

After we left the airport car park we were stuck in the busy mid afternoon Seoul traffic almost instantly. Oppas seemed to relax after a few songs had played, the tension was still so thick in the small space of this can. I was still waiting for someone in the car to ask about my pregnancy and the big two questions who and where is the father. I was glad that they hadn't asked but I was still waiting. 

Then it came back to me, my parents and sister weren't at the airport to come greet me and oppas haven't mentioned them at all.

"oppa, why didn't umma and appa come with you today?" I asked the question I've wanted to know since seeing only oppas with these 5 strangers.

Yet again I saw yongguks hands tighten around the steering wheel. He took a deep breath, his hollow eyes getting glassier, "you're coming home pregnant, they're not sure if they could handle seeing you in this state after trying so hard to give you a better life. But because you're pregnant they don't want....." He took an even deeper breath then before, "They don't want you at home with them because you're pregnant Minnie. I'm so sorry but both me and yongnam are going to take care of you." The car went back into the same silence as after the radio broadcast, but this time my head was louder then the streets outside.

My parents didn't want me back after all these years of being aboard because I was pregnant. My own parents didn't want me or their grandchild that was growing inside of me. They were making my worse nightmares come to life, I had been afraid to tell them the reason me coming back but I knew they had to know. If oppas had shared our parents thinking I don't know what I would have done.

the traffics was getting heavier and heavier with every passing second, out every window in the car all I could see was cars.

"looks like we're going to be stuck in the car longer then I thought sis. Rest for a while, you've been on a long flight and you have a baby to think of now," yongnam didn't look at me he was more focus on looking at the sea of cars and people in front of us. 

My eye lids started to grow heavy soon after he suggest that I slept. Before I had fully drifted off into dream land I heard a familiar voice from the backseat start to speak, but what they said I don't know







So I'm finally back YAY I'm sorry I haven't updated in soooooooooo long but I had a huge writers block so hope you enjoy this update

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Sorry for the wait all, ive tried to think of more ideas for one of the guy's pov but came up with nothing. So im going to ditch that idea for a while


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Omg I love your writing style! This is awesome :) keep writing <3
haha shhhh. things are about to be revealed next
ohmygod she had.. DADADADUMMMMMMMM o__e;;
Update soon!
Really interesting ~
Hope you update soon. ^3^
This looks really interesting :D

I'll be looking forward to reading the first chapter~