

I was walking alone in a house that was very much like my parents home except for this house had an aurora of happiness, in this house it felt like that no one could ever be sad or frown. I wondered around this happy house for a little while until I found myself drawn to the kitchen where a group of teenage boys sat around a table stuffing their faces with kimchi, these boys seemed like the reason why the house was happy, they where all smiling and laughing at something. This scene seems so familiar, why does it feel like I've been here and done this before? Before I could draw a conclusion a boy looked up from the food and noticed me standing in the door way.

"YO MIN! Come eat some kimchi that umma bang left us," as soon as this mysterious boy said this the other 5 boys at the table turned to face me. For some reason these boys all had the brightest smiles upon seeing me, before I could help it I felt my own lips turn up into a smile and my feet started towards the table without hesitation. This group of loud teenage boys made me feel special, I know I have some sort of connection to them but what is it?

As I sat down between the boy who noticed me and a boy who looked like my oppa I never felt so safe in my whole life. The boys all returned to eating and joking among themselves, all except one the boy on my right was staring at me with so much love in his eyes. When I looked over at him to question why he was staring at me he quickly turned away blushing. I left my hand on my lap as I started to reach for the food before I was all gone, when I felt my hand being held my a larger and warmer hand, I felt my heart start to pound against my chest faster and harder then ever before. My heart raced so much more with this simple contact then it ever did with Landon, my heart started to fill with so much more love then I've felt before.

All theses questions raced through my head just as fast as my heart was racing with this boy holding my hand. Who where all these boys, why do I feel such a strong connection to them and more importantly why do I feel so much love for this one boy in particular?



after being away so long I have decided to spoil all of you a little by updating more then one chapter :O who would have guessed..... Please please leave feed back on what you think so far? And nothing too mean please 

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Sorry for the wait all, ive tried to think of more ideas for one of the guy's pov but came up with nothing. So im going to ditch that idea for a while


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Omg I love your writing style! This is awesome :) keep writing <3
haha shhhh. things are about to be revealed next
ohmygod she had.. DADADADUMMMMMMMM o__e;;
Update soon!
Really interesting ~
Hope you update soon. ^3^
This looks really interesting :D

I'll be looking forward to reading the first chapter~