends up under her eyes. You can only notice it if you stare at her.


“Staring is rude.” She said but I still continue studying half of her expose face. I didn’t reply her not so polite comment. And without thinking, I touch her scar.


She suddenly moves back and her eyes were wide open. She’s looking at me like I’ve grown another head. Her eyes are full of confusion, worried and surprised. Even I can’t believe I did that.


“What happen to your eyes?” I suddenly blurted out. She continues to stare at me.


“Oh! I’m sorry, I shouldn’t ask that.” I continue. She shook her head and closes her eyes as she run a hand on her hair.


“Why do you want to know?” She suddenly asks as she opens her eyes. Hearing her voice makes my heart skips a beat.


“I’m just curios.” I simply answered. My eyes never left her face. It’s like I feel contented just looking at her.


“Curiosity kills a cat.” She retorted.


“Whatever. Can I ask you something?” I inquired though I can sense she will say ‘no’.






“I said sure.” He replied.


“Ahmm..okay.” I answered dumbfounded. “I never thought you will say yes.” I stated.


“Well, it’s not like I will answer your question. It will still depend if I wanted to.” She explained. I rolled my eyes.


“Right.” I answer sarcastically. “So...” I trailed off.


“I’m not sure if I should ask this, but I’ll still ask anyway. Ahmm....Do I know you from the past?” I asked slowly looking straight at her eyes.


It is clear that she was taken a back from my question. Her eyes were wide again as she stares at me. She suddenly takes a breath sharply. Her hands immediately clutch the side of her desk.


After a few seconds I heard her sigh and look at the ground before her eyes meet mine. But this time her eyes were kind of watery. Did I do something again? Why does she look like she was about to cry?


“It’s okay if you don't want to answer. It’s just that somehow I felt like you three were somewhat connected to me or related to me.” I quickly added as I saw the pain in her eyes that I notice earlier during the class were back.


I was about to answer but she beat me to it. The words that came out from sends multiple pain in my chest but I’m not sure why. But her words hurt me like she’s pushing me away from them...from her. Though I can’t remember them, I can feel that they are important to me.


Tears flowed in her eyes as she stated each word with pain evident in her voice. She immediately left me after she finished what she wanted to say without waiting for my reply, leaving me in a state I’m not sure if I can say hurt, broken or simply just curious.


I look at her retreating back as I felt my body still frozen, repeating her words in my head.






“If a simple yes will make all your memories back, I’m willing to say ‘yes’ more than once. But in reality, it won’t. So, just ignore us JJ. You were given a chance to fulfil your dream as a teacher. You’ll just destroy it if you will get involve with us. The three of us were stuck in the past, and the future is something we never look forward to. After this conversation, just ignore us like we’d never exist or just treat us like your ordinary student, that’s it, no more no less. So, don’t ever try to dig your past. Move on and look forward to the future together with your girlfriend. And happy. Goodbye.”







I'm planning to make this a short fic.

Not sure how many chapters but more or less 10.

BTW! Thanks for all the comments!!! 

Please continue dropping more! Kekeke!!


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bb2ne1fanjj #1
Chapter 8: Authornim where are you? Please update this fic again. Please. Will wait for you.
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 8: hello authornim..still waiting for an update with your 3 stories//pls dont abandon them,,i really love them and i read them for the nth time kkkk
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 8: ohmygahhhhhddddddddd authornim update this story please TT_TT i'm so loving your story..please update it~~~~~ i

JaeDara fighting!!!!
Chapter 8: Dara is the principal? She really missed alot because of the incident...

Please update soon authornim...
Chapter 6: crying here
msdeathstalker #6
Chapter 8: subscribed.... hoping that dara will smile again... she deserve to be happy with all the hurt and pain she experience.. authornim your awesome i love your story.. please update soon... kekekeke ツツツツ
i've been subscribed for a while now and just read your fanfic last night.. i was moved.. the story is direct to the point, just slightly draggy but t'was just enough not to shock the readers.. kkk. good job with the fic! i look forward to more updates :)

i wish Jaejoong all the best in winning Dara back! i think it'll take time.. Dara's change makes it a challenge but I know Jaejoong will endure it.. i'll be cheering for you, Jae! Dara will eventually soften up when she sees your effort and heart to it. GO, GO, GO, Jaejoong FTW! ^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 8: new subbie here~~im glad i happened to read this amazing fic,,so sad i only found it now~~ anyways dara had no reason to reject jae since she loves him still,,,wish they'll be back together again to make the absences they wasted being apart for years..thanks and update soon:)
Dyosa20 #9
Chapter 8: Heart taking story pls update and thanks a lot Author for a wonderful story keep it up
Please update soon ^^ uwaaa I'm so excited!!!