Chapter 12


After nam oppa had let me go, he turned around to face the strangers and Yong-guk oppa. The strangers looked between my oppas
waiting to be introduced, i'm guessing.
Yong-Guk was the one who introduced us, "boys this is my little sister, Yu-Min." His voice didnt sound like it usually did, he sounded like a broken man. His eyes lost the fake rage from before, his eyes where now nothing but empty hollows. It made my heart hurt, not knowing why oppa was like this.
Yong-nam placed his large warm hands on my grownig belly as he introduced the guys to me, "Min, these are Yong-guk's friends. From left to right this is Zelo, Daehyun, Jongup, Himchan and Youngjae." With each name he listed off he pointed to the person.

Zelo was the gaint winky guy with pink hair. He was a bit shyer then before, but being hit in the head does that. Daehyun was the doe eyed boy, he lifted his head so he wasn't glaring at the floor. Jongup gave me a cute smile. And Himchan and Youngjae made a heart above their heads with their hands, it was a little weird? I guess i'll have to ask one of my oppas about those two.
Nam moved his hands away from my belly and pushed my bags over to Zelo and Jongup, my guess was these two were the youngest in the whole group of seven. as they picked up my bags, Oppas took both my small hands into their much larger ones and tugged me forward. This was the shinship i shared with Yong-guk oppa.

Somehow as we walked into the carpark i was in the middle of everyone. I felt dwarfed by them, as we walked many people where staring, but when one of the seven guys glared at the on-lookers, they turned away ashamed of being caught looking.
The carpark was huge! i couldnt help it when my mouth opened, i didnt think that oppas and co could find the car the drove here in. But some how they found the car.

As Zelo and Jongup loaded my bags into the back of the van, the others loaded themselves into the backseats. when we were all in the car i turned around from my seat in the front to see if the guys were alright being in the back. Zelo was almost folded in half, he had to sit behind driver's side meaning Yong-guk oppa had the seat all the way back and was crushing poor zelo. Oppa started the car and the radio . The DJ was telling a story about a local Seoul gang fight that happened the night before.
Everyone in the van stopped their chatter and listened to the story. I turned to yong-guk oppa and saw his grip on the wheel had tightened noticeably and Yong-nam oppa was glaring at the dashboard, as if the dashboard had done something unforgivable. I wondered why oppas had reacted like they did.
When the news report had finished someone in the back had scoffed at it. I didn't have enough time to turn around and see who it was because i heard four hands come in contact with that person's poor head.

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Sorry for the wait all, ive tried to think of more ideas for one of the guy's pov but came up with nothing. So im going to ditch that idea for a while


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Omg I love your writing style! This is awesome :) keep writing <3
haha shhhh. things are about to be revealed next
ohmygod she had.. DADADADUMMMMMMMM o__e;;
Update soon!
Really interesting ~
Hope you update soon. ^3^
This looks really interesting :D

I'll be looking forward to reading the first chapter~